

  • maryann9wood
    maryann9wood Posts: 75 Member
    My goal for August is to lose 8 pounds. I've lost 32 since January. My original goal was to lose 50 by my 50th in early Sept. Won't quite make that, but I know by Halloween I'll have the 50 and be wearing a size 14 like I did in high school. My weekly goals are:
    - log my food daily
    - stay at my calorie goals 6 days a week - a little over ne weekend day
    - go to the gym 5 days a week
    - prepare more vegetables for meals
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,973 Member
    :flowerforyou: This has been another day with two line dance classes. I taught the one in the morning and the one in the afternoon was practice for the performance.

    :explode: :grumble: Yesterday I succumbed to the temptation of chocolate covered espresso beans. I was active enough all day that the calories weren’t the problem, but I have been caffeine free for years and the caffeine kept me awake for several hours after I got in bed. I got a lot of reading done, but not nearly enough sleep. A nap between line dance classes balanced out my sleep but except for dog walking, I didn’t get much accomplished.

    :flowerforyou: About getting a colonoscopy………I refused to get one for years and it was because of the encouragement of the women on this thread that I finally got my first one at age 64. It wasn’t as bad as I had expected and I actually enjoyed the day of clear liquids (all the chicken broth and apple juice I wanted)….so for those of you who are hesitating, let me encourage you to do it and get it over with.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I am looking forward to the strength training challenge that Jodios will start soon. I hope many of you will join us----beginners and experienced and all levels in between. I don’t work out at a gym. I have ankle weights that can be adjusted to weights from about two pounds up to 15 pounds on each ankle. I have dumbbells----pairs of 3, 5, 10, and 15 pounds----a solid chair for balance and for doing modified pushups, a yoga mat, and a stop watch on my phone to time my plank

    :brokenheart: Cheryl, sorry to hear about your ribs and that it happened because of a horse.

    :brokenheart: Janemartin, sorry to hear about the troubles with your vehicle…..we have had similar bumps in our road and it’s scary to deal with.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Welcome to all the new posters….. I wish I could greet you each individually. I hope you will keep posting and continue to join in the conversation. Sometimes it takes awhile before you get the responses you need.

    :laugh: Some days I feel like I shouldn’t even respond because I haven’t read all the posts or I can respond to everyone and then I remember how much I appreciate all of you whether you respond to everyone or whether you’ve read all the posts…….it’s just so important that we are all here together. Some days I’m the talker and some days the listener.

    :heart: Barbie from cold and drizzly NW Washington

    August Resolutions
    *finish preparing the flower bed in the back yard
    *participate in the new strength training challenge
    *walk 18,000 steps a day
    *act the way I want to feel

    My word for 2013 is “Stretch” inspired by “The Happiness Project”….I will seek opportunities to stretch my body and stretch myself personally by improving skills and trying new things.

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,383 Member
    drkatiebug - wonderful NSV being able to carry that water! Sorry your aunt wasn't feeling well, but glad she perked up.

    Melanie - down another size and those pants falling off you -- way to go! Where in NC are you? What brought you back to the US after being in Europe? Are both you and your husband from the US?

    jane - how I wish things worked out better for you, but at least it's all behind you now. Vent all you want whenever you want, we are always here.

    Joyce - if it were me, I would wear the denim capris. They may take longer to dry, but that'll also keep you cooler longer. I hate the sight of white pants (or shirt) wet. Have fun with your grandkids!

    Robin - you sound so good in your posts now. So happy for you

    Pat - how right you are that this is really weird weather. Hopefully, this'll mean we won't have a snowy winter...but with mother nature loose, who knows? AND YOU ARE NOT, I REPEAT NOT, A FAILURE. Kitties in your lap always makes things so much better.

    jodios - since I couldn't do my weight DVD at home yesterday, I took my laptop to the Y. But I was having trouble starting the DVD. Probably because I haven't used it in quite a while. Anyway, I started to do something on my own, but (and this is just me) if I don't have a set routine, like a DVD, I don't do everything (hit all the muscle groups)

    Did an hour of HIIT on the elliptical today. That's 30 second sprint, then 1 minute recovery where I continue on the elliptical but not as fast. Tomorrow I'll do some yoga

    janie - bowling is going good. I'm still Miss Consistently Inconsistent. Wish I could get better. I'm sure some lessons with a pro would help, but to be honest, the bowling alley around here has such limited hours (not sure why), and I don't want to be out real real late (the pro shop probably isn't even open then). Maybe sometime in Jan. I can fit it in, after the holidays and so forth.

    ServPro was here to pick up their equipment. We called the place that installs carpet padding and if they can work it into their schedule, they'll be here. The guys from ServPro left before I could give them the muffins. Oh well.. that's less that I need to make for the carpet padding guys.

    Jen - it is more than OK to join in. Sounds like you have a good plan worked out for yourself

    Morag - ouch...breaking your back. That's horrible! You'll make lots of friends here, that's for sure.

    DeeDee - what is that strange bright thing in the sky?????

    grandmalle - good for you getting to the gym! Hown nice that the people at the gym noticed your weight loss. Having a few fries once in a while isn't all that terrible. At least you didn't have a full portion!

    corgiwalker - welcome. I take it you have a dog??? Good exercise!

    Heather - I am convinced that taking your bp at home will show lower numbers. There's the white coat syndrome, Vince gets it all the time.

    We got the hospital bill for Vince. It's in German and French. However, when he called the insurance company and told them, they said that was no problem. Then he mentioned that the bill is in Swiss Francs and they again said "no problem". Sounds a little too easy for me. Hope it's not. We did get another bill from them for about $100 extra, something to do with extra services they provided. The first bill we owed something like $406 on.

    Lance and Shadow (Jessica's cats) are still here. Lance is the one who is diabetic. Seems I've sort-of stumbled on a way to give him the insulin at fairly regular times. I brush him. If he's like under the couch, I start brushing Shadow. Lance comes into the room and jumps up on the bed as if to say "you're not going to give Shadow attention and me not some". So I brush him a bit, then give him the insulin, then brush him some more. I do try to brush him during the day so that he doesn't associate brushing with insulin. It seems he likes to be brushed, so I try to associate the insulin with a pleasurable experience.

    Vince just told me that TSO has their new schedule out. Guess what I need to do is reactivate myself in the TSO Yahoo group.

    I can't help it, but I've been thinking about Bryan a lot lately. There are two sides that I'm thinking...one side of me says "oh, what the heck, comfort food will help", but the other part of me says "you can't control other people, but you do have control of how you react to what they do" and I know that I don't want to start getting real heavy. I can't let my feelings for Bryan affect Jessica, that's not fair to her (to be sad all the time around her)

    kalley - I agree with kayak_kutie. Forgive yourself, you did everything you could as soon as you found out. I bet never in a million years would you have thought something like that could have happened in your own family

    katla - I manage not to overeat my baking by giving things away. I might have one or two bites, and then I give the rest away! I don't think I could ever get to the point like barbie where she doesn't bake at all, that just won't happen for me. But hopefully, I'll get to where I'm baking less and less.

    Welcome everyone new (too many to mention individually)

    Joyce - I sure hope you're better over the weekend. Maybe you don't need all those bp meds or if you take one of them twice a day, maybe you only need to take it once a day?

    Vicki - you are so so right, when we become parents, that's part of when we realize just how much our parents gave up for us. I miss my father every day and now realize some things that I just never thought of before.

    Cheryl - OUCH! Take care of yourself. Cute pic, I must say

    Michele in NC
  • melfitnesspal13
    melfitnesspal13 Posts: 377 Member
    Hi Everyone - posting twice, feeling a little lonely tonight (hubby is glued to "his" tv). For those who asked, or were wondering, we moved here from Europe. My husband is Italian, straight from Italy, first one in his family to leave that beautiful country. We travel and move a lot, I think we have moved 10 times to different countries since 1997. Whew...that is a chore but also exciting. Down side is we always leave good friends, up side we always leave good friends and can/do always go back for a visit.

    I am so excited about tomorrow, Sat. I signed up for a Bollywood Workout, 2 hr session, with some famous dancer. It is a fund raiser for the Wounded Warrior program, which I absolutely support. Once upon a time I was a soldier, those were the days.....my life still revolves around soldiers so it is all good. I hope to learn some fancy steps and burn some serious calories :bigsmile: I have a jingly scarf and just polished my nails a reddish pink to match my scarf.

    Your postings are so inspiring and sometimes funny, love reading them all.

    Now I am going to try to get some sleep to be ready for Bollywood!!!

    USA - NC
  • Zaniejane
    Zaniejane Posts: 329 Member
    I would sit with your cat for a while where he is.

    (For Pat).

    And give him tuna:)
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Pat (Phoo): I hope you’re feeling better by now.:flowerforyou:

    Cheryl: Sorry about the broken ribs. Ouch! And I’ll bet you don’t even resent the guy who bucked you off. I hope you heal quickly.:flowerforyou:

    Barbie: Caffeine is a potent force on someone who has been free from it. I hope you’re feeling fine now. I drink coffee every morning, and would think twice before trying a chocolate covered coffee bean. :noway: :wink: :flowerforyou:

    Cheryl: I think your strategy for giving the cat his insulin is very clever. I am sorry you are still grappling with your son’s life choices and behavior. I have faith that he’ll come around eventually although it may take more time than you’d like. Things we worry about often don’t actually happen. The hard part for parents of adult children is to wait and watch because we are not in charge of them anymore. It isn’t easy.:noway: Sending virtual hugs to you.:flowerforyou:

    I’m starting to feel better and I want to return to better habits. I did well today. I ate under my calorie goal, drank my water, and got onto my bike and rode hard for 30 minutes.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    August goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
    3. Drink at least 2 glasses of water daily.
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies

    Well, I'm back after a couple of weeks of not posting (still logging every day but have been madly busy).

    I moved my dad into sheltered accommodation on Thursday. Honestly it has been so stressful and I haven't had a moment to myself since I came out of hospital. After being told not to lift anything - pah, that wasn't going to happen and it now looks like I have an umbilical hernia and have to go back to hospital for more surgery. Grrr.

    Still, my dad is mostly moved in now so that should be the heavy work done.

    My daughter came over for a few days and was extremely helpful, but of course, as she is in the early stages of a very long awaited pregnancy, we didn't let her do too much and she was only over for the weekend a couple of weeks ago.

    Since I have not been posting, my DH has become an uncle for the first time. He has three brothers and this is the first of the four to have offspring. Audrey was born the same day as the new prince. She is a darling little thing. Unfortunately she was born with Down's syndrome and is not doing too well. Prayers are always welcomed.

    Anyway my friends. I haven't read any posts so I don't know what is going on with you all right now. One day soon I will get the chance to be a supportive MFPer again.

    My love to you all.
    Amanda x
  • Anamika703
    Anamika703 Posts: 202 Member
    Hello ladies
    Great to be here and feel so welcome and at home. well went for my sat morn run and am glad to say when my legs were trying to convince me to stop and walk I continued because I recalled all of u so committed to your goals. Thanks.
    Thanks Janie, Barbie and Megblair and all the rest.
    Staying committed.
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Welcome to everyone new! Hope you`ll keep popping in and chatting with us!

    Cheryl:smile: Hope you`re feeling better soon:flowerforyou: !

    Amanda:smile: Please take care of yourself:flowerforyou: !

    Michele:smile: Was that the sun we saw:huh: :laugh: . It felt good. didn`t it?

    I have so much more to say, just no time to say it. I`m going shopping with a friend this morning:happy: and I really need to get myself ready. Have a wonderful Saturday! Drink your water :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    DeeDee in kinda cloudy at the moment NC
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    Hi there,
    DH at cricket. Time to myself!

    Melanie- that Bollywood dance session sounds glorious. I used to do a lot of dancing, of all kinds, including Indian dance, but haven't done any for years because of my knees. As they get stronger I might look into it again. I am with you on the difficulty of making new friends at our age. I recently plucked up the courage to approach a woman at yoga and "ask her out"! ! It was quite scary. I have wonderful friends from all eras of my past, including school, but none from our current location. Aquaintances that I get on with very well, but there is something very special about a best FF. Good job I am best friends with my DH!:laugh: :love:

    Vicki - my heart goes out to you. As I said to the other lady, there is indeed a lot of it about! Especially among the overweight community. I think we feel the need to protect ourselves with a nice layer. :heart:

    Anamika - I also imagine our Vit F community cheering me on when I am flagging. Especially on my 'jalks' round the lanes. I have been on holiday in India twice, once to Kerala and once to Rajasthan. Not to Mumbai though, although a good friend of mine is Anglo Indian and still goes back once a year to work as a volunteer in a school there. I would love to go again, if I can get DH on a plane. My DF was in the Indian Army In WW II and I always felt very connected and have read endless books, both fiction andnon fiction. When we were camping in the desert in Rajasthan, (very glam camping) , Mark Tully was at our site and eating at the next table.

    Jane - so sorry to hear about the expense of your van. We have had our fence blow over (expensive) and we have to have the gloss paint on our windows and doors done. (Even more expensive):sad: I would much rather be spending our money on something more enjoyable! Good luck with your new regime!:flowerforyou:

    What is all this with colonoscopies???:noway: :laugh: They certainly aren't a routine test in this country. I would have to have specific symptoms. Yikes!

    Well, DH has not slept too well the last couple of nights, but he is more philosophical about it. He is at cricket and a new friend of his is going too, so he should enjoy himself. I will watch, "The Americans" :laugh: and have just made myself the most lovely lentil salad imaginable to eat while I'm watching it. It's HUGE, but only 400 cals.:drinker:
    I spend some time every day searching for eggs and caterpillars on our new plants. They are suffering despite our vigilance. Should have netted them.:sad:

    At least we had overnight rain so no watering today!:bigsmile:

    Love from Heather in Hampshire UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,787 Member
    morning ladies,
    had a very good night sleep,and got up and walked with the DH,forgot to reset my pedometer,so had to start it all over again:grumble:
    but got 6,000 steps in anyway..now I am icing my foot, gonna try and baby it for a bit,dont want to over do it
    DH and I are going out to dinner tonight and I am stressing a little about it.. it is a very good italian place,homemade pasta, HUGE servings..and I am already over 500 calories, the only thing is I cant find a menu online.. so will have to wing it...
    I am back in the 150's again, granted a few ounces but will take it, being on the prednisone doesn't help either
    cloudy and overcast here today,but nice temps, very comfortable walking...
    Have my FIL food all set and we will go over to visit later on.. that poor man living in a freakin NUT house.I can only hope the state comes up with something on my SIL and nephew,and BIL.. but i guess it is on going..I found shorts I like at Walmart, maybe will go buy a few more pair, or see if they are on clearance online
    Amanda- just looked at your ticker~ damn girl you lost a whole person and then some.... so very proud of you :bigsmile:
    I want to get down to that weight myself. I have to say I am doing ok, but not as dedicated as some of you are.. I really need to step up the exercise more..
  • beamteam4
    beamteam4 Posts: 19 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    How does one log every bite (nibble). I work in a bakery which is very hard not to nibble. As to line dancing I would love to take line dancing classes. But, I don't see any in my area. The town use to offer classes thru the rec department.

    Barb from MA
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Amanda: It is wonderful to hear from you. It is good that your dad is now in sheltered housing, but you shouldn't have had to do so much of the work. I hope it is a happier situation for him. I’m so sorry about your umbilical hernia and another surgery in your future. Is this happening soon or do you have some time to heal a bit more first? :flowerforyou:

    Heather: Colonoscopies are recommended to people of a certain age. I had one as a baseline about 5 or 6 years ago and got a message that I should get another a few months ago. It is all about early warnings of colon cancer, which is apparently treatable if caught early and a hideously painful death if not discovered in time. The colonoscopy procedure itself is not painful, but the preparation for it involves drinking a great deal of liquid diuretic and spending hours on the potty so that your intestines are empty for the test. They put a video camera inside and look at your intestine walls. The test itself doesn’t hurt. If you have symptoms it is usually too late.:cry:

    Grandmallie: The Italian dinner sounds yummy. I wonder if the restaurant would let you order a lunch portion, or put half in a box for you to take home. :flowerforyou:

    We shifted from Comcast to Century Link and Direct TV. The Century Link people seem to have screwed us over. :mad: The movies we’re supposed to be able to see take 8 to 10 hours or more to download. It should NOT take that long. :grumble: We’ve been told by the man who installed our system and a Direct TV troubleshooter that our signal is strong enough to support direct streaming. So where is the problem? Equipment? We have to wait until Monday to contact somebody at Century Link to get this mess straightened out. The sell this “service” over the weekend, but you can’t get anybody to solve problems outside of 9-5 in some time zone other than our own. If anyone has insight into dealing with Century Link, I’d appreciate advice.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    August goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
    3. Drink at least 2 glasses of water daily.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    I had a lovely time last night having dinner with a friend. I over indulged but it was a celebratory dinner for my new job. It was the sodium that was the real killer. I dranks lots and lots of water yesterday and I will do the same today. In the past I would have had several cocktails to celebrate but last night I had one skinny cocktail and tons of water to follow it.

    Today we have someone coming to clear all the unwanted vegetation out of our yard. We are replacing our grass with artificial turf because it is a small area and the dogs are so hard on it. We have also let the weeds get the best of us so they will clean every thing out. I am excited for a fresh start on the yard. :bigsmile:

    Have a great day all.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
    in the overgrown PNW

    PS Amanda, glad to hear from you again.
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies- And it is, indeed, a good morning for me. I finally took care of the food problem about 1 a.m. this morning, got some good sleep after that, and now I am back to feeling like myself. Thank you all for your support, it really does help.

    Because I felt so crappy, I did not get up to church to pull the music for tonight's service, so I am going to have to go in this afternoon early to do that. I hate having to do things at the last minute, but it can't be helped. One of my favorite people is doing the service tonight because our regular minister is at a convention somewhere, so I really want the service to go well for him.

    The cats are still seperated, and my cat is much calmer because of it. I think this will work, but I will not volunteer to cat sit for Sasha ever again. He just does not play well with others!

    My exercise for today will be mowing the yard and pulling weeds. Monsoon season down here means things grow that you only see during monsoons! The rest of the year the yard is pretty weed free.

    Joyce- Have a great weekend with the grandkids!
    Dizzy- please, take care of yourself! I get dizzy when I first stand up, but that's just for a second or two- it usually doesn't happen once I am up and moving. I think, if I were in your shoes, that I would be very concerned that it happens while you are moving around. Are you planning to see your doctor? Experimenting with your dosages sounds a little frightening, to me. Just concerned.... take care, my friend.

    Pat C.- I like your goals. They are sensible, and I need to adopt (steal?) some of them. Thanks for listing them out for us.

    Robin- Great NSV! I like the term 'dreadmill', that's exactly how I feel about it!

    Grandmallie- Thank you for telling me about your DH and his brother. It does help to know that I am not alone. My family just thinks I'm crazy...... well, they might be right, but......

    Wessecg- Geez! How could something so cute be so evil?! I know, he didn't mean to hurt you, but we humans don't bounce well after about age 4! He is a beautiful animal, take care of your poor ribs!

    Michele- I am sure there are going to be sad days and happy days, and some confused days, too. You are right in that your feelings are your feelings and you can't really do anything about a feeling Except make choices about how to react to it. It is perfectly ok to be sad, and I bet Jessica understands that.

    Mandy- I did go out and spend time w/ PeeVee, and I do sleep in his part of the house, so we cuddle all night. About the tuna, PeeVee is one strange *****cat- he will not eat any people food including tuna and ice cream. Cute, cuddly but weird!

    Katla- I am feeling better this morning. Thank you for your concern.

    Well, I am headed outside to get the yard done before it hits 100. Have a great day!

    Pat (Phoo)
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,787 Member
    well, im showered and ready to go :laugh:
    went out and helped weed in the new grass seed we put down there was some weeds in there so the DH and I took care of it, more him than me, got to Skype with my girls this morning, Taliah(DGD) is getting nervous about starting school.But I know her, as soon as she gets in there she will be the Queen Bee, she is quite the social butterfly and smart.. and nooo not just because he is my DGD,
    Made a cup of tea for DH and brought him some pastry, I was good ,would love a piece but stay away from those caloric bombs:wink:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    Katla- the NHS is so cheap over here that they just send you a letter with a plastic bag in it and some sticks to wipe your p** on a piece of paper for a few days. I couldn't bring myself to use it, though I know I should.:noway: :laugh:

    I forgot to say to Amanda, welcome back, we have missed you. Umbilical hernia?!?! What were you thinking of, lifting stuff so soon after your op? Please take care and refuse to do any more lifting or running around. I would just go on strike. Good that your dad has a more secure environment to live in, but nothing is worth ruining your health for. :heart: :flowerforyou:

    Had an hour's nap this pm. It was fabulous, but I hope I sleep tonight!
    Love Heather, UK
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy sat!
    Got to the gym yesterday to do the leg machines.
    My goals are to go to the gym 3x a week and walk outside every other day.
    stuck to my plan and no night eating.Yah:drinker:
    Take care
  • Naaer
    Naaer Posts: 212 Member
    I love this site!!! I have lost four pounds in two weeks, but I have a long way to go to lose, about, seventy pounds...I lost weight on Weight Watchers, but I gained it all back when I stopped paying(and stopped logging food!) My fitness pal is similar, but it is FREE so I think I will have NO EXCUSE THIS TIME...I have always been fairly thin until I went thru menopause and gained fifty pounds...It's just GOT to come off...I HATE being obese...I have been normal weight or overweight my whole life...Until, about, four years ago...SO...It's GOT to go...Love to see the site for over fifty...It really is MUCH harder to lose weight the older that you get...It's not a myth...AND you have to eat about HALF of what you USED to eat to do it...BUT...I think I've come to the right place...Good luck to everyone...

    REaan in Austin
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Good afternoon, all.

    To those of you who have posted heartbreaking stories of problems with children, my heart goes out to you. There is a book called when our children disappoint us (or something similar) that I got from amazon that helped me when my I was struggling with my grown son. Another book that was recommended to me was boundaries. I learned from those books that I am not a tough love kind of parent. I'm sorry. I'm just not, but the books still contained some helpful information.

    Congrats to all who are losing weight and who have had NSVs.

    I walked today, did most of the laundry, got caught up on the budget and bills, and together with DH got the grass cut. I ran the lawn mower over a yellow jacket nest and got stung 3 times. Ouch! At least I'm not allergic. I've also dropped to of the five pounds I put back on, so at least I'm moving in the right direction again. It is a constant battle.

    Feeling productive in NE Georgia,