The Men who Made Us Fat



  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    No. You don't understand, not me. But its okay, you can take sly digs at my age, i'm 24 and not over-weight, I'll keep seeing things in black and white (because thats how they are) stupidity is the middle ground.

    The program is NOT though provoking because you should already have the common sense to realise why you got fat in the first place.

    I didn't know your age, nor was I making sly digs, but it was obvious from your attitude you were barely out of your teens. Black and white is OK but you should try colour sometime. I know exactly why I got fat and I'm doing something about it, that doesn't mean I'm suggesting anyone else is to blame for my being fat, nor does it make the programme any the less interesting. Now try and understand that instead of shooting off your mouth with ridiculous preconceptions. The fact you don't find the programs thought provoking says more about you and your know it all attitude than anything else. Like I say, with a bit of luck, if you live long enough, you'll learn about life and people and grow up one day.

    I don't know it all, I'm always learning, every, single day.

    One thing I learnt yesterday was that this BBC documentary is a joke. :)
  • CandelLife
    CandelLife Posts: 127 Member

  • silvia32444
    silvia32444 Posts: 26 Member
    We have the brain for decide what to eat.
    If someone start to sell the best free range, healthy and low price meat from mouse......are you going to buy ?
  • emmalouc93
    emmalouc93 Posts: 328 Member
    My immediate reaction to this thread is that it was a joke thread, unfortunately, I was wrong. Pretty sad to assume it is the fault of men only.

    The person that makes you fat is you.

    No one else.

    Not men.

    Not women.


    This is getting stupid now.
  • My immediate reaction to this thread is that it was a joke thread, unfortunately, I was wrong. Pretty sad to assume it is the fault of men only.

    The person that makes you fat is you.

    No one else.

    Not men.

    Not women.


    This is getting stupid now.

    It isn't blaming men. If it were, that would be ridiculous. It's about a food documentary that highlights mileading advertizing and looks at the "diet food" craze.
  • QuilterInVA
    QuilterInVA Posts: 672 Member
    I see a lot of people making comments on this who haven't watched the programs and haven't a clue what they are talking about. After I watched it, I am saddened by what the USDA has allowed to be done to our food supply. Manufacturers spent billions to get just the right combination of sugar, fat, and salt to keep us eating long after we are full. They label cookies as healthy because they have low fat but fail to tell you they have more sugar than the original. It's all about the bottom line and how they can con us into eating more and more so we keep buying. Supersizing came about because people wouldn't buy 2 portions of food, French fries for example, but they'd get a large size because it was a good value. People perceive good value and buy bigger packages or multiples if its BOGO sale then they eat it so it doesn't go to waste,

    I did indeed make myself fat by falling for all this, but the mind is also a powerful thing. Fortunately, I lost 200 pounds in the early 70s so haven't fallen prey to most of this because I was used to a healthier diet. I let some of this junk in, and gained weight.

    Before you comment, you need to see this.
  • emmalouc93
    emmalouc93 Posts: 328 Member
    My immediate reaction to this thread is that it was a joke thread, unfortunately, I was wrong. Pretty sad to assume it is the fault of men only.

    The person that makes you fat is you.

    No one else.

    Not men.

    Not women.


    This is getting stupid now.

    It isn't blaming men. If it were, that would be ridiculous. It's about a food documentary that highlights mileading advertizing and looks at the "diet food" craze.

    I know, and my bad for putting it wrongly, just pointing out how ridiculous it is to say ANYONE is responsible but you.
  • FLJohn
    FLJohn Posts: 3 Member
    Unfortunately, the man that made me fat is myself. However, that man is changing. Always seeking new friends that are motivated & willing to share the journey. Wishing all The Best! John in Orlando, FL, USA.
  • LuckyMunky
    LuckyMunky Posts: 200 Member
    The replies to this thread are hilarious. It's obvious that most people didn't even bother to watch it and instead are replying directly to the title of the thread.
  • Lovelovesme
    Lovelovesme Posts: 37 Member
    I think the title is a shame as it seems a lot of people here want to discus the merits of the title rather than the film itself, really interesting and thanks for the post.
  • bound4beauty
    bound4beauty Posts: 274 Member

    But you're wrong.. it isn't difficult if you want it bad enough.

    For a start, you can eat McDonalds, you can drink soda and still lose weight - you don't have to avoid ANYTHING.


    Three simple things that change it all.

    Yep. I've lost my weight eating at McDonalds and several other places. It's not all I eat and I fix the majority of my meals at home with ingredients that help me achieve my macro nutrient goals but I thoroughly enjoyed the McDonalds double cheese burger and diet coke I had for dinner last night.

    The real issue, IMHO, is that a lot of us who have struggled with our weight for a long time, became desperate and latched on to every new idea that got introduced. Many of those "new" ideas were just a way to sell diet books, diet food, pills and potions. Reading labels, counting calories, creating a deficit...doesn't line anyone's pockets so it will never be touted as the "next big thing". No matter how well it works.

    Some of us needed to try and fail multiple times until we finally got it. These types of documentaries may help people who are totally clueless about what's in food, how misleading labels can be and what really constitutes a serving size. But at the end of the day, only you can decide what to put in your mouth and when to get off the couch.
  • hedgiie
    hedgiie Posts: 1,226 Member
    thanks for sharing, i'll watch this later
  • StillStrugglin
    StillStrugglin Posts: 43 Member

    Title alone assures me the makers of documentary are ding dongs

    *LOL* Taco, you never fail to make my day.
  • hedgiie
    hedgiie Posts: 1,226 Member

    But you're wrong.. it isn't difficult if you want it bad enough.

    For a start, you can eat McDonalds, you can drink soda and still lose weight - you don't have to avoid ANYTHING.


    Three simple things that change it all.

    Yep. I've lost my weight eating at McDonalds and several other places. It's not all I eat and I fix the majority of my meals at home with ingredients that help me achieve my macro nutrient goals but I thoroughly enjoyed the McDonalds double cheese burger and diet coke I had for dinner last night.

    The real issue, IMHO, is that a lot of us who have struggled with our weight for a long time, became desperate and latched on to every new idea that got introduced. Many of those "new" ideas were just a way to sell diet books, diet food, pills and potions. Reading labels, counting calories, creating a deficit...doesn't line anyone's pockets so it will never be touted as the "next big thing". No matter how well it works.

    Some of us needed to try and fail multiple times until we finally got it. These types of documentaries may help people who are totally clueless about what's in food, how misleading labels can be and what really constitutes a serving size. But at the end of the day, only you can decide what to put in your mouth and when to get off the couch.

    true, when i talk to my friends who doesn't lose weight, they will tell you to avoid this and that. in my experience, i've lost weight eating food that i have been avoiding before. so yes, it's all about understanding this nutrients and balance and management in food choices, and not the avoiding part in at all cost
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    People being misinformed and uneducated is what's made people fat. If you knew 10 Years ago what you know now I doubt anyone of you would be here trying to lose weight.

    That's not what happened to me. Everything I did 10 years ago is what I'm doing now, with the notable exception of increasing fat to a ridiculous amount (by the standards of the 80's and beyond) and cutting out starches & sugars. Shrug.

    For me, it had nothing to do with being either misinformed or uneducated about fitness & nutrition, I am neither. Twas an underlying medical issue exacerbated by USDA food pyramid & low fat diet dogma.

    It's just not the same for everyone. :ohwell:

    Thanks OP for the link...looking forward to having a look :drinker:
  • stefjc
    stefjc Posts: 484 Member

    I know, and my bad for putting it wrongly, just pointing out how ridiculous it is to say ANYONE is responsible but you.

    Once you get past the presenters inadequacies, that is the basic premise of both documentaries. Once he stops being belligerent for effect the info they highlight is sometimes well known or obvious, but others are weird, government endorsed madness.

    Anyone who got the point and wants to know more could read Eric Schlosser's Fast Food Nation. A gross book in more ways than one. It doesn't only apply to America, although European food laws are different, and the sociological links are fascinating. But if anyone thinks they are immune to advertising this book may change their minds - even if it os a bit old and we know most of it now :)

    Then again the 1* reviews of it are amazing..."I got board there is no plot" "I would not recommend it to children"????!!! Chew on This was the kid friendly(?) version

    It is heavy going and Schlosser does have an agenda. But the workings of big industry is still fascinating and the more info you have the better choices you can make.

    Though I still have to find the report/book on the reduced quality of food grown in intensive farming, meat or veg. Maybe I'll get The End of Food or The Walmart Effect for a US centred read or maybe Bad Food Britain or Shopped for a UK one - I love the question "How can a country with that many cookery books/telly programmes cooks so little/badly?"

    With the ever growing list of non food foods you can buy (that fluff stuff or non dairy cheese etc) young people are getting ever more divorced from their food. It can't hurt to have a little light thrown on the subject.
  • StillStrugglin
    StillStrugglin Posts: 43 Member
    Okay, I haven't watched the movies and I likely won't, but I feel compelled to reply to all the many posts about "Only you made you fat". My story is a bit different than that, and unfortunately, I don't think my story is all that uncommon: sexually abused from age 4-6ish, physically and emotionally abused and raised in an alcoholic home; obese by age of six; doctor ordered diet pills by age of ten (which caused my hair to fall out in clumps); family imposed diet of lettuce and tuna by age of 11 (Oh Dr. Scarsdale, you let me down!); 300 lbs by age 16. So... although I can take responsibility for my choices now, as an adult, I find it hard to blame 11 year old me for sitting down and scarfing an entire row of Saltines, all the while crying 'cuz I knew I'd take a beating for it.

    I'm just sayin', we're not "all the same". At least I hope. :)
  • maegmez
    maegmez Posts: 341 Member
    The men who made us fat is a BBC documentary done in 2012 with a wealth of information concerning the food industry the food itself and how we became obese
    It is a three part series you can find by going to You Tube
    Part 1, 2 and 3

    How you became obese:

    - Not caring about what you ate
    - Not exercising
    - Blaming anyone but yourself.

    I smell a scape goat and a lot of rushing to blame someone for their lack of common sense and moderation.

    If you watch it you can see why people were shoving food down themselves when it was labeled as healthy and low fat. People assumed that fat would make them fat. In reality the companies just upped the sugar. It's actually interesting to see the lengths the food companies have gone to stop reports coming out.

    As I said earlier people were misled and uneducated and that has played a part whether you want to believe it or not.

    Surpriseeeeee! Companies are out to make money, and you believed what they wrote on the labels! I'm sorry, I was wrong. Your own stupidity made you fat. Not what you ate.

    Back to the common sense and moderation bit I mentioned before. You musta missed that part.

    These tactics started before the Internet was available in home and research wasn't as easy as turning on your computer or swiping your I-whatever. People aren't stupid for wanting to believe in humanity and trusting the food industry. People want to believe they have their best interests at heart. That is NOT stupidity.

    These companies were and still are deceitful and young people won't have the maturity to understand it all.

    Personally, I blame my mom for making me fat. I grew up in a home at a time where you ate everything on your plate and then had a huge dessert after. I blame myself for keeping me fat when I left home. That lifestyle of eating was what I knew and I wasn't interested in what was in my food. It wasn't until I knew it was time to change that I finally started to research. It's harsh to call someone stupid for what they ate, ignorant, yes, but not stupid.

    Bottom line is though, people naturally want to trust what the label says.

    This program is about blaming these companies for making us fat, you can't deny that if you watch the program. You see the news footage of people flocking to buy these low fat cookies because they were told they were healthy when in fact they were loaded with sugar. However, it goes on to say that the sugar industry fought with money and politics to keep the truth about sugar out of the media. Since we all didn't have access to the truth, we believed what we were told. In that respect, yes, these men are partially to blame.
  • brevislux
    brevislux Posts: 1,093 Member
    Liked it a lot :)
  • I don't know about you, but there's only one person that made me fat...myself. There's only one person making me skinny too. It's pointless to blame the food industry for making you fat, that's like blaming spoons and forks for making you fat. The didn't force the food into your mouth, only one person decided what you eat...

    Totally agree (and are there no women in the food industry???). There may be temptation out there, but use your common sense people.