Question for those who don't want to be ripped.



  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Don't worry - no one gets ripped by accident.

    I was using "ripped" as an expression. As I was pretty "ripped" before I know it doesn't happen by accident. I am not worried about suddenly waking up with 8 pack abs. I was simply feeling out to see if there were others like me: Not training for anything, just getting healthier.

    I came here with a goal of losing weight. The number on the scale.

    Then I realized that I should be more concerned about body fat, not the scale. I was at my goal weight about 5 years ago and I didn't like my body, I was still blubber. But a perfect weight for my frame/age/size.

    I then realized that I was only going to get the body I want if I do some exercise.... and that heavy lifting is the most effective route, not hours of cardio.

    Ripped, no, I'll never be what anyone considers "ripped", I do admire that look on others, but don't think I personally have the ability to get there. My goal now is to reduce my body fat % by 5%, which puts me on the line between "lean" and "ideal" for my age, but is still well above the level where I would look really ripped.

    So, all that to say, yes, there are people here who don't want to be ripped. But don't be surprised if your goals shift as you go along.

    I'm training to be the best "me" I can be.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    Ok, kiddies, our lesson for today is to be very careful not to confuse or offend those who DO want to be 'ripped', as apparently there is a correlation between BF% and thickness of skin. Oh wait, there actually is. My bad. carry on. :bigsmile:
  • TyTy76
    TyTy76 Posts: 1,761 Member
    I am done with this thread.

    OP, I wish you the best at "not becoming ripped"
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member

    This may be the tamest forum on the interwebz. If this place offends you, stay away from sports, politics, parenting,............
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Even when I do lose weight, no one who speaks to me like you will ever be thanked. There is a difference between constructive criticism and having no tact. I am new to this site, but not to weight loss and exercise. Your experience means nothing to mean in the form you threw it out there.
    I liked beans post, it's honest. I was basically thinking the same thing but didn't say anything. So, for future benefit, how would one say what bean said with however amount of tact that you in particularly were wishing for? I'd like to be able to say what she said but since you don't like it I'd like to know a way that someone like you would listen to and benefit from.

    You perceive it as honest, a lot of people perceive it as tactless.

    Insinuating that somebody wants to remain fat but is putting it under the excuse that they do not want to get ripped is not being honest, it is being tactless and frankly, it was unnecessary.

    Still, I am guessing that people that say such things to people, would never mind things being said in a similar vein to themselves :)

    I didn't want to workout the other day because I was in a surly *kitten* mood, and my husband looked me dead in the eye and said "well why not just give up. Bad days happen all the time, so if you stop every time...Just give up. Save me the money on gym classes and smaller clothes."

    So yeah, I don't mind 'just stay fat.' I need to hear it, bluntly and honestly, sometimes.

    As for the OP: How did you survive boot with such thin skin? Chicks like that went crying home within two weeks when I went through.
  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
    Ok, kiddies, our lesson for today is to be very careful not to confuse or offend those who DO want to be 'ripped', as apparently there is a correlation between BF% and thickness of skin. Oh wait, there actually is. My bad. carry on. :bigsmile:

    Actually, mommie, what I took from this thread is to make sure and get my psychic hat on when trying to figure out what someone is trying to actually ask and if they are going to be easily offended or not by the conversation that ensues on a public forum.
  • CharliesInCharge
    CharliesInCharge Posts: 278 Member
    does staples sell this "easy button" for getting "ripped"?
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,651 Member
    Even when I do lose weight, no one who speaks to me like you will ever be thanked. There is a difference between constructive criticism and having no tact. I am new to this site, but not to weight loss and exercise. Your experience means nothing to mean in the form you threw it out there.
    I liked beans post, it's honest. I was basically thinking the same thing but didn't say anything. So, for future benefit, how would one say what bean said with however amount of tact that you in particularly were wishing for? I'd like to be able to say what she said but since you don't like it I'd like to know a way that someone like you would listen to and benefit from.

    You perceive it as honest, a lot of people perceive it as tactless.

    Insinuating that somebody wants to remain fat but is putting it under the excuse that they do not want to get ripped is not being honest, it is being tactless and frankly, it was unnecessary.

    Still, I am guessing that people that say such things to people, would never mind things being said in a similar vein to themselves :)

    I didn't want to workout the other day because I was in a surly *kitten* mood, and my husband looked me dead in the eye and said "well why not just give up. Bad days happen all the time, so if you stop every time...Just give up. Save me the money on gym classes and smaller clothes."

    So yeah, I don't mind 'just stay fat.' I need to hear it, bluntly and honestly, sometimes.

    As for the OP: How did you survive boot with such thin skin? Chicks like that went crying home within two weeks when I went through.

    The OP didn't need to hear that though.
  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
    QUICK!! Without anyone knowing anything about me, tell me what kind of advice I respond best too, tough love, or gentle prodding!!
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Even when I do lose weight, no one who speaks to me like you will ever be thanked. There is a difference between constructive criticism and having no tact. I am new to this site, but not to weight loss and exercise. Your experience means nothing to mean in the form you threw it out there.
    I liked beans post, it's honest. I was basically thinking the same thing but didn't say anything. So, for future benefit, how would one say what bean said with however amount of tact that you in particularly were wishing for? I'd like to be able to say what she said but since you don't like it I'd like to know a way that someone like you would listen to and benefit from.

    You perceive it as honest, a lot of people perceive it as tactless.

    Insinuating that somebody wants to remain fat but is putting it under the excuse that they do not want to get ripped is not being honest, it is being tactless and frankly, it was unnecessary.

    Still, I am guessing that people that say such things to people, would never mind things being said in a similar vein to themselves :)

    I didn't want to workout the other day because I was in a surly *kitten* mood, and my husband looked me dead in the eye and said "well why not just give up. Bad days happen all the time, so if you stop every time...Just give up. Save me the money on gym classes and smaller clothes."

    So yeah, I don't mind 'just stay fat.' I need to hear it, bluntly and honestly, sometimes.

    As for the OP: How did you survive boot with such thin skin? Chicks like that went crying home within two weeks when I went through.

    The OP didn't need to hear that though.

    Disagree. Judging by how defensive they got it was exactly what was needed. Being a veteran doesn't absolve you from the perception of underachieving or unwillingness to work that setting low goals causes. At least I wasn't informed of such when I was discharged.

    Also I got to enjoy all the internet soothing of hurt feelings and threats of leaving that followed, and that's always a good time.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Ok, kiddies, our lesson for today is to be very careful not to confuse or offend those who DO want to be 'ripped', as apparently there is a correlation between BF% and thickness of skin. Oh wait, there actually is. My bad. carry on. :bigsmile:

    Actually, mommie, what I took from this thread is to make sure and get my psychic hat on when trying to figure out what someone is trying to actually ask and if they are going to be easily offended or not by the conversation that ensues on a public forum.

    I have to say I'm not surprised. Someone implied that the problem was the delivery, I asked how would you say it? Notice how I got nothing. Saying to stay the way you are is not an attack. It's an option. Not every single persons opinion has to be pixie dust and butterflies. From the looks of it others have a similar opinion. And we're all aloud to have different ones. You don't need to take it offensively. You can however, take it as a kick in the bum, to get yourself off it, if you like. If the defence of other posters are she was ripped and is not overweight so the problem wasn't that she was getting lazy, then why is she stating opposite and wanting to lose around 50lbs?

    As for Sgtphalanx, "Some people need a gentle hand, some need lots of positive comments, others just need to be stroked occasionally....So woman up and apologize meaningfully..."

    Don't forget the...and some people need a kick in the bum. Particularly the several people who mentioned that's what they needed. That's not what I needed, but I've had many similar comments and I still took it as a positive push. Some people take it as a negative shove when that's not the way it's meant. As long as it's a shove in the right direction, who cares. MFPs want all kinds of different things and sometimes the things we want aren't the things we need, and this is the internet, so we're going to get different kinds of support. Choose your poison. No need to be butthurt. If you don't like the 'all kinds' then make a private forum that only offers your particular type of support.
  • Kudziis
    Kudziis Posts: 1
    You can try drinking weight loss pills. In that way, you wount get ripped or anything. Just will lose weight and be healty.

    I did that. I bought pills from here: (I', very sorr for this link, just want to share with everybody here.)

    These pills started helping me in 3rd week. You should try them.

    can buy from there a tea, that will help to, if you dont want to drink pills
  • IMarieB
    IMarieB Posts: 33 Member
    Whatever you do, dont lift. Youll get huge.

    OMG bahaha, Overrated misconception
  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    You might want to look into a program called "Visual Impact for Women." It's for people who want to be reasonably strong, look good, but not ripped. The key in the strength training part of the program is to work the muscle hard, but not to the point of failure. The program also recognizes that many women don't want to increase their lower body and provides instructions on the kinds of exercise to perform or avoid.
    SJVZEE Posts: 451 Member
    I am a veteran who used to be in amazing shape. My profile picture is me climbing Mt. Fugi in Japan. I was in the best shape of my life. My question is, What if I don't want to get back there? I want to lose weight and be healthier, but I don't need or want to be in the shape I was when I was in the military. I want to be thinner and healthier, but I am not joining any weight lifting contests or running any marathons. (I did a full triathlon in Japan. Good stuff.) I don't know if I am making any sense. Is there any one out there like me. Just getting healthier, not ripped.:happy:

    Yep, me :) I've lost all the weight without any extra exercise and now that I'm in maintenance I walk 10-12 miles a week. Love my walks and don't feel the need to do anything else.
  • RobynLB83
    RobynLB83 Posts: 626 Member
    Don't worry - no one gets ripped by accident.

    Actually-- you can get ripped by accident if you're really into a sport and you train for performance and incidentally get ripped.
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,651 Member
    Even when I do lose weight, no one who speaks to me like you will ever be thanked. There is a difference between constructive criticism and having no tact. I am new to this site, but not to weight loss and exercise. Your experience means nothing to mean in the form you threw it out there.
    I liked beans post, it's honest. I was basically thinking the same thing but didn't say anything. So, for future benefit, how would one say what bean said with however amount of tact that you in particularly were wishing for? I'd like to be able to say what she said but since you don't like it I'd like to know a way that someone like you would listen to and benefit from.

    You perceive it as honest, a lot of people perceive it as tactless.

    Insinuating that somebody wants to remain fat but is putting it under the excuse that they do not want to get ripped is not being honest, it is being tactless and frankly, it was unnecessary.

    Still, I am guessing that people that say such things to people, would never mind things being said in a similar vein to themselves :)

    I didn't want to workout the other day because I was in a surly *kitten* mood, and my husband looked me dead in the eye and said "well why not just give up. Bad days happen all the time, so if you stop every time...Just give up. Save me the money on gym classes and smaller clothes."

    So yeah, I don't mind 'just stay fat.' I need to hear it, bluntly and honestly, sometimes.

    As for the OP: How did you survive boot with such thin skin? Chicks like that went crying home within two weeks when I went through.

    The OP didn't need to hear that though.

    Disagree. Judging by how defensive they got it was exactly what was needed. Being a veteran doesn't absolve you from the perception of underachieving or unwillingness to work that setting low goals causes. At least I wasn't informed of such when I was discharged.

    Also I got to enjoy all the internet soothing of hurt feelings and threats of leaving that followed, and that's always a good time.

    No, she asked if there was anybody else of similar physique goals on MFP.

    Glad you are having a good time, wouldn't want you to waste your time here :)
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    I also don't want to get ripped... IN HALF.

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,723 Member
    Calorie deficit and walk. Maybe throw in a few pushups and pullups too.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition