You know you're on MyFitnessPal for too long when...



  • glynda66
    glynda66 Posts: 184 Member
    When the 1st thought that pops in your mind when you meet new people in real life "Bang, kiss, lick, bite hug, just friends, pass"

  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    When you have logged for a 1000 days and you have some friends that have even more

    When you instantly know this poster hasn't actually logged in for 1,000 days because you've been here longer, haven't missed a day, and are only at 715 :wink:

    When you take lengthy breaks from the main forum because it annoys you.

    When you have people who dislike you for whatever reason.

    When you can take a break from logging your food for two weeks and not gain weight because you have a good idea of portion sizes/calories.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    *You know why it is truly funny that 1 lb of paper weighs more than 1 lb of feathers because it is harder to carry
    *Late nights on the boards used to be unmoderated, especially on the weekends
    *You remember a time before any other sites or services were linked to this one
    *You remember when Steven was the new mod and you used to send issues directly to Mike
    *Even the new people on your friend list are mostly reincarnations of users that have been on this site for years....
  • PepperWorm
    PepperWorm Posts: 1,206
    You no longer give positive reinforcement (or any) for cleaning, shopping, food prep, gardening, ride mowing, etc if it shows up on your news feed.
  • When you look up a restaurant's menu beforehand and log in what you're going to eat before you even get there.

    guilty! Daily!

    Yup did this today lol
  • Skeebee
    Skeebee Posts: 740 Member get upset that you are only on day 570 of consecutive logins and haven't hit 1000 yet because you want to "level up" plan your friday night dinner dates around what foods you can find in the MFP database "Bobby's Pizza Joint? Local fav? go...."
    ...if you forget to track your water for the day, you go apesh**.... balance your calories more than your checkbook :embarassed:
  • Melissa26point2
    Melissa26point2 Posts: 177 Member
    when you feel damn proud for pre logging food for the next 2 days
  • Melissa26point2
    Melissa26point2 Posts: 177 Member
    You no longer give positive reinforcement (or any) for cleaning, shopping, food prep, gardening, ride mowing, etc if it shows up on your news feed.

  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    *You know why it is truly funny that 1 lb of paper weighs more than 1 lb of feathers because it is harder to carry
    *Late nights on the boards used to be unmoderated, especially on the weekends
    *You remember a time before any other sites or services were linked to this one
    *You remember when Steven was the new mod and you used to send issues directly to Mike
    *Even the new people on your friend list are mostly reincarnations of users that have been on this site for years....

    AHAHAHA, it was a box of paper, wasn't it? A 10-pound box of paper? Ah, good times.
  • Violetta86
    Violetta86 Posts: 150 Member
    LOL I love true!
  • JanaCanada
    JanaCanada Posts: 917 Member
    ...when you dig boxes and wrappers out of the recycling bin to get the correct spelling of the item and/or the calorie count off the nutrition label so you can log it precisely. :laugh:
  • LassoOfTruth
    LassoOfTruth Posts: 735 Member
    when your significant other made dinner and either saved the bar codes so you can scan them, or weighed out the meat so you can input it properly.
  • KristyAnn81
    KristyAnn81 Posts: 128 Member
    ... you've worn a heart rate monitor to shovel snow or mow the lawn
    ... you've Googled "how to cut a pizza in sixes"
    ... you've checked the exercise database to see if you can add your amorous activities
    ... you've considered wearing a heart rate monitor during said activities
    ... you've taken apart a sandwich so you can weigh the components separately

  • FeleciaMiller
    FeleciaMiller Posts: 68 Member
    When you can accurately predict the contents of a thread just by reading the (same old, tired, repetitive) thread title.

    "WHAT AM I DOING WRONG?!!?" -Poster probably hasn't lost weight for 3.5 days and is freaking out. If it's an actual weight loss stall, most likely is either overeating and/or underexercising - but will be shocked and offended if you happen to mention this. They will probably report you and you will get banned for trying to be helpful.

    "ALWAYS SO HUNGRY" -Poster is eating 400-800 calories a day or some other ludicrous amount and/or isn't eating exercise calories back and/or has set some insane goal.

    "HOW DOES MY ROUTINE LOOK" -Poster has concocted a random workout routine that is comprised of bicep curls with milk jugs, crunches, bikram yoga and zumba. And invariably calls it strength training.

    "CAN'T EAT XXXX CALORIES" -Poster got 150lbs overweight but then suddenly can't figure out how to eat 1200 calories a day. I assume most of these posts are humblebragging about their dedication and/or (even worse) are pro-ana people.

    "IS EATING 0-1000 CALORIES A DAY OKAY??!?" -Poster knows it's not okay or they wouldn't be asking. Yet they are guaranteed to be defensive and often offended when everyone answers their plain question in a truthful manner.

    "I FEEL LIKE GIVING UP" -Poster is a thinly veiled attention *kitten*. If you were going to give up, you'd just give up. If you were going to keep kicking *kitten*, you'd keep on kicking *kitten*. If you make a thread like this, you are simply throwing a pity party for yourself. Oh, woe is me.

    "HELP, GAINED <small amount of weight> FROM BINGE" -Poster invariably ate a bunch of carbs and/or salty food and thinks they have magically gained 5lbs of fat overnight. Responses will generally prod the user to weigh in less often, despite the fact that weighing every day would accustom the average person to the daily weight fluctuations that effect everyone.

    "HOW MUCH DOES IT LOOK LIKE I WEIGH" -Poster is a teenage attention *kitten*.

    "EVERYBODY HERE IS SO MEAN" -Poster has been on the internet for two whole weeks and is highly offended by all of the helpful posters that will correct people spouting myths and misinformation. Poster just wants support for their 400 calorie a day intake while performing the master cleanse and the military diet reboot. If poster were to venture outside of MFP to any other part of the internet, they would probably die from shock.

    "BITE/SUCK/LICK/MARRY/BANG/FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS OR MURDER" -Poster is a complete idiot and should be removed from the gene pool immediately.

    You can also accurately predict details about the poster by the contents of their posts. You can discern gender, age, level of experience, intelligence, everything. Just simply looking at someone's join date, number of posts and avatar you already know 90% of what you need to know about them. Hell, you can smell a beachbody "coach" or a Visalus or Herbalife or whatever salesperson, from a mile away.

  • melb_alex
    melb_alex Posts: 1,154 Member
    When the 1st thought that pops in your mind when you meet new people in real life "Bang, kiss, lick, bite hug, just friends, pass"

    hhaha this is by far the best one! I am only 3-4 months in so I look forward to this! ;)
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    When you wonder if your dog should eat back his exercise calories after he runs with you. :wink:
  • okcat4
    okcat4 Posts: 224 Member
    (Double face palm) Guilty as charged!
  • ditsy
    ditsy Posts: 27
    When you start having discussions with yourself on your own profile.
  • Purpleflipflops
    Purpleflipflops Posts: 563 Member
    ...when you dig boxes and wrappers out of the recycling bin to get the correct spelling of the item and/or the calorie count off the nutrition label so you can log it precisely. :laugh:
    Or you forget your phone at home so you're forced to carry around a bunch of wrappers until the end of the day...
  • bellesouth18
    bellesouth18 Posts: 1,071 Member
    When you get SO MAD that your significant other took a bite of your pre-measured and weighed food!

    Yes! And when the above is grounds for divorce for cruel and unusual punishment!