

  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Well, I've finished with laundry and still haven't exercised. I'd better get to it before my husband gets home.

    I'm still tired from all the yard work I did yesterday but that is no excuse.

    So I am saying I'll report back in in 45 minutes or so.

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,894 Member
    Hello to all: Well I went to the dietician this morning after not having gone since before the surgery. I took some of my food diaries. She is concerned with the amount of protein I am getting each day especially since I am trying to heal from surgery. I have been averaging about 70-75 grams of protein per day. I knew I should be at least at 80 grams per day, preferably more but that has seemed really difficult for me. So today we talked about how I am going to get 30 grams of protein in per meal. She had some good ideas so here I go to see if I can do this. I see her again in two weeks. It seems like an awful lot to eat at one time and she wants me to cut out snacks and eat more at meals to get 30 grams per meal but when I put it in the calorie counter I was under my allotted calories so this might actually work.

    Good wishes to all. Healing angels to those who need them especially you Amanda, please take care. Sue in SD
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    I'm back after Leslie Sansone 3 fast miles and sweating like crazy but feel better for having gotten my exercise in.

    So let me encourage all of you to just get out there or in there or wherever and hop to it. Git r done girls!!!

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    We had a lovely walk to the pub and a nice sit and chat in the pub garden. Like being on a date!:blushing: :bigsmile: We so rarely go out in the evening so it was a nice change. I wore my skinny jeans and my reward necklace. :happy:

    I notice now in the mirror, that, if you ignore the saggy skin and the cellulite,:laugh: , the outline looks very like someone who works out! Amazing! Today I got a mailing from Sweaty Betty, (expensive workout clothes) and I just about see myself in them! At 63! Girls, it is never too late! And some of you are only in your fifties! Mere babies!:laugh: :flowerforyou:

    My DDIL loved the cherry red pram suit with hearts so I have ordered one for her. I had a bit of trouble with the website, so had to do it the old fashioned way - by phone.

    Katla - I didn't have a recipe for the salad, just threw together cooked beets, cooked brown rice and whatever salad and herbs I had available, celery, chillies, tomatoes, avocado, spring onions (scallions), garlic, cucumber, carrot, and herbs and salad stuff like arugula. I squeezed in some lemon juice, salt and pepper and chopped up an ounce of Brie. Feta would be good. Mixed it all up in a big bowl and forced it down!:laugh:

    My DS has invited us to the Grand Opening of the new brewery he is General Manager of. Big occasion with live music, food etc in September. It is DH'S day for football (soccer), so I will make my way over there in East London on my own and he can join us later. I hope my friend might go with me. It is the kind of thing I might not have gone to when I was fat, but I think I will give it a go now.

    Love to all. Thinking of those with troubles :heart:
    Heather UK
  • Rychina
    Rychina Posts: 15
    Hi there , I am a 54 year old mother of 4 who thought I was fit . i am a Guide /Sweep for a hiking festival , and after doing 148 km in 9 days I decided to join boot camp. I thought i was in great shape . I went to the first class and could not even do 1 push up , that was an eye opener . I have never been very big , but was starting to get the middle age spread , so I decided to do something about it . I joined a recognized fitness program , began faithfully working out and slowly began to see changes . I am now a coach for the company and continue to work out 5 days a week .. I may be aging , but I am fighting it all the way , i am in probably the best shape of my life :) Would love to connect with other women or men with the same mind set , Rychina
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Good afternoon ladies. Welcome to all the newbies and please come back often and tell us about yourself. I was up at 02:30 this morning. Thought after all the lawn mowing yesterday I would sleep like a baby. No such luck and it is my 12 hour day so will be tired (I hope) and able to sleep tonight. Well I did it. I weighed this moring and down 5.4 which makes my total loss 103. Happy Dance!!!! I was so surprised as figured it would take me acouple weeks to get there. God is good and he knows how hard I have been working.

    Meg- Glad you had a good doctor visit. I had my AC1 done last week and it was 5.8. Last fall it was 8 so happy about this.

    yanniejannie- Prayers to you and your friends. God doesn't promise another day so we have to make the best of each one. Losing a child is one of the hardest things. My son has been gone 14 years and some days it feels like just yesterday and there are times I think he will walk in the door. Since Gary passed I have made a point of telling my family I love them everytime I talk to them. At first it felt strange as never was a touchy feeling person, my parents growing up did not hug us alot.

    Pat-I haven't found the 12 step program for computer games. That is why I put it as a goal this month also. I am doing better, but still want to cut it down. Good thing about this group I go here first and when I am done reading and posting I can talk myself into doing something else as everyone on here is so active.

    melanie- my pedometer just goes in my pocket. It resets itself every midnite and tracks calories used. My DH got it for me at WalMart for around $22. So I just put it in my pocket and ready for the day. Then I have a chart I keep track of my steps and fill that in everynight before bed.

    CritterSue- Sorry to hear Ryder is not well. We lost our Sassy not that long ago. She was almost 16 years old. They are like our kids and love us all the time.

    Joyce- Love your postive thoughts.

    Amanda-Sorry to hear you are having so much pain. Six weeks is a long time to waite for surgery when you are having so much pain. Can they give you a band to wear that will help relieve the pressure some? Saying a prayer for you.

    grandmallie- Take care of yourself.

    Cindy- Sounds to melike God is taking care of you with the lawn mower. God such good work.

    Judy- Keep coming back this group keeps me going!!

    Jane-no question is silly, I ask things all the time. I wear my pedometer alday. I beleive it only counts when I am moving.

    Well have a good evening and stay safe and log every bite.

    Blessed! Vicki GI NE
  • salmon0
    salmon0 Posts: 7 Member
    Hello again ladies,

    Has anyone ever mentioned that you are all the best medicine? I have been catching up on the post and you have made me laugh :laugh: and cry and best of all helped me to ignore my evil companion. :devil:

    Welcome to all the new ladies glad to hear from you, please let us know where you’re from.

    -Cindy your advice re-places for the pedometer, I must say, is one I have never thought of even though I have used one for many years. :blushing: I was laughing so loud that they could probably hear me 2 streets away. :laugh:

    -Critter Sue glad to hear both you and Ryder are having a reasonably good day. Your mid-life crisis and your lunch sound wonderfully healthy.

    -Janemartin02, Re-the pedometer, like Barbie I wear it all the time also Cindy’s suggestion of where it can be worn is a great idea. I actually have 2, one I wear all day and the other only when I power walk it tracks my steps/mileage/and calories burnt.

    -Cityjanelondo congrats on the skinny jeans :drinker:

    I just got some organic garlic in the mail today from my niece who lives in Quebec which makes my day. :bigsmile:
    I will be roasting and storing in olive oil, yummy. Also makes me smile to think that it was delivered by Canada post. :laugh:

    Need to get on with the food diary and making lunch/dinner
    Good thought to all.

    Sonja in Big Sky Country - Northern Alberta
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Just a moment to pop in and say Hi:flowerforyou:

    Son #1 & DIL came home last night from Europe and it sounds like their vacation was wonderful. We stayed up til after midnight hearing about their trip. Little Dora was beside herself when they came in the door and they were so glad to see her. Those fur babies sure do make you feel so wanted.

    Work continues to plague me. Today the boss and I has to put together a report for a job and figure out the Use Tax due. We pay so many taxes that it's a wonder we ever make any money.

    Hoping everyone is doing well and attacking those pounds.

    Have a great evening.

    Laura80111 in colorado.:smile:
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    :drinker: Vicki congradulations on reaching 103 quite the accomplishment, you rock girl!:flowerforyou:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    yea VICKY!!!!
    well I survived the day,my heel is sore, but nothing like yesterday.I have 15,353 steps on my pedometer,so thats what I counted,sorta.
    but I am miffed my fit bit flex isn't syncing to my computer.. the last sync was at 6 something this morning. I know it' working because it buzzed me after it hit 10,000 steps, but I for the life of me cant figure out why it isnt working..
    had a couple of laughs at work today.. my boss is so funny.
    1 was sort of a NSV- all of you know how dental chairs are well when there is a patient in it leaning down, we have a cart that is behind it with all the stuff we need, when I was alot larger, each one of us would have to move through that space, well we both moved through at the same time..
    and he said Alison you know? i gave him a big smile and said yea I know, we can both fit now:laugh:
    then I was having my lunch, I brought zesty lemon hummus, and cut up veggies and a few low fat triscuits.
    the boss says that it was a disgustingly healthy lunch, he said there are heallthy lunchs,,fun healthy lunches, but mine took the cake for to healthy .. I was just chucking to myself,about how much I have changed eating habits in the past 6 months..
    goes to show ya :bigsmile: persistance and percaveriance truly work...
    and thank you Katla for the vote of confidence xxoxoxo
  • cpattyson63
    cpattyson63 Posts: 7 Member
    Coming up on 50 this month. Seems unreal cause I really don't feel like 50 inside. lol...Joined my fitness pal a few months ago when I heard about it. Working towards bariactric surgery end of August. I have been overweight since I was 19 and had my first son. Dieted and gained it back many times. Finally just quit dieting in fear of getting any bigger but my bipolar meds fixed that for me and my thyroid. So got huge for my height. I have lost 24 lb on my own so far without the surgery. Kind of excited about it cause I will be able to wear small clothes again and there is a better selection at goodwill or thrift stores in reg sizes. You all know how that is I am sure. Anyway just wanted to say hi to everyone. My name is Cindi
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Bump to mark my place.:smile:
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi to all my vitamin F pals. It was weigh in day today and I was down 1.4 pounds. Hooray! I got 7 hours of exercise in last week, so I thought I deserved a loss! You know I was thinking about how slowly I am losing and then it dawned on me….I have been living a healthy lifestyle now for a whole year. I have fallen off the wagon at times, but got right back on, so those little adventures were the exception, not the rule. I am so proud of this accomplishment and wanted to share it with you. When you are down or discouraged, look at the bigger picture. Look at how you are changing your life and the occasional lapses are just blips in the road! Congratulations to all!!!

    Well I did my 20 minute Better Body workout by Bowflex and yoga today. Still can’t do the downward facing dog and those kind of poses…I just can’t hold myself up. But I keep trying!

    CritterSue: my prayers and good wishes for Ryder. You are a kind soul to care for him. I would charge extra for nekkid roomies LOL

    Yanniejannie: so sorry about your loss! You are so right about the fleeting nature of life.

    Pat: what a talented friend and young girl from Japan! I have never eaten lamb except at mediterranean or Indian restaurants, so I don’t know what chops are like.

    Vicki: the part of Omaha where I work got absolutely drenched in rain but in Papillion we got only a few drops! Storms here tonight too. WOW that A1C is great! I hope mine is ok since I am only pre-diabetic! Don’t want to go to the “dark side” LOL

    Excel: welcome. You have come to the right place!

    Gail: great job on all those steps!

    Rhonda: glad you had another successful day!

    Jb: I just found out that work has a community garden where I can go pick some kale and try it again. Who knew?

    Barbie: you have found a great lifestyle that really works for you.

    Michele: I’m like you…other than the occasional checkup, I won’t go to the doc unless I’m coughing up a lung, or in case of sinus infections since they have landed me in the hospital a couple of times.

    Mel: I put my pedometer on my waistband and don’t care who sees it or how it looks LOL. A lot of people put it in their bras.

    Joyce: I think you are so right about the teaching as being a huge part of our job.

    Katla: so glad the little doggy is feeling better! A little insulin goes a long way on dogs!

    Amanda: you are not mean at all. Caring for any family member is stressful and exhausting. Everyone needs a break! You are so kind to care so much for your dad and work hard to get the best for him. Now it’s time to take care of YOU!!!

    Grandmallie: great news on the inches gone!

    Heather: thanks for the explanation….the one you saw sounds very cute! Dang that downward facing dog. I admire anyone who can actually do yoga. I’m quite the mess at it.

    DeeDee: I know what you mean. I have one swollen elbow and two creaky knees. And we thought activity was supposed to make us feel better!

    Cindy: omgosh I’m glad you weren’t really hurt. Pedometers in panties? Not me…I have dropped several pagers into toilets. I know that’s exactly where it would go LOL

    Lynn welcome and come back often

    Darla: nice to see you

    Judy: welcome to you too!

    Tina: welcome aboard. Is that a french horn? My dad played one in the Houston symphony and now as he is getting older and delirious (not dementia…his short term memory is grand)….it was amazingly made of solid gold LOL. Actually he's not older...he's old at 88! I do love the sound of that instrument.

    Genealace: I used to tat when I was in high school but I bet I wouldn’t recognize the front end of the shuttle from the back now!

    Robin: good job getting all those steps in!

    Anamika: good job with all you are doing to be healthy! An hour of yoga? I can only manage 20 minutes doing it very badly!

    Jane: I keep mine on in the car. Mine won’t record anything there, but maybe some that are really sensitive might record some bumps. I do take it off to bike. It doesn’t record there either and I don’t want to lose it.

    Sonja: hope you are feeling better soon. Give that Mr. Lupus a kick in the a**!

    Sue: good job for going to the dietician. Be sure to get all that protein!

    Heather: Oh, I NEED some clothes called sweaty betties! I will have to look them up!

    Rychina: welcome aboard!

    Laura: so glad everyone is home safe and sound!

    CPatty: welcome to you too.

    Well I hear that dinner is ready…black bean and corn tacos. Kinda high in calories, but healthy and full of fiber! Off I go! Take care all, Meg from stormy looking Omaha!
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Sue in SD – I had that problem after my heart surgery and DH got me some of the protein shakes until I was up to eating more. I also do egg white omelettes in the morning and they are pretty high in lean protein.

    Grandmallie – my fitbit wasn’t syncing right either.

    Left work at 7p, s-t-a-r-v-i-n-g hungry again, so came home and will walk in a bit. It is terribly humid out there, but I've got to go do it!

    Gail, metro ATL
  • etak17
    etak17 Posts: 71 Member
    Hi All!
    I've been reading all the posts but not going to try to respond to all.

    I'm having a lot of trouble getting back to my running (C25K). Haven't done it since last Tues. Every morning I talk myself into needing more sleep and I reset the alarm. Today I didn't make it to work at all! At least my eating is under control.

    Last night I went batsh!t crazy - a little bit on my kids (23 and 25 yo) but mostly on my husband - yes, I was angry, but my response
    was WAY beyond the pale. Went to check the side effects of a med my doctor just upped the dose on - had to dig a little, but found that rage/hostility was reported by 2% of users! (and this is a medication for anxiety, mind you!) Thankfully, my husband and kids accepted my apology, and I'm not taking that dosage again! (I see the doc tomorrow.)
    [this is my first attempt at posting a picture of me - hope I look good!] Edited - not working - drats!

    Vicki . . . congrats on 103 lbs lost! Wow!!

    Sue in SD . . . one thing MFP helped me realize is that I don't get much protein. I eat very little meat (especially red meat) and don't make up for it enough with other foods. Now my go-to for easy low cal protein is deli turkey or chicken (e.g., Boar's Head). I still don't always get to the protein amount I've set for myself (81g) but I'm doing better than I used to. What are you planning to eat to get 30g/meal?

    Grandmallie . . . love your work NSV!

    Katla . . . mmmmm... blackberries - love 'em. What are kuchen cupcakes?

    Heather . . . general manager of a brewery! Wish my son could get a job like that! He's had jobs where he's brought home cheese, chocolate and pastries (all extremely detrimental to my eating right) but is currently unemployed.

    Meg . . . one year of healthy living - that really is something to be proud of!

    Those of you who in pain, physical and emotional, or are stuggling . . . my thoughts are with you.

    To all of you . . . your posts are so encouraging, amusing and helpful - thank you! :flowerforyou:

    Kate in Brooklyn, NY
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Good evening lovely ladies

    Just wanted to pop in and say hi before bed

    Vicki - doing the happy dance for you. woohooo time to book the pedicure :happy:

    Grandmallie - congratulations on your successes!! I'm so happy for you. :happy: Have you tried manually syncing your fitbit? Sometimes I have to go to the fitbit connect and sync. When I registered and downloaded the program it put an icon on my desktop so I could sync.

    Meg - woohooo what a great loss this week. A year? wow that's so awesome. Come to think of it, I've been at it for just over 7 months.

    My DD made the skinnytaste pulled pork tonight in the slow cooker. It was so delicious and easy to make. It's her turn to cook this week. We trade off every other week, whoever doesn't cook does the dishes. Today was a great day, I had booked the day off and got in a really good walk today. Nowhere near as many steps as some of you but I made my goal of 5,000.

    I'm heading off to bed early tonight so that I can be up bright & early for my walk before work. Have a great night.

    :heart: Sandy from Ontario
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Thanks for all the responses about the pedometer.Was hoping for more steps,but spent 3+ hours in the car.
    Tomoorw should b better,hoping to get 10,000
    Have a good night.
  • etak17
    etak17 Posts: 71 Member
    Don't have the "edit" option any more, but I'm determined (to try at least one more time) to post the pic of me from last night! Here goes:
    No, I didn't, I swear!!! Okay, one more time...
    Success is mine!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Jane I have been known that when we are stuck in traffic that I turn my Pandora on my 80's cardio and act crazy. My legs can't get very high but I do get them moving and of course I do a good amount of upper body cardio. My husband doesn't know what to do with me and as far as any cars sitting in traffic next to me, well they can just join in!!!!

  • melfitnesspal13
    melfitnesspal13 Posts: 377 Member
    Jane I have been known that when we are stuck in traffic that I turn my Pandora on my 80's cardio and act crazy. My legs can't get very high but I do get them moving and of course I do a good amount of upper body cardio. My husband doesn't know what to do with me and as far as any cars sitting in traffic next to me, well they can just join in!!!!


    This is so funny! I am sure many of us do this secretly...I know I do. I am going to start using the pedometer tomorrow and won't forget to put in on so it can record my dancing in the car!...