Total jerk.



  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I'm agreeing with the rest of the posters that are saying "where the hell is your boyfriend?" If anyone, even family, talk to me like that in front of my big strong man, *kitten* would fly. Same goes for me, I get up in people's faces (INCLUDING OUR KID'S FACE) when they're disrespecting my man. Nobody talks to the man I love like a piece of *kitten*. You need to set the record straight and stick up for yourself with your boyfriend.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Your hair's really pretty like that.
    I had a tenant once who was mad at me that I kicked him out. While he was moving out and talking to his mother on the phone, I heard him say "Yeah, she's just sitting on the couch like Jabba The Hut". It hurts me to this day, but I realize that people like that are not worth the powder to blow them to hell. He was fat too, he had bad B.O. and was a complete slob. I think people that have no life get off on putting others down. It reflects how they feel about themselves, and probably mirrors how they were raised. Just like abuse, it's learned. Like someone else said, just use it as fuel. You know who you are and so does your boyfriend. That is all that matters.

    ^ this illustrates what I want to say. Usually when someone makes a "fat insult" they are mad at you about something else. It's just the easy insult to make because it's readily visible, everyone can see it, and requires no explanation. Plus it hurts. If you were a racial minority it might have been a racial slur. I see you do your hair creative way's next time it might be that. If I told you to change your hair over this guy, would you? You'd be outraged and like THAT's how I like my hair and yada yada. Same goes for your weight. I'm not saying don't address it. I'm just saying don't do it for ppl like that or situations like that. One day he won't be there and then what will motivate you. Do it for all the other positive reasons that never go away and we don't want them too. Like your boyfriends smile when he sees u in that dress and etc.

    Is it possible when the guy wanted to show your BF someone better he was planning to show him what's in his pants, because his behavior is weird? It seems from this limited myopic perspective that he may be after your boyfriend or you and in either case the best course of action is to ignore it and just keep your boyfriend informed of what he says so he's in the know and never made a chump by not knowing what goes on between you and the jerk, but also not demanding he do anything. It's his team, his teammmate, he has the coach in common and is aware all the dynamics and options, not you.

    Finally look at it from the perspective of an onlooker, when the guy insulted you and you said nothing back, do you think any of his friends were like all hi fiving him to death or do you think they were like "oh damn, what a prick" or "he didn't have to go that far" or "what's his problem". If you come up with stellar replies you might end up giving him credibility.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    oh,,,,, I think I would find out where that guy lived,,,, and it would not go over well.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I had a tenant once who was mad at me that I kicked him out. While he was moving out and talking to his mother on the phone, I heard him say "Yeah, she's just sitting on the couch like Jabba The Hut". It hurts me to this day, but I realize that people like that are not worth the powder to blow them to hell. He was fat too, he had bad B.O. and was a complete slob. I think people that have no life get off on putting others down. It reflects how they feel about themselves, and probably mirrors how they were raised. Just like abuse, it's learned. Like someone else said, just use it as fuel. You know who you are and so does your boyfriend. That is all that matters.

    At least Jabba the Hutt paid his rent on time.

    :laugh: wha?:huh:
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    The question I'd be asking is why my boyfriend wasn't defending me against this guy?

    I was asking myself this question. While I think its important that you be able to say something to the guy yourself, this is your boyfriend's teammate. Your man should have already stepped up and told the dude to shut the large toxic hole in his mouth. I'm sure if one of your friends had loudly and clearly asked why you're still with your boyfriend (in front of your boyfriend), you would have said something to her, right? Right.

    Also, I'm not one for passive aggressiveness. It's not a good look. I vote to go up to the guy and ask him what his problem with you is. If you want to be seen as strong and confident, act it. :)

    Good luck. This guy sounds insecure and childish. :)

    Maybe insulting the OP is this guy's way of bullying her boyfriend. Men do social bullying too, and if the BF is an easygoing guy who likes to avoid conflict, well those guys won't always speak up. However, that doesn't make them bad boyfriends. Actions, like leaving with your girlfriend, not changing your mind and going out with the guys, still speak louder than words.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    "I may be fat today (no clue if you are) ... but you'll always be ugly for forever."

    punch him and walk away.

    Or let your boyfriend do it- he seriously needs to step up. I"m quiet capable of handling this myself- my BF stepped up one time- and I was MORTIFIED- because he embarrassed me in front of the entire table of people/friends- but I got over it quiet quickly and was soon grateful knowing he wouldn't let anyone talk **** to me.
  • simsburyjet
    simsburyjet Posts: 999 Member
    Everyone is saying where is the boyfirend but I think this woman is strong enough to fight her own battles and win.
    Forget your bf and kick this guys *kitten*.
  • GGinNC
    GGinNC Posts: 7
    My dad used to scream at me about how fat I was. Apparently this makes someone of no value in his life. It doesn't matter that I'm successful, have a great family, and live a moral life. Nope, being fat isn't where it's at. It used to really crush me.

    One day, he and I got into it and he started in on it again and I finally replied, calmly, "Really??! Calling me fat is all you've got? You can't find any other character flaws or defects to point out? Wow. I must be doing something right."

    Then I shut up and he never tried it again.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    poop on the hood of his car.
  • suzend
    suzend Posts: 155 Member
    His comments say more about him than about you. He's the one with the problem. Feel sorry for him. Pity him. Hope he finds a way to be a better human being. Hope he finds a way to deal with whatever effed-up childhood he had that would make his self-esteem so low that he has to pick on other people.

    Know, in your heart, that he's not attacking you; he's just really sad and angry.

    You get to leave. He has to live with himself.

    So THIS!! ^^^

    People that feel bad about themselves usually say things about or to others to make themselves feel better. Don't even bother with him.......or waste your time "punching" him in the face. Violence doesn't solve anything.
  • JenniBaby85
    JenniBaby85 Posts: 855 Member
    Just punch him in the face. It helps.

    And then carry on losing weight.

    This would be an effective method.
  • suegmune
    suegmune Posts: 81
    Not everyone is always going to like you. It's pointless trying to figure out their reasons or motives, as long as you're happy with who you are and your choices, don't pay him no mind.


    No one's opinion of you matters about you, except YOU!!!!
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    I think you are being easy on him calling him a total jerk. The loser isn't worthy of your worry or concern. If I were your BF, I'd set this guy straight and ask him to keep his friendship and comments to himself. Keep up the great work and remember that this deuche bag isn't the person you see in the mirror or wake up next to everyday.

    Perfectly said
  • _Krys10_
    _Krys10_ Posts: 1,234 Member
    My husband would not keep quiet if any man called me a b!tch
  • DBiddle69
    DBiddle69 Posts: 682 Member
    The comment "but I can loose weight there's no hope for your ignorant stupidity" comes to mind
  • CountryDevil
    CountryDevil Posts: 819 Member
    Walk up to him kinda shy like you are not sure you really want to talk to him. Ask him if you can talk. Then when he agrees, kick him in the ding-ding and say, "Yup your still have a pair. Next time use them if you got something to say about me and say it to my face". Then turn around and walk away like nothing happened...

    Note: The above suggestion may, or may not, be based on real life experiences.
  • EmmieBaby
    EmmieBaby Posts: 1,235 Member
    maybe he has a crush on you and is jealous your boyfriend has a hot girlfriend. that or he wants your boyfriend for himself.

    either way he seems to be a child, so treat him as such, talk to him (if you have to) the same way you would talk to a toddler.
  • Softrbreeze
    Softrbreeze Posts: 156 Member
    A-holes abound. You get better at ignoring them with age, trust me. Just try not to let it turn you into the same. Ugly behavior sometimes has a way of breeding more ugliness despite our best intentions.
  • Maybe he's gay and wants you BF for himself...
  • tworthen79
    tworthen79 Posts: 1,173 Member
    Scoop some dog crap in a bag and next time you're at a game, have a rubber glove. And rub that crap all over his seats.