

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Good morning. :flowerforyou: Several of you have mentioned you are sorry for opening up so. I find that this is one of the best about being in a family type group. It is so cathartic that I can just my heart up and talk about some of the hurts I have had in the past, some of my goals, etc. There are several people like me here, some with MS who understand how I am every day. We all, well most of us. Barbie you are a rock for staying here and being our glue even though you are in maintnece. It's like a slumber party every day, but without the snacks! :love:

    Did I mention to you all that my grand kids are here this weekend!!!!! There is still much to do around the house. I haven't decided which one of these 3 pair of capris to wear to the amusement park, one is white and you are going around wet most of the time even in your clothes and I don't like the idea of wearing white pants and my undies showing. The others are denim material and will take a long time in drying through out the day. Plus my new bras are call contour bras, kind of like padded but not padded and I don't know how long they take in drying while on. So I don't want a dry shirt and these two wet spots in the middle of my chest. Oh the problems us women have!

    Take care all, Joyce
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    TGIF~~found out the van will cost 2200 to fix,can`t afford a car payment now,so gotta get it fixed.
    Thanks for all your love and support.You are an amazing group.
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hello newbies!!! Please stick around; you won't be sorry!!!

    My scale is over it's temper tantrum----or whatever that was yesterday. Got 4 identical readings this am, even alternating the "step-on" foot. I wonder if battery powered digital scales are affected by weather? It was gray and rainy yesterday.......... So, if I may pretend the 2nd is the 1st............last months loss was 3lbs. which puts me at 29 1/2 lost and 2lbs. below my original goal; have decided to try for 1/2lb. more just to make it an even 30............blame my OCD gene (lol)............but I am very happy, and if it doesn't happen, it doesn't.

    Janie12835............maybe that's what I need to get this colonoscopy done: a challenge!!! OK, you're on!!!..... But mine will be toward the end of the month after dd goes back to college; I'll only have her a couple weeks till she heads back for senior year. How about everyone else? Meg, I think you said you were overdue????? Of all people, I should know better, both as a nurse but mainly because of my father who had a colostomy the last 10 yrs. of his life. BTW........ I also love the dancing poodles!!

    grandmallie...........congrats on the compliment NSV..........yes, 2 of the 20lb. weights are a lot!!!

    janemartin..........awful day...........better days ahead for sure.........it is behind you now, hope your vehicle is easily fixed

    Heather.........you have a great collection of exercises there and your weights/times ARE impressive I thnk you'll like having your own bp machine; "white coat syndrome" does exist in my opinion. My doc (a couple years ago) was quite surprised by my home readings as he was close to insisting on a bp med for me...........and, since I've lost weight, it's even lower!

    Jouce...........have fun with the grandkiddies!!!!

    Sandy.............Wow, how heartbreaking; I am so sorry this happened, your poor son. It is a statement to your love and patience that the relationship is back on track.........hope he continues to do well despite the move. Sounds like he's resolved and come to terms enough to allow him to go on. Has your sister been held accountable at all?

    Brooke..........will check out those ab exercise sites.........thanks........always looking for new stuff to change it up a bit....

    Had one of those awful sleepless nights again; on the couch, fell asleep between 3 and 4am...........slept to 10:30!!!!

    Hello to everyone else!
    sunny, hot, humid!!!!
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Waiting for DS to come home so I can leave before rush hour traffic. He said by 2 but I've learned it's usually 2 hours later than he says. DGD has been sick the whole week after going to camp for a week. She just woke up and said she still feels tired. I'm really getting worried since it's been almost a week that she hasn't been feeling well.
    Jodios - I'm really interested in the strength challenge and when I get home I'll start a plan for all areas. I'm a beginner so don't know how successful I'll be. I've got the books Barbie recommended so that's where I'll begin. Thanks for doing this.
    Janie love the dancing dogs graphic - you are so cleaver.
    Didn't take notes so can't respond today. Hope everyone is geared up and ready to go for an awesome August. Temp is expected to be 103 with heat index of 109. Indoors for me today
    Sue in TX
  • beamteam4
    beamteam4 Posts: 19 Member
    I am a newbie here. Yesturday it got me thinking about my goals I want to set for August.

    1. Order healthier when I eat out
    2. Eat more fruit and not so much junk food (I am addicted to chocolate)
    3. Know exactly how much water I'm drinking and not guessing on the amount
    4. Go more to the gym

    Barb from MA
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,297 Member
    Hi again,

    Kalley - I am sure that others of us have had such troubles in our lives so you are not alone.:heart::flowerforyou: For many who struggle with their weight there are such histories. Good for you for doing your best to heal things.:flowerforyou:

    I had a real struggle working out the bp machine and could have ended up going to ER! ! !:laugh: When I finally sussed it the reading was about the same, within the normal range. So I guess I do need the medication still. :sad: Find it hard to believe, so will take it every day for a week.

    Love again and welcome newbies.:bigsmile:

    Heather UK
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Hello,all....have scanned thru the latest posts.What a caring,interesting bunch of ladies!

    Enjoy reading the quotes on posts,but not sure how to put them on MFP mail?

    Would love to make friends on here,even tho at 69,I'm way past 50:bigsmile:

    My August goal will be to just keep on keeping on.

    To keep in mind that one days good/ bad scale number does NOT give me permission
    To eat more......as it has done many times before.

    To remember I am not on a diet,but trying to eat healthy.

    To stick with my water aerobics class 4 times a week

    To track food eaten,good,bad & ugly

    Drink 8-10 cups of water a day

    Most of all,be thankful for family willing to help in any way they can

    Pat C in Ohio
  • debjunebug
    Just stopping by to say Hello to all of you. When I can I will share more, but for now I will keep lurking. Love all of you!

    Debbie in Chicago
  • janie12835
    HAPPY FRIDAY! I know I’m feeling a little sluggish today; waiting for a DN to call so I can drop some things off with him. Need to get exercising, feeling antsy so have done a dog walk for now.

    • Jen – you’ve posted so you’re part of the group. As for your ‘self-confession’ – I think we’ve all done our own versions of that. If it were me, I’d trim down your list (maybe combine a few items) & add tracking your food every day. Logging every single bite and drink will really open your eyes. It did for me. Best of luck on your journey to a better you by your 60th birthday. I’m telling myself my long term goal is to be at a maintainable life-long weight by my 57th birthday which is August 2014.
    • Morag – welcome! I’ve done Curves – it’s a good & quick daily way to exercise. Great job on the 3 stones – since July 2013? Do log your food daily – it makes a huge difference.
    • Barb – glad you and others are enjoying the workout poodles, too funny, aren’t they?
    • Pat – I agree with DeeDee that you should give yourself a break, not excuse everything away, but do allow yourself to be human. You are here consistently “ratting yourself out”- maybe think about what you would say to one of us. Be kind to yourself as well as honest :-D I love your NSV recognizing how huge losing over 40 lbs. is!
    • Anamika – You’re very welcome. I try and comment on posts from others. I know my first week here it was nice to feel like someone was really reading what I wrote. I think that Barb is a hero to many of us as well.
    • Corgiwalker – welcome & hello, there’s lots of support to be found here & the tools are helpful. Good luck!
    • Heather – thank you for writing what you did since I am transitioning from one of those “I’ll never be able to do that” people. Hope by 2014 to join you wearing sleeveless tops.
    • M – fake it till you make it works often, sending positive energy your way. Stay strong!
    • Laura80111 – love the visual of the leaping doxie!
    • Sandy – it breaks my heart that you and your DS had to go through that. Thankfully, you both have come through it and rediscovered each other. You need to forgive yourself. That may be an affirmation you should say out loud daily until you believe it whole heartedly. It is difficult I am certain; please do forgive yourself – you acted as soon as you knew. Many would have buried their heads in the sand. Hopefully you can establish a caring relationship with your niece as well. Sending prayers.
    • Brooke – thank you for the link and the explanations. BTW, I adore your yoga dog pic.
    • Kayak Kutie – thanks, I’ll have to try the dreamfield pasta now.
    • Katla – have a happy time ‘playing’ on the boat. I should try and think of house work that way.
    • Melanie – wishing you the best & luck for DH finding something fulfilling to do. Wonderful choices you’ve made!
    • Joyce – how well you’re explaining this group, I love the idea of a slumber party without the snacks (except maybe celery?). Had to laugh as I read of your quandary about what to wear – two wet spots, indeed.
    • Jane – sorry about the expense for the van.
    • yanniejannie – OK, mini-challenge for August: colonoscopy by end of the month – anyone else in? I have to wait until I know DH’s schedule (he’s still in Kuwait) & then I will schedule mine.
    • Sue – if it’s been a week for DGD, perhaps you should call her doctor just in case? And I’m not the clever creator of the dancing poodles, but Barb told me the site to find animated graphics and there’s a bunch.
    • Barb – welcome, please consider adding tracking all your food (every single bite) to your goals. It makes a huge difference.
    • Pat – welcome & it does say 50+, you more than fit here.

    Great job to all who have had successes, positive thoughts to all who need them & welcomes sent to all newbies (am I still one of them – hmm) and lurkers.

     Log every day
     Find healthier food options to work into daily meals
     Exercise every day
     By end of August, do 30 minutes of vigorous exercise daily (now doing ~20)
     Keep moving all day (no excessive couch lounging!)

    Janie, Pacific NW
    may have to keep this graphic for the month since so many are enjoying it
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Good afternoon my lovely ladies!

    Work has been crazy but great!. So I want to share a little NSV. Yesterday I met up with my best friend who I may see a couple of times a year even though we only live about 80 miles apart. Anyway, we went to a bar after work and I am proud to say that I sat there and had club soda with lime while she enjoyed her margartita. Then we decided to go shopping in the mall close by and I added 5000 steps so I didn't have to dreadmill when I got home. I really enljoy alcohol so this was a significant victory for me. :bigsmile:

    I feel like the old me agian. Now if I can just find the time to respond to more of you personally. Oh well I guess I will just have to say welcom to all the newbies, you have found the most amazing group of women on the planet. To those of you struggling just keep at it. The support is here for you no matter what the issue. For those of you with successes, please know that I am so very very happy and proud of you.

    Have an awesome Friday,

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
    From the drizzly PNW
  • CarmenNeitz
    CarmenNeitz Posts: 16 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I haven't had a chance to read all the post but I hope to soon. The day after my birthday in July of last year I had a goal to be Fit-n-Fifty, but unfortunately I failed. I got down to 159 lbs by November but then started to gain in December and fell off my plan most days till I wasn't on it at all. Now I have extra pounds to lose above my starting weight last July 2012 of 173 lbs. It took me way to long but now I am back at it again with a starting weight of 180 pounds.

    My Goals for August are:

    1) Eat clean
    2) Log what I eat in my notebook at least
    3) Walk 5 days a week
    4) Drink no less than 8 - 8oz glasses of water a day
    5) Lose no less than a pound a week (hoping for 5 pounds a month)
    6) Eat 1,200 calories a day (I tend to go under and that is not good either)
    7) Participate in the 30-day AB Challenge

    I like that saying whoever wrote, "Act the way I want to feel". I am going to try to act like the healthly, fit person I want to be and feel.

    This is the beginning of another year for me and another chance to be that healthly, fit person by my July birthday next year.
  • CarmenNeitz
    CarmenNeitz Posts: 16 Member
    LoL, Love the exercise dogs! Never seen anything like that before.
  • Zaniejane
    Zaniejane Posts: 329 Member
    My goal for July was to walk or run thirty miles in thirty days....accomplished (check!)

    For August: In the next 14 days I will run 5 km 4 times and I will lift for at least twenty minutes 4 times. At least one of those lifting sessions will include deadlifting 100 pounds 5x5 and 150 pounds 1 rep.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Well I think I figured out what is causing my dizziness. Isn't that just like us to figure out what's wrong and then tell the doctors:laugh: While I was out I decided to go to Kohls and look at some capris and bras instead of going to the Y. As usual I became very, very dizzy. Since I have lost my B/P cuff I went to Walgreens and got a new one. My B/P sitting was 136/76 so I got up and walked around until I was dizzy and took it again while I was standing. It was 115/50. My heart rate was 46 both times. I know that ehart rate sounds alarming to most of you but it is normal to me. I have a condition called PAT, basically my heart rate can go alarmingly high like in the 200s for no reason at all. I've been tested and there is no reason for it thus the letter P in front of it. I would write it hear but I don't think I can spell it anymore. It's something like paroxsymal meaning for no reason. So I am on a beta blocker probably for the rest of my life. It keeps the heart rate down. But my B/P can get really high like 210/130 so I am on 4 different kind of meds and that includes the beta blocker. So he is decreasing the beta blocker to once a day. Since I am OK in the evening hours I will cut out the morning dose. So I'll see how tomorrow is. I sure hope everything is OK this weekend since the kids are here and it's DGD birthday. Sunday I will be in a scooter but I still have to get up occasionally since youngest daughter says that I WILL go on one roller coaster. I wish I could go on every one but those days are gone. I know one affects my equilibrium enough.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,756 Member
    afternoon ladies,
    Pat/Foo- My husband has the same issue as does his brother, he has learned that if he eats meat he has to cut it very very small, we even had to leave a christmas party and go to the ER, because he had something stuck..
    so you are not the only one..
    everyone at work ordered from the diner, I brought a salad:bigsmile: except I caved and had a few fries..
    I am getting better..
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,807 Member
    Good afternoon ladies. I have really been stuggling the last several days with depression. But I like the fake it till you make it and going to try that. Yesterday I overate big time. I have not done that in along time. Today did not start out well, but taking a deep breath and starting from now. I just feel over stressed about alot of things and have to pray and know that God is in control, not easy as I want to be in control. Thanks for listening.

    Pat- you are not giving up. Each day is an empty slate and a new beginning. Thanks I needed that. I agree that sometimes friends give the unconditional love that a family can't.

    Sandy- Thanks for sharing and so happy for you and your son. You have come a long way. I found out my first husband had molested my younger sister. I felt for a long time it was my fault and I felt so dumb as I had no idea. After the divorce I found out it was not the first person. How could I have not known??? I was 17 when we got married and I thought it was the best I could do. But I had no idea about his past or any of it. My sister and I talk now but not close and that makes me sad and I think she does blame me for bringing him into the family. He passed away 14 years ago and all I could think of was he would never get near my grand daughters. My husband now is such a blessing and a good person and had to put up with alot of trust issues with me as I was afraid to trust my own judgement .

    Jane- Sounds like you have alot of stress going on. Important thing is not to give up and be good to yourself. Sorry about the van problems. I feel lucky as my DH works in a parts store and can do alot of the repair work himself on our car and truck.

    Joyce- Thanks for sharing about your DD. Sometimes all we can do is love them and pray. Its funny but after I became a parent I understood alot of what my mom was trying to protect me from and now after alot of years we are close. She will turn 80 in October and I cherish every visit I have with her.

    Welcome to all the new comers. You have come to a great place and looking forward to getting to know each of you.

    Melaine- I am grateful for the support and friendship of this group My prayers and good thoughts to you and DH. I do not do change well and moving to a new place let along a different country would put me over the edge.

    Joyce- Sounds like you are going to have a great weekend with the grandkids. The time spent will give them a lifetime of memories. I find that I try and do things with my grandkids that will give them good memories of me. I remember when I was young going out to spend time at my grand parents. Always felt safe.

    Robin- Great NSV. I find when I am doing things the steps add up more then if I am just trying to walk.

    Well have our CMA meeting tonight and I have my notes already. Sometimes being the secretary is alot of work, but love the fellowship. Tomorrow we are going to Broken Bow which is about 2 hours north to help with an aide station there for bikers heading to Sturgis. I have not done this before so looking forward to it. I am still working on my goals for the month.

    Blessed, Vicki GI NE
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    I know I've become a stranger but it's this guy's fault. Shortly after this picture was taken he bucked me off and I broke 4 ribs. No cracks for me - they are broken. I am now bound in my chair for the next 3 weeks. Tomorrow I am going to go catch up on everyone.

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HI! decided today is gonna be my new start.I`m gonna eat better and put more exercise in my day.I`ll wt myself Mon and deal with the numbers.It is what it is.
    Got to the gym tonite to work on the leg machines.It`s a start.
    Have a good night
  • ohiomomof2
    ohiomomof2 Posts: 78 Member
    Hi, all!

    I have been absent from this wonderful thread for what seems like weeks. So busy at work that I am working 7-7 and then coming home and booting up the laptop and working some more. I have been (mostly) eating well and still walk a couple of miles each morning but no time to do much more. Happy to say that I've stil managed to lose a bit so that's good.

    I'll try to get back here regularly again because I do benefit soooo much from hanging out with all of you wise and focused ladies!
  • kayak_kutie
    kayak_kutie Posts: 381 Member
    Janie - when cooking the Dreamfield pasta make sure to follow the directions carefully. Don't want to overcook.