
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    AHealthierSuzyQ Posts: 698 Member
    Today is the sewing potluck. I am bringing a green salad to share and a boiled egg and chicken breast to add to mine since I was told the main dish was chicken spaghetti. If I can NOT take even one bite of the desserts that will be sure to be there I will do fine.

    I have someone interested in adopting Sophie. We have been emailing back and forth for a few days. She's supposed to come Friday afternoon to spend some time with her and maybe even take her home. Will let you know how it goes.
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Today is Thursday...but my Friday of the work week:wink:

    When I last was able to sit and read it was page 11 1/2....don't have time to catch up:cry:

    We leave for Las Vegas after work and will spend the evening walking the strip while #1 Son & DIL work (they get off after 11:30) so even though we won't have a "regular" work out we will do a lot of walking:bigsmile:

    I did my weigh in for the week today as the kids don't have a scale and I have no idea what we will be eating while we are there:huh: I will just try and make good decisions. I'm only .4 away from the full #37 lbs lost...soooo close:tongue: it makes me giddy.

    Last night I had my dinner planned on my food diary and had forgotten that I had put Navy Beans and a ham hock in the crock pot. I had read that beans are good for you, filling and full of fiber....now I have to go in and enter the receipe and see how much I did eat...it was really good:wink:

    No exercise last night:sad: , beside getting home late we still had to pack so I was up and down the stairs all evening and of course went to bed later than I would have liked and because I was so pumped up my mind was racing and getting to sleep was a bit of a problem:grumble: The alarm went off way too early:yawn: and am fighting being tired.

    I have to get to some billings and my payroll so I will say bye for now....keep up the good fight against the excess calories:flowerforyou: drink plenty of water:drinker: and get in some exercise :smile:

    I will try and check in but if not I will be back on Tuesday....and by then it will probably take all week to get caught up:wink:

  • Well, football season is here, and I find it harder to lose weight in the fall. I always seem to dread switching to shorts in the spring, but in the fall, I dread putting the jeans back on because they are usually so tight and confining. I am hoping they fit better this year since I have lost some weight. Last year I did purchase the "Not your daughters jeans", and ladies, they are great! Not the low waisted jeans you find everywhere, they fit really nice and are very slenderizing and have some built in stretch. I bought mine with some cute bling on the pockets and love them! My husband likes to have homemade chile & cornbread on weekends during football season, so I'll be looking at some lowfat recipes for sure! Here's to "sticking with it"!!
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello ladies.

    I'm still at work, but have popped on for a few minutes as things are winding down for the evening. I'm looking forward to leaving here in an hour and walking down Bond Street (having a good look in all the big designer windows - Tiffany's, Harry Winston, Cartier, Chanel etc etc etc) before heading across St James's Park (waving at Buckingham Palace as I go). It's been a while since I've worked in the Mayfair area and I am remembering how much I love it.

    I brought a couple of litres of bottled water with me and I've all but finished them. I'll pick up another bottle when I leave here and try to get another litre finished before I get home. At least I'm getting plenty of walking in.

    SuzyQ, I didn't realise you weren't keeping Sophie. I thought she'd become a permanent fixture. Bet you'll miss her!

    I hope everyone is doing well. Catch up with you later.

    Amanda x
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Wow! on the number of posts and the number of newcomers. I only missed a day and it is amazing.

    No trips to the gym this week. =( My DS had two soccer games, both on my gym days. I am a little over on calories, but considering I have resisted a lot of temptations around here and at home, I am OK with being a little over. A little is a lot better than a lot.

    Have a great day and may we all make good choices.

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    :flowerforyou: Vicki: I feel the same way you do about getting weighed everyday. :noway: For some people it’s motivating and they choose that (weigh) to be accountable. :flowerforyou: If that works, and as you say there are many successful people on this thread that do that....then fine.:wink: But some of us get discouraged easily if the scale moves up and down, which it has a tendency to do when you get weighed every day.:noway: But for me, the scale becomes another obsession (I have a compulsive/ obsessive nature):embarassed: That’s me. :embarassed: I find weighing weekly keeps me accountable without putting too much emphasis on the scale. :happy: Again, there is no right or wrong... way (to weigh :laugh: ) In the end (bad choice of words):laugh: it’s what works for you without creating another stress situation which it WOULD for me....just like NOT getting weighed daily...... would create stress for someone else. :ohwell:

    LuckySue welcome!:flowerforyou:

    Thanks for the input on the treadmill everyone. Perhaps, because I DO eat my exercise calories, and I DO weigh less than 150 pounds...I should only track....say...450 calories when I burn 500. Got to think about that one because I don’t have a HRM and can’t afford to buy one right now. But if I’d like to take off a few more pounds it might help to do that. (That is, track less calories then what it says I burn). Hmmm:happy:

    Sister Veggie Queen:laugh: ....so glad to hear from you and I think we’re both on the same page about a lot of things!:flowerforyou:

    HerbieSue...so glad you’re doing well!!:flowerforyou:

    Marilyn: Hope you got a better night sleep last night.:yawn: They say that getting enough sleep is sooo important to keeping YOU healthy!:flowerforyou:

    Chicletgirl: It’s a very sad thing:frown: that people judge us by what they see. How unfortunate for you that you had such a bad experience after losing your first 100 pounds! :frown: It’s a very shallow thing...but society puts such importance on such UNIMPORTANT things:angry: . As far as barriers....I find that I have some and probably always will.:ohwell: E.G. I was uncomfortable wearing a fitted top to a recent wedding, because I’m not comfortable walking around without layers of clothes on. So, I wore the fitted top....got lots of compliments....and yet..that little voice STILL says...well..maybe they were just being nice! Body image is a real barrier that takes a while to adjust to....just like eating healthy food is. But we can break through them all!!!!!:happy: :happy:

    Kathy, Suzzy Michelle, Amanda, Laura and Jeannie.....always good to read your posts!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Obviously, things are slow at work this week,:laugh: so it gives me the opportunity to post more. When I don’t post often....I get so far behind.:noway: ...I can’t catch up! It’s a nice change to be able to converse with you lovely ladies more often this week!:love:

    Have a healthy happy day!:flowerforyou:

  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    AHealthierSuzyQ Posts: 698 Member
    My husband likes to have homemade chili & cornbread on weekends during football season, so I'll be looking at some lowfat recipes for sure! Here's to "sticking with it"!!

    Try making your usual chili recipe only using half ground turkey and half lean ground beef. Hubby won't miss it and may even think its more tender. Mine did! As for cornbread about the only way to healthy it up without destroying the taste and texture is to substitute Splenda for the sugar and replace 1/2 to 1/3 of the oil with applesauce and use oatmeal flour instead of white. You may need to increase the baking powder some because whole grain flours don't rise as well as white.

    I made it through the sewing potluck without touching the simple carbs ~ which EVERYTHING was except the salad I brought. I'm munching on almonds now.

    As for finding a new home for Sophie, hubby says there is a VERY good chance we could be moving cross country and renting again for awhile to keep a job, so I thought it would be less stressful to begin looking for her a home now instead of waiting until the last minute. Muffin will be glad to see her go, but Violet and I will miss her!
  • Hello everyone; a little shy on the sleep again, up late talking to the sisters, they were with mom, texting from a phone. Nice things can come from tech. but sure too some things were better before someone invented a better way. Pencil and paper are my favorite picks, new cash registers go on the blink, or hydro goes out, and the person at the cash can not add your order, lack of skills.

    the house is so quiet, the cats are sleeping, ready to run the house tonight while I try to sleep. Mom is still hanging on, she is not in her right mind now, slipping away slowly. Hope to see her this weekend, before she checks out of life's hotel.

    going to hit the bed early tonight even to lay there will be a rest instead of being up and working at my desk.

    may not check in tomorrow, have to pack for sat day trip. check in again maybe on sunday.

    luv to all Marilyn
  • Love it! I will definitely try using half turkey and half lean ground beef. I will feel better about eating it too! I'll let you know how it turns out! Thanks for the tip.
  • Rororosie
    Rororosie Posts: 113 Member
    Just checkin in... I have been reading recent posts, hoping to gradually get to know everyone.

    I am one who cannot weigh daily. In fact, I cannot even weigh weekly. I weigh every 1-2 months at the doctors office. I can tell if I'm going in the right direction as my clothes will change in the meantime. I am just a sort of super-crazy person when it comes to weighing.. :embarassed: . I find then I focus on the results rather than the behavior changes. I get all caught up in whether or not the results match what I think I put into it that week, and rather than keeping going on my efforts, I tend to fall off the wagon, because it's never enough!!!

    For me, what I focus on when I DON'T weight tends to be how I'm doing on my eating and my exercizing. Since I stopped weighing in weekly I've finally made progress and gotten past the point where I always used to stop and regain the weight.

    (They need a cross your fingers icon!) LOL!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,134 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: This week has been an interesting adventure for me and I’ve learned a lot in addition to all the new dances. I brought my own food and had a plan for what I’d eat so I wouldn’t be faced with choices that I didn’t like. On the other hand, I didn’t want to seem like I was always being different and setting myself apart. Breakfast and snacks were easy but lunch and dinner were more challenging. There were doughnuts every morning next to the coffee pots. Some of the dancers had organized lunch each day and charged only $3.00. I knew I wouldn’t eat the pulled pork lunch because I don’t eat pork, but as it turned out, all the other lunches were deli meat, cheese, lettuce and tomatoes for making sandwiches along with potato salad, macaroni salad, and chips so I walked back to the hotel (20 minutes each way) to eat the food I brought. I skipped the potluck which was a great idea since the highlights of the meal were meatballs, fried chicken, potato salad, and a ton of desserts. Tonight is the catered meal and I paid $10.00 for it but I’ll skip the chocolate decadence cake and eat the chicken (I hope it’s not fried) salad and baked potato.

    So what did I learn? I already knew that if you fail to plan, then you plan to fail. The new lesson was that if I stick to my plan at every opportunity (bringing my own food, exercising at every opportunity, taking the stairs), then when a meal like the one tonight comes along, it is only a bump in the road and not part of a series of detours.

    The other thing is that I have a thick skin when people say things like “I thought you didn’t eat real food” because I know that what I’m doing is good for me. One woman said, “you’re so tiny, are you getting enough to eat?” why do people comment on my eating now but they said nothing when I was stuffing myself and getting fatter?

    :flowerforyou: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: hugs to all......I think of you and thank you for all you've added to my life.
  • I;ve got tons of feelings right now , it takes me time to sort them out. I'm new just joined today and looking for a support friend and /or sponsor.:flowerforyou:

    thanks for the sharing and i'm excited about this program.

    How to reach me : bar3321@ sbcglobal.net
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Just a quick post to tell you that I am headed out to a music festival for the weekend. Catch you next week! Have a great weekend to all!
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    I;ve got tons of feelings right now , it takes me time to sort them out. I'm new just joined today and looking for a support friend and /or sponsor.:flowerforyou:

    thanks for the sharing and i'm excited about this program.

    How to reach me : bar3321@ sbcglobal.net

    Barb3321...Welcome:flowerforyou: This group of women are great! :happy: From USA, Canada....England etc. So many woman with so many ideas and helpful hints to dealing with weight and life! Pop in anytime,,,,you are most welcomed to join us!!!!
  • Hello friends,

    I'm still doing the 'not tracking but eating healthfully' thing. Will start tracking again this weekend. I'm planning to do this every once in awhile - mostly when I'm away from home and can't easily track. I like knowing I can still eat reasonably when I don't track. On the other hand (a big other hand!) I know tracking is a key to losing weight and one of the things I love - and that has worked for me - about MFP...so, back at it for me!

    Chiclet, thank you for your very wise words (and for the nice things you had to stay). You are so right that "normal" often means eating crap. Skinny does not equal normal. :noway: I love knowing I AM eating in a healthy way - more healthily than I ever have before.

    It's a new experience to me to be seen as a role model. What? Me? You must mean somebody else! I am excited to see other people get enthusiastic about fruits, veggies, and other wholesome foods. The documentary, Food Inc., and Michael Pollan's Food Rules had a huge impact on my thinking. (For anyone who hasn't seen/read them, you can find them on Amazon for not many $s.)

    Barbie, I admire your strong backbone. You stand up for what you believe in. You're a great example.

    Birdie, I'm glad you have more time to post just now. You are one of my heros.

    Everyone who's on a losing track, congratulations. We can do this. We ARE doing this! Here's to continued success. :drinker:

    To everyone who's struggling, I so relate! One of the wonderful things about this group is the constant support and the message that, when we get off track, it can be for just a day or two (or, better, a meal or two). Getting back on is as simple as choosing healthy food for the next bite.

    Thanks to all of you for reminding me of what it's all about.

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Hello friends,

    It's a new experience to me to be seen as a role model. What? Me? You must mean somebody else

    We mean YOU Mimi....... You are a delight and uplifting addition to this thread. Never underestimate yourself! You are a hero to me too with your inspiration and joy!
  • Bermudabarbie
    Bermudabarbie Posts: 568 Member
    When I started a thread wanting to chat with other 55+ dieters, I did not know about this group. I am brand new to MFP and am just getting used to the way the Boards work, etc. I would love to add some friends too.

    So pleased to meet some of the older dieters here at MyFitnessPal.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Too busy this morning to post, .

    I had to take my dad's car into the shop today. He is almost 84 and there are some things it is just easier for me to do for him.

    The shop is less than a mile from a Goodwill store, so I walked there to kill some time and I scored 2 jackets, a black knit top, and a grey washable wool skirt (Eddie Bauer) for less than $26!! Then I went to Jo Ann's Fabrics and bought a replacement button for one of the jackets for a DOLLAR!!!

    The jacket is black, and fitted at the waist, and along with my red silk dress and a black belt, and black shoes with rhinestone accents, I should be presentable for the wedding. The dress I am wearing is 21 years old,:noway: but it is a classic style and fits me again. I probably have only worn it about 4 times previously. If I can get someone to take a picture of me that they can forward by email, I can put on my profile. We will see.

    My eye is still an annoyance, but I haven't commented on it because no one wants to listen to anyone whine all the time about something that they can't change. Today, I noticed some flashing symptoms at one point.

    At the moment, the biggest annoyance I have is named Mai Li--who is having a temper tantrum:explode: because I won't feed her again. She just ate about 3 1/2 hours ago, and after 10 minutes of pitching a fit, she FINALLY figured out that I am not relenting, so now she had a drink of water!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Unfortunately, she started up again a few minutes later.:ohwell: and is continuing.

    I finally made some arrangements for the doggies that I am comfortable with. The friend who has been helping me with my cleaning projects has agreed to come here and spend the night when I am attending that wedding. The doggies like her, and although they will miss me, I know they will be well taken care of while I am gone.

    Well, I am extra tired tonight from all my running around, so g'bye for now.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,134 Member
    :flowerforyou: just wanted to tell all you dog lovers that DH has me talk to the dogs when I call him.....he puts the phone to their ears one at a time so I can tell them that I miss them :bigsmile:
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Hi ladies

    :flowerforyou: Welcome all newcomers

    :drinker: everyone is doing so well - congrats. I've had a bit of a bad week :frown: all my own fault I've made bad food choices, but today is a new day. I WILL do better today! (one day at a time!)

    Well I need to go buy a new keyboard, this is taking too long with the on screen keyboard :grumble: looked on internet and should be able to get one for just under £10 if they are in stock.

    :smile: Hope to catch up with you later.

    Viv :heart:
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