Neighbor wanting Autistic Child to be Euthanized...

NoeHead Posts: 516 Member
I read this article this morning. Made me sad a mother actually wrote this to a grandmother caring for her Autistic grandchild.

How would you handle this situation if it happened to you??

can't post a pic of the letter but link and article below.

Ontario police are aware of a disgusting letter sent to a woman caring for an autistic child by another woman who wanted the "wild animal kid" out of her neighbourhood, even if it meant killing the child.

The hateful letter was reportedly sent last week to a resident of Newcastle, Ont., just east of Toronto, who hosts her 13-year-old grandson, Max, during summer days.

Mother Karley Begley spoke with CityNews and broke down in tears as she tried to read the letter.

The letter was re-posted on Twitter by Lennon and Maisy, a young Ontario singing duo who also star on ABC's Nashville.

The post has been retweeted more than 3,000 times.

Durham Regional Police told Yahoo! Canada News that a report was filed on Friday and an investigation is ongoing.

"We are certainly taking it seriously," spokesperson Jodi MacLean said on Monday.

"We are consulting with the Crown to see if there is any criminality that went on with the letter."

From its tone, the letter might be considered anything from abusive to threatening or perhaps even criminal. It is addressed to "the lady living at this address" and signed, "One pissed off mother!!!!*"
*The number, but not the frequency, of exclamation and question marks used in the letter has been approximated in this post. It reads:

I also live in this neighbourhood and have a problem!!!! You have a kid that is mentally handicapped and you consciously decided that it would be a good idea to live in a close proximity neighgbourhood like this???? You selfishly put your kid outside everyday and let him be a nothing but a nuisance and a problem to everyone else with that noise polluting whaling he constantly makes!!! That noise he makes when he is outside is DREADFUL!!!!!!!!!! It scares the hell out of my normal children!!!!!!!!!

The letter goes on to state:

Crying babies, music and even barking dogs are normal sounds in a residential neighbourhood!!!!! He is NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He is a nuisance to everyone and will always be that way!!!!!! Who the hell is going to care for him????????? No employer will hire him, no normal girl is going to marry/love him and you are not going to live forever!!

T]hey should take whatever non retarded body parts he possesses and donate it to science. What the hell else good is he to anyone!!!!

You had a retarded kid, deal with it... properly!!!!! What right do you have to do this to hard working people!!!!!!!!!

I HATE people like you who believe, just because you have a special needs kid, you are entitled to special treatment!!! GOD!!!!

Go live in a tralier in the woods or something with your wild animal kid!!! Nobody wants you living here and they don't have the guts to tell you!!!!!
Do the right thing and move or euthanize him!!! Either way, we are ALL better off!!!

According to CityNews, the neighbourhood has come out in support of the Begley family and is trying to determine who sent the letter. The reaction on Twitter was no less severe.


  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    were there any americans in the neighborhood? doesn't sound like something a canadian would write.
  • DrunkenFaeGirl
    It should be easy to figure out who sent it. They obviously live close to the people who received the hate mail and they most likely are the only people (aside from anyone who had to work) who didn't show up for the rally.
  • DrunkenFaeGirl
    were there any americans in the neighborhood? doesn't sound like something a canadian would write.
    Excuse me? ALL people, no matter their nationality are perfectly capable of hate and bigotry. You've just proven that yourself.
  • kuntry_navy
    kuntry_navy Posts: 677 Member
    there'd be some boots in an @ss if that were my neighborhood
  • sarantonio
    sarantonio Posts: 880 Member
    This is the kind of thing I hope Karma gets ahold of. Hopefully she slips, falls and ends up with a huge speech impediment, and some disfiguration.....
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    "What the hell else good is he to anyone!!!!"

    This was clearly written by a sociopath who does not value other human beings unless she thinks they are useful to her. If we should consider euthanizing any group of people (hint, we shouldn't) it is people with this attitude that needs to be euthanized first.
  • SStruthers13
    SStruthers13 Posts: 150 Member
    were there any americans in the neighborhood? doesn't sound like something a canadian would write.
    Excuse me? ALL people, no matter their nationality are perfectly capable of hate and bigotry. You've just proven that yourself.

    Well said.
  • ExplorinLauren
    ExplorinLauren Posts: 991 Member
    It's disgusting! I thought it wasn't real at 1st, but I guess it is.

    My son is autistic and if I ever received a letter like that I'd be banging on every neighbors door until I found out who wrote it, and then show them exactly what crazy is. :explode:
  • mandasalem
    mandasalem Posts: 346 Member
    The worst part is, this viper probably showed up to all the support rallies because cowards like that never take any action that might betray their disgusting mindsets lest they actually be held accountable for being boils on the *kitten* of humanity.
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    First of all...Capt. sir are a jacka$$.

    It doesn't matter WHO was in the neighborhood...American or Canadian, the point is, this woman was horrible and should be brought out. That child has a right to live in a decent neighborhood as well, even if it is just for visitation. The child can't help it. The rude individual CAN.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    The person who wrote the letter is clearly mentally ill.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    were there any americans in the neighborhood? doesn't sound like something a canadian would write.
    Sure it does. It sounds like a selfish, hateful SOB. Every nation has those.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    First of all...Capt. sir are a jacka$$.

  • FerretBuellerr
    FerretBuellerr Posts: 468 Member
    When I first heard of this last night, it made me so sad.

    Hearing about it again this morning, it just makes me angry.

    People like that mother are part of the reason why there is still so much hate in this world, and the saddest part of all is that she's passing on that way of thinking to her children too :frown:

    I'd wish ill on her, but that would make me just as bad as her, and I don't want to stoop to that low of a level. I get the feeling that the mother who received the letter will find out soon enough who wrote it, and that woman will be made a fool. I mean, if I wrote that letter and saw how it became national news, I'd feel pretty ashamed of myself too.
  • Beckboo0912
    Beckboo0912 Posts: 447 Member
    As much as this sickened me it just goes to show how uneducated this person is. Sad for them
  • BeccaBollons
    BeccaBollons Posts: 652 Member
    That is awful. God forbid that woman should ever be put in a position of caring for someone with special needs.
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    were there any americans in the neighborhood? doesn't sound like something a canadian would write.
    Sure it does. It sounds like a selfish, hateful SOB. Every nation has those.

    Sadly it is true people like this tend to do very well in hyper-capitalist cultures like America, though.
  • elliepearsonn
    oh my goodness, this is disgusting.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    This really hurts my heart, and makes me wonder what is wrong with people in this world that they might think something like this is okay.

    I hope they find the person that did this, and at the very least, charge him or her with harassment.
  • K_Serz
    K_Serz Posts: 1,299 Member
    Hmmmm Me Thinks this is not a good topic for Chit Chat Fun & Games.

    Thanks for bringing awareness to this but dont see anything good to come out of posting this thread. Unless we all go to that guys house and burn it down?
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