Should E-cigs be banned?



  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    I think they should make e- cigarettes the only thing available for smokers. It's less toxic and don't have to worry about second hand smoke and cancer and all the other bad stuff that smoking regular cigarettes cause.

    Thank you for looking out for us smokers. NOT. We dont need another nanny state law. Its funny to watch people who dont smoke not caring if smokers continue to have the right to do so. I hope some day soon that the government starts to take something from you that you like. I hope its a law that we can all jump on but the people that really want to do it. Then maybe you will realize that the government shouldnt interfere with our personal lives. Until people like you and others realize that, you will eventually lose something you like and I dont want to hear any crying from you when it happens.

    i love that the government continues to take away your smoker "rights". i dont want to smell that junk. it will be nice when the day comes that the only place you can smoke is in your home. :)
  • brixtonbanner
    brixtonbanner Posts: 71 Member

    Well I do explain it all to my kids and hope they won't smoke, but I see what you mean, you can't exactly shield them from all the things you might want to! But it certainly makes it more difficult for a parent to teach their kids things they shouldnt be doing when they see adults all over doing it.

    I can now sympathise with my mum
    when I grew up in the sixties every Movie / TV hero smoked
    Nowadays it's only the "baddies" that smoke
  • calibriintx
    calibriintx Posts: 1,741 Member
    I wish I had thought of E-Cigs. It's one of the greatest marketing hoaxes perpetrated against the gullible.

    Save your money and suck your thumb.
    I don't see what you are basing that on. It advertises that you will get nicotine in your system and that is what it does. As a nonsmoker they seem great because I don't have to be affected by the smoke. It seems like a win win to me.

    That's exactly the rationalization that makes me wish I had come up with the idea. I'm thinking of inventing the E-Pizza for weight loss.
    You're still not making sense? Can you take another stab at this please? Are you saying that the e-cig does not give the smoker any nicotine? If so what is your source for such a claim because I haven't found anything to support your position. It isn't really my job to support your claim so I was hoping you would do it.

    If you are just talking out your *kitten* that is fine too just say so and I will disregard what you are saying all together.

    I thought I was fairly clear. I think it is ridiculous. I don't smoke cigarettes, but I do enjoy a cigar with my friends. I like the taste, the smell and the ritual that goes with trimming, lighting and enjoying a cigar. An E-cigar would not be able to replace that. If people take offense to my smoking, I won't do it. When I am in my backyard, with my buddies, then those that take offense can leave.
    I wasn't talking out my *kitten*. I was stating my opinion and my opinion is that E-Cigs are very profitable and very unneccessary. They are marketed just as cigarettes were. It's cool.

    Has it occurred to you that people who vape might like the smell and the ritual that goes with priming a cartomizer, filling a tank, and enjoying a vape? Why is that any more ridiculous than you and your buddies enjoying cigars?
  • soldier4242
    soldier4242 Posts: 1,368 Member
    I wish I had thought of E-Cigs. It's one of the greatest marketing hoaxes perpetrated against the gullible.

    Save your money and suck your thumb.
    I don't see what you are basing that on. It advertises that you will get nicotine in your system and that is what it does. As a nonsmoker they seem great because I don't have to be affected by the smoke. It seems like a win win to me.

    That's exactly the rationalization that makes me wish I had come up with the idea. I'm thinking of inventing the E-Pizza for weight loss.
    You're still not making sense? Can you take another stab at this please? Are you saying that the e-cig does not give the smoker any nicotine? If so what is your source for such a claim because I haven't found anything to support your position. It isn't really my job to support your claim so I was hoping you would do it.

    If you are just talking out your *kitten* that is fine too just say so and I will disregard what you are saying all together.

    I thought I was fairly clear. I think it is ridiculous. I don't smoke cigarettes, but I do enjoy a cigar with my friends. I like the taste, the smell and the ritual that goes with trimming, lighting and enjoying a cigar. An E-cigar would not be able to replace that. If people take offense to my smoking, I won't do it. When I am in my backyard, with my buddies, then those that take offense can leave.
    I wasn't talking out my *kitten*. I was stating my opinion and my opinion is that E-Cigs are very profitable and very unneccessary. They are marketed just as cigarettes were. It's cool.
    You stated that it was a "marketing hoax perpetuated against the gullible" for me that statement is something that can be checked and verified. It isn't simply an opinion. The only way it could be true is if it does not do what it is advertised to do. In that case it would be offering you something that it is not providing and then it would be a "marketing hoax perpetuated against the gullible."

    It sounds to me like you are saying you would miss the charm of smoking a real cigar if you had an electronic cigar. That is a fine opinion and one that makes sense but it does not support your original claim. Your criticism of the aesthetics lost in smoking a synthetic cigar are a valid justification why you would not go with that option but that does not make an e-cig a hoax. Neither does the fact that the idea is profitable.

    As for them being unnecessary well that may be true but so are real cigars and whiskey and soda and may other things that people enjoy. I think your judgements are harsh and over reaching even though there is a sentiment behind your reasons for saying them which I can understand.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,793 Member
    I wish I had thought of E-Cigs. It's one of the greatest marketing hoaxes perpetrated against the gullible.

    Save your money and suck your thumb.
    I don't see what you are basing that on. It advertises that you will get nicotine in your system and that is what it does. As a nonsmoker they seem great because I don't have to be affected by the smoke. It seems like a win win to me.

    That's exactly the rationalization that makes me wish I had come up with the idea. I'm thinking of inventing the E-Pizza for weight loss.
    You're still not making sense? Can you take another stab at this please? Are you saying that the e-cig does not give the smoker any nicotine? If so what is your source for such a claim because I haven't found anything to support your position. It isn't really my job to support your claim so I was hoping you would do it.

    If you are just talking out your *kitten* that is fine too just say so and I will disregard what you are saying all together.

    I thought I was fairly clear. I think it is ridiculous. I don't smoke cigarettes, but I do enjoy a cigar with my friends. I like the taste, the smell and the ritual that goes with trimming, lighting and enjoying a cigar. An E-cigar would not be able to replace that. If people take offense to my smoking, I won't do it. When I am in my backyard, with my buddies, then those that take offense can leave.
    I wasn't talking out my *kitten*. I was stating my opinion and my opinion is that E-Cigs are very profitable and very unneccessary. They are marketed just as cigarettes were. It's cool.

    Has it occurred to you that people who vape might like the smell and the ritual that goes with priming a cartomizer, filling a tank, and enjoying a vape? Why is that any more ridiculous than you and your buddies enjoying cigars?

    I don't care if you vape or whatever you call it. It's your privilege and I wouldn't dream of taking it away from you. As a matter of fact, I would side with you if the government tried to take it away from you. I was only stating my opinion.
  • kellyskitties
    kellyskitties Posts: 475 Member
    if just a mild smell coming off of it and its not carcinogenic then i dont see a problem with it. its probably less offensive than a lot of perfume older ladies wear.

    do older ladies choose pungent perfumes because their sense of smell is decreasing?

    Hey. I'm old. I don't like perfume either.

    I don't think it's an age thing. Some young people wear too much, too.

    OP, does the eCig cast off an aroma? If it does, then I'd be all for banning them in buildings. Some smells trigger migraines for me. Smokers can smoke their eCigs outside.

    The one he bought does give off an aroma...pineapple upside down cake, but how is it any more offensive then some perfumes or fragrances.

    We spray febreeze all over the place here in the hospital, and it makes me sick.

    The problem as I see it is that if you are in a restaurant and three people next to are smoking the eCig, that aroma would be pervasive. Remember the herbal cigarettes? I don't remember what they were made from, but that smell was pukable.

    I'm with you on the Febreeze. The should ban that too. :tongue:

    Well if it's a smell issue possibly...EU is actually in the process or may has completed in banning essential ingredients for perfume making due to allergens, so I guess this shouldnt surprise me.

    I just think it's a shame to prevent people from quitting. Right now the advantage to e-cigs is you can smoke them anywhere besides France.

    Whoa. Hold Up Now!

    It wouldn't "prevent people from quitting". They only address a physical "habit" - nothing chemical. If someone is quitting, they don't need the thing. Just use a pencil. ForPeteSake. You don't need a crutch to quit smoking.

    Many of them do have nicotine - in step down doses like the gum does. They just don't have the additives that cigarette companies can add and not list on their labels (some of which boost the nicotine). The vapor is not known to be harmful - but full testing has never been done to my knowledge.

    I'm not for banning them - at least not in the near future in most places. Maybe in small enclosed areas only? I've sat right next to a man in a breakroom smoking a peach one and could barely smell it. Helped him quit.
  • soldier4242
    soldier4242 Posts: 1,368 Member
    I wish I had thought of E-Cigs. It's one of the greatest marketing hoaxes perpetrated against the gullible.

    Save your money and suck your thumb.
    I don't see what you are basing that on. It advertises that you will get nicotine in your system and that is what it does. As a nonsmoker they seem great because I don't have to be affected by the smoke. It seems like a win win to me.

    That's exactly the rationalization that makes me wish I had come up with the idea. I'm thinking of inventing the E-Pizza for weight loss.
    You're still not making sense? Can you take another stab at this please? Are you saying that the e-cig does not give the smoker any nicotine? If so what is your source for such a claim because I haven't found anything to support your position. It isn't really my job to support your claim so I was hoping you would do it.

    If you are just talking out your *kitten* that is fine too just say so and I will disregard what you are saying all together.

    I thought I was fairly clear. I think it is ridiculous. I don't smoke cigarettes, but I do enjoy a cigar with my friends. I like the taste, the smell and the ritual that goes with trimming, lighting and enjoying a cigar. An E-cigar would not be able to replace that. If people take offense to my smoking, I won't do it. When I am in my backyard, with my buddies, then those that take offense can leave.
    I wasn't talking out my *kitten*. I was stating my opinion and my opinion is that E-Cigs are very profitable and very unneccessary. They are marketed just as cigarettes were. It's cool.

    Has it occurred to you that people who vape might like the smell and the ritual that goes with priming a cartomizer, filling a tank, and enjoying a vape? Why is that any more ridiculous than you and your buddies enjoying cigars?

    I don't care if you vape or whatever you call it. It's your privilege and I wouldn't dream of taking it away from you. As a matter of fact, I would side with you if the government tried to take it away from you. I was only stating my opinion.
    When ever someone says,"There ought to be a law..." they are normally wrong. We don't need the government to be the solution for every single problem in our lives. There is room in this world for the smoker the nonsmoker and the vaporizers. We have to learn to accept the fact that some people will do things that we do not prefer and vice versa rather than calling form a ban ever single time we see something we disagree with.
  • pwnderosa
    pwnderosa Posts: 280 Member
    Meh. I enjoy them. I have a year of not smoking regular cigarettes now, they have saved me a ton of cash, allowed my recent breathing problems to heal well enough for me to take up running and drastically reduce allergy and asthma meds, my chronic gum infections due to smoking have entirely ceased since switching, and the smell and action have been so inoffensive to my nonsmoking friends that the majority of them don't even notice me doing it even if they are sitting right next to me.

    There is a lot of money to lose by the tobacco company, the pharmaceutical company, and the government getting kickbacks from both of these, if more cigarette smokers switch to e-cigs. So yeah, I think there are some forces at work pushing for this ban that definitely do NOT have people's best interests in mind.

    I strongly feel these devices have saved my life, and my husband's. It should be a public health issue, and I would hope that anyone who has a friend or family member who smokes that they care about would support their use as a VASTLY healthier alternative.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    So my boyfriend just got a vaporizer to cut out his cigar habit. I'm all for this. I think it's a safe alternative, and it tastes yummy. The "juice" is made from vegetable glycerin, food grade propylene glycol, and flavoring. He's not using any nicotine.

    I'm reading now that there is a push world wide to ban e-cigs in public places like cigarettes. France has already banned it. The UK is trying to adopt this ban and make it only purchasable with a prescription. And flaky California has bill out to ban the e-cigs.

    I wonder if it's a push by big tobacco and pharmaceuticals. I cant see how water vapor and flavoring smell is harmful. Of course I have no idea how VG and PG are broken down in the lungs, but it seems like such a shame to ban something that would help people stop smoking.

    There isnt a lot of research out there. What are your thoughts?

    Why don't we just ban leaving the house altogether? Everyone should just stay home and have no fun because fun can be so dangerous.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    They should stay legal...that way "other" vaporizer pens can be used incognito

  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    We should ban everything I find offensive
    I have that right

  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I think it's banned in public places because I don't want people blowing smoke of any kind (even if you call it "vapor" to make it sound better) in my face. I think e-cigs are great if they help people quit cigarettes, but that doesn't mean I should have to inhale it.

    You're scared of fog too, aren't you.

    See? What did I say? We should just ban going out of doors.
  • chrisloveslife
    chrisloveslife Posts: 180 Member
    The guys at work are allowed to smoke them inside, and they all smell delightful. My favorite so far has been the cocoa. It made the whole room smell like chocolate and made me think of home (Hershey, PA).
  • mrst17
    mrst17 Posts: 14
    I'm an ex-smoker who vapes. It's great to feel like a real person again without the heavy feeling in my lungs. I feel happier and healthier, and my family is happy too. I seem to have more of an oral fixation than an actual addiction - I have no problem stopping and starting smoking at the drop of a hat, as long as I can vape - even if I use vape juice that is 0 nicotine.

    If you told me I have to stand outside in a MN winter to smoke an eCig that is not offensive to ANYONE - trust me, I ask all the time and people look at me like I'm crazy to think they would be offended - I would just smoke cigarettes. Then I would come back inside reeking like them and actually offend people.

    There is not a danger to others when vapeing like there is for second hand smoke from cigarettes. It doesn't bother people. Banning them just makes absolutely no sense and my theory is it would drive a lot of vape-ers back to smoking.

    BTW: For anyone who thinks I should just save my money and suck my thumb, I find that offensive. Would YOU suck your thumb in public? I had a huge problem with thumb sucking as a kid. My mom made me quit at age 3, so I already kicked that habit.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Live and let live.

    For some reason, some people have a lot of trouble with this simple philosophy. :frown:
  • 80sFanatic88
    80sFanatic88 Posts: 70 Member
    But I do know why some places (like Rangers Stadium for example), it's because they don't want smokers to see them and think they are actual cigarettes and believe they are allowed to smoke cigarettes in the area. If that makes any sense. One of our local radio DJ's smokes and advertises for an E-cig store here in the area and that's what multiple stadium staff told him.

    I had that problem at work too. I'm not saying they should ban these 'eCig's', though. They should just not be used in non-smoking areas. Maybe they could change 'no smoking' signs to 'no cigarette' signs. And I know that it isn't good for the 'eCig' people to be put with the normal smokers either probably, but maybe you could find somewhere else to stand or sit or whatever? Depends on the place really, I guess. But they do cause confusion.
  • mank32
    mank32 Posts: 1,323 Member
    i switched from 'real' cigs to e-cigs (contining nicotine) for a couple of weeks, and then i quit vaping too. i have been smoke and/or vape free (i.e. nicotine-free) for 1.5 months.

    i treated vaping like smoking: took it outside, kept it away from non-'smokers'. i never felt the need to vape indoors, never tried. no one walks around randomly atomizing their drakkar noir or chanel no. 5 into the air (when other people are present), so why should i think it's okay to puff my scented vapor in a public place of business or my workplace? scents are INVASIVE, whether they are 'pleasant', 'unpleasant', or 'neutral.' and the foregoing qualifiers are all subjective anyway and will differ from person to person. also, i'm aware of how disturbing things like lights, smells, sounds, and vibrations can be to people with certain conditions or sensitivities. smells don't bother me, but certain (non-random) sounds and vibrations can drive me up the wall.

    that having been said, i'm with soldier4242: we don't need laws for every little thing. we just need sense and consideration for others. i am the kind of person that would rather walk outside to puff my perfectly legal e-cig (even though i don't have to) to spare someone else either a legitimate headache or a completely illegitimate, uninformed butt-hurt reaction over something they think i ought not be doing. i am also the kind of person who will stop wearing a particular fragrance if it gives my cowoker a headeache. it's not that big of deal for me. i don't need a law or a ban to force me to do the compassionate, reasoned thing.

    no ban. just sense.
  • BrettWithPKU
    BrettWithPKU Posts: 575 Member
    I don't smoke, but I play a sport with a bunch of guys, some of whom have recently dumped cigarettes in favor of e-cigs.
    They all tell me they notice an improvement in their breathing while playing the sport.

    And that's all I need to hear. Clearly there's some upside vs. cigarettes.

    I also don't believe e-cigs are as "smelly". The vapor smells like the flavor of it, but the worst vapor still smells better than cig smoke!
  • pwnderosa
    pwnderosa Posts: 280 Member
    Saying you quit smoking while still using and E cig is like saying you don't **** dogs, except Labradors.

    Many doctors I know would disagree. So where does your informed opinion come from?
  • Rage_Phish
    Rage_Phish Posts: 1,508 Member
    Saying you quit smoking while still using and E cig is like saying you don't **** dogs, except Labradors.

    What a terrible analogy.

    They have stopped smoking, since the ecig uses no smoke.

    I seriously think many people have no idea what vapor is vs what smoke it