Total jerk.



  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,223 Member
    Just punch him in the face. It helps.

    And then carry on losing weight.

    Punch him in the face gets my vote!
  • grentea
    grentea Posts: 96 Member
    He sounds gross! I wouldn't respond because he is not worth it. Just take the high road and continue doing you. Haters gonna hate! Lol
  • LowcarbNY
    LowcarbNY Posts: 546 Member
    You walk up to your boyfriend and say, loud enough for the jerk to be heard. " Wow, I can't believe that dumb moron is still on your team! What do you guys do with him? Do you use him as a tackling dummy? How does he even remember the snap count?
  • ThinLizzie0802
    ThinLizzie0802 Posts: 863 Member
    I think he has a crush on your boyfriend.

    Fur. Realz.
  • whitlisd
    whitlisd Posts: 85
    I had a tenant once who was mad at me that I kicked him out. While he was moving out and talking to his mother on the phone, I heard him say "Yeah, she's just sitting on the couch like Jabba The Hut". It hurts me to this day, but I realize that people like that are not worth the powder to blow them to hell. He was fat too, he had bad B.O. and was a complete slob. I think people that have no life get off on putting others down. It reflects how they feel about themselves, and probably mirrors how they were raised. Just like abuse, it's learned. Like someone else said, just use it as fuel. You know who you are and so does your boyfriend. That is all that matters.
  • MelStren
    MelStren Posts: 457 Member
    I think I'd say something along the lines of "at least I'm trying to improve my self, you appear to be afraid of mirrors"...
  • TyTy76
    TyTy76 Posts: 1,761 Member
    Just walk away..
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Tell your boyfriend that one of two things is going to happen:

    1) Your boyfriend needs to set the guy straight, and not in the way that it sounds like you asked him to, but in the way that it's apparent it is not acceptible to him that the guy is disrespecting his girl. I'm all for sticking up for yourself, but our significant other's friends and faimily are their responsibility to keep straight.

    2) if #1 doesn't happen, you're going to kick the guy in the taint.
  • junejadesky
    junejadesky Posts: 524 Member
    He is jealous..... what a ****
  • _the_feniks_
    _the_feniks_ Posts: 3,412 Member
    Is your boyfriend the kicker? Because any real man would have told that guy off the last time. I'd be pissed at your boyfriend for not defending you.
  • kayelar
    kayelar Posts: 1
    The question I'd be asking is why my boyfriend wasn't defending me against this guy?
  • triciab79
    triciab79 Posts: 1,713 Member
    You will lose weight and he will still be stupid and that is revenge in itself.

    I feel the pain though. I am the youngest of 3 girls my sisters are twins, perfect blonde haired blue eyed twins. I grew up with the nickname chubby and around town I was known as the ugly Malone girl. It stings but you don't have to let it define you. I don't know you but I do know you are more than your weight.

    I do question whether your boyfriend has genuine feelings for you if he is still friends with someone who talks to you like that. There are billions of men in this world and if we are ever to improve the species we women have to stop giving the goods away to the ones that aren't worthy of us.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    He's probably just jealous of your boyfriend :P

    This is what I'm the loser single? I bet he's uncomfortably attracted to you, or he has never had "normal" women in his life (tweens or wannabe pop starts love dating football players too you know). I bet your maturity and self confidence makes him uncomfortable and he's projecting. Next time you make direct eye contact with him...give him a nod like "I understand you don't quick fit your big boy panties" and keep walking. Your man obviously has enough confidence to brush it off. Don't let your insecurities escalate the problem. Fake it 'til you make it honey!

    ETS: You're f*cking gorgeous my dear...don't let anyone steal your thunder.
  • carrieo888
    carrieo888 Posts: 233 Member
    I used to wish I had a store of witty putdowns for things like him. But somehow they always manage to ridicule any response - even down to the childish ' woo woo woo woo' noises they tend to make when they have used their whole quota of words.

    Now I stare at the person next to them and calmly and quietly ask 'do you know how stupid he makes you look?'

    Normally gives them a bit of a pause for thought, during which I walk away.

    As long as your bf despises him too you are OK. Ignore and move on.

    Good luck with the weight loss.

    OMG! I love this one!

    I often say, "Jealous?" or "So?" or "Are you still in junior high?", but your comeback ROCKS!
  • gigglybeth
    gigglybeth Posts: 365 Member
    For an allegedly grown man to act that way is ridiculous. If he ever gets a girlfriend, be sure to go up to her and introduce yourself, then say, "It's really so sweet of you to date him, you know, after 'the accident'. Well, nice meeting you! Gotta go!" Make sure you drop your voice to a conspiratorial tone when you say, 'the accident' and refuse to ever discuss it further.

    When I was in college, and about 20 pounds thinner then I am now, I was dating this guy and one night his "friend" was telling me all these dumb things about my guy. Nothing serious, just stupid things he had done when they were younger. My guy asked him later why he was doing that and friend said, "I was trying to save you from that fat girl!" Oh hell no. My roommate and I got his phone number and started leaving him messages like, "Kevin.....fat girls looooove you!" "Kevin, I'm slathered in bacon and cheese dreaming about you..." "Kevin, I want to rub my rolls on your balding head!"

    Aaaaah...the days before caller ID!
  • GGinNC
    GGinNC Posts: 7
    As my mother says, never wrestle with a pig. You both get dirty and the pig likes it. :laugh:

    Shallow people judge their worth and the worth of others based on superficial things-- like appearance, physical fitness, or whether somebody wants to "party." You have no reason to defend yourself against this kind of bully--and make no mistake, that's what this is.

    Frankly, there are always going to be jerks out there who say terrible things to denigrate folks.Some people have a special skill in finding what would be most hurtful. I pitty them, but I see no need to engage with them. Their words are nothing more than a fart in public. It stinks, it's rude, but ultimately, just gas. It's not your job to teach him manners or how to behave in polite society. Let him live his miserable life. The less you let this idiot get to you, the less power he has.

    I don't give a flying fig what some jerk thinks about me and neither should you, but I do care about the opinion of those I respect and care about. THAT is the important question here. Rather than needing someone to defend your honor, I'd instead ask your boyfriend--nicely--how he thinks associating with someone who makes that kind of that kind of comment to someone he cares about reflects on his (your boyfriend's) character and values. I'd ask if he feels any sort of obligation to speak up and let the bully know that that sort of behavior has no place in civil conversation. Remember though, your boyfriend didn't make the comment, so don't treat him like he's guilty.

    Good luck, and I'm sorry that you were hurt.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    Maybe the guy is on steroids and can't control himself. What a weirdo.
  • BattleTaxi
    BattleTaxi Posts: 752 Member
    To be honest, if your boyfriend isn't sticking up for you, I'd have a serious problem with that myself. I've left guys over this kind of garbage. I am not shy and I am very confident in myself, but if you are going to disrespect me - women OR men alike- you better be ready to brace for the tsunami that's going to come tearing down your way! I do not take kindly to uncalled for rudeness or cowardly gestures.

    People like this guy you are talking about are WEAK. You don't need WEAK people trying to bring you down. I wouldn't recommend it and you don't need to physically get in his face, but you can verbally squelch him until he's crying, literally.
  • GGinNC
    GGinNC Posts: 7
    I had a tenant once who was mad at me that I kicked him out. While he was moving out and talking to his mother on the phone, I heard him say "Yeah, she's just sitting on the couch like Jabba The Hut". It hurts me to this day, but I realize that people like that are not worth the powder to blow them to hell. He was fat too, he had bad B.O. and was a complete slob. I think people that have no life get off on putting others down. It reflects how they feel about themselves, and probably mirrors how they were raised. Just like abuse, it's learned. Like someone else said, just use it as fuel. You know who you are and so does your boyfriend. That is all that matters.

    At least Jabba the Hutt paid his rent on time.
  • jamiem1102
    jamiem1102 Posts: 1,196 Member
    The question I'd be asking is why my boyfriend wasn't defending me against this guy?

    I was asking myself this question. While I think its important that you be able to say something to the guy yourself, this is your boyfriend's teammate. Your man should have already stepped up and told the dude to shut the large toxic hole in his mouth. I'm sure if one of your friends had loudly and clearly asked why you're still with your boyfriend (in front of your boyfriend), you would have said something to her, right? Right.

    Also, I'm not one for passive aggressiveness. It's not a good look. I vote to go up to the guy and ask him what his problem with you is. If you want to be seen as strong and confident, act it. :)

    Good luck. This guy sounds insecure and childish. :)