

  • Suzy_in_DE
    Suzy_in_DE Posts: 191 Member
    Happy Hump Day Ladies –

    Hope everyone on the east coast is enjoying this beautiful day.

    My work has been lack luster of late. I know things are what you make them, but my job has been the pits these past several months. I work for a large corporation and have been lucky to have had many great jobs, but this one has been very isolating. Due to recent downsizing there haven’t been a lot of postings for new opportunities, but I continue to look. I appreciate that my job gives me a lot of autonomy, but wish it had more interaction with people. I’m on conference calls much of the day with people from all over the country, so don’t get to interact w/real live people much of the time. The office I work in the majority of folks work from home, so there is hardly any water cooler chat, which leads to the feeling of isolation.

    Looking forward to this weekend, taking a good friend out to dinner for her 40th birthday and on Saturday we are going to see Lisa Lampanelli (a comedian).

    On a goal perspective the week is going well:
    • Steps 14,000/day – on target
    • Workouts – on target
    • Logging all meals – on target

    :smile: Joyce – enjoyed your freezer story.
    :smile: Meg – so sorry to hear about DH’s favorite aunt.
    :smile: Rhonda – congratulations on a clean bill of health on your dental check up. I’m always happy when there are no surprises!!

    Be well,
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,396 Member
    Goodness, I hope I get thru this all. Yesterday was a very busy day, I only logged my food. Worked out doing incline intervals, went to Aldi, then Vince and I put acid in the pool (it hadn't been done since the pool was installed), went to mahjongg (maj'd once), had to get my glasses adjusted. At night it was Rummikub. This one lady was so nice to offer to host it since I was preparing for the social. Went to Lowe's Foods and really struck out. Didn't get home until a little after 11.

    Today (Wed) I did a step DVD at home (the Y was closed, normally they let me use their aerobics room while my exercise room is torn up but they were closed since the hotel that's attached to it is doing renovations), had out last senior bowling for the summer season. I took grapes with me and just had some cheese and grapes while there. Oh, this a.m. we had the Newcomer general meeting. In a way it was good that the speaker didn't show up, I don't think it would have been interesting anyway. It was supposed to be this lady talking about emergency prepardness, we had someone like this last year! Now I'm doing a load of laundry

    Tomorrow the plan is to do a Jari Love DVD. Not sure if I can do it at home (I would prefer to) or need to go to the Y. Then I have a dentist appt

    Joyce - wonderful NSV

    Amanda - glad to hear that you're wearing the hernia belt. It may not look real attractive, but I know it'll help you.

    Cindy - I'm like you, I need to get my exercise in early in the day or it doesn't happen

    genalace - good luck in your tournament!

    katla - actually, I was impressed by the way the lady who hosted the Rummikub made the food. She didn't use any mayo, not on the chicken salad or the crab salad or pimento cheese (I'm not crazy about that anyway). She mostly used yogurt. A friend of mine adopted a dog a few months ago and she was saying how she's doing so much more walking now that she's lost 10 pounds. Honestly, I can't see it, but I'll go along with her. Vince and I volunteer at the Humane Society, and you're right, they do take in cats (and dogs) from Animal Control who are set to be put down, but only animals they feel can be adopted out. How funny your daughter fell in the freezer!

    Pat - congrats on the loss. Lately, my stomach has been feeling "off", not sick, just different, I can't really explain it

    yanniejannie - we have a front loader washing machine, I really like it. Good luck with your new washer!

    I ordered a pair of Birkenstocks. Unfortunately, the place I got them from was in Germany so it'll be expensive to return them. I just may keep them. Then I ordered another pair from Amazon. They are so comfortable, but I don't know about how they are as far as being stylish.

    Robin - we have an upright freezer, too. It's a frost free one. Even tho they use more energy, they are so much more convenient. The old one we had wasn't and had to be defrosted. I think I may have bought it before they even made frost free ones!

    Joyce - when Jessica was in college, she dissected a shark on my dining room table! It was there for days and days

    Meg - I'm so sorry for your dh

    Rhonda - things for the social will get done. And if they don't...such is life. Like our PLAN was to have all the riverrock done, but that's not happening. As long as the baseboard gets up, I'm happy. And he's supposed to be here Fri or Sat to do that. That'll give me one week to get all the tables, chairs, etc and clean. How scary that lightening struck next door to you!

    Rebel - wish I could say it's been a lovely summer so far. Amost every day it's been rain, rain, rain. There are days when it's real sunny out and then a few hours later it rains

    genalace - the fridge at the condo went one year. When we got there, we found that it wasn't working. Of course, that was when we had PJ who was diabetic so we had to keep the insuling on ice. I went to Wendy's and had to get extra ice every day. We bought a new fridge the next day, but now when we leave we unplug it and take the fan apart. We think what might have happened is that it got hit by lightening. The fan used to get stuck so that's why we disconnect the fan on the new one.

    grandmalle - don't you just hate it when you have something that you love and can't find a replacement at all? Have you looked online for your jacket? I have a lady who is fixing a pair of pants for me. I need them a size smaller. I gave her a pair one size smaller, same cut, same mfgr'r, so I'm hoping she can do it.

    Laura - I do hope your house sells quickly

    Suzy in DE - wish the job situation for you were better. But you're right, at least you have a job. Have fun this weekend

    Going to post this before I get too far behind. Have a great day everyone.

    Michele in NC
  • CritterSue
    CritterSue Posts: 54 Member
    I'm still looking for yummy smoothie recipes. Anyone have one???
    Critter Sue:smile:
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Greetings to all! It is a cool and cloudy day here and I sure hope we get rain. My employee health screen was as expected. Blood sugar high, lipid panel pretty good except my HDL (good cholesterol) is never good…always low no matter what I do! I worked in the office today and did my “remediation” for my health screen; you have to watch 3 short videos on just about any health related topic you can think of in order to get the insurance discount if you have a certain score or higher.

    DH is leaving tomorrow morning right after dropping DD#2 off at school. I haven’t heard yet if Tanya (DD#1) can get off work to go or not. She works til 10 tonight so I haven’t seen her.

    Kate; such a funny story!

    Yanniejannie: we got a beagle from a shelter and he hardly ever barks, so there is hope! Believe me, I hear ya about the vet bills. The gallbladder surgery was incredibly expensive!

    Rhonda: good grief! I’m sure glad your house wasn’t hit by lightening too!

    Rebel: yes you are right…he’s two!!!

    Gail: great walking!

    Grandmallie: can’t wait to hear what your doctor has to say about your weight loss

    Heather : take care of yourself being so busy this coming week!

    CindY : I will agree that I am blessed with good insurance and this benefit is fabulous

    Tina: great steps~

    Katla: I am hoping it never gets to the insulin stage, but I am increasing my metformin.

    Sue glad the PT is going well.

    Michele: I don’t know how you manage to keep your schedule!

    Well this is kind of a short post, but dinner is ready (hamburger helper with Morningstar crumbles, so not much fat, but the sodium will be high!)

    Take care, Meg from I-wish-it-would-rain Omaha
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    SMOOTHIES: Here is one recent link (I'm certain if you search MFP you'll find many more):


    Brooke from Colorado

    "Trying to break free from a corrupt status quo is a high-risk mission." - Carol Orsborn
  • CritterSue
    CritterSue Posts: 54 Member
    Thanks so much, Brooke! The pumpkin smoothie sounds awesome!
    Critter Sue :wink:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Had a fun day with my grand daughters.1 tired gramma.
    Good night all.
  • terewilliams
    terewilliams Posts: 336 Member
    Thanks for the welcome back everybody! :flowerforyou:

    I've had a long but great day today including washing the dog! That was a hoot! He loved it!! Dogs are so wonderful and accepting! I don't know how I would be without my Storm! He and I are now walking our 2 miles in a little less than 30 minutes and it is really showing results!

    I decided to work on the butterfly machine at the gym. My arms actually have biceps and I hope it will give my front melons a little lift as an added benefit! :laugh:

    Have a great evening!
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Tere...........you are in rare form.........front melons????????? I just spit on the computer..........tea all over..............
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I just now saw that I had some messages. I don't look at that very often since, well I just don't! I had several people responding to me wondering whether I should leave here for awhile since I have been having a bad time lately and din't want to be a whiner. It was so heartwarming to read all of your messages and yes, I am staying.

    Joyce, love you all.
  • etak17
    etak17 Posts: 71 Member
    Joyce . . . I love your stories. You should write a memoir! Where did you grow up?

    Michele . . . I like Birkenstocks too. When it comes to my feet, I put comfort way before fashion.

    Rhonda . . . I bet that thunder was loud – right next door! Glad everyone was okay. Prom outfits from duct tape – my daughter would love to see that! – got any pictures?

    Katla . . . Being on a planning commission sounds very interesting. I’m sure you’ll be a valuable member.

    Heather . . . You mentioned what kind of books your husband has written. You recently mentioned starting to write again, and I think you once said you had written children’s books. I’d love to hear more about them.

    Barbie . . . I don’t mind eating the same thing either, especially for lunch – it’s usually yogurt and fruit. My workmates find it boring. But they aren’t eating it!

    I’m so jealous of those of you with grandbabies. I’ve always told my kids that grandchildren are a must. (Then I always add, “but not yet!”) Now they’re 23 and 25 so age-wise they’re getting closer, but they’re both currently living at home and underemployed, so it’s still “not yet!” They didn’t really have grandparents. My husband’s father died before they were born and his mother died when they were still babies. I was estranged from my father (who is now dead), so that only left my mother, who is still living, but has not been much of a grandparent. I hope to be an important part of my grandchildren’s lives, as so many of you are.

    Good night!

    Kate in Brooklyn where the weather is perfect! This can't be August!
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    DBF's fridge is running well and he asked if I could help get all the handles and things installed as he can't bend down enough to do some of the things. Now it is all done. He came over for supper and we ate up some very expensive bacon that had been in his freezer. He went home with a bag full of stuff that I'd been looking after for him.

    We are very sad this evening. His youngest son who had recently adopted a little girl called to say that there are major problems and they are driving her back to the Children's Aid where they got her from tomorrow. Obviously the final legal adoption hadn't gone through and I don't know all the details because DBF doesn't listen properly and couldn't remember when he was telling me later. I bet his DS and partner are just devastated. I feel so badly for them - this was their first child and DBF's first grand-child and we were so happy for them.

    Piece of lace is almost finished. I'll be able to start on the replacement tomorrow (too many mistakes in this one).

    So, off to bed. Good night ladies.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I just now saw that I had some messages. I don't look at that very often since, well I just don't! I had several people responding to me wondering whether I should leave here for awhile since I have been having a bad time lately and din't want to be a whiner. It was so heartwarming to read all of your messages and yes, I am staying.

    Joyce, love you all.

    You just made my day! Yay! You're staying. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Kte in Brooklyn you asked where I grew up. Everywhere!!!! No really when your Dad is a preacher you go where the good Lord takes you. I was born in Kansas from there we moved to Texas where my Dad went to the Southern Baptist seminary there. From there up to Illinois. I always liket o say that's where I grew up since that was where I had what I always like to say my 'formative years'. I think we lived in 3 or 4 towns there and then went to southern Indiana. We lived 2 towns there and by that time I was old enough to go to college and stayed here. My parents then moved up to Gary Indiana. I am glad that I didn't live there. Dad was always the kind of guy that if a church member or family of one was in trouble that you go where they were. So he saw his fair share of bars there. He also worked with a lot of the, I will say it because that's what they were called back then the black people. His deacons didn't like it so he was given the option to immediately 'quit' or be fired. So back to southern Illinois so that at least he cold be close to the two girls he left In Evansville, In. That job didn't last long because it really wasn't somewhere God had called him to for long time but to just get him out of Gary. He had heard some bad things in Gary and actually had FBI working with him on some drug cases. So then to Kentucky. He worked as director of retired Baptist preachers home. I don't really know why he thought that he had that kind of experience but you know that 'Father knows best'. When he felt confident again in his preaching he was in a church in northern Ky where my brothers really had their teen years and was one of Dad's favorite churches. He knew he was getting close to retirement age and wanted to come back to the southern Indiana area and be with us girls and I had a sister who died when she was 20 of cancer and she was buried here. So back they came. He had a church herein town for a good long while and retired there but still accepting quite a few interim jobs as a preacher while the churches were searching for a long term pastor. Mom would always have a day care in these churches. She always liked to serve the ones who needed quality day care but a low price. She didn't believe in buying learning material new. You found things at yard sales or used your creative mind and made them yourself. Us kids were always roped into helping her make them!!!! Since the families that Mom's day care were usually poor, single parent, didn't know their dad or who had a different' uncle' in the house each week Dad was the unofficial Grandpa to these kids. And he took that role seriously and loved it. I just love my parents and wish I could have one more day talking to them. Dad always had a kid on his lap and he didn't have a chance to have my grand kids there. Well, I don't think you asked for all of that but as I have said before, this family of sisters is quite cathartic.

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :bigsmile: Saw the "terrible 2's terrorist toddler" for a bit today. I love him so much - especially since he had his "I love grandma" shirt on - but will be happy when he grows out of it. We all do sooner or later, don't we. I told my daughter (and others) that somehow they all grew up into fine human beings anyway!

    I sat in the dentist chair for 2 hours today, and my mouth is throbbing a bit. So I will take some painkillers and go to bed. The new crowns will be worth it though. I will end up with an expensive mouth. :tongue:

    Okay, like I said...off to bed

    :heart: Rebel
    Vancouver Island, BC., where it finally rained today.
  • janie12835
    Hi, everyone! So, between my father and his wife coming to visit :embarassed: , DH getting home from Sturgis :bigsmile: , district trainings :grumble: , and job applications :noway: and follow ups life has been crazy this week. I'm feeling in serious withdrawal from keeping up with everyone, sorry! Maybe tomorrow I'll get a chance to catch up, but for now it's dog walking time. Sending positive thoughts to all, congrats to those who've been doing well, & hugs to those who need them.

    Janie, Pacific NW

    how I feel right now
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,816 Member
    morning ladies,
    hope all is well.
    im still holding at 46 lbs,I wont complain.. I havnt walked in a couple weeks. so will attempt to take a walk this morning I am hoping my heel will hold up..
    going to the kidney dr this afternoon ,so will have to see what she says
    also going to weed the grass seed again.
    this cooler weather is lovely~ but the only thing is it makes me hungry:grumble: :grumble: I am starving.. alot... but dont fear I still pick good things to eat.. it is engrained in my brain..
    Theresa- front melons thats sooo funny.. unfortunatly I have that problem too:laugh:
    today is DH 61st birthday..he already got his palm tree's but I have a card here for him..
    p.s.-fit bit is sending me a replacement!!!!!!
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    I have to apologize for this week:embarassed: , I`m so busy and I can hardly stand myself:angry: ! I am taking off Friday:bigsmile: , I`m picking my oldest granddaughter up from school and she`s sleeping over:love: . I`m making a fairyland picnic area in the yard for us. I`ve started hanging crystals in a tree, got a few up last night, I have some glowing orbs that I`m going to hang up outside, a new tablecloth for the outside table and fresh flowers. I want to have it all set up so she`ll she it when we come down the driveway. Now I`ve got to think of a menu for us and then go the store! I love making the place special for my girls:love: !

    Have a wonderful day ladies:heart: ! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!! I`ll try to catch up with everyone on Sunday!

    DeeDee in quite cool for this time NC:ohwell:
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member

    marking my spot!

    Bible Study this morning and yard mowing this afternoon so this might be it for the day.

    Be blessed and make wise choices!

  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    I'm so glad tomorrow is Friday, I'm so tired. Just wanted to pop in and say hi.

    Meg - I'm so sorry about your DH's aunt.

    Kate - I too am a bit jealous of all the grandbabies. My 2 kids are 29 & 25 and no sign of any babies for awhile.

    Grandmallie - yay for a new fitbit. Take care of that foot. Happy Bday to your DH.

    I am psyching myself up to try once again to get new running shoes. I need them before doing our 2 week trial at the Y. My DD is so excited about this. It's good to see her excited about it cause she's doing amazing with her weight loss.

    :heart: Sandy from Ontario