What's your 'Can't have in the house' food?



  • n_red
    n_red Posts: 6
    I agree with you on eating in moderation. I don't like to deprive myself of anything, but I really truly cannot have cheese puffs, cheetos, anything of that type in the house, I will eat more than necessary, and I will feel horrible about myself the next day. My roommate just bought some, and I want to toss it into the neighbors backyard. :P
  • nicholastyndalemartin
    Ice cream, sherbet, frozen yoghurt... those giant ice cream sandwiches made with big round cookies....I am powerless in their presence.
    Happily, with 4 kids (3 are teenagers), none of those chilled temptations are around for very long... :wink:
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    pizza is the only thing. I know it's not bad but I also know my weakness and I'm sure portion control would be thrown out the window if I had pizza, so easily done, I don't have it.
  • jennifersmiles444
    jennifersmiles444 Posts: 118 Member
    rolls; any kind of chips (bagel chips, pita chips, tortilla chips, even popcorn chips)
  • hararayne
    hararayne Posts: 261 Member
    Cooler Ranch Doritos. Dinosaurs and Sharks Fruit Snacks. I will eat the entire package of both in one sitting. You'd think the salt content would kill me alone!
  • RosyBest
    RosyBest Posts: 303 Member
    Dorito's are the DEVIL! :devil:

    Amen to that. I have an addiction and cannot have ANY chips in my house. Not even the baked ones.
  • xDawnsgrace
  • jjnt007
    jjnt007 Posts: 302 Member
  • dzstephy
    dzstephy Posts: 357 Member
    Sun Chips.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,022 Member
    Ice cream , now I buy ice cream bars or popscicles that is fine because it is portioned out. But when I have ice cream I want a BIG bowl
  • pennelope515
    French Fries and icecream
  • BrienJD
    BrienJD Posts: 541 Member
    The list is endless..it depends on my moods

    Ice cream, chocolate, cookies, candy, chips, and without a doubt cakes, cream pastries and cupcakes.
  • barbie3000
    barbie3000 Posts: 73 Member
    Frozen french fries. For sure.

    But after reading this thread, I am very grateful that I have never tried Nutella! Seems to be a highly addictive substance, kids!
  • VioletNightshade
    Home-made fettucine alfredo with cajun spices and sauteed red peppers in the sauce.

    My mouth is watering just thinking about it.

    Every so often I make it and allow that to be all my calories for the day - breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  • dawn_h_d
    dawn_h_d Posts: 184 Member
    I know this seems strange, but I am basically better off having whatever in the house.

    It was the same as when I quit smoking (about 16 months ago). I carried one cigarette with me for about 4 months after I quit. That way, I didn't feel like i couldn't have one. I could have had it, but chose not too. It's the same with food. I remind myself that I can have something, but then stop and think about my progress. (Today doesn't count, we weren't home enough to make me look at anything).
  • AprilMarie85
    AprilMarie85 Posts: 28 Member
    Poptarts, cookies, swiss rolls. Anything soft and chewy and sweet and easy to grab and eat. Its hard to say no to those things!
  • diadia1
    diadia1 Posts: 223 Member
    Me vs. chocolate. Chocolate ALWAYS wins.

    ha ha funny. Yep chocolate for me. Anything that involves chocolat: brownies, chocolate ice cream, chocolate cake, chocolate bars.
    When i do have some at home and hide them I always find them!!!

    I still have chocolate though but ina healthy form: chocolat hot powder and chocolate fudge smoothie from PC's blue menu products(only 80 cal.) so when i have craving i take one and then i'm ok.
  • iNkedFiTmama
    iNkedFiTmama Posts: 277 Member
    i keep a minimum amount of sweets, there is no just one end all be all bad food for me. I have a sweet tooth. Luckily my hubs doesn't like sweets and the sweets my kids get consist of fruits & yogurt so there is not too much temptation around here.
    KMMRN Posts: 104 Member
  • diadia1
    diadia1 Posts: 223 Member
    Others in the house don't share my enthusiasm for a healthier lifestyle and we typically have lots of chips, cookies, pop, and other unhealthy items. I just have to use sheer will power.

    wow you certainly have good willpower. i live alone and i just can't have any of those otherwise i fail. And i guess i would fail badly in your house (lol!) my willpower is: if I don't see it then i don't taste and then i don't want it. Especially for chocolate...