August Cycling Challenge 2013



  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Welcome! Welcome! Welcome! One and All!
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    8/1 Rode 16.56 mi
    8/2 Ran/walked 6.24 mi

    I want to hit 200 mi including runs this month
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    I got in 12.4 miles this morning. I"ve really struggled with my rides since my blood pressure problem 2 weeks ago. They feel a lot harder than they should and I haven't been able to get my miles up to where I want them.

  • autumnlily31185
    autumnlily31185 Posts: 279 Member
    I've been using a stationary bike three times a week and going about a mile each time. I'm thinking about quitting that and running instead because I don't feel sore afterwards, just tired and I'm worried that it's not doing anything for me. Maybe I'm not using proper form? I put the resistance up so I know it's not too easy..

    How long does it normally take you to complete the 1 mile?

    There are several ways to cycle in all depends on what your fitness goals are. You can lower the resistance and just cycle for 20-30 mins. You can also go hard for 1 min then light for 2 mins...etc.
  • 416runner
    416runner Posts: 159
    Can I come in? I'm trying to spend more time on my bike since my body is fighting me on running.

    My goals for August are at least 100kms outside and 10 hours indoors (on my trainer or in spin class).
  • Keffinger22
    Keffinger22 Posts: 100 Member
    What is a good goal for a beginner? The last time I rode I did a mile but felt like death afterwards....any suggestions would be greatful!!! I have a bad knee and my doctor said I should bike for cardio instead of running and that it would also help build muscle around me knee and strengthen it. I would really like to get into riding and building up my miles! I have a hybrid bicycle.

    Thanks in advance!!!!
  • cyclist_44060
    cyclist_44060 Posts: 86 Member
    This is a great thread. I have ridden about 1,200 miles so far this year. I have a goal of 300 miles in August leading up to my first Century ride in mid-September.
  • dorrien12
    Oh wow, I just started cycling for exercise (I was mostly riding 30 min to an hour a few days a week). I am glad to join in:

    June 36 miles
    July 80 miles
    Aug 150 mile goal (4 miles so far, better get moving)
  • dorrien12
  • dorrien12
    What is a good goal for a beginner? The last time I rode I did a mile but felt like death afterwards....any suggestions would be greatful!!! I have a bad knee and my doctor said I should bike for cardio instead of running and that it would also help build muscle around me knee and strengthen it. I would really like to get into riding and building up my miles! I have a hybrid bicycle.

    Thanks in advance!!!!

    Don't fret, when I first started riding in May of this year, I could only do 15 min, then 30, and now at 1 hour. I will continue to push myself. You will get there.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    In for August!

    11.7 down - goal is 250
  • caskettfan
    caskettfan Posts: 13 Member
    My goal is 200 miles
  • autumnlily31185
    autumnlily31185 Posts: 279 Member
    August goal 266 miles

    8/1 -6.5 miles (30 mins)
    8/2 -14.5 miles (70 mins)

  • sajeffe
    sajeffe Posts: 850 Member
    Wow, a lot of posts here already for August! Cool.

    August goal = 100 miles. Love riding, but my right knee and my left hip protest a lot after riding.

    8/1 - 0
    8/2 - 7.0 miles.

    Goal = 100 miles.
    Accomplished MTD = 7.0 miles.
    Remaining miles = 93 miles.
  • RagtimeLady
    RagtimeLady Posts: 172 Member
    8/1 - 25.32 miles
    8.2 - 17.0 miles

    Total : 42.3

  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    What is a good goal for a beginner? The last time I rode I did a mile but felt like death afterwards....any suggestions would be greatful!!! I have a bad knee and my doctor said I should bike for cardio instead of running and that it would also help build muscle around me knee and strengthen it. I would really like to get into riding and building up my miles! I have a hybrid bicycle.

    Thanks in advance!!!!

    A good goal would be whatever feels good to you. I would probably set a goal to improve a little each day. I struggle with every ride I take, but it is nice to pass certain points that I used to rest at or take hills that used to scare me. If today you can only ride down your street, maybe tomorrow you can go one driveway farther.

    I'm a failed runner. I have never enjoyed running, but the people who run seem to enjoy it so much that I kept trying to force myself. After 1 knee surgery, 2 cases of tendonitis, and a stress fracture, my ortho dr said that I should stop trying to run. The first cycling thread that I started was in June 2012, a few weeks after I got my first adult bike. I had worked up to 4 miles (which killed me every time) and I was so proud that I thought I would like to encourage others. The first people to join the thread were posting 20-30 mile rides. I felt so discouraged that I almost stopped posting. Obviously, I had nothing to offer in the way of encouragement when they were riding such impressive amounts. That's what I thought, anyway. But I decided not to give up. Now, more than a year later, these threads are still going strong. I may not have had many words of wisdom to impart to those experienced riders, but everyone needs a place for encouragement. Here we will cheer you on, even if all you do is ride to the end of your driveway.
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    I've been using a stationary bike three times a week and going about a mile each time. I'm thinking about quitting that and running instead because I don't feel sore afterwards, just tired and I'm worried that it's not doing anything for me. Maybe I'm not using proper form? I put the resistance up so I know it's not too easy..

    I'm usually sore while I ride, but have very rarely been sore afterwards even after long rides. Don't give up!

    That being said, find something that you can like. If you prefer to run, then run. I don't care for running, but kept trying to force myself to do it anyway. I enjoy riding. It hurts, I silently cuss the bike and the road and the bumps and the bugs and the sun and the cars, but when I miss a ride I MISS having done it. I love riding.
  • Ekboriqua
    Ekboriqua Posts: 43 Member
    Rainy day in Florida so no biking for me, did go school shopping after work, tax free weekend here. So did 2 hours of walking through stores. Should added in squats too all the bending down I did. Tomorrow more shopping so more likely no biking this weekend. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend with their families.

    08/01 - 9.06 miles - 590 calories
    08/02 - 0.00 rainy day no biking today
  • NaoyukiTai
    NaoyukiTai Posts: 39 Member
    In July, my goal was 310, and got 294 -- 16 miles short.
    For the last July week, I had a flat tire on Monday, and lost 7 miles. Wife picked me up at office.
    TuesdayI replaced the tube and got flat again, but managed to ride both ways by pumping air in the middle of ride, and got 14 miles out of it. I did not have time to fix the flat.
    Wednesday, last day of July, no rides. I was too busy.
    Thursday, after coming home, I finally had time to look at the tire, found a little piece of metal stuck in it. Remove the piece, and patched up two tubes.

    Finally I had a ride today, and probably my best/fastest commute rides, and got 16 miles total.

    This month, I'll try 10miles/day pace again. 310 miles. I got 16 miles. I wish I had this one last month.

  • sajeffe
    sajeffe Posts: 850 Member
    I've been using a stationary bike three times a week and going about a mile each time. I'm thinking about quitting that and running instead because I don't feel sore afterwards, just tired and I'm worried that it's not doing anything for me. Maybe I'm not using proper form? I put the resistance up so I know it's not too easy..

    I'm usually sore while I ride, but have very rarely been sore afterwards even after long rides. Don't give up!

    That being said, find something that you can like. If you prefer to run, then run. I don't care for running, but kept trying to force myself to do it anyway. I enjoy riding. It hurts, I silently cuss the bike and the road and the bumps and the bugs and the sun and the cars, but when I miss a ride I MISS having done it. I love riding.

    That's interesting. I am not sore while I ride, but I practically fall when I get off my bike (even after just going 5 miles) and am sore. But, to be fair, it's not my muscles that are sore. Or at least I don't think so. I think it's arthritis or maybe my fibromyalgia.

    But I've really come to love riding. There's a lot to hate about it, but I still want to ride. I sweat like a pig; I have allergies, so my nose runs; this is a swampy area, so it really stinks at times; the bugs, the road dust, the cars, the occasional semi truck, the school buses, the broken glass to look out for, the packs of kids, the dogs that chase or attack, the snakes, etc, etc. I actually have a sore on my face today from where a huge bug smacked me. But it's so much better imo than riding stationary, which I am trying to like but so far, not succeeding.

    In February, I was only going down the road and back -- about 0.2 miles. But I did it every day. Now, I can go 7.65 miles. So, new people, just give yourselves permission to take baby steps.