Besides yourself and a mirror, who gave you a wake-up call?



  • Th3stral
    Th3stral Posts: 93 Member
    No one immediately. In fact the only supportive and encouraging people have been my doctor and my husband. I think certain members of my family positively delighted that I'd put on weight (had a baby) as it closed the gap between them and me and I was bullied/hassled/pressure about not loosing weight before I'd even thought about starting, despite it being a medical concern for an existing condition.

    Amazing really. Close family members who are meant to love and care about me actually put their own feelings of fat/failure over my health.
  • brevislux
    brevislux Posts: 1,093 Member
    My pants.
  • FirecrackerJess
    FirecrackerJess Posts: 276 Member
    I volunteered at my cities Comicon and got a photo with actor John Barrowman (awesome guy!!!) and I can't even share it for how terrible and disgusting I looked in it. It really made me depressed, but it wasn't that, not yet, it just made me more aware.

    It was someone actually who told me I wasn't disgusting looking, and I couldn't believe him, didn't believe him. I started to think, how could that even be possible when I hate myself. That was when I really started thinking, I want to, need to change something.
  • sjanejack
    sjanejack Posts: 158
    My mother's health, after eating too many sweets while being more than slightly overweight, with diabetes. I did not want to have problems like that cause of my eating habits or my weight.
  • TamaraKat
    TamaraKat Posts: 533 Member
    I kinda just signed myself up to the gym and ran with it. It was a 'spur of the moment' thing...
    But it was the best decision of my life.
  • karenertl
    karenertl Posts: 271 Member
    At my 'fitness test' for my new gym last August, my instructor measured my body fat % - something I had no awareness of. At 135lbs, I had 37% body fat.

    That was what got me moving!

    At my heaviest, I was 135 lbs. What opened my eyes was that one of my coworkers was trying to convince everyone else at work that I'm pregnant, even though I've never been pregnant before in my life and he knows it. I told him several times that I'm not pregnant and that none of what he was saying is true and after about 2 weeks, I told him I'd turn him into Human Resources if he didn't stop his bull crap. Back in January, a couple of my other coworkers told me about this site and I figured it would be a good idea to try it out.
  • furrina
    furrina Posts: 148 Member
    My pants.

    ^ this.
  • dadzzz
    dadzzz Posts: 16 Member
    for me it was after clothes shopping jeans and t-shirt that didn't fit me when i got home(no i didn't try it at the shop) i was i a really in a bad mood all week and then it click i hung the clothes up were i can see them took me 4 weeks got into them after lose a stone so now i alway buy smaller jeans and a t-shirt hang them up where i can see them
  • brinsy
    brinsy Posts: 226 Member
    For me it was a lot of things. Nobody said it to me though. But photos mirrors the scales my clothes getting tighter my bloatedness and also for a healthier me in the long term. Gaining extra weight made me a lot more tired and lazy.
  • I think it was definitely my clothes.

    I had recovered from an ED and I just figured 'oh, my clothes will probably be tighter now' things like that.
    But eventually pretty much all my clothes were tight. I had gone from a small/medium to a large and my pants used to be a 7 in juniors now...I don't even know!

    My mom also contributed. She never flat-out said 'oh your fat' but all the back-handed things she said, like my dresses being too short or assuming I wore an XXL....that, and when I was at my lowest weight she'd always compliment me and my outfits, and eventually they just stopped and turned into criticisms.
  • QuirkyD
    QuirkyD Posts: 68 Member
    Not really. My husband is constantly telling me that he likes me the way I am and everyone else says nothing. I was and am pretty horrified whenever I see medical records describing my health which always includes "overweight." It seems like such a horrible thing to put on record and to describe an individual. We are all complex and so much more that just our weight. Can't wait until the day I am in the normal weight range!
  • Encouraging!!!! Thanks for sharing!
  • FindingMyPerfection
    FindingMyPerfection Posts: 702 Member
    I went pants shopping and grabbed a size 14 to try on I the dressin room. My hubby was outside and asked how they fit. When I said they didn't he offered to grab the size I needed. Actually saying size 16 made me sick! That was back in April of 2013, I am now in an 8 and getting close to a 6.
  • amaysngrace
    amaysngrace Posts: 742 Member
    My son, my health, my social life...
  • chelseascounter
    chelseascounter Posts: 1,283 Member
    No one. That's how I ended up gaining so much in the end, people trying to be nice and lying to me saying I wasn't getting fat. Finally it took me trying to fit into a pair of shorts that were once, just 4 months earlier, too baggy but now too small. Now after losing 20+ lbs they fit again :-)
  • JMel86
    JMel86 Posts: 124 Member
    Aside from the mirror, my daughter's FNP. She asked if my daughter was jumping & doing other movements. I hadn't really noticed if she was but she said I should do running & jumping with her, 'it might help you lose some weight', she said. Very embarrassing, also my husband was there, he had been so kind & quiet about my weight gain. That week, I joined mfp & started jogging.
  • Some old lady on FB! She called me fat cuz i said George Zimmerman gained weight!

    I hated her at that moment cuz she only saw my face but now i thank her in my head she still a Bish! :drinker:
  • JBcat123
    JBcat123 Posts: 211 Member
    when I went to Israel to visit family for the first time, my great aunt told me I need someone to teach me how to loose weight and how to control my eating habits. and others said some hurtful stuff about how big I was as well. so that was the last straw and decided that I have to loose this weight so next time they see me they will be sorry for putting me down because of my weight.
  • mamma_nee
    mamma_nee Posts: 809 Member
    Seeing my self all fat and ugly in the mirror was not enough to do anything about it.

    The whispers behind my back about how huge I had gotten wasn`t enough for me to do anything about it.

    Seeing the scale go higher and higher didn`t get me to do anything about it.

    Not finding clothes that fit right didn`t make me do anything about it.

    What finally got me to truly say enough is enough and do something about it was my health - I wasn`t sleeping well - got high Blood Pressure- horrible snoring in the night that was actually waking me up ! , and not being able to walk up my stairs without feeling out of breath, Not beeing able to barely tie my own shoes any more because my belly was in my way! , Knee`s were hurting so bad at times I needed a cane to get to the bathroom. I could no longer even walk 1 block .
  • FrankiesSaysRelax
    FrankiesSaysRelax Posts: 403 Member
    For me, it was 2 things

    1. None of my clothes fit. I had to buy an entire new wardrobe of pants/shorts because I couldn't even come close to getting in my old stuff.

    2. I started getting stretch marks on my legs... at 22. It obviously wasn't from growing too tall, I was just growing too wide. I didn't gain a ton of weight, but it was devastating that I escaped adolescence with no stretch marks yet I gave them to myself by consuming beer and fried foods 7 days a week.