Super Powers



  • :::: In my best beauty contestant voice :::: To make the world a better place

    Actually it would be turn all the negative hateful rude people into nice kind and considerate people who think things through before opening their mouth . Everyone would be one color, one size, one eye color and one color hair....
  • TheBaileyHunter
    TheBaileyHunter Posts: 641 Member
    :::: In my best beauty contestant voice :::: To make the world a better place

    Actually it would be turn all the negative hateful rude people into nice kind and considerate people who think things through before opening their mouth . Everyone would be one color, one size, one eye color and one color hair....

    Uhhh... someone already tried that. It didn't work out so well for him...or the people he gassed because they didn't fit the bill.

    Down with the nice thing though. Good vibes are good.
  • LadyGhostDuchess
    LadyGhostDuchess Posts: 894 Member
    Flight all the way!
  • rage032
    rage032 Posts: 36
    Bionic mustache

    Dude, that made me laugh so hard! Love it!

    I'd go with Wolverine's super healing as well, but I'd have to have the adamantium skeleton as well.
  • Tysonlovesweights
    Tysonlovesweights Posts: 139 Member
    i have to get some go-go gadget parts, or just be immortal, that would be fun too
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    Invisible. Just imagine driving invisibly. It would also be fun to run into a supermarket and just tap random people on the shoulder & see what their reactions would be.
  • m00tmike
    m00tmike Posts: 248 Member
    Telepathy (ability to read mines)

    you mean like, see where mines are buried so you dont step on them?
    or do you mean being able to tell where to dig for diamonds or gold or whatever it is you're after?

  • m00tmike
    m00tmike Posts: 248 Member
    Strength would be awesome. Flight would be cool too but I think strength is the winner for me
  • zeebruhgirl
    zeebruhgirl Posts: 493 Member
    Absolutely indestructibility and super strength. I want to be Colossus. Like bad.
  • treesloth
    treesloth Posts: 162 Member
    I'd like to shovel well. Shovel very well.
  • JamericanBoy
    JamericanBoy Posts: 484 Member
    :::: In my best beauty contestant voice :::: To make the world a better place

    Actually it would be turn all the negative hateful rude people into nice kind and considerate people who think things through before opening their mouth . Everyone would be one color, one size, one eye color and one color hair....

    Sadly, I could quote chapter and verse from several works where that did not go over so well.
  • ladyark
    ladyark Posts: 1,101 Member
    Bionic mustache

    Dude, that made me laugh so hard! Love it!

    I'd go with Wolverine's super healing as well, but I'd have to have the adamantium skeleton as well.

    Hahahaha love this one :)
  • Macgeek74
    Macgeek74 Posts: 298 Member
    Read minds. If I could read minds then maybe I would understand women better and keep one :(
  • Invisibilty..think of the possibilities
  • tmm_0127
    tmm_0127 Posts: 545 Member
    Fast Flight, or teleportation.

    I want to travel the world but man I'm broke.
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    If you had a superpower, what would it be?

    Mine would be to be able to be anywhere anytime I wanted as many times as I wanted.
  • Leather_N_Lace
    Leather_N_Lace Posts: 518 Member
    Well I already have a superpower. I have the power of opening my mouth and pissing people off at the same time :devil:
    But if I was to have to get a new superpower it be the ability to absorb other peoples powers. Haha:bigsmile:
  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    Kinetic energy manipulation.
  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
    The ability to read electromagnetic wavelengths. Because of technology and reasons...
  • belle_of_the_bar
    belle_of_the_bar Posts: 474 Member
    Flying, of course, but I don't think thats really a superpower. Next would be telekinesis.