Nerds Unite!



  • sandralina
    sandralina Posts: 126 Member
    I'm so nerdy that I started playing Phantasy Star Online 2 with my husband. In Japanese.

    Oh yeah.
  • KuroNyankoSensei
    KuroNyankoSensei Posts: 288 Member
    For those of you who are engineers:

    I think you may get a kick out of this!

    Oh my God, all my YES. Still going through all of this =/. *headdesk* One more year, one more year...*sobs*

    23. If you’re female, you’ve been the only girl in a class of 50 at least once in your college career.
    NO ONE wanted to be my partner in all the projects we had to do. JERKS ;-;.

    Anime and manga nerd, check out my MAL in my profile to see what I've wasted 90% of my free time on XD. (My free time is more like my slacking off time ;b...)

    I game too, although I'm too cheap to buy actual games, if you know what I mean >>....<<...>>...
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I own a pair of superman high-tops and my last converse high-tops had the horde (world of Warcraft) emblem on them.
    Out geek me ..... I dare you :)

    Geeky like minded friends are welcome

    I probably can't out geek you but I would just like to say that I have Superman socks and they have their own cape.

    I almost bought those! Went with the Batman panties with matching knee-high socks. LOL

    Batman panties and socks FTW!
    does the Batman panties come with a cape though? :tongue:
  • tamm92
    tamm92 Posts: 8 Member
    BIG nerd here, Steam, Playstation computer everything....

    Lara croft practically raised me, I finished the first game at 4 and then every other game since.

    Feel free to add me x
  • KokowithaK
    KokowithaK Posts: 88 Member
    Am I a nerd if I have a Star Trek wallet and a new dna tattoo? And my pic has me kayaking in a batman shirt?

    I have a Watchmen tattoo! And a Boondock Saints tattoo! Hooray for nerd body art! I'm currently designing a Hayaoi Miyazaki sleeve, too (not for myself although that would be pretty bad *kitten*).
  • bhallyktkt
    Fairly new here and have already found my new favorite group of people! Nerd girl married to nerd boy. Spreadsheets, gamers, tech freaks <3
  • Sam9690
    Sam9690 Posts: 7
    New here and it's nice to see a group of people I can relate to!
  • jeichelb83
    jeichelb83 Posts: 172 Member
    Hi all! Kind of new, but not really :) I've been using the site since April with some pretty good results. I've lost about 13 lbs. since then (currently 129). This is my first post in the forums.

    I've been chubby since child hood (mostly for medical reasons, I'm 29 now) and I was just tired of "feeling fat". I'm only 5'2 (again mainly for medical reasons) so any extra weight on my goes straight to my gut.

    I've been following my "weight loss" calorie intake (1330 calories) pretty closely (with some "free days" every once in a while). I'm luck to have a gym at my work so I've been riding the exercise bike and running on the treadmill during my breaks. I'm looking to get into more strength training to get at least a little more muscle in my arms/chest to hopefully burn off my gut, love handles , and back flab that have shrunk but have no disappeared.

    I also use the EA Sports Active 2 video game. It's got sensors for your arms and leg and tracks your heart rate as it leads you through workouts.

    I generally get 1.5 of gym time every work day and then use the game for a half hour four times a week.

    Anyway, I'm also quite the nerd since I wasn't able to play sports at an earlier age (again with medical issues). I love RPGs especially. I'm currently playing Disgaea 4 for PS3. I also play League of Legends and Rift online. Send me a friend invite and maybe we can meet in cyberspace some time (or as I think of it our natural habitat).

    Thanks for listen to my rambling. The site has really helped me out physically and mentally and from what I've seen so far, the community here should do so as well!
  • richardevans1990
    Hi im new to the website only just found it today!! So my goal is to lose another 8 pounds on top of the 3 stone ive lost already but my diet is now playing a bigger role in what it has been so though id try the website out and seeing if it helps track my intake, so im up for any quick tips on how people lose body fat and il give any of my tips out so feel free to add me :)
  • bouuncyball
    bouuncyball Posts: 10 Member
    Ooh, this looks like my kind of group!
  • Fit_NYC_
    Fit_NYC_ Posts: 1,389 Member
    I own a pair of superman high-tops and my last converse high-tops had the horde (world of Warcraft) emblem on them.
    Out geek me ..... I dare you :)

    Geeky like minded friends are welcome

    I probably can't out geek you but I would just like to say that I have Superman socks and they have their own cape.

    I almost bought those! Went with the Batman panties with matching knee-high socks. LOL

    Batman panties and socks FTW!
    does the Batman panties come with a cape though? :tongue:

    Those wine right there! Give me an idea for the next Undie run!
  • elizabethadkins737
    I don't like to use the term "nerd" :) But I guess I am one.

    I love video games! It's my primary pastime.

    Favorite video games:
    Skyrim (200 hours of my life and I'm playing it again!)
    Fable series
    Mass Effect series
    Kingdom Hearts
    Final Fantasy series
    Dragon Age 2
    Red Dead Redemption
    Assassin's Creed series (played all - waiting for Black Flag!)
    Lego series (Harry Potter, LOTR etc.)
    WoW used to be a primary MMO (6 years)
    FFXI (met my hubby on there - waiting for FFXIV to come out!)
    Viva Pinata
    The Sims
    Super Mario Bros / Yoshi's Island
    Fallout 3
    DDR arcade
    Halo 3

    Glad to see those with like minds on here! Now get up off your butt and exercise! :D
  • DasGoff
    DasGoff Posts: 55
    Hii! My name is Robin! I have a large collection of Spiderman Comics, Lenore and Johnny the Homicidal Maniac. I have a beloved XBox 360 and PS3 (which is currently suffering from YLOD NOOOO!!!) and a PS1 (Final Fantasy 6,7,8 and 9 anyone?!), I also study Forensic Science, and am currently halfway through learning the Periodic Table of Elements song by Tom Lehrer!

    I also love superheros, anime, manga, Doctor Who, Torchwood, Dexter, Big Bang Theory and Terry Pratchett (his books, though the movie adaptations are okay)!

    I also have Steam but my gaming laptop is currently being fixed and the spare one I have kept hold of from college freaks out if I try to play any of the games so currently there's no Magika or Dota 2 in my life atm. :(

    Currently I am completely obsessing over Dragon Age 2, having completed Origins a few times. (Still have a way to go before I've fully finished them both though.) Completely taking advantage, of my summer holidays from uni, haven't been able to play my XBox much since I bought it back in February. So when I am not dying from exercise I can be found in my little sanctum of a room playing away!
  • CFL320
    CFL320 Posts: 5
    <---- full on nerd alert. Feel free to add me!! I have a Harry Potter tattoo.'s that bad. LOL
  • exile40
    exile40 Posts: 161 Member
    Can we see it ?
  • animelose2012
    Anime and manga nerd here! Also a big RPG gamer. Also earthbound is my greatest video game love!
  • dmcginnis89
    i'm a nerd...but i don't think we can be friends cause PS3 is better than xbox....
  • AndyRogan
    AndyRogan Posts: 195 Member
    I guess I'm a nerd, maybe more of a geek.

    Love comics, games, the usual stuff, work in computer industry so I automatically qualify :)
  • PhoenixStrikes
    PhoenixStrikes Posts: 587 Member
    Love this! Female nerd in need of encouragement! Add me guys!
  • PhoenixStrikes
    PhoenixStrikes Posts: 587 Member
    Me too! Half sleeve! Plus I have the LoTR crass in abbey road on my thigh! Nerd tattoos <3