Body Beast Women's Group!



  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Just got my body beast today!! I'm a bit concerned about the calories though. The first two phases has me at 2800. That seems like alot considering I want to do the lean version. I lift now and don't consume that many calories and the scale has gone up some. Just worried about gaining weight.

    Yeah!!!! I was scared at first too when I calculated my calories. I'm eating about 2000 cal per day. Trust in the program! That's all I can say. But, believe me, I get your feeling! Remember, it's not necessarily about losing weight, but losing body fat!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I am back from my honeymoon -- and definitely missed Body beast

    i tried to do a few body beasts workouts on vacay, but missed some and did total body workouts instead.

    I only have 3 more weeks to finish BodyBeast, but since i am on day 5 with T25, I am thinking to finish t25 with adding in a few BodyBeast workouts, and then do another full round of BB.

    I miss Sagi lol

    Welcome back! It's tough getting in workouts when you're on vacay! How are you liking T25? I think I'm going to add some in here and there while I finish up this round!
  • mkwongh
    mkwongh Posts: 279 Member
    so far loving the burn from T25! I am feeling it all over :)
  • evt84
    evt84 Posts: 71 Member
    So I've been researching Body Beast a little more and see it's broken into the Build, Bulk, Beast phases.

    Are those phases classified that way because of the certain schedule and moves associated with the phases, or is it mainly because of the diet?

    I am so used to my intake being 1500 with a 40/30/30 split (it's helped me lose about 7 pounds with Insanity, and I'm holding steady and maintaining now).

    Would I have to drastically change my intake/diet?

    Sorry...I'm having such an inner struggle with that route I want to take after Insanity is over next week.
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    So I've been researching Body Beast a little more and see it's broken into the Build, Bulk, Beast phases.

    Are those phases classified that way because of the certain schedule and moves associated with the phases, or is it mainly because of the diet?

    I am so used to my intake being 1500 with a 40/30/30 split (it's helped me lose about 7 pounds with Insanity, and I'm holding steady and maintaining now).

    Would I have to drastically change my intake/diet?

    Sorry...I'm having such an inner struggle with that route I want to take after Insanity is over next week.

    So, it's a combo of both. Like any of the 90 day weight programs (P90X, Chalean Extreme), the phases are set up so that in the first, you're learning how to eat the right amount of calories while getting mostly protein in and the exercises are helping you burn that fat. The second phase, you are more likely to gain a few pounds (usually muscle) while maintaining or increasing your intake due to the exercises; you're using more energy. Then, the third phase, you cut back on the carbs and that's the phase that you lean out.

    Believe me, I was VERY hesitant about the caloric intake suggested for me in particular. I'm not eating exactly what it suggests but I am definitely eating more calories than I ever have; around 2000 per day. Keep in mind, I also teach fitness classes (P90X, Insanity and Turbo Kick) so I need those calories. However, it's been hard for me to get them in sometimes; I'm not as hungry as you'd think.

    Anyway, I say trust in the process. Maybe start your first few weeks or phase with what you're doing now and see how that works for you; it may be fine. Are you going to use any of the supplements?
  • Witchdoctor58
    Witchdoctor58 Posts: 226 Member
    I am so excited I'm shaking (no, I'm actually shaking because of today's workout. My upper body is trembling).

    I am IN. I started today with Chest and Tris, two of my weaker muscle groups. I had to modify or blow off the pushups because of lack of strength and muscle fatigue. Sagi dragged every last bit I had to give from me. Even tricep dips, which I can normally do, had me at the mods after just two regular movements because he had already worked my tris so hard. This is going to be fun!!!

    I took ginseng (suma) this AM. I bought a preworkout drink, but I really wanted my coffee, so I had that plus a half-banana instead.

    The calorie calculator has me at ~2150 calories, which should be interesting. The last few days I've been taking it easy and eating about 1600/d. So, I'm off to eat breakfast.
    EBFNP Posts: 529 Member
    I am considering this workout program after I am done with T25. I need to lose an additional 15-20 lbs, so I don't want to gain weight at all. I am thinking I should repeat the P90x/Insanity hybrid then go onto Body Beast early next year. I would love to see everyone's progress and results from the program though.
  • allstatemom
    allstatemom Posts: 183 Member
    Day 21 of 90. Today was my cardio day. I did the newest Leslie Sansone. I liked it a lot. We have a walking group after school 2 days a week. I think the girls will like it too. I was supposed to do abs today, but my son moved into a house off campus this afternoon and I am fighting the blues more than I thought I would. :huh:
  • allstatemom
    allstatemom Posts: 183 Member
    Day 22 of 90. Bulk legs. OMG!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Today is my rest day! However, my hubby and I did a lot of yard work! Now, I'm relaxing, ready to take on next week. I need to get my eating back in check and thinking I might lower my carbs maybe.

    allstatemom: What did you think of Bulk legs?! I actually prefer it over build legs.
  • evt84
    evt84 Posts: 71 Member
    Well--I did it. Last night I ordered Body Beast (no supplements) and also ordered 2 pair of Bowflex Selectech for me, and one for my HUSBAND who will be doing this with me! So exciting!

    Looking forward to ending Insanity on Sunday and starting Body Beast on Monday!!

    Excited, nervous, anxious! Can't wait to see what progress is made! Also looking forward to a break from the cardio and to focus on lifting :)
  • Witchdoctor58
    Witchdoctor58 Posts: 226 Member
    Congrats on your committment, evt84! I do suggest taking a week or so to recover from insanity, though...maybe do stretching and light cardio.

    Question for the more advanced: I did the first 2 days over the weekend, Build chest and tris, and legs. My pecs are in screaming agony and can barely tolerate any pressure, and now my legs and glutes are seized up and I can barely make it up and down stairs.
    I plan to take a rest day today, even though I'm supposed to do back and biceps. I think I'll try stretching at lunch break.

    Please tell me that succeeding rounds will be easier as I accommodate to them! I had been working out before this, so this degree of muscle soreness is a surprise. I can't conceive of adding more sore muscles to this mix, as I have to function at work. I have been using creatine, and mostly managing to make it to 1900-2000 cal with the right macros. I realize this means that Sagi got it right, but still. I may need to build an extra rest day into each week if this is how it goes.
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Well--I did it. Last night I ordered Body Beast (no supplements) and also ordered 2 pair of Bowflex Selectech for me, and one for my HUSBAND who will be doing this with me! So exciting!

    Looking forward to ending Insanity on Sunday and starting Body Beast on Monday!!

    Excited, nervous, anxious! Can't wait to see what progress is made! Also looking forward to a break from the cardio and to focus on lifting :)

    Woo hoo!!!! That's exciting that your hubby is doing it with you! Take it easy on Sunday, get plenty of rest if you're going to start on Monday! Stay with us girl and keep us posted! I think you're going to LOVE it!!!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Congrats on your committment, evt84! I do suggest taking a week or so to recover from insanity, though...maybe do stretching and light cardio.

    Question for the more advanced: I did the first 2 days over the weekend, Build chest and tris, and legs. My pecs are in screaming agony and can barely tolerate any pressure, and now my legs and glutes are seized up and I can barely make it up and down stairs.
    I plan to take a rest day today, even though I'm supposed to do back and biceps. I think I'll try stretching at lunch break.

    Please tell me that succeeding rounds will be easier as I accommodate to them! I had been working out before this, so this degree of muscle soreness is a surprise. I can't conceive of adding more sore muscles to this mix, as I have to function at work. I have been using creatine, and mostly managing to make it to 1900-2000 cal with the right macros. I realize this means that Sagi got it right, but still. I may need to build an extra rest day into each week if this is how it goes.

    Holy cow girl!!! What are you doing, doing two workouts in one day! And let alone, legs?! lol No wonder you can't move!

    Here's the thing. With any new program, you are going to be the most sore in the first one to two weeks, so what you're experiencing is normal. Believe me, when I first started BB and I did the first leg workout, I couldn't walk for 3 days!!!! lol

    I don't suggest, going forward, that you do doubles, at least not double of weights workouts! Especially with this program since it's more intense.

    Sounds like you got your macros and calories down, that's good! That's half the battle!

    Stick with it!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Good morning Beastettes!!! :bigsmile:

    My morning started with me teaching my P90X class at 6:30am and then back home, where I've started week 6! Today was Bulk Chest! Love it!

    I am increasing my weights and it feels good! Waiting to get my next set of supplements in the mail and my vanilla shakeology!!!!! I need it!!!!!!

    Keep up the good work ladies! I love to see more of you joining in on this journey! Have a great day and stay focused on your goals this week!
  • Witchdoctor58
    Witchdoctor58 Posts: 226 Member
    "Holy cow girl!!! What are you doing, doing two workouts in one day! And let alone, legs?! lol No wonder you can't move! "

    No, you misunderstood. I did Build Chest and Tris Saturday and Build Legs Sun. And then I somehow made it downstairs after work yesterday and did Build Back and Bis.

    Today is supposed to be abs and cardio. I think the abs won't be an issue, but cardio? I can still barely walk, although the chest and tris are merely tender and no longer screaming. If I can find a seated cardio routine somewhere, I will try to do that, but anything involving legs is not happening today.

    I have no idea how you are doing P90x plus BB, Debra. Amazing!

  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Morning Beastettes! Well, today is a day that I don't teach! Woo hoo! So, it kind of feels like a rest day, given that I only have my workout to do! lol

    However, I went downstairs to pop in my Body Beast DVD and found that today's workout was Bulk Legs!!!! Holy crap! This is no rest day!

    Just finished and increased my weights on everything, no more messing around with these legs! Now, refueling with my Tropical Strawberry Shakeology and BB supps!

    Have a great day ladies!!!
  • allstatemom
    allstatemom Posts: 183 Member
    Day 24 of 90. Cardio and Abs today. My choice was Leslie Sansone Morning Mile plus Abs.
  • amanda2g
    Hello, I am buying this today - just waiting for the phone lines to open in America - I was just wondering - when you say the lean program - is it all the same workouts just you eat less or do I need to buy a specific workout as I can't see the different options online?
  • 321newme
    321newme Posts: 15 Member
    I am on day 3!!! I am lovin' Body Beast!!!