Help..I am going crazy :(



  • Angie1366
    I tried a similar diet once...
    I lasted one week - I had horrendous head aches and shakes.

    My mate was so worried she bought me a massive bacon buttie that had a big bread bun and within 10 minutes of eating it all the shakes and the headache went.

    Apparently there are some people who do not respond well to zero carbs. One in ten find it almost impossible.

    Listen to your body - if it is really really hurting, then I would re-introduce some healthy carbs (natural carbs - like fruit...)

    But then again - why are you doing it anyway? Try the 5:2 diet - I LOVE IT - been on it since 3rd January and in 16 weeks I lost 27 lbs. Now I am maintaining my weight and training really well on it too! It is like a miracle!
  • mimieon
    mimieon Posts: 182 Member
    Okay, I noticed that my health issues pop up a lot and I will share them with you:
    Night Sweats
    Greying of Teeth
    Premature Greying of hair (this is NEW, as in just found in a week)
    Drastically low Testosterone and Estrogen

    I am getting medical treatment for 4 of those things.

    Did you clear this with you doctor?

    My doctor is the one who wants me on a 1200 calorie diet.
    My "mental" doctor is making sure to put me on medication that wont cause me much weight gain because she knows I am SUPER self continuous.
    And the doctor that helps with my Estrogen and Testosterone said "good luck" and that he was on a similar diet, but nothing that strict. I have seemed to be stuck at my weight since I started this treatment. (but I need the treatment lol)

    I would advise you to find a qualified endocrinolgist and dietician, preferably both working together with you. Also, if advice sounds crazy, it most likely is crazy (like cutting out entire foodgroups, or decreasing your calories by huge amounts in a short time).
  • StarChanger
    StarChanger Posts: 605 Member
    Drastically low Testosterone and Estrogen

    Since I'm not privy to your exact numbers, let me just say, in general ALL (normal) WOMEN are "drastically low" in Testosterone, and if you are truly overweight or obese by BMI criteria (it doesn't sound like you're a bodybuilder or particularly muscular), it would be almost IMPOSSIBLE to be "drastically low" in Estrogen, as significant estrogen is produced in the peripheral fat stores of our (male AND female) bodies.

    Also keep in mind that only a few very, very specialized labs in the country are calibrated to test FEMALE testosterone levels (so my lab tells me). The "normal/abnormal" cut offs have only been validated in unless you have a "Y" chromosome floating around somewhere, only a grossly ELEVATED testosterone would be of concern (because, again, normal women ARE drastically low...)
  • BattleTaxi
    BattleTaxi Posts: 752 Member
    I get the no sugar, bread or dairy but no FRUIT? Seriously!?

    Fruit has a TON of sugar in it (but I love fruit)

    Sugar from fruit = Good

    Added sugar = Bad

    Going on diets that restrict foods I can eat make me depressed. I've found that utilizing MFP to track what I eat, eat healthier portions, and make smarter choices when I do want something "sweet" has helped a lot.

    The main thing for me and what helps me to be successful is motivation. And that motivation comes from communities like the one here on MFP where people are supportive of you.

    Nothing brings a smile to my face more than seeing everyone congratulating me on my small successes (staying under calorie goal, losing weight, etc).

    MFP + Communicate on the forums = Success

    And of course, you have to be 100% willing to make this commitment to yourself. You are making changes to live a healthier life. Don't suffer to lose weight, it will only subconsciously make you feel like eating a healthier diet is bad.

    -Good luck!
  • kenzietate
    kenzietate Posts: 399 Member
    So, I am on this diet, where I cut out 99.9% of my carbs and sugars.
    This means:
    No Sugar
    No Fruit
    No Bread
    No Dairy
    My friends tell me the first week is the hardest, but it does get easier. Now, I am not saying that I do not believe them because I know they are right and it has worked for them. But I am breaking into day four here in a few minutes and I think I am going to lose my marbles. I am craving Skittles, cheese enchiladas, Oreos… and other things. I am so nauseas from what I have been eating here in the past three days – but I was told it is because I am going through withdrawals from the yeast and sugars. The effects from the withdrawals as I was told are:
    And what not, but I am just worried. Is this natural going through this? The nausea and cravings? When I was on 1200-1400calories I was fine, but I also ate what I want. I mean, yes this is healthier, but I am wondering if it is really worth it. I really need support and many other things…help?

    It sounds like you are going for the ketogenic diet. I am currently on this diet. You are most likely going through keto flu. Yes it will get much better after the first week. Drink broth and bullion and tons of water! Also, eat a lot of salt! Your body is flushing it out right now and you need to replace it as much as possible! After the second week you will be even better. My best tip for you is to find something that is diet friendly and high in fat that you love (for me it is bacon) and every time you crave carbs, eat that instead. This has worked wonders for me! I eat it every time I have carb cravings and now my body is starting to crave it instead. If this is what you want to do, stick to it! Find support online such as and I have hormonal imbalances in the other direction, everything is WAY too high!! But this has helped me tremendously! Your friends are right that you feel much more alert and healthier on this diet! Friend me if you want!
  • JRadd14
    JRadd14 Posts: 206 Member
    Many of us have too much sugar in our diet (me included). I've read repeatedly and know of one person in particular that eliminated most of the sugar from her diet (candy, sweets, etc.) After awhile she no longer craved sweets and if something was sweetened she often found it to be too sweet.

    I agree with many of the others... unless you have a medical reason then I would just modify what you had been doing. Less sugar can do us all good... perhaps try limiting white sugar and upping veggie consumption? No one should be miserable trying to get healthier and happier... ;o)
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    Nope. Sugar from fruit = Sugar from fruit and added sugar = added sugar. Don't be assigning moral values to things that can't be measured on a morality scale, please.
    Sugar from fruit = Good

    Added sugar = Bad
    Instead of worrying about what you're taking away, make sure that you are giving your body what it needs first. You have to work in the positive direction. I eat 1800 calories per day, and I need to get 183 grams of protein per day, because I eat one gram per pound of body weight. After that, I make sure to get 5 servings of fruit and vegetable a day, and I make sure that I have a starchy carb at breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and a small dessert at lunch and dinner. After that, I'm free to do whatever I like. There's never any left over, because I use all my calories to meet the above needs.

    I am specifically NOT saying that will work for you, but what I am saying is that if you feed your body enough of what it needs, you can take care of the rest after you get stable on that. Trying to get to a place of balance starting from delirium and depression isn't going to work.

    I'd like to second what Neandermagnon said. Low carb can (CAN, not DOES in all cases) worsen depression. I got into a binging pattern because of cutting carbs for 8 months. And I only lost 4 friggin' pounds, which essentially amounted to the weight of the glycogen stores in my muscles. So it was a big nothin' for me.

    I have a friend who eats kinda paleo, and it makes her feel great. It looks so delicious and healthy, but I cannot eat that way, because it does not make me feel great. Just because something works for one person does not mean it will work for another. There are too many factors that have not been identified still.

    I would urge you to work with your mental health professional to help you through this. The mind/body connection is very important, and we ignore it at our peril. Best of luck to you, and good health!
  • Scubanana7
    Scubanana7 Posts: 361 Member
    DoNOT try to eat zero carbs. You should go no lower than net 20 carbs minus fiber. Yes, it is a healthy diet, Yes it is sustaininable and there are many many of us doing this and feeling great. There are also many who will call us stupid or crazy, which annoys the &(**& out of me. It is fine to have opposing opinions, but every 'body' is different. I have had fantastic results and I know MANY who do agree.

    Just do your research and get those carbs up to net 20. You CAN have mostly 'green' veges. Atkins says no fruit, but raspberries/blackberries/ small apple WITH protein or good fat is good. You can have avocada every day and that is one of the healthiest fruits you can eat (i think it's fruit...). Eat olives too--also AMAZING for you.

    Are you getting your net 20? and are you eating enough calories? and good fats? If you are not, you will really feel like crap. You have the carb flu, but it will pass. Just be sure you are getting enough of the above things. You like to cook--check the low carb forums and just google low carb. There are lots of recipes to help with the cravings.

    ps. Ooops I forgot, 1200 calories is too drastic. Up to 1400 and you will feel better. You may be able to eat up to 1600. That is another big reason you feel bad. Good Luck

    and I also believe you tried TOO strict a carb restriction all at once. Cut them gradually...start at 150 for a week, then 100, then 75, then 50 then 30, then 20. You may even find somewhere along the way, that you are losing great at 100. If so, stick there. You do NOT have to go to 20 unless you really want to. Though it may help with some of your problems. The LOW carb really helped with a lot of mine. Also the gluten-free helped....and NOW the ANti-GLUTEN folks will begin the attack. Please don't. I have heard it all and you cannot convince me or the others that feel better off gluten that we are stupid. My body.

    HANG IN there.

    And for the ones who want to quote me and call me stupid Please just DON"T. I have heard it all. LOW CARB is NOT unhealthy, IS sustainable, and HAS and IS working for many many many of us. You are welcome to do your way of eating, so please do not make it your mission to try to convince everyone our way is wrong. My blood tests from the doctor and HIS blessing tells me otherwise.
  • HarrietSmeltzer1
    HarrietSmeltzer1 Posts: 101 Member
    Strive for balance. See a nutritionist. Enjoy
    Everything in moderation. Slow and easy wins the race :wink:
  • cbumbalough
    cbumbalough Posts: 142 Member
    It's not necessarily healthier. I feel better eating that way. My husband, on the other hand, doesn't. I feel better after 1 week. He still craves stuff. He's not built to do low-carb. It's all about what works for you. If you do good with your regular food and counting calories, do that. Don't worry about how other people lose weight. Everyone is different.
  • LadyGhostDuchess
    LadyGhostDuchess Posts: 894 Member
    Thank you everyone for your input. I have spent a good part of the early day thinking about what I am going to do and I made up my minchanging what I eat with some moderations. Thank you all again for your input.
  • PhoenixStrikes
    PhoenixStrikes Posts: 587 Member
    That does not seem like a sustainable diet. I recommended making life time changes to your diet and not doing something so radical. Restricting yourself like that might lead to you gaining iit all back and then you will have went through all this torture for nothing. Was your diet before hand already healthy and well rounded? If not I would start making adjustments to your normal diet first and see what results you get from that.
  • LBNOakland
    LBNOakland Posts: 379 Member
    Nope. Sugar from fruit = Sugar from fruit and added sugar = added sugar. Don't be assigning moral values to things that can't be measured on a morality scale, please.
    Sugar from fruit = Good

    Added sugar = Bad
    Instead of worrying about what you're taking away, make sure that you are giving your body what it needs first. You have to work in the positive direction. I eat 1800 calories per day, and I need to get 183 grams of protein per day, because I eat one gram per pound of body weight. After that, I make sure to get 5 servings of fruit and vegetable a day, and I make sure that I have a starchy carb at breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and a small dessert at lunch and dinner. After that, I'm free to do whatever I like. There's never any left over, because I use all my calories to meet the above needs.

    I am specifically NOT saying that will work for you, but what I am saying is that if you feed your body enough of what it needs, you can take care of the rest after you get stable on that. Trying to get to a place of balance starting from delirium and depression isn't going to work.

    I'd like to second what Neandermagnon said. Low carb can (CAN, not DOES in all cases) worsen depression. I got into a binging pattern because of cutting carbs for 8 months. And I only lost 4 friggin' pounds, which essentially amounted to the weight of the glycogen stores in my muscles. So it was a big nothin' for me.

    I have a friend who eats kinda paleo, and it makes her feel great. It looks so delicious and healthy, but I cannot eat that way, because it does not make me feel great. Just because something works for one person does not mean it will work for another. There are too many factors that have not been identified still.

    I would urge you to work with your mental health professional to help you through this. The mind/body connection is very important, and we ignore it at our peril. Best of luck to you, and good health!

    That's alot of protein! How do you get it in? I though it was a pound of protein per pound of lean body mass? I struggle with getting 100 grams sometimes. I don't know if I have ever hit 183.
  • jdm_taco
    jdm_taco Posts: 999 Member
    sounds miserable and unnecessary
  • ricardoroy3
    ricardoroy3 Posts: 2 Member
    I personally love low card diets, but you're talking about a NO carb diet. That's crazy -- your body needs carbs to some extent. If you want to get aggressive in weight loss, then adjust your protein/carb/fat rations. When I'm dropping weight, in a hurry, I'll do 50% protein / 20% carbs / 30% fat. Your body runs on fuels in this order: alcohol, carbs, fats, proteins. So if you drink some alcohol, your body will use that for fuel, while, at the same time, taking any of the other elements and storing them as fat (carbs, fats, proteins). Without getting into the macro-science of the whole thing, my suggestion is you change your ratios. 20% carbs a day is AGGRESSIVE. 0% is robbing your system of necessary fuel to function.
  • iTrainHARD
    So, I am on this diet, where I cut out 99.9% of my carbs and sugars.
    This means:
    No Sugar
    No Fruit
    No Bread
    No Dairy
    My friends tell me the first week is the hardest, but it does get easier. Now, I am not saying that I do not believe them because I know they are right and it has worked for them. But I am breaking into day four here in a few minutes and I think I am going to lose my marbles. I am craving Skittles, cheese enchiladas, Oreos… and other things. I am so nauseas from what I have been eating here in the past three days – but I was told it is because I am going through withdrawals from the yeast and sugars. The effects from the withdrawals as I was told are:
    And what not, but I am just worried. Is this natural going through this? The nausea and cravings? When I was on 1200-1400calories I was fine, but I also ate what I want. I mean, yes this is healthier, but I am wondering if it is really worth it. I really need support and many other things…help?

    I mean...from what you are describing you're only limiting some carbs...not ALL of them? I don't see why you can't eat vegetables, sweet potatoes...oatmeal...
  • hamminit
    hamminit Posts: 184 Member
    People do the candida diet to starve out the extra yeast in their bodies- sugar fuels yeast- once you cheat one time though- the yeast is back - if you don't have trouble with yeast- ditch this diet ( i would ditch it anyway)
  • kyliecakes0405
    kyliecakes0405 Posts: 73 Member
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    Well I know two people on it - they said it was healthier and they feel that they are better and lighter, they can think more clearly. A few members of my family say it is a fantastic idea, some of my family has been on it too. I just ...I don't know

    well, restrictive diets aren't always the best idea. As my grandma said...if your friends jumped off a cliff, would you do it too?
  • richardheath
    richardheath Posts: 1,276 Member
    People do the candida diet to starve out the extra yeast in their bodies- sugar fuels yeast- once you cheat one time though- the yeast is back - if you don't have trouble with yeast- ditch this diet ( i would ditch it anyway)

    Sugar fuels your body. Any food you eat is converted into glucose for transport around your bloodstream to organs and muscles. If you have a normal insulin response, your blood sugar will be in a "normal" range. You are not going to starve a systemic yeast infection with this or any other diet. If you have hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) you will have no energy anyway.

    IF you suspect a systemic yeast infection, go see your doctor.

    So yeah - she should definitely ditch the diet.