

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Welcome to everyone new:flowerforyou:!!! This is a great group of supportive women! Come in often and chat away!

    Jane Martin:smile: I`m sorry you had such an emotional day:flowerforyou: ! At least it`s over and hopefully you can put it behind you and move forward! You know you can always vent here, we love you:heart:! Love the new profile pic of you and the grandgirls.

    Janie:smile: Love the dancing poodles:laugh: !

    Katla:smile: I`m so glad you had a wonderful time on the boat, and DH got along well, I predict you`ll be sailing even more!

    Pat (Phoo):smile: Stop saying you`re a failure:angry: , you are not:noway: , you`re here and you`re logging, and you`re trying, that`s not failure! I think we`re all doing the best we can under the different circumstances we have. Pat yourself on the back for being an open and honest person, and I`m sending you a hug and a pat on the back:flowerforyou: ! Glad PeeVee is happy and curled up in your lap now!

    It`s after 7am again:grumble: , where does my time go:huh: ! Have a wonderful day ladies! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    I `m still thinking on my goals for August:blushing: , will be back later with those!

    DeeDee in sunny NC:glasses:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: Janie, thanks for this great graphic......my poodles aren't white but this could be my house :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,756 Member
    Morning Chica's,
    well I slept like cr-- last night. but got up and went to the gym, didnt do alot,but at least I got there:wink:
    bought some plant based mixed berry protein powder and had a protein shake this morning and will have salad for lunch, and try and pick my snacks accordingly...
    we are going to an italian restaurant tomorrow night and they serve HUGE portions,even the pasta is homemade, I am hoping the DH will share a dinner with me,
    I had a NSV moment this morning. the guy at the gym said wow you are really dropping the lbs, I told him 40-43 lbs, he said go over and pick up 2 of the 20 lb dumbells and walk around the gym, and that is what you have lost.. HOLY COW what an eye opener.
    and a girl that I see there daily,came over and said that I looked great and I was doing a good job:blushing:
    im glad they feel that way,but I feel as I am not really doing my share, so I have to step it up!!!

    The cortisone has helped,though my foot is bruised, he said it would be, but should really kick in ,in about 3-4 days. plus on another round of prednisone:grumble: but that is only a week ,so will deal with weight gain from that...
    Welcome Welcome all you newbies,you will love this place~ these ladies are wonderful.
    I want to ask, where is our friend that is in Isreal or Egypt, cant remember her name. Havent seen her in ages.
  • Anamika703
    Anamika703 Posts: 202 Member
    Hello ladies!
    Thanks for the warm welcome Janie! You have me floored a personal message for almost everybody.
    Megblair thanks for the warm welcome. I hope I am here regularly coz Barbie has been my hero for quite some time and am happy to meet more awesome ladies like you all.
    I am still trying to figure out my goals, makes me wonder if I am afraid of commitment(?) . Well here goes:
    1. Workout 6 days a week.
    2. Drink 3- 4 litres of water daily.
    3. Log my food everyday.
    4. Make positive affirmations everyday.
    Thank you!
  • corgiwalker
    I am a brand new member, having joined yesterday. I happened upon this group in my exploration and read your post. So much of what you say applies to me. Thank you. MFT has been a fun tool to explore. I am hopeful that I will manage to stick with it longer than the old-fashioned paper and pencil approach. One aspect that I especially like is how the tracker analyzes your nutrition intake! I am happy to have found this group and look forward to joining you all in this journey.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,297 Member
    Hallo everyone and welcome to all the new people. We love it when you post often and sign with a name or pseudonym and where you come from. I live in the south of England in a largely rural county with a few big towns and cities. Hampshire. We have the South Downs, a line of rolling chalk hills on our doorstep and the New Forest, which isn't a forest but a historic area of heath and woodland and both are National Parks. The sea and beautiful harbours are not far away. I moved here three years ago from central London so quite a change for me!

    I posted my goals for August, but want to say something regarding the strength challenge. It looks very like the kind of thing I am doing most days, so wont be posting on it, but have set myself a couple of private challenges. I am now doing 20 full push ups so hope to get up to 25. I am planking for 1 min 35 secs so want to get to 1.45. I am doing 60 crunches in all so maybe 75? I am doing 20 sumo squats with a 16 lb weight so will go for 25. And so on with all my workout. I can do 8 bicep curls with 16 lb weights so will go for 10 and then buy heavier weights!:laugh:
    I would never have believed a year ago that I would be doing any of this. I hated exercise and loathed getting hot and sweaty. The only thing I enjoyed was swimming and even then I hated all the bother of going, changing etc. Now I do my gymming for an hour every day barring travel and I do my weight training 3 or 4 days a week. I find the change in my body a miracle. And, with the help of DH and the ladies on this thread, I know the change in my spirits and confidence is just as much a miracle. Any new people who are doubting what they can accomplish only have to look at this once obese couch potato with dodgy joints and know it IS POSSIBLE.:flowerforyou:

    DH is off watching hiscricket so I can have my HOT Asian Soup!:bigsmile: With shiritaki noodles only 300 calories.

    Before I dropped him off at the cricket we bought 3 large loaves of low GI bread for the freezer and went to pick up my blood pressure prescription. I bought a blood pressure machine so I can test it at home and then take the evidence to the doctor. I really hope it will show as lower. Surely it will be?!?!:ohwell: Maybe I won't do it today as my soup was very salty!:laugh: I would love to at least halve my medication.

    Well girls. I am going to watch my Danish DVD today while DH is away. Will arise from the couch to do my push ups and crunches. I didn't do those this morning as my arms were worn out with all the weights work. I LOVE being able to wear sleeveless tops after years off never taking my cardigan off!:blushing:

    Bye for now, Heather from Hampshire UK
  • etak17
    etak17 Posts: 71 Member
    Good morning! (Or whatever time of day it is where you are)
    At work, on my phone, so just trying to get my goals done.
    I'll be on vacation in Sept so I want August to be a good month for me. I've been doing pretty well this week.

    August goals:
    Couch to 5 K minimum of 3x/week. (Try to complete program.)
    Limit significant overeating/binging to 1 day/week maximum.
    Start strength training.
    Make 3 phone calls.
    Post on this thread at least 2x/week, including a weekly update on my goals.

    Thanks to all of you for your encouraging words and wonderful stories. To those who are struggling, my thoughts are with you.

    Kate in Brooklyn NY
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Good morning, everyone - I'm not even going to pretend I've caught up, but I wish you all well. We are enjoying cooler weather interspersed with more rain - but at least it looks nice. The sad part - the leaves are turning already. Sigh.

    Life has been a bit of a struggle lately - poor eating, no motivation to work out . . . personal struggles. However I woke up feeling ready to attack again, worked out hard (legs and back today), and I'm hoping I can just fake it 'til I make it.


  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Good morning - here I am following through on my commitment for August (and future).

    One of the things I'm looking forward to is that my left leg/foot (more than the right) will not keep swelling. I know, without getting on the scales, as soon as I'm past a certain weight because my foot gets very puffy. When I get down in weight, it doesn't swell - water retention I'm sure but it is hard when wearing shoes because they cut in.

    Tonight I am going out to eat, so will factor that in and adjust lunch accordingly. My DBF and GF are going to a concert down town so are going to eat at a place I go sometimes with my knitting group. We have to go early because the concert is in a church with no assigned seating.

    Shopping for groceries this morning, but at the moment I'm waiting for my building contractor to arrive to finish off the renovations that have been going on for the past few weeks. Lots of little odds and ends to finish off.
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hooray for Friday!

    Only had time to skim the posts, will shoot for more time later this afternoon.

    I'm getting back into the routine of working out when I get home from work, of course that means that dinner is a lot later but it's either that or getting up with the chickens in zero dark thirty and I'm just not ready to do that yet.

    Last night when I was getting ready for bed hubby was headed to the hot tub and then next thing I know I hear him yelling at me at the top of his voice....right after he got in Dora (the doxie that we are watching while Son #1 & DIL are in Europe) jumped right in after him:noway: . I think is scared her because when I wrapped her in a towl she just sat still and let me love and dry her with her eyes closed.

    I have payroll to complete before the boss gets here and still have to check my email for whatever the latest distaster has happened since I last left the office.

    Hoping everyone has a great day.

    Laura80111 in Colorado:smile:
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Good morning,

    We are expecting some rain this afternoon but this morning is beautiful. I've been up for my walk every morning except yesterday when it was pouring so hard couldn't even see the other side of the street. I tried some new recipes from skinnytaste and was really happy with most of them. I made the chicken brocoli pasta caserole and it was sooooooo yummy, but unfortunately the stuffed peppers were not a hit. I've come to realize I really don't like cilantro. They tasted like soap :ohwell: I will try them again without the cilantro.

    I'm feeling a little sad today. My DS has now moved to Toronto. I know it's not far away but he's not just around the corner anymore. We have come so far in our relationship that it was so nice to have him close. A little background....my son was molested when he was 4-8 years old by my sister. Needless to say when I found out it stopped!!! There were many behavioural issues with him after that. We spent many years in therapy to try and help but unfortunately when he hit his teen years he went wild. He drank & did drugs and was in trouble with the law. Nothing major but enough that I spent many an hour in a courtroom. It almost shattered me. He dropped out of school and lived on the streets for a few years. He blamed me for everything. When he turned 18 he started to slowly turn things around, no more issues with the law, he got a job. Well he acutally got several jobs as he never lasted long at any one of them. He tried everything from cook to forklift driver. At 24 (he's 29 now) he met up with this girl, she was a gift from God. We started to mend our relationship. He had a job, had an apartment and stopped drinking (he still smoked pot). They moved in together and got a dog, he even had me and my DD over for dinner. He started to be more reliable, he would come and help me when I needed help and started calling me on a regular basis. We have come leaps & bounds since then and are now really close. Last year they broke up and he moved back home for a couple of months (yes 3 adults in a 2 bedroom apartment...fun :noway: ). He moved out and has another girlfriend, they have moved now to Toronto. He truly has become a wonderful, warm, caring adult. I couldn't be prouder of him. Because of all of this it's only been the 3 of us, I think that's made us even closer then most. I have raised them alone with no help from their father or from my family. My mother chose to side with my sister. I have recently been in touch with 1 of my nieces (my sister molested her 3 daugthers & 1 grandson and who knows how many others). My niece is raising her children with her DH & his family. We are both lacking in trust so we are buidling that relationship.

    Sorry to go on rambling but it's all so close to the surface esp when I'm sad :cry: Everytime I think about it all my heart shatters all over again. I always thought if you can't trust family..... I guess I haven't forgiven myself yet.

    Ok enough of that or I'll start crying at work.

    I hope everyone has a great day, I'm so happy that it's Friay & I have a 4 day weekend....woohooo (happy dance icon here)

    August goals:
    Walk every day - increase from 3/4 mile to 1 mile
    Continue making a meal plan every Sunday for the week
    Drink at least 8 cups of water every day (even weekends)

    :heart: Sandy from Ontario
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Janie – Here is a link to some great ab workouts, including the standing abs exercises I do (just scroll down that page and you'll see that section). I’ve got a back injury that makes it hard for me to do floor exercises so these have been a godsend, as my belly is where I carry my weight (thanks Mom!!). :bigsmile:


    As for the 65 mile minimum, there is a thread here “Move Your *kitten* Challenge” each month. You set your goal and track it, I do stationary bike and walking miles. It really helps me to “have to” report to the group. It’s fun to set your “ticker” up and track your mileage too. Below is mine. Here is the link to the thread (go to page one for intro/instructions):


    Hope this is helpful!! :happy:
    Brooke from Colorado

    “If it’s important to you then you will find a way, if it’s not you’ll find an excuse.”

  • kayak_kutie
    kayak_kutie Posts: 381 Member
    :heart: Fabulous Friday to all,

    Welcome to all newcomers.

    Molly – We’re planning a trip to Elkins and Canaan Valley area in WV in Oct. Hope we will be there when the leaves are turning. Beautiful state.

    Janie – We use Dreamfield pasta and love it. Supposedly only has 5 absorbable net carbs.

    Jane – Great to hear the news about your friend.

    Kalley – So sorry to hear about what happened to your son and family but please try to forgive yourself. It sounds like you did the right things when you found out and that is all that can be expected. I glad you were able to reestablish the relationship with your son. It sounds like he is on the right track now.

    Brooke – thanks for the link to the standing abs. I’m doing the move challenge too. I agree that it really helps to be accountable and it’s fun to watch the ticker move. I have to set mine up today.

    My DH and I are planning to do some kayaking tomorrow morning on a local lake before the expected rain/storms show up in the afternoon. The temperature has been great for being outside and I want to spend as much of the weekend enjoying it as possible.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Bobjack 5: I meant to say 1 to 1.5 pounds a week, not a month. Sorry for the goof. It isn’t really THAT slow.:blushing:

    Newbies: Welcome! This is a great group of women. I love knowing where everyone is from and appreciate it when you sign with your location.:flowerforyou:

    Musicteacher: Back to school was always a lifestyle change that resulted in weight gain for me; too much stress, too long of a commute, exhaustion, etc. I wish you every bit of determination you’ll need to handle it and eat clean. Our music teacher was always slender. I wonder if the music helped her combat stress.:flowerforyou:

    Joyce: Giving birth to a "new you" is an excellent way to think about our efforts here. It will be 10 months on the 15th for me. I do feel like I’ve changed a great deal in that time thanks to determination and a LOT of encouragement from this group. I certainly don’t feel like I’m done. I expect to be here long after I lose the last 10 or so pesky pounds.
    The story of your DD2 is heartwarming.:flowerforyou: I’m so glad you mended rifts and grew together. Our kids also gave us challenges in the teens and twenties, but are both terrific adults and I’m proud of all they’re doing in their lives. Raising kids is no easy task.:noway:

    Michele in NC: I really don’t understand how you manage to do all your baking without over eating. I admire your ability to keep from overindulging.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Dr. Katie: You are turning into a healthy, athletic person. WTG!:bigsmile:

    Melanie in NC: The goal is to look and feel better. Losing a size is an excellent NSV. I really think it is the NSV’s that tell the success story here. Congratulations!:bigsmile:

    Jane: Forgive yourself for gaining some weight back, and get back on track. You’re a winner! I don’t think we‘re ever going to be done until the Lord calls us home. Meeting life’s challenges is tough, and so are you.:flowerforyou:

    Jen in Manchester: Welcome! Portion control is my mantra, too. It is the core of good habits in my opinion. I’m not fully on-board with your total snacking ban, though. I’ve learned to choose better snacks. Celery is an example. It is calorie free because it takes more calories to digest than it contains. When I’ve got a munchie attack, I get out the celery and munch away. It keeps me away from the bad stuff, like potato chips.:wink:

    Grandmalie: I’ve been thinking about our friend in Egypt too. They’ve had some political unrest over there, and I hope she’s okay. I think her name is Helen. Maybe someone else can correct me if I’m wrong about the name.:flowerforyou:

    Anamika: Excellent goals! Welcome to the group. Where are you from?:flowerforyou:

    Heather: DH bought a blood pressure machine that works with his iphone before he had his stroke. He used it occasionally back then, but now he uses it every day. It is a shame it took a stroke to wake him up to the danger he was in, but thrilling that there are good tools out there for a person who wants to take charge of their own health.:flowerforyou:

    Kate in Brooklyn: Go on vacation, but not from healthy living. I’ve managed to track my calories and keep a healthy focus despite travel and vacations. It gives me both hope and confidence. I hope it will do the same for you. I didn't do so well with illness, though. :grumble:

    Kalley from ONT: I understand how you feel about your son moving farther away. Mine just did the same thing, and my DD lives about a thousand miles away. Hugs to you.:flowerforyou:

    Brooke: I love today’s quote, “If it’s important to you then you will find a way, if it’s not you’ll find an excuse.” So true! I hope things are going well.:flowerforyou:

    Kayak_kutie: Your boating plans sound wonderful. I’ve never learned to kayak, but like canoeing and love sailing. The water gives an infusion of peace in my heart.:flowerforyou:

    It is overcast here, with chances of showers. Fine with me. I’ll “play” on the boat by cleaning up. I certainly don’t feel like housework is play, but the boat makes things different because I love the feeling of floating. :heart: We didn’t walk up to the park and listen to the music with our neighbors last night due to the suckiness of the music (that I could hear from home,) :tongue: and the chilly weather. I missed their company, though, and hope to touch bases today.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    August goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
    3. Drink at least 2 glasses of water daily.
  • supermodelchic
    supermodelchic Posts: 550 Member
    Kathleen from Southern California..
  • lkw0311
    lkw0311 Posts: 43 Member
    You can add me to a 50+ group. I need all the help I can get!
  • Zaniejane
    Zaniejane Posts: 329 Member
    love this group. I'll be answering allo the questions when I have a moment:)
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies- I read through the posts quickly so I did not catch the names of the new members, but Welcome!

    My food issue from last night continues. It has not resolved, so I am up and moving very slowly. It is painful to even drink water, so the food counts might earn me a 'you are eating too little' warning tonight.

    Dee Dee- I really didn't mean to sound so whiney in my post last evening. I have been having these bouts w/ food getting stuck and the resulting pain/vomiting since 2001. It just happens. The "feel like a failure" part comes in because I really should be able, after 12 years, to eat slowly........ I mean, how many times did I tell my kids to slow down when they were growing up? It's not a new concept..... just a frustration. But, thank you for being concerned and supportive.

    Grandmalie- Great NSV! I am glad the cortisone is already helping.

    Sandy- I am so sorry that you and your son had to go through that horrendous experience. I am glad he is turning things around. All I can say about your sister is the same thing I say about my ex-husband, at some point they will have to answer to Someone Greater than All for their actions, and He will be their final judge. I am glad that you are rebuilding ties with your niece. I am sure she needs the support, too. About trusting family, well, I have found that most of the support, unconditional love and acceptance comes from the family of friends I choose for myself. They are a true blessing in my life. Take care, my friend, your son can still love you 'all the way from Toronto'!

    Well, I am going to go and nap before I go up to church. It is going to be a very long day. Take care, have fun, and stay well!

  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Another good link for Standing Abs exercises:


    (I do the routine shown in the first article at the site above, it has video plus a printable document)

    Brooke from Colorado

    "I am restless with the possibility that I am still vital enough to catch the wind in my sails." - Carol Osborn
  • melfitnesspal13
    melfitnesspal13 Posts: 377 Member
    Good day ladies - I love that this group is not only 50+, and some + size, but also that we are also international. I recently moved back to the US after having lived in Europe and away for many many yrs. and it has been and adjustment to find friends my age with similar interests. I am especially lucky to have found a great fitness group here locally but most are younger moms with children, not my case, and of course rightfully so children take all priority. My spouse is having a very tough time adjusting and is still unemployed, partly by choice since most jobs in my area pay just the legal minimum wage. In order to not deal with his depressive state I have chose this time around to pray and to turn to exercise and posting, so that I don't get upset with him over the situation. It seems to be working... :smile:

    I am happy to be alive, employed and physically able to continue on this journey.

    Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!

    USA - NC