I'm going to kill my husband



  • _noob_
    _noob_ Posts: 3,306 Member
    As a married man I've learned that it's easier to just let her pick what she likes. That way you don't have to hear her b*** about it for the next 10 years because it's not exactly the way she wants it.
  • swordsmith
    swordsmith Posts: 599 Member
    Speaking as a guy we truly dont care.

    Give us a mancave to decorate like we want and the rest of the house is yours. Do whatever you want that makes you happy.

    A happy wife is a happy life.
  • JessicaBR13
    JessicaBR13 Posts: 294 Member
    First world problem...I got a paper cut

    ^ Yup. LOL
  • mommy3457
    mommy3457 Posts: 361 Member
    It sounds like he is really picky so he does care. So, just give the project over to him.
  • pawnstarNate
    pawnstarNate Posts: 1,728 Member
    We only care about the cost and if it will interfere with the recliner and tv...that's it. Paint the kitchen pink for all I care...as long as you can still make good nacho's on gameday!
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    I don't know the OP.

    I HAVE known several women who will ask a guy to pick something, having already decided which choice was correct, in order to use their response as some sort of gauge of their worthiness, or in order to use "No, pick something else" until he correctly guesses which one she wanted in the first place.

    Perhaps he's had a similar experience, and isn't fond of the head-game.
  • DashDeV
    DashDeV Posts: 545 Member
    So paint it pink.
  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
    Silly first world problems.

    Personally, I know that I wouldn't enjoy picking out pieces. If you want direction, take pages out of a magazine, and ask him which one he wants to live in. Go from there.

    OR, (I don't know how long you've been married) hire a super hot interior decorator and watch how all of the sudden he's got his full attention on the project. Then you'll REALLY want to kill him.

    also, in other news, don't be surprised if you see a counter thread that titled "My wife wants to kill me." I'm not gonna do it but someone will. enjoy.
  • chubaway
    chubaway Posts: 1,645 Member
    I have a suggestion. Let's say you're going to paint a room . . . go to him with a color your know he'll hate, but not so ridiculous that he'll know you're joking around. Say "Look sugar (or whatever you call him), I like this color, this is what I want the room painted in."

    If he says "Ok" then smack him.
  • LauraMacNCheese
    LauraMacNCheese Posts: 7,198 Member
    we are remodeling our house, and EVERY-SINGLE-TIME I ask him for an opinion his answer is: whatever I don't care...... do you want the cabinets of the kitchen black or any of those browns tones??? his answer: I don't care....... what color do you want the exterior of the house??? his answer.... whatever....... but then, if he doesn't like what I pick, once its done he complaints soooo much that I have to start all over again (of course without know WTF he wants...)

    I think I should divorce him LOL:mad: :angry: :explode: :grumble: :noway:

    You should never announce plans to murder...then the word "premeditated" gets thrown around the courtroom
  • SirBonerFart
    SirBonerFart Posts: 1,185 Member
    did you say something?
  • jetlag
    jetlag Posts: 800 Member
    presort your faves, and give him only three choices at one time. "this one, this one, or this one" will be easier for him than "ochre or mustard or earth clay? or maybe mint or seagrass or blue clover? or MAYBE ecru or eggshell or cream?" just 3.

    more work for you but less agony

    I do it all the time and he says.... whatever I don't care.... and then he gives his opinion once he sees it completely done....

    The way I see it, you have two choices.

    1. Tell him that if he doesn't like it, HE can re-do it.
    2. Say, "whatever, I don't care".
  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member
    we are remodeling our house, and EVERY-SINGLE-TIME I ask him for an opinion his answer is: whatever I don't care...... do you want the cabinets of the kitchen black or any of those browns tones??? his answer: I don't care....... what color do you want the exterior of the house??? his answer.... whatever....... but then, if he doesn't like what I pick, once its done he complaints soooo much that I have to start all over again (of course without know WTF he wants...)

    I think I should divorce him LOL:mad: :angry: :explode: :grumble: :noway:

    Yeah. Those things wouldn't matter to me either. If you have a strong opinion about it, I would concede to your decision as well.
  • catneon
    catneon Posts: 911 Member
    The title of this thread is misleading …..I am disappoint.
  • SailorKnightWing
    SailorKnightWing Posts: 875 Member
    Guys say they don't care about home decorations.

    You buy a lamp.

    A few years pass, it's time to replace the lamp.

    Guy says "Good, I hated that lamp."

  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
  • StrongAndHealthyMommy
    StrongAndHealthyMommy Posts: 1,255 Member
    Today we had a talk and he said that he doesn't wants to give any opinion because he doesn't want to be responsible if it doesn't workout as well as it was planned... still doesn't change the fat that I would love to have his opinion.... we'll see how it goes LOL...

    I may just get everything pink with flowers and butterflies and if he doesn't like I would be like... to bad!!!
  • LauraMacNCheese
    LauraMacNCheese Posts: 7,198 Member
    ...is this still going on?
