lets discuss that friend who eats whatever they want..



  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    I dont have such friends anymore...

    They used to get me really mad so I would take long walks deep in the woods - cardio was great becuase I was also dragging a body...


  • Stacenglish
    Stacenglish Posts: 21 Member
    I have a very good friend like that, she is beautiful, the nicest person, and can eat most men under the table. She does go to the gym and she does lift. She is one of those girls who put on muscle very easily. She won't work her chest hard because she hasn't got much on top and when she does, she has nothing. I'm envious of her, not because she can eat so much, but because it's so easy for her to build muscle. Even when I was thin, I just wasn't genetically blessed to be able to build muscle like she is. Yeah, I'm a little green but I love her to death!
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    I am now that friend ... but my friends now I'm busy and active all day long. Typically clock 20,000+ steps a day, plus lifting. I get to eat all day long, and usually wind up having to find things to eat to hit my goals at the end of the day.
  • Pangea250
    Pangea250 Posts: 965 Member
    I was that friend for most of my life. Clearly, I am not any more.
  • walleyclan1
    walleyclan1 Posts: 2,784 Member
    I have a friend that has had 3 kids (gaining 40+ lb with each pregnancy). She has zero stretch marks and is a 0-00. She does no exercise and eats starches, fruit, and dessert (with a little bit of protein) and drinks lots of soda. I use to envy her body but she is not very strong or athletic and I decided I would rather be strong than skinny.
  • moonshine_betty
    moonshine_betty Posts: 169 Member
    Even though I used to be 40% body fat, I have apparently become "that friend" to a number of people. I post pictures of my Pop-tart ice cream sandwiches, pretzel double cheeseburgers, and waffle chicken tenders to Facebook all the time.

    People also notice on FB that I'm lean and in great shape. Many of them have apparently decided I can "eat whatever I want" and stay thin. Go figure. I even have FB friends that are working hard and losing weight but are still convinced that bowl of ice cream will make them fat, even if they have 1000 calories left before they hit that day's calorie goal.

    Moral of the story: "that friend" doesn't exist.

    This. Unless you're with that skinny friend 24/7 and see them eat like a pig every minute of the day, you can't conclude that they are able to eat whatever they want and stay skinny. I've known several people over the years who seemed that way but on closer inspection, they each turned out to be either eating way fewer calories than you'd think or really active.

    I worked with one skinny girl who only ever ate candy and chocolate...until I realized that she didn't eat real meals and even though she only ate junk, she ate small amounts of it. Same for my sister who would only ever eat pizza, burgers, gummy bears and other junk; turned out she just didn't eat much of the stuff and barely anything else. My boyfriend is skinny and if you saw him consume his 7 pizza slices washed down with 3 beers you'd think he was one of those lucky folks with a raging metabolism. Well, he eats like that maybe once a week and the rest of the time he eats only once a day.

    So yeah, you never know. And the few who ARE eating junk all the time and never gain any weight must just have a really high TDEE but you can bet if they exceeded that, they'd be gaining weight just like the rest of us.
  • rosemaryhon
    rosemaryhon Posts: 507 Member
    My husband and my best friend are both seeming natural slender. And claim they can eat whatever they want and not gain. And they both do have hearty appetites. But when I take a close look at their eating habits I notice things like: they just love salad and don't consider it a meal without one. They also both prefer oil & vinegar type dressings to the creamy ones I favor, neither use mayonnaise, both often say "no thanks" to cheese, they prefer their dinner rolls without butter (or often say "no thanks" to the roll altogether). They're not the types to drown foods in gravy & sauces (eg, my husband turns his nose up at broccoli with cheese, he prefers his with a drizzle of olive oil. He prefers his meat without gravy or maybe just a spoonful). They'll just as likely want a scoop of sherbert or Italian Ice as opposed to ice cream. They also both love simple cakes, like coffee or pound cake, rather than one's that are heavily iced. Also I've noticed a lot less 'picking' and noshing. After dinner my husband enjoys a bit of dessert, but he never is looking for chips (and moreso never looking for creamy dips). He also is known to 'pig out' on fruit ;)

    I think it boils down to their natural eating style is less fattening.
  • sitesh19
    sitesh19 Posts: 11
    i have a friend (who is a year younger than me) and whenever we hangout he eats twice of what i do and is still in perfect shape. not to mention he is lazier than i am, it makes me so mad.....
  • Mslmesq
    Mslmesq Posts: 1,000 Member
    My husband is very thin and eats an extreme amnt of food and drinks a lot of beer. Also, he doesn't exercise formally, although now i drag him around to active activities. Interesting though, we both wear pedometers and i will jump on an elliptical for 30 minutes and do my normal daily activities, and he will come home with more pedometer points than me. Meaning the man cannot stay still! So, that is part of it. Many naturally thin people are also naturally active or 'jittery'.

    Also, to completely ignore genetics in all of this is to ignore a fact of life. I'm naturally thin by genetics, but I will put on weight if I start drinking too much wine. My body doesn't process red wine well no matter how much i love it. And it's not just the calories for me of the wine, it is more. And it's also not eating more when i'm drinking wine, cause i don't have a tendency to do that at all.
  • moonshine_betty
    moonshine_betty Posts: 169 Member
    Actually, I do have a friend that is tall and thin, never exercises and coke is (or at least was) a staple in her diet.... she is super skinny and she eats like a teenage athletic boy!

    But I still :heart: her 'cause she is effing awesome!

    Ha ha...at first reading I thought you meant "coke" as in "cocaine" and thought to myself "well, no wonder she's super skinny." Took me a second to realize you meant the drink....I hope?!
  • lq022
    lq022 Posts: 232 Member
    My friend that was able to eat whatever she wanted and never gained a pound ... isnt that friend anymore! Since we've hit 21, all the beer, nachos, tacos, pizza catches up with ALL of us. My friend was able to eat an entire pizza in highschool, while at the beach in a bikini, and then able to go to taco bell and get like 5 things off the menu ... and still be SO skinny. That has since stopped since now that we drink and pig out when we're drunk .. but she still really only gained the weight in her boobs and *kitten* ... which still made her the hottest one out of all of us haha .. BUT she figured out that she doesnt have that metabolism anymore, and now if she eats like that, it shows.
  • futuresize8
    futuresize8 Posts: 476 Member
    I agree that the metabolic differences between people varies so greatly. So very, very greatly.

    At the same time, I've had two female friends in my life who appeared to eat what-ev-ah and stil appear super thin and healthy.

    It was later revealed to me (one through her husband who called her out, and the other who simply confessed) that they really only ate one meal a day and really restricted the other two meals.

    I do not know why this made me feel better somehow!
  • lq022
    lq022 Posts: 232 Member
    and he will come home with more pedometer points than me. Meaning the man cannot stay still! So, that is part of it. Many naturally thin people are also naturally active or 'jittery'.

    I've noticed that too! I have an uncle who is tall and relatively thin ... but he doesnt "work out" officially .. but the man is always moving! Maybe they're on to something lol
  • scarrletti_girl
    scarrletti_girl Posts: 479 Member
    yeah well I have a few friends that just eat whatever they want gross unhealthy fattening food all day everyday, one hardly moves and only gained 10lbs in a couple months and still looks skinny, the other one eats whatever and moves some but still doesn't exercise and only gained a few pounds over a few years and still is skinny, and the last one had a baby ate everything and gained very little during pregnancy and then after the baby it only took her a little while to lose the weight and to actually be a little skinnier then before and she still eats like no other but she does work her butt off, but still I am incredibly jealous of all three of them, I used to be like them too, but things happened, but whatever I am trying to be a healthy skinny me again, soon they will be jealous of me! lol :smile:
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    Actually, I do have a friend that is tall and thin, never exercises and coke is (or at least was) a staple in her diet.... she is super skinny and she eats like a teenage athletic boy!

    But I still :heart: her 'cause she is effing awesome!

    Ha ha...at first reading I thought you meant "coke" as in "cocaine" and thought to myself "well, no wonder she's super skinny." Took me a second to realize you meant the drink....I hope?!

    Haha... yes, I did mean cola.
  • Don't have a friend like that. I do have a friend who eats whatever she wants, but she pays the price for it. Seriously pays the price. My uncle has a pretty high metabolism, though. I've seen him devour two fully-loaded cheeseburgers and half an apple pie in one sitting!
  • missbp
    missbp Posts: 601 Member
    I dont have friends.

    No friends, but amazing abs! Wow!!!

  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I'm that guy...

    ...or at least I was.

    Incredibly active, and still fidgety when not active...frequent fasts (skip/forget a meal) then make up for it later...

    I still have a no-exercise maintenance of ~2500 daily calories, so guess I'm still somewhat "that guy".
  • cparter
    cparter Posts: 754 Member
    It may suffice for now but eventually life catches you.
  • Cre8veLifeR
    Cre8veLifeR Posts: 1,062 Member
    One of my really good friends is like this, but I feel sorry for her! She's a bean pole and can never gain weight. She hates it because people either A. make a comment about how thin she is and *assume* she has an eating problem, or B. when she eats comment on how can she eat like that and be so skinny. She's very self-conscious about her weight...or lack thereof.