Fit For Future Families 2



  • Hello ladies! Can I join too? This seems to be a very active group - I will have to sit down later on to catch up and try to know you all a bit!

    My story: I'm 38 next month and have decided to take matters into my own hands and become a "choice mom". I can wait for Mr. Right, however my eggs cannot. I've made the decision 100% and have lots of support. I'm just waiting for my savings to grow a little bit before I jump in (conceiving via donor sperm is going to be expensive!).

    So of course, I want to get in shape for my baby. It's funny how, the minute I decided once and for all to do this, I no longer cared about how I would look in a bathing suit... all I care about now is that I'm healthy and can provide for a healthy pregnancy!

    My goals: (not including weight loss - that's a no brainer)

    1. No more french fries (and with that comes the other stuff that's served with the french fries)
    2. Take my vitamins every day.
    3. Start running again (this is on hold for a few weeks due to a badly sprained ankle but it's still a goal)!
    4. Walk to and from work every day (just over a mile each way).

    I am tracking my cycles so I can bring my charts to my doctor when I get to him (October/November I'm thinking). I'm half way through the second month of charting and everything looks good I think! Fingers crossed things stay that way for me!

    maxwell76: I can tell you what an IUI is - it's Intra Uterine Insemination where instead of just the "turkey baster method" (ICI), the sperm is inserted through the cervical opening so it's closer to the end zone. This is the method that I'm hoping will be successful for me. If not, I will have to go on to IVF which is WAY more expensive!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    maxwell76: I can tell you what an IUI is - it's Intra Uterine Insemination where instead of just the "turkey baster method" (ICI), the sperm is inserted through the cervical opening so it's closer to the end zone. This is the method that I'm hoping will be successful for me. If not, I will have to go on to IVF which is WAY more expensive!

    Welcome to the newbies - and then there is ICSI (intracellular seminal implantation) with a wash which, due to my DH's low count is our only option. It's also the most expensive option available (barring having to get donor sperm). My fertility clinic is still shaking their head at us.....LOL
  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
    My workout plan really is non existent these past few weeks...I really need to get at least 60 mins a day during the week days. So, I have a new plan.

    20min walk before work

    15 min walk at lunch

    25 min walk after dinner and 10 mins of stretching :)

    I'm going to try this and see if I can get in those 60 mins per day and since we're actively TTC i want to keep it low intensity so walking I thought would be best. :)
  • Thanks for clarifying all of these....
    I think we will have to wait for our results before we TTC again just incase we MC again. Don't want to risk it happening again!
    In UK Drs won't help us until we have MC more than 3 times, very frustrating :mad: , sounds like your Drs are much more helpful in USA/ Canada. Maybe we can try one of these methods if they can't help us?!

    For now lI will keep motivated in losing the weight especially when I read all of you fab posts, keep going you are all amazing :bigsmile: x
  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    Maxwell76 - I'm sorry to hear that your doctors are being....ignorant? I hate it when doctors aren't more helpful. I'm lucky to have wonderful ob/gyn's/fertility specialist that go the extra mile. I hope you get some good results back!

    fitterpam - I'm assuming you did/are doing IVF w/ ICSI? Where abouts are you located? With the plan that we're doing, it has the ICSI included.... all of this infertility stuff is so expensive!

    Jenny - Welcome to the group! I am also new here...just started posting today :) I hope everything goes well for you & it happens on your first try! We haven't been so lucky.... keep us posted!
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,760 Member
    Wow a lot is going on! I keep forgetting how knowledgeable everyone here is about TTC.

    Welcome to all the newcomers! This is a great group of ladies.

    Alisa, I’m sorry you’re having such a bad week. Rant all you want, that’s what we’re here for. I hope things start to get better soon.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    fitterpam - I'm assuming you did/are doing IVF w/ ICSI? Where abouts are you located? With the plan that we're doing, it has the ICSI included.... all of this infertility stuff is so expensive!

    Yes I am :) I'm just north of Toronto, Canada. It is really expensive....LOL We don`t have exact number yet. I know it`s ballpark $12-15K for the procedure and $1500 a month for the meds. That`s what my gyno quoted us. Now my husband goes tomorrow for his surgery for varicoceles which is supposed to boost his count to 50% of normal (so from ~1-7M to about 75M) which means theoretically we could get pregnant on our own - if my PCOS gets any better. So we're hoping to not start the procedure until January, giving him at least the 90 day needed to regenerate healthy sperm after the surgery. If the counts come back well, the fertility doctor might be able to bump us down to something less drastic.

    We started trying for kids when we were 22 - well I guess medically speaking we were younger :blushing: but I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 22. We went the adoption route and after 2 failed adoptions and a public agency that put us through hell....we gave up for a while. The cost of the fertility is about half of what it would cost us to adopt from Russia (my Aunt is from there and knows of many children that need homes, but we just don't have the $55K to put into it). So we're back at this.

    Actually my hubbie had a dream the other night and had to wake me up to tell me about it (he doesn't dream, let alone wake me up). He told me it was the first day of school for our two boys (twins). That tells me I think we're on the right path.....since twins do run in my family, but haven't been seen for generations....Fertility is the best explanation for that :)
  • Wow, there is a lot going on! Welcome newbies! Jenny, as I was reading your story I couldn't help but think of the movie the back up plan which we just saw the other day. It's funny/cute! Well, hope everyone's drama gets better! At least it's wednesday, the weekend is in site!
  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    fitterpam - For us, with the package that I think we're going to go with, it'll be $11,900 (1 fresh + 1 frozen cycle). The meds will probably be about $3,000. I hope everything goes well with your husband's surgery. I've also been dealing w/ pcos, but just the cysts - not fun. Hopefully we'll soon be at our goal weight & then be pregnant! :)
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Heather and Pam, my heart goes out to both of you. You have more strength than I do. I'm just not sure I could go through all that you have and still be positive about TTC. Good for you both!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    There is so much going on right now - WOW!

    Hello to al the newbies - welcome to our little sisterhood! :flowerforyou:

    So my sugar clense went well, and I found it to be pretty easy overall - I ended 3 days early (of 14 days), but I'm pleased. My weight hasn't changed on my ticker, but I lost all the honeymoon weight (that I didn't adjust for when I got back), so I'm pleased, and now I need to find the energy to get to the gym - I did so well gymming the first week, but this week I am EXHAUSTED. Plus, school started and I now work Tuesday nights as well as Mon-Fri. Ugh.

    Pet Peeve: people who make plans months in advance and then change them after everyone else has made arrangements to accomodate them. :grumble:

    So I have 15 days to loose my 5 lbs for the month - there will be lots of life-organizing this weekend so I can make it to gym without excuses.

    So tired. I feel the need to have a head-desk moment.

    Sorry to complain.

    PS - I am also temping :)
  • paldal
    paldal Posts: 154
    holy cow! look at this place! it just keeps getting bigger everyday. Welcome to our wonderful community ladies! This really is a great place, as everyone can probably tell from the amount of knowledge passed around.
    It's so great to hear everyone's stories....good luck to all of you losing weight and those TTC.

    Mellie, I was actually thinking about the Back up Plan yesterday too with all the talk of IVF. I hope you are all just as successful as JLO was in the movie. :flowerforyou:
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 414 Member
    Good morning and happy Wednesday to you all! :flowerforyou:

    I am feeling much better today due to the fact that i have ZERO commitments over the next few weeks (minus my son's soccer and awana's but those are both easy) and i don't plan on making anymore (we'll see how THAT goes...i tend to have a helium arm!:bigsmile: )! I NEED some down time! Esp with hub only being home for 2 weeks! The babyshower went REALLY well! I got lots of compliments on my "Party planning skills" and the fact that i threw the whole thing together in 4 days!

    Part of my good mood is bc when i got up this morning to go potty i stepped on the scale and I lost another pound! I'm not logging it on my ticker since it isn't my official weigh-in day and i went back to bed for 30min and woke up 8oz heavier...not sure why but W/E I was happy with the brief glimps at 137lbs...even if it was for only an hour :laugh:

    I won't be able to exercise very intensly over the next few weeks bc i'm fairly certain i broke my toe last night. I caught it JUST right (twice within a 3hour time span...graceful i know) on the corner leg of my girlfriends couch....heard the crack and it immediatly swelled and is now blue...didn't hurt too bad the first time...but the second time (90min later) i almost cried and def said a few bad words....

    Almost thru the week...2 more sleeps until my hunny gets home! Relaxing weekend ahead....things are STARTING to look up! :drinker:
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Ouch, Alisa! I've broken my little toe multiple times doing the exact same thing. I know how much that hurts. I hope it heals quickly! Enjoy your time with your hubby!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    Have I mentioned lately that this group is awesome? LOL

    Jalara - good job on losing the honeymoon weight. Glad to hear that the sugar cleanse went well - What exactly does it entail? I figure it can't hurt my PCOS and will probably get me jump started again.

    Alisia - it's just not your week - broken toes hurt more than most things and the worst part is that generally there is nothing that can be done. At least you're going to have a great weekend coming up :)

    Heather - Good to know. Friends of mine paid about $14300 for everything, but they actually had to provide samples prior to be sent to the US or something first. They wanted to find out about the sickle cell gene and find out probabilities and passing it on to their kids. Don't know if that kind of testing is routine or not. Was your quote in the US or Canada? I think there is probably a huge price difference.

    I got a call from my clinic yesterday to say they really didn't need any more Day 1 blood samples from me....LOL - I've been with them for just under 3 months and had 4 samples done for Day the good news is I'm now not going 90+ days between periods........I'm just have AF show up 2x a month!!! WOO HOO And one I did have to jump start with provera so the consensus is in...I'm a mess :P You'd think with the 15% body weight loss and the metformin that something would be going right....but nothing....the only good thing out of this is the weight loss. :ohwell:
  • Hi ladies! My name is Jessica, and I'm new to the group. I've been reading your posts for the past couple days but have been too shy to post until now. I've never been a part of a forum/message board, so it's a bit foreign to me, but this group seems wonderful, so I decided to jump in. :smile: I think I'm getting the hang of some of the lingo... my husband is in the Army, so acronyms are a way of life for us, but DH and AF had me stumped for a little while! Thank God for context clues. :tongue:

    My husband (or should I say DH? :happy:) and I have been married for almost two years, but he spent most of the first 15 months of our marriage away at training or on deployment. We know we want to have kids, but we can't seem to figure out the "right" time, although I'm sure there's no such thing. He's turning 30 next month and still has three years left with the Army (and probably won't re-enlist). He will be done when I'm 29 (6 months away from turning 30)... so I don't want to wait until his contract is up to start trying, but we both want him here during my pregnancy and when our child would be born. In June, I stopped taking my BCP because I hated putting the hormones into my body, and I've been attempting to track my cycle as it regulates again. We try to avoid having sex around when I'm ovulating, but we've agreed that we are okay with getting pregnant if it happens. So I guess technically we aren't TTC, but we aren't trying particularly hard to avoid it either (more of a half-hearted attempt :smile:). Some days I want to get pregnant, and some days the thought of having a kid scares me half to death. I think my husband is the same way. God will probably have to just force it upon us so we don't have the chance to over-analyze it. :tongue:

    So the reason I'm here is because I love to learn about these things in advance rather than try to play catch up later when we do start trying, and my hopes for pregnancy and raising kids are big motivators in my desire to get in shape. I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone better and hopefully offer some support. It might take me a bit to come out of my shell, but I will make the effort! :flowerforyou:
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Welcome newbies, especially Jessica for getting up the courage to post. I'm relatively new, too. The ladies here are great.

    So I just found another fitness website: (I'm sure everyone's going to think I'm a spammer now that I've posted that in three separate locations, lol). It's got free video downloads (as well as paid subscriptions and workout plans). I get bored easily, so I'm hoping having something to throw in the mix will get me motivated again.
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 524 Member
    :heart: Wow wow wow! Welcome newbies! It is very nice to see our group grow! :heart:

    Well I went to the Doc today (after waiting 2.5 months just to get in to see her) and, like I suspected, she told me I just have to wait longer. A little back ground- I was on the depo shot and my last one was in January and haven't seen AF since or for 4 years while on the shot. So she says that it can take up to a year for my body to regulate, so hopefully AF will return in the next few months. Funny how I enjoyed every month not having it and now I would do anything for it to return Then I will hope that it doesn't return when trying to get preggo. DH wants to get preggers like yesterday which doesn’t help me feeling like I am the problem. Does anyone have a magic wand I could borrow?
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    She didn't even offer you provera to jump-start your cycle? That's too bad. :frown:
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    :heart: Wow wow wow! Welcome newbies! It is very nice to see our group grow! :heart:

    Well I went to the Doc today (after waiting 2.5 months just to get in to see her) and, like I suspected, she told me I just have to wait longer. A little back ground- I was on the depo shot and my last one was in January and haven't seen AF since or for 4 years while on the shot. So she says that it can take up to a year for my body to regulate, so hopefully AF will return in the next few months. Funny how I enjoyed every month not having it and now I would do anything for it to return Then I will hope that it doesn't return when trying to get preggo. DH wants to get preggers like yesterday which doesn’t help me feeling like I am the problem. Does anyone have a magic wand I could borrow?


    You can borrow my 9-iron if you want to...
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