Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Hi everybody.
    I got the lab moved over to the other building last Saturday. Now I am unpacking which I hate almost as much packing. The new desk is better and the guys I’m working with are the cool guys, but I’m on the first floor which will eliminate the 10+ flight of stairs I used to get at the other building. I was doing a leg lift on each stair as I was going up and was really building a little more calf muscle. Now I can get some stairs at work but it will just be when I have extra time to take a walk. I am sore and tired but happy it is all moved.

    Karen- Candy Crush is addictive! I’m only on level 40:grumble: :blushing:

    Best wishes for everyone reading this having a healthy day!:flowerforyou:

    Quote of the day:- “To worry is like rocking in a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but gets you nowhere.” ~Unknown

  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    My Tuesday goal is to stay within the newly lowered caloric settings I applied last night. Since I have been doing a LOT more exercise, I have struggled more with healthy eating AND staying within calories. Seems the addition of a lot of extra calories, in my mind, is a license to go hog wild!!! The lowering of calories isn't trying to set myself up for failure but to kind of readjust my mind to what is a healthy limit. I figure I will change back in a week or 2.
  • Eeyeore
    Eeyeore Posts: 33

    Started today off good and husband is coming home today - anxious to see him but also worried to see if we can get along.

    Trying to stay focused and get in exercising when I can today as much as I can and not snack at hard!!
  • Helenavee42
    Good morning all! I thankfully never started playing Candy Crush. Ok so last week I was supposed to have a coffee date but he had to cancel because he was filling out employment papers. I do have a date on Wednesday with a guy I had a thing with before me and my ex got together. I am really nervous. He knows what I look like and he knows that I am a bigger girl and still liked me so that's not my issue. I am nervous because it is going to be so strange going out on a date with someone completely different than my ex. I've never been great at dating but I guess because I haven't had a first date in 2 and a half years I think it's getting to me. I know I need to just relax and have fun. I think I am going to talk him into doing something other than a movie.

    Tuesday goal: Take a walk with deputy. I am trying to take him for a walk every day. Some days will be longer than others because I will use that as my cardio and only go to the gym for weights those days. I did get to the gym this morning but as soon as i finished my second weight machine all the others I use were magically being "used" even though when I started no one was even in that area. Mostly people put their stuff on the machine and walked away to go do something. So I just left because my sister wasn't feeling well and I didn't feel like waiting. I'm a very non-confrontational person.

    Marca: You can do it!

    Laurie: I think the bike trip would be great. Don't doubt yourself look at how far you've come.

    Skinny: Have fun at your concert.

    Kah: Happy consistent logging anniversary! I hope to get there one day.

    Have a good day.
  • Alliern45
    Alliern45 Posts: 79 Member
    WOW! Getting back into the swing of things s/p vacation is rough!! I worked 12 hours yesterday and am off today and doing laundry laundry and more laundry. I did C25K W1D1 Sunday and will do W1D2 today (I made it to week 6 before and quit)...Food...small changes this week in preparation for Full speed ahead next week when the kids are back in school.
    @Lauriek I saw your post re: Seagull Century...I LIVE in Maryland and need to lose about what you have so far! Way to be an inspriration.
    More later...gotta BOUNCE!
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Karen- Candy Crush is addictive! I’m only on level 40:grumble: :blushing:

    i played one or two levels of Candy Crush. i kind of don't get it haha. but a lot of games come across that way for me.
    KJEFFRIES- The one thing that helped my heartburn was to get away from gluten..... Just a thought.

    You know, i've found the only way to avoid heartburn at night is to not eat carbs. which is weird, because if i feel sick the only thing that settles my stomach is simple carbs. i can't figure out how that works :laugh:
    Saw dad at rehab...he didnt look to good. Heading to the gym....scared to weigh in....had weakness this weekend....named mcdonalds!

    poor thing. my husband has been very sick but nothing like you're going through and i gained six pounds in a single week. while he lost 12! (not that i'm recommending the sepsis diet haha) so it's no surprise you are reacting by emotional eating. it's comforting.
    Toots - I think this is a new fad. We never took pics of ourselves when pregnant.

    Anyone would be depressed in your situation, but consider anti-depressants temporarily until you can sort your life out. For those of us that need them, they are a godsend. Start looking for solutions to your situation and you will come up with some solutions that will work for you.

    do you regret not getting any? pics i mean, not meds :laugh: i've actually doubled my anxiety meds after the whole sepsis fiasco. i was taking 50 which is the absolute lowest dose, which i've been taking for years. but i'm seeing that right now it isn't good enough. i'm just too stressed. so i agree with that advice. people who need it shouldn't torture themselves struggling through horrible times in their life.
    @tootsie - we'll be cheering you on when you start your marathon training. I get the runner's envy. My husband is a runner. Our whole extended family does a 5k race at Thanksgiving - I've never been able. Maybe this should be my year.

    well, i've already started the walking part. i walked my daughter to school today so just short of two miles there and back. i probably won't start running for a few weeks. my husband is a runner too. mostly because the military makes you. although, for obvious reasons, he isn't running at the moment. i can never keep up with him though haha even with lung scarring.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I have set a goal to ride the body cycle in the morning so it won't interfere with my evening walk. I did it for 20 min this morning. I'm hoping for quick results. I want to increase my distance this week for my walk. I can now walk 1.5 miles in 30 min. I want to increase it to 2.5 miles.
    NSV today, I took in a favorite skirt so I can wear it again. I had to take it in 8"!
    Have a great day. Kaye
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Kaye - I remember that pain you're talking about - when your sitting down or standing up - when I had my knee replaced too. It did take a long while to go away....but it finally did! I hope the exerciser works out well for you. :flowerforyou:

    My personals are going to be hit and miss today - I've got 2 pages to catch up on. WOW!

    Naceto - how well did the Yoga DVD work out for you?

    Lori 510 - good logging on Monday even with a little loss of control - better to be aware of it, I like your attitude! And a plus to be thinking about the Thanksgiving 5 K. Might be a good goal.

    Laurie - I was immediately concerned about the cross-country trip since there are no support vehicles. I am one big scaredy-cat though and would never personally go on such an adventure without lots of fail-safe measures. If you DO decide to go, I hope you pass through Omaha and look me up! I'd love to see you!

    Eeyeore - good luck with your hubby. It take 2 to argue, so smile and look away if you must ....

    Pie - congrats on a great weekend - stay strong this week!

    Skinny - a "fake" boat buying fight sounds like you both have a great sense of fun - bet you drove the salesmen wild!

    Nicola - welcome!

    Susan - sounds like your doing great!

    JadieCakes - you'll get a lot of friends and encouragement right here!

    Kah - that Zoe would have been priceless to see her dragging that bed upstairs! :laugh: Fancy tests you're having done there. What kind of doc does that kind of testing?

    sirtxt - John - wow - sounds impressive what you did with the battle ropes. And I undersstand being "attracted" to a certain form of exercise. GO WITH IT! Keep it up as long as it lasts and then some! When you find something you like, stay with it!

    Tom - you can still get those flights of stairs in each day, but you'll be FORCED to take a break to do them! OMG isn't that awful? You, taking a break??????? What will the other people think????? :wink:

    Helena - yes, commit to walks with Deputy. dogs are pack animals and he looks up to you as his pack leader. He really depends on those walks. Running around a yard aimlessly just isn't enough for a dog. I'm glad your commiting to him, really thats wonderful. That's maturity.

    Allie - best of luck getting back into C25K. Baby steps, yes?

    Toots - with all you've been through, adjusting meds is often very sensible. I just hope your nervousness is not a side effect of your ADD drugs you mentioned you had started taking.

    Skinny - JOURNEY - OMG - have a drink on me!

    Tuesday Goal: - to continue on my exercise routine. I did my goblet squats yesterday with 7.5 lb weight, as well as calf raises. Today I will do my upper body workout as well as some AB exercises. I am getting very regular at these and am so proud of myself for my consistency. (vigorously pats self on back) I wasn't like this a year ago. People do change. I am proof.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Eeyeore - another piece of advice on arguing with your spouse. I saved this quote and dug it up for you. Maybe it will help, maybe it won't. Something to ponder anyway.

    If an argument begins to occur, just calmly walk away. Arguments will just drain your energies and your spirit, and in the end nobody’s opinion will have changed. Proverbs 12:16 says, “When a fool is annoyed, he quickly lets it be known. Smart people will ignore an insult.” Control how you respond. It’s tough, but worth it!

    Best of luck with him.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Thanks everyone for the advice on getting through everything. I pulled out my crockpot to help with food. I'm on day 2 so far of crock pot dinners. I will probably be using it a lot that way I can just throw it together in the morning and then dinner is done and off my list!! lol I'm usually pretty good on my calories during the day, dinner is my downfall (usually to irritated by the end of the day I opt to order out), so if I can keep this up I think it will help with my food .

    Tuesday Goals - To stay under calories & walk 1 mile every day. I just need to do it and stop making excuses. Plus I have 3 dogs, its really not fair for me to be lazy and not take them for just ends up on that forever going "to do" list and then by the end of the day I don't wanna. lol Some good news. Cookie, our foster dog, was adopted finally. Now if I can just keep myself from taking in any more for a while. Its been over a year 1/2 since I've had just my own dogs and not a foster (and I'm not under a rescue, so I'm the one paying the food & vet bills for these dogs)...I'm a little burnt out. But then I'll see one that was tied and left at the park, or hit by a car and the guilt sets in.

    KJEFFRIES2 - If you find that clutter website let me know! lol I read the Fly Lady from time to time ( Sometimes the scale can surprise you, best to wait till Wed. before making up your mind. :wink:
    I just read on AOL that a woman in Iowa swallowed a tapeworm to lose weight. I have never been that desparate. Close but not quite there.

    This wouldn't surprise me. I think about everything else people do to lose weight, ya know? I just got done listening to a woman about starving herself last weekend. I've never heard of it, but I guess there is some new diet out there were you eat 500 calories a day for 1 month, then 800 for a month, and then 1200 for a month, then you start over. She had all the other women at the party glued to her because she's lost 10lbs in 3 weeks. I keep thinking...ugh...cause your not eating. 500 calories is not enough food.

    Helenavee42 - Check out this blog. Its all healthy foods on the cheaper side, it might help you out on your budget. :smile: Have fun on your date. What about mini golf? I dunno, I always think that makes a good date because you can actually talk ( not in a movie )...buuut there is something to do so that its not like a dinner date where you just stare at each other when you don't have anything to say. haha

    Lori0510 - Lori have you ever looked into Couch to 5K? Might be a good way to get you into running :)

    Lauriek70 - All of those options sound AMAZING. I've seen a few people do the bike across America and I'm always so jealous of the pictures they post and how they talk about the trip. I can't imagine that many miles per day, that's crazy. lol

    Eeyeore - Your gym workout sounds hardcore! Good job. My friend runs bootcamps doing similar exercises as you listed and I'm such a wuss I've never gone to one. lol :embarassed:

    skinnyjeanzbo - Thats funny about the boat fight. I do that with my husband all the time when we go window shopping. The problem is when we both agree on something haha, then we have to stop pretend shopping because we'll actually want things. Have fun tomorrow!

    kah68 - Wow sounds like your kitty needs a 2nd bed for the bedroom, or she's just getting her workout in for the day! haha

    pienthesky32 - Kudos to you for going through the month without weighing. I can see that helping with the frustration of the ups and downs on a scale.

    Morgori - I love your quotes of the day!

    Alliern45 - Laundry...Its one of those things I wish I could afford to buy new clothes. lol I hate doing laundry, especially after vacation because it seems like your washing all of it. haha

    RobinsEgg - You are doing so good with your exercise :flowerforyou:
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Toots - with all you've been through, adjusting meds is often very sensible. I just hope your nervousness is not a side effect of your ADD drugs you mentioned you had started taking.

    i asked that robin but they said that if i was already nervous before taking them, which i am, it can't really be considered a side effect unless it's extreme
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Toots - with all you've been through, adjusting meds is often very sensible. I just hope your nervousness is not a side effect of your ADD drugs you mentioned you had started taking.

    i asked that robin but they said that if i was already nervous before taking them, which i am, it can't really be considered a side effect unless it's extreme

    glad you talked to them....and glad they are not the culprit!
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    Not well today. Got to dentist by 7:30 and had a crown. Tried to shop afterwards, but felt to bad, went to bed with tooth pain and head congestion. Have slept most of day. Just got up. Read posts and sending best wishes to all, Will post later in week



  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    The bike trip across America is a once in the lifetime trip and would be amazing. I am very concerned about the Rockies and getting over them but more importantly getting down safely. I am not a speed demon by any means and the roads are very narrow not to mention extremely high with many cliffs. The other issue of major concern is traveling some major inter-state highways where there are not suitable side roads to travel. I have not ridden on major roads yet and they are intimidating to say the least. The cool thing would be getting to visit some of you along the way. The first couple of days would be spent in the Rockies with a pattern of riding 2 days, then a day off, ride 3 then a day off, then 6 days then a day off. This is a lot to think about, I am talking to the bike shop owner on Friday about a touring bike and get some tips for this type of trip.

    Susan- Your friend may be passing right through my neighborhood, unless he goes North in Maryland. A safer way to cross the Chesapeake Bay (use Cecil County). It was great that so many people were willing to lend a helping hand.

    Allie-Where do you live in Maryland?

    Karen-Have fun at the concert tonight. We get 4 afternoons of working in our rooms. I am surprised that you don't get a few more days to get your classroom in order and prepare for the start of the year. They also use those days for PD and today's was perfectly useless. I could have done everything on my own at school we looked at the new format for the curriculum then a presentation by the textbook company.

    Katrena- Hope your day improved and the pain has gone away.

    Kelley- Happy Anniversary--One year is Fantastic.

    Robin- Great job on the AB exercises and the weight routine. AB work always kills me since I will feel it more the next couple of days.

    Virgo- Nice picture.

    Goals- To make a decision about the Seagull Century and if I am going to do it. I can wait on the America tour. Sign up for the 5K in September.

    Workout schedule
    Sunday-Swim- DONE 45 minutes with 4 sets of 200M of three strokes. Over .5 miles
    Monday-Trainer did Strength training DONE
    Tuesday- Rest (working late) DONE
    Wednesday- gym Run 1 mile for time then cardio
    Thursday-Cardio intervals
    Saturday-bike ride
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    I've read through everyone's posts, but just doing a quick check-in. I arrived at L.A. and visited 4 of our shops in the area. I definitely do not miss traffic one bit. It's crazy here!! My stupid rental car was all messed up (doors would not lock and the trunk wouldn't open - seriously!!!) and I had to exchange it for another one so an extra trip back to the airport - not happy. I just grabbed dinner at the hotel, but made a pretty decent choice (minus the dinner rolls). Tomorrow will be 2 bakery's - oh boy then dinner with a friend. Plus, I already checked out the fitness room and plan to work out in the AM. I've been battling a headache all day so calling it a night. Make tomorrow a GREAT day!!!
  • Eeyeore
    Eeyeore Posts: 33
    Sorry to hear your husband has been sick...hope he is well again real soon!, p.s. thank you for the message aand means a lot!
  • Eeyeore
    Eeyeore Posts: 33
    Roinsegg.....thanks for the advice....I came home and before we went out I asked if we could talk seriously about our marriage without arguments, fear of judgement or bringing up the past.
    Things went well, then we spent the evening together and actually enjoyed big step in the right direction I think!
  • Eeyeore
    Eeyeore Posts: 33
    Neuroticvirgo........I am seriously overweight and sometimes have to stop during a work out...but I was soaked with sweat when I was done! Those ropes are killer....and my fibromyalgia flared up but I try to keep going. I try every exercise and even those I think I cant do..sometimes I surprise myself and other times I set a goal to do it the next month.

    Spent time withndad at rehab.....he had problems with short term memory tonight and the dr said they need to do a renal ultasound....the r saying possible chronic kidney failure.....he is suppose to b getting stronger there so he can have his heart surgery...he has a hole in his heart causing reoccuring strokes...ugh.

    My daughter started her second year in college this morning...local community college currently. She liked her teachers...yeah that means less complaining this year! Seriously so proud of her!

    I got shots along my back, spine and hip today to help battle fibromyalgia. ?..not fun
    Goodnight peeps...have a wonderful day tomorrow!
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    I did well with sticking to my calorie goal.... not so awesome on sodium. My youngest attended her first day of school EVER today.... she is 17 and started college today!!! If you have not guessed, we homeschooled all 5 of our kids!!! I am so proud of her though!!! She is working hard on good health and can now run 4 1/2 miles holding a 12 min mile AND she finished her high school program 1 1/2 years early!!! After she got home today we went for a 3 mile walk and caught up on our days!!! Ah, the days of having my kids around is quickly coming to an end!!!! So sad!!!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys-
    I'm home from Journey--the concert was so fun!! I only had a couple of cocktails--Captain and Diet Coke so not too bad calorie-wise. However, my friend brought this delicious dish--it was avocado, cucumber, and grape tomatoes with some cilantro and red onion. It's supposed to be eaten like a cold salad, but she forgot plates and forks, so we just used tortilla chips to eat it like a dip. I ate way too much and also a couple of cookies, some pub mix--basically lots of snack food that I didn't really need. Now I'm about 900 calories over for the day, but was close to 500 under yesterday. That means I need to make up for a bit over 400 calories tomorrow. Fortunately, I have zero plans so I will have plenty of time for the gym. :happy:

    @marca--I also should be watching my sodium more closely. :ohwell:

    @eeyeore--sorry to hear about your dad's medical issues--that's got to be so stressful. Congrats on pushing yourself at the gym--that's something to be proud of, especially with the fibro pain. :flowerforyou:

    @susan--safe travels!

    @laurie--I feel like I sounded like a negative nelly about the bike trip across America--I hope I didn't come off that way. I agree it would be a fabulous adventure--you just need to decide if this is the right way and right time for you to take such a trip. I was thinking if you do decide to do it, you could try to arrange to have your friends be your support along the way. I bet you have MFP friends all over the map. I would certainly volunteer to act as a support car through a portion of the Midwest. If you decide it's not the right trip or the right time, maybe you can look into finding a similar guided tour that has support along the way. That way you could take more time to train, so you will feel more capable of getting over the Rockies. It would also give you more time to save up for a 2nd bike.

    @katrena--ugh--dental work sucks! Feel better. :flowerforyou:

    @nvertigo--no worries about me EVER wanting to buy a boat! lol! I think it's great that you foster dogs. Our dog is a rescue and we had planned to get a 2nd or maybe foster, but gunner doesn't always play nice, so he needs to be an "only child." :ohwell:

    @robin--as someone who's seen you experiment with some other forms of exercise, I can honestly say you seem most excited about your current routine. Although I think you enjoyed the elliptical and swimming, neither gave you such quick results in terms of building strength. I'm glad you found something that works for you. :drinker:

    @kaye--sounds like a great exercise plan--and 8"?!?!? Wowzer!!! :drinker:

    I know I'm missing a lot of personals, but I'm getting sleepy. :yawn: Goodnight.