Should i buy a treadmill?



  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    OP, Read this page it will be useful for you.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    as for running in the cold. well, there is not bad weather, just the wrong clothing. i understand you live in wisconsin, so maybe in the really extreme cold weather, you might want to stay in. but as you get conditioned to the cold, you will find you... get used to it. it's just like skiing or doing winter sports. you wear the long underwear, and then some sweat pants. at least, thats what i wear on the bottom. i'll layer up top more, wearing an underarmor, and then a longsleeve shirt, then a sweatshirt.

    Please come to MN/WI when it's 40 below zero (60 below with wind) and "get conditioned". Those of us that live here do know what clothing/equipment/everything that is out there to keep us warm. It's not always the cold, but the conditions overall. Even if it's below freezing, melt and re-freeze can happen, very commonly. Running outdoors in this neck of the woods can be very hazardous, and some choose not to do so for these reasons.

    I'll get blasted by people who go out when it's "cold", fine, that's your choice. Not something I'd choose to do.
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,651 Member
    Because people use MyFitnessPal to track calories, and are here for weight loss (99% of users) - So if that person is here for fat loss, he is buying a treadmill for fat loss. If his diet is not in check, he will not achieve fat loss, whether he has a treadmill or not.

    That is why it comes back to it, because you people are obsessed with cardio for a weight loss tool.

    Not always. I originally bought mine for running, I was on MFP under another name at the time too.

    Not everything is about weightloss lol, perhaps the OP just wanted to..... well just wanted to run!
  • xXWisconsin
    as for running in the cold. well, there is not bad weather, just the wrong clothing. i understand you live in wisconsin, so maybe in the really extreme cold weather, you might want to stay in. but as you get conditioned to the cold, you will find you... get used to it. it's just like skiing or doing winter sports. you wear the long underwear, and then some sweat pants. at least, thats what i wear on the bottom. i'll layer up top more, wearing an underarmor, and then a longsleeve shirt, then a sweatshirt.

    Please come to MN/WI when it's 40 below zero (60 below with wind) and "get conditioned". Those of us that live here do know what clothing/equipment/everything that is out there to keep us warm. It's not always the cold, but the conditions overall. Even if it's below freezing, melt and re-freeze can happen, very commonly. Running outdoors in this neck of the woods can be very hazardous, and some choose not to do so for these reasons.

    I'll get blasted by people who go out when it's "cold", fine, that's your choice. Not something I'd choose to do.
    sooooooooooo true!!!!!!
  • MinatoandClover
    MinatoandClover Posts: 160 Member
    I'm sensitive to the cold and I can't stand the bugs in the summer. Also, I have more time to exercise at night, and I'd really prefer not to go biking around to all places all hours of the night. I really like home equipment. It allows me to set the conditions for my exercise rather than having them determined for me (temperature, time, etc.) And I'm from Michigan, so I totally understand you not wanting to go running in the winter. I definitely think it's a good investment.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    as for running in the cold. well, there is not bad weather, just the wrong clothing. i understand you live in wisconsin, so maybe in the really extreme cold weather, you might want to stay in. but as you get conditioned to the cold, you will find you... get used to it. it's just like skiing or doing winter sports. you wear the long underwear, and then some sweat pants. at least, thats what i wear on the bottom. i'll layer up top more, wearing an underarmor, and then a longsleeve shirt, then a sweatshirt.

    Please come to MN/WI when it's 40 below zero (60 below with wind) and "get conditioned". Those of us that live here do know what clothing/equipment/everything that is out there to keep us warm. It's not always the cold, but the conditions overall. Even if it's below freezing, melt and re-freeze can happen, very commonly. Running outdoors in this neck of the woods can be very hazardous, and some choose not to do so for these reasons.

    I'll get blasted by people who go out when it's "cold", fine, that's your choice. Not something I'd choose to do.
    sooooooooooo true!!!!!!

  • xXWisconsin
    OP, Read this page it will be useful for you.
    k i did
  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    OP, Read this page it will be useful for you.
    k i did

    Learnt anything? The whole website would be useful to you.
  • xXWisconsin
    OP, Read this page it will be useful for you.
    k i did

    Learnt anything? The whole website would be useful to you.
    i knew the majority of it
  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    OP, Read this page it will be useful for you.
    k i did

    Learnt anything? The whole website would be useful to you.
    i knew the majority of it

    Why aren't you applying it to your life then - and why are you telling me you need cardio for your butt and thighs? If you knew stuff, you wouldn't be saying that.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    so, OP....
    About that treadmill......
    Do you have a price range you are looking at?
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I personally love running in the snow, but I don't like running in the dark- so I do get you. If I could get one really inexpensively I could see it being useful...but if I'm going to be on a treadmill I would rather be at the gym with people to watch- but it would be convenient sometimes.

    Go for it! But I would recommend getting out and running in the snow, too. It's hard for like a week until your lungs get accustomed to the cold air, but after that it's really fun.
  • giffy2803
    giffy2803 Posts: 4 Member
    Yes they are a stop gap when you cannot get outdoors. Harold:: happy:
  • nonstopper
    nonstopper Posts: 1,108 Member
    NO. plain and simple. Save your money and buy weights or supplements. Yuo have outside which is twice as better than a treadmill. but weights to go around your arms or ankles ;)
  • xXWisconsin
    OP, Read this page it will be useful for you.
    k i did

    Learnt anything? The whole website would be useful to you.
    i knew the majority of it

    Why aren't you applying it to your life then - and why are you telling me you need cardio for your butt and thighs? If you knew stuff, you wouldn't be saying that.
    i know its a big excuse but i still live at my parents house and they are really supportive and when ever i start to exercise like ride my stationary bike or lift weights or anything one of them always comes downstairs and tells me to do other things its annoying .
  • xXWisconsin
    so, OP....
    About that treadmill......
    Do you have a price range you are looking at?
    there is one i found at walmart that is around $287 and has great reviews
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    I have a treadmill and I love it. I live in Canada and it gets pretty cold here in the winter and I hate going to the gym.

    If you do buy one I suggest if you can to get a good quality treadmill with a thicker (2-ply) belt and power incline. I have small kids so my treadmill can be folded up which keeps them from getting on it and hurting themselves as well it saves a lot of space when not in use.
  • xXWisconsin
    NO. plain and simple. Save your money and buy weights or supplements. Yuo have outside which is twice as better than a treadmill. but weights to go around your arms or ankles ;)
    have you heard of herbalife i take their supplements and protein shakes and they work great
  • ThisCanadian
    ThisCanadian Posts: 1,086 Member
    We have a home treadmill which is perfect for me. I have two little ones at home and my husband works long hours so it's really the only way I'm guaranteed to get a run in throughout the week. I just raise the incline between 1-3% to adjust for wind resistance, turn on netflix, and off I go.

    However I find nothing beats running outdoors, even in the winter where it would hit about -30 with the windchill. It was manageable with proper winter running gear.

    TL;DR: Why not both?
  • BattleTaxi
    BattleTaxi Posts: 752 Member
    im a she ....

    Can't tell; you have no photo and people don't always click to view profiles before posting.