Should i buy a treadmill?



  • JUDDDing
    JUDDDing Posts: 1,367 Member
    No. You will not be happy with it. I took the time to do a LOT of research when I was ready to buy my treadmill. Two things were brought to mind: 1) the length of the tread - those cheaper ones have a MUCH shorter tread on which to run and I would have felt like I was falling off of the back end of it; lesson: more length is a Good Thing; 2) The cheaper treadmills like you find at WalMart do NOT have the "give" in them that a person running and slapping down their weight on one foot at a time can take. The machine will more than likely not last more than a couple of seasons and it will not be as comfortably upon which to run.

    $300->1600 is quite a leap though.

    1. Tread length - I did the same sort of research (I agonized and studied on this topic for months before making my purchase and ended up buying one that is pretty long. I'll lease the back 1/2 of mine to you! :wink: I _always_ run on the front half in between the bars. Mine could be 24 inches shorter and I'd never notice. I'm 5'9" - If you are taller, YMMV.

    2. Padding - I think this is important for people who have never run before. But you are a runner - pavement does not have much give either - and presumably you are used to this. You should be fine either way.

    I'd get a cheaper one or a used one (or a used cheaper one) and see if you even like it over this winter. If you like it and use it - then you can invest in a great one for next winter if you want.
  • fuzzball01
    fuzzball01 Posts: 105 Member
    I have burned up one treadmill and going on my second. LOve it. It helps in the winter plus you don't have to go to gym. I have the bike - elliptical and tread. Thinking about getting a rower. Just remember you get what you pay for
  • east2west14
    east2west14 Posts: 161 Member
    This tread needs to be locked
  • Bekahmardis
    Bekahmardis Posts: 602 Member
    $300->1600 is quite a leap though.

    *nods* Fair enough, point taken. I've always been of the opinion "you get what you pay for" however, and I have seen that this is indeed the case with treadmills - with the caveat that you're buying a brand new one! A used one for $300 may be just as good as that $1600 one I bought brand new. (oh, and for the record I'm 5'3" but apparently have a longer running stride. Go figure)

    OP - do your research, and buy what you're comfortable with. :)
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,656 Member
    Why don't you just buy a jump rope? I bought a stationary bike, but I rather do jump rope than ride it, even in winter time. If you want to run so much I bet they are cleaning the streets from snow it's just you handling the cold. I'm from Bulgaria and when it's winter it snows alot and it gets really cold - if I want to run in the cold I make sure I'm really dressed up warm and I actually run with boots.It's just a matter of "sucking it up".

    What about ice? Slipping over that sort of thing, besides which running in boots doesn't suit some runners, they end up injured
  • Querian
    Querian Posts: 419 Member
    I'm from Michigan so I understand the winter weather problems with running, it gets slippery and it's unpleasant, and I actually love being outside in the winter.

    A couple of years ago I wan running in California in November where there was no snow, it wasn't even cold, but it was DARK and after having several falls due to how dark it was I gave up trying to run outside after work. I used the treadmill in the gym and went for outdoor runs on the weekends during the day when it was light out.

    PS I run and do cardio so I can feel in shape. I don't like walking up 4 flights of stair at the opera and being out of breath cause I'm so out of shape and as for as I know weights will not help with that.

    Get the treadmill if you think you will use it!
  • Rhonda21km
    Rhonda21km Posts: 90 Member
    Love, love, LOVE my treadmill! It has helped me train for my half marathons when I don't want to run
    outside in the dark, rain and cold. I even use it in the summer months. One of the best gifts I ever gave myself.

    I got a very good one - you get what you paid for with treadmills. Worth spending extra if you know you will use it
    and want to get a lot of mileage out of it.
  • doubglass
    doubglass Posts: 314 Member
    Try a jump rope first. You can get the same, if not better , indoor workout with one. If you like it, you will save a lot of money.
  • Try a jump rope first. You can get the same, if not better , indoor workout with one. If you like it, you will save a lot of money.
    i have a jump rope and i dont really like jumping roping so thats a no for me
  • rachseby
    rachseby Posts: 285 Member
    I have an elliptical and I love it. Supposedly they are easier on the joints than treadmills, so if that is an issue for you you might consider one. I like to be able to do something inside in the winter and summer--I'm in NC and we had super humid days where the heat index was around 100--I know that there's no way I would have gone out to run in that! I also have kids so it would be hard to take them running...I would research them before I decided on one though. There can really be a big difference in quality.
  • east2west14
    east2west14 Posts: 161 Member
    Try a jump rope first. You can get the same, if not better , indoor workout with one. If you like it, you will save a lot of money.
    i have a jump rope and i dont really like jumping roping so thats a no for me

    Honey go for it and get that treadmill. I have a gym membership (10 bucks a month) and a treadmill and ropes etc. It is money well spent
  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    I don't have anything to add, but I love the passive aggressiveness of your avatar. :)
  • I don't have anything to add, but I love the passive aggressiveness of your avatar. :)
    haha thanks
  • captmiddy
    captmiddy Posts: 147 Member
    I would say this, if a treadmill will help you to remain active when you probably wouldn't have been as active then definitely buy it. The whole weight lifting stuff was not helpful to you at all. Yes weight lifting should be a part of your plan (it is mine but I haven't gotten to that part yet ;) ). All the weight I have lost has been through diet modification and walking on a treadmill. My treadmill is a desk treadmill so I walk on it while I work since I work from my house in a desk job (you can't get much worse for sedentary than working from your house in a desk job). My current plan is to add weight work in September when hopefully I get a little more time as work sort of winds down a bit.

    So again, if a treadmill will help you maintain or increase your activity, then go for it. And good luck.
  • Bekahmardis
    Bekahmardis Posts: 602 Member
    I took a look at a review of it, and if you're needing something in that price range, I would say it's probably as good as it's gonna get. I really use the incline features of my treadmill, but you won't get that with this one. The best you can do is use the feet: "You can leave it on level, or change the incline to either 1.5 percent or 6 percent." and the difference between 1.5% and 6% is staggering.

    But again, if you don't care about the incline feature, and you're looking at're right, it's not bad.....
  • I took a look at a review of it, and if you're needing something in that price range, I would say it's probably as good as it's gonna get. I really use the incline features of my treadmill, but you won't get that with this one. The best you can do is use the feet: "You can leave it on level, or change the incline to either 1.5 percent or 6 percent." and the difference between 1.5% and 6% is staggering.

    But again, if you don't care about the incline feature, and you're looking at're right, it's not bad.....
    hopefully it will do its job
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    I would say this, if a treadmill will help you to remain active when you probably wouldn't have been as active then definitely buy it. The whole weight lifting stuff was not helpful to you at all. Yes weight lifting should be a part of your plan (it is mine but I haven't gotten to that part yet ;) ). All the weight I have lost has been through diet modification and walking on a treadmill. My treadmill is a desk treadmill so I walk on it while I work since I work from my house in a desk job (you can't get much worth for sedentary than working from your house in a desk job). My current plan is to add weight work in September when hopefully I get a little more time as work sort of winds down a bit.

    So again, if a treadmill will help you maintain or increase your activity, then go for it. And good luck.

    Why haven't you started lifting yet? Just time?
  • captmiddy
    captmiddy Posts: 147 Member
    Why haven't you started lifting yet? Just time?
    Two things :
    1. Time - I am very busy at work and really haven't been able to fit workouts around work which is why I bought a treadmill desk, if work is exercise then there isn't an excuse. I haven't yet found a good way to incorporate weight lifting into my daily work, I think people would get a little put off with me lifting weights while on conference calls. I do have hand weights that I use when walking on the treadmill and not typing on my computer but not much.
    2. Where to start and time to research it. I plan to join a gym after I go see my doctor for the first time in a while (yes horrible) and unfortunately September was the next open appointment. Guess I need to find a less busy doctor ;). But I will hire a trainer for the first few weeks to get me going in the right direction. I haven't lifted weights for real since I was in high school many moons ago.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Why haven't you started lifting yet? Just time?
    Two things :
    1. Time - I am very busy at work and really haven't been able to fit workouts around work which is why I bought a treadmill desk, if work is exercise then there isn't an excuse. I haven't yet found a good way to incorporate weight lifting into my daily work, I think people would get a little put off with me lifting weights while on conference calls. I do have hand weights that I use when walking on the treadmill and not typing on my computer but not much.
    2. Where to start and time to research it. I plan to join a gym after I go see my doctor for the first time in a while (yes horrible) and unfortunately September was the next open appointment. Guess I need to find a less busy doctor ;). But I will hire a trainer for the first few weeks to get me going in the right direction. I haven't lifted weights for real since I was in high school many moons ago.

    Fair enough. I'm sure you've read enough on here about lifting and how much it helps on your journey.

    I'd be careful with the handweights on the treadmill, incorrectly it can really mess with your joints.