

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    If they are homemade, it's harder. But if they are factory-made, just concentrate on how chemically they taste and how the texture just isn't quite right.

    Mac- I think you might have really made a good point. I mean I jump through hoops to do things to save the environment from unnecessary trash and to support natural and fair trade foods, I just need to add chocolate chip cookies to my list. This might really help me. Thanks, Jeannie
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Chicklet - I am so glad your mom is doing better. When my dad was like that and had given up hope, I told him the nursing home wouldn't let patients eat in their rooms or bring in outside food. He'd wheel himself out into the sunshine to get ice cream though. So everyday I'd bring him a chocolate milkshake and drag him outside to eat it. After a while he stopped fighting going to the dining room to eat. Now he is out of his wheel chair and taking care of himself. Hang in there.

    Tiarapants - Please keep us informed about what is going on with you. Good luck with all the tests. I'm glad you were able to get yourself help. Prayers and thoughts to you.

    Connie - Do you have a park or mall near you? If so, go there and walk during lunch. Even if you just actually walk for 10-15 minutes, it will help with stress.

    Well wishes to all of you today,


  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    :flowerforyou: Suezzzque

    Someone bought up simple carbs vs complex carbs and that threw me for a loop. I am doing a low carb diet and when that was mentioned I was wondering if I was eating the right ones or not? When you listed noodles, sugar, and flour as simple carbs, I realized that I was doing okay as I don't eat those. ( However, if I do eat noodles, they are either wheat or multi grain and I only eat them once in a great while.) But what are complex carbs and why are they okay to eat?

    Finally, for all you smart women out there..... I hear you talk about this apple cider vinegar, and I know I had a carb attack a while back and didn't realize that after a couple of days things would go back to normal. But while I was fighting it, (which seemed impossible to do) I didn't realize you could drink that stuff? How much do you use and how do you use it?

    Well all this talk about food has me hungry and I have a few calories left to use up so I am going to have a carb smart fudgsicle. Yummy.

    Good night all!:yawn:

    All carbohydrates are made up from sugars. There are a number of different types of sugars but in the body all carbohydrate metabolism converts sugar to glucose, our body's preferred energy source.

    COMPLEX carbs are foods such as whole grains and edible parts of plants like stalks and leaves. Because they contain longer chains of sugar molecules as well as a lower “glycemic load, ” they take longer for the body to process. In turn this provides energy for a longer period of time while lacking the substance that turns sugar to fat.

    SIMPLE CARBS, on the other hand, are made up of high sugar foods that are processed very quickly. When fiber is low and sugar is high, the food is processed before it can be burned off turning most of it into fat.

    A good rule of thumb for which carbohydrates to choose is to look at the carb vs fiber content. Anything that has more than double the amount of carb than fiber is going to trigger those carb cravings. Another good rule of thumb I learned from my diabetic friends is to never eat carbs alone, but to always "bind them" with protein. Like an apple dipped in peanut butter for example. As for your question about whole grain pasta. They are great in moderation. So is brown rice. My favorite bread is Ezekiel Bread. Just keep reading those labels!

    You can read all about organic apple cider vinegar on another MFP thread here:

    Hope this helps answer some of your questions.

    Now I'm off to board meeting and resisting the insuing potluck. Not so hard to do when I'm seeing progress. I know my tummy was getting flatter, but was shocked yesterday to try on a size smaller and found that it fit. :noway: Snugly, but it still zipped. I'm on my way! :happy:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Good morning ladies,

    Tomorrow morning I will be heading to the airport at the crack of dawn and then on my way to Minnesota!! I am so excited.

    I finally caved in and changed my ticker to the 148 I have been hovering around since my vacation. I think I have been eating a little too much fruit. I have never done well with a lot of sugars in my diet so when I get back from seeing DD I will start a serious attack on the sugar content of food.

    I have been enjoying my new workout program which is a hybrid of the heavy lifting from ChaLean Extreme and the Turbo Fire aerobic program. with a little treading thrown in the mix. I have searched high and low on the web regarding my treadmill and everything says I need to get a repair man from the company. I think the problem could be the cord that Bodi chewed on last year. I had taped it up and the problem went away after I did that and got the dog hair out. It isn't fixing the problem this time so I may need a new cord.

    Amanda I hope you are feeling better

    Chiclet I am glad your mom was doing so much better

    as to the chocolate chip cookie problem - I haven't had one in years. I just have to avoid them all together. Otherwise they all end up in my stomach.

    I hope you all have a great day.
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Hello all! Checking in from Hope, AK. As I mentioned before the wifi here is sketchy at best. I can only get online from the laundry/gathering room here at the park office. They are on winter hours now which makes it even harder to get online 10-5 and closed Tues & Wed.

    We have been very busy having fun so we were seldom here when they were on summer hours! However, all good things come to an end. I dropped off my friend and she went home Tues. She came out to play with me while DH was out hunting brown bear. THen I picked him up the same day at the ferry flight service. Amazingly enough I didn't have too much trouble with getting around in Anchorage even considering I had DH's big ole truck. I don't much like to drive it, especially in city traffic.

    DH got his bear. I pretty big one too; it was 8'4" long. The bad part is the pocket camera he took with him malfunctioned and he only has a few pictures from a disposable camera. He didn't want to take the good camera as he had enough to deal with as it was.

    I think I have lost a few pounds while here but won't know until we get back. We are way off the beaten path here. I would think a good gas station with food attached would make a mint somewhere between Girdwood and Seward. Those are the two places with gas stations north and south of where we're staying. It is a good 40 miles north to the one and over 50 to the one to the south. Needless to say, they are always busy. We have been carrying cans of gas but haven't needed to use them yet.

    We have done a lot of hiking, panned for gold and are bringing home some dirt for the grandson to pan out, gone on a critter/glacier viewing cruise, took my 60+ friend fishing for the first time ever (she caught two halibut), took a train trip part Denali to Fairbanks and just generally had a lot of fun.

    Tomorrow we will sort our stuff, pack up and head back the next day. That should take a couple weeks or so. Thank goodness our son is staying at our place; that's one concern we don't have to deal with.

    I have been among the missing too long catch up on what you all have been up to and your successes, so I will just jump back in when we get home. Hopefully I can shop my closet for some pants that fit better. I have mine in the dryer right now on hot trying to shrink them. It's been a long time since I have had to do that! I really love this site and all the support from everyone.

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    :smile: :flowerforyou: :heart: Hello to all my wonderful MFP friends. I have been reading your posts every day but then seem to run out of time and don't post myself!:ohwell:

    Welcome to all our newbies:flowerforyou: --it is so nice here and I hope to get to know you all soon!

    We had about a day and a half of nice weather and now we are back to gray skies and rain:grumble: . We are supposed to have some more sun this weekend--I sure hope so! Two days ago when we had some sunshine I had to clean as mold as I could off of my plants. I am so tired of this--everything is moldy and/or rotting because it never gets a chance to dry out! It's like that at work, too. I find it depressing.

    Peg--I am sorry for the loss of your dear dog. :flowerforyou: Our pets are SO important to us!

    Amanda--I sure hope you get better soon.:sick: It's no fun being ill!

    Chicklet--It sure sounds like your mom will be doing MUCH better. I'm glad.:happy:

    I'm sorry, but that's all I can recall right now--everyone be safe and take care of yourselves. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: (lots of water!):laugh:
  • marlouise
    Hello everyone, another day down and a quarter to the pocket change. Sitting down with my sis this weekend and we are going to make up a schedule for me. Some days the normal chore things seem to disappear from my mind, and that is a big no no. So to keep me from getting stressed because of these voids, a schedule will keep things done and I'll loose the stress. This may help the memory to function more.

    My dog has a serious allergy to weeds outside, we have pills to take and I am keeping her inside, she will potty on the trainer pads, so it will be just to keep them picked up after she uses them. Oh I am so thankful for vets, I was so frightened that she may have a tick or other bug,( I never, underestimate what mother nature can do), I'm thinking a ton of misshappening have been going on in my family and friends that this again was another to deal with. But my vet helped me look at Buttons and she said not anything but an allergy.

    Hope all is well, <<<hugs>>>> to you all that have had a sad event and misshap, Keep your head up, chin up, and smile it will strengthen you.

  • HerbieSue
    Flew into Austin, Texas this morning to visit my daughter and see her new apartment. We went straight to whole foods for the salmon burger and a bottle of wine.......................I love Austin. We plan on attending the UT v. UCLA game, the Pecan Street Festival and Sunday brunch! We always have a great time together, isn't it fun when your daughters grow up and become your friends too!!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    McMadame - thanks for the info about the Master's swim. Only I don't think I'm QUITE ready for Master's swim. I'm lucky to keep myself afloat....lol I have this fear of the deep water. I know where that stems from. When I was younger I was in the ocean and the tide pulled me out. I have this memory of being totally disoriented and not being able to touch the bottom. I'm OK in the deep end if I have a floation device on or if I'm on my back.

    Didn't realize how early I'd gotten up this a.m (Wed). When I went to make my breakfast I looked at the clock on the microwave. It was 5:30. So I did 40 min of yoga. Did 1 hr of deep water, then bowled two games (I really need the practice, and it doesn't hurt that I have coupons for a free game). Tonight I'm thinking about taking a yoga class. It's being given for free. I suspect the gal is trying to get in her hours for some sort of certification, she's doing this, she teaches at the Y, she teaches at another studio, she is also starting to teach at another gym in town. Wish she would do something closer to me, tho...... Tomorrow I'll do some HIIT at the Y near me.

    Hey there judexs! I like Jillian Michael's DVD's. HerbieSue - if I'm not mistaken, can't her kettlebell DVD also be done with free weights? I don't have kettlebells at home, but I do have free weights. If this is the one I'm thinking of, I may have to get it. But first, I'll view the clip at collagevideo and read any reviews.

    weaklink - doesn't it just feel so great to have to go thru your clothes and get rid of them because they are too big. Love it.

    Jeannie - are you working your rotator cuff muscle? From your description of the exercise, it sounds like you're working the rotator cuff. But I would think 10lbs would be too heavy for that muscle, so that's why I'm confused (what else is new????)

    Rebel - the only way I know of to resist those soft, chewy chocolate chip cookies is not to have them in the house. This probably doesn't help you much, tho

    chicklet - I use only about a Tbsp. of the apple cider vinegar. What a relief that your mom is doing so much better

    tiarapants - prayers and good thoughts being sent your way.

    suzyQ - woo hoo! You go girl!

    Robin - sometimes I think that I shouldn't even bother to eat the cookies, I should just plaster them on my hips or stomach....lol

    Did 1 hr HIIT on the elliptical (Thurs), then bowled 2 games. I really need practice on my delivery. Two games doesn't seem to be overwhelming. Also, I have coupons for a free game PLUS I get the senior price, so for 2 games it only costs me $1.75. Then I went food shopping. Spent $30 but saved $60.

    Tomorrow I'm going to take the xtremepump class for an hour.

    HerbieSue - ITA It IS wonderful when your children grow up to be your friends.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I am headed off tomorrow for a weekend spiritual retreat with a group of about 20 women.....I'm not too keen about sharing a cabin so I'm trying to go with an open mind and a willing spirit....I probably won't be able to post again until Sunday.....I'm bringing a lot of my own food and hoping that I'll be able to eat some of the food that is being served that I've already paid for as part of the retreat registration

    :flowerforyou: my only answer to the chocolate chip cookie question is "just say no"

    :flowerforyou: Amanda, my thoughts are with you as you and the doctors seek a solution to what ails you.....i wish you the best and a speedy recovery
    :heart: :heart: :heart: hugs to all :love: :love: :love: :love:
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Zumba whooped my butt today but I made it through the potluck without eating any of the pasta or dessert. :happy:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Had a rough night and having angiogram this morning. Good news is that I persuaded DH to bring my scales in and I've lost 2 lbs. Hey, got to look on the bright side! xx
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good Morning! Made it to Chicago and some wild weather. I had hoped to spend the morning while sons were at work walking the city. I will wait a bit and hope the weather calms down some, then head out.

    Jeannie: Thanks for the info on the exercises. I will try to one on my side. I have put off going to the orthopedic guy but if it persists, I will go. I have found more success with other issues in the past by trying to make the area stronger and hope that will work for my shoulder too! Thanks!

    Amanda: Thinking of you and hoping you are getting some help to feel better. Take care and keep us posted

    Faye: Enjoy your travels! Sounds like fun!

    Herbiesue: Have fun with your daughter! And I plan to hit whole foods here in Chicago with my sons...wish we had one at home!

    Rebel: the chocolate chip cookie problem I can relate to...I cannot make them or have them in my house if they are REAL and HOMEMADE. I just cannot. If I pass them up, they will call to me wherever I am until they are gone. Everyone has their foods...that one is mine, so, I can relate!

    Better go find some breakfast before I get too hungry. Everyone have a wonderful weekend and here's to good choices!:drinker: Kackie
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Michelle, yes. The exercise is for the rotators cuff. He was very clear about building up to 10 pounds. I did 5 pounds today and I will stay with that until right before I go back. lol

    Amanda - Good luck with your tests today. I will be thinking of you.

    Connie - I agree with the building of strength seems to fix most problems, but you do need to be sure there are no tears or other issues that exercise will harm. Take it easy doing the exercises and if there is no improvement, go see the ortho.

    To all others: I read your posts but don't have time right now to reply. I hope we all have a great day and make good choices getting ready for another weekend which seem to be hard on a lot of us.

  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    good Morning ladies,
    Only have afew minutes to talk. I have been away for few days. I caught up this morning on some of posts. Sorry for those of you under weather and in hospital, dealing with parents. Great job on those doing well and keeping on track. I have been going through some things, but not sure what they are. LOL. I just feel that something is not right. I lost 50 pounds last year and since Jan. of this year have gained back 20. Yes I have not been as good as I could be but honestly I dont think it warrents a whole 20 pounds. anyway, I am not sleeping well at all, am tired all day no matter what I do, have headaches a lot, tingling feet, low sex drive, (know you dont need to know that but it is a face) anyway yesterday I went for wellness viist with GP and got blood work done. I love my GP but for things like this that you really cant put name to he is not too helpful. I should get results today and if not happy with his take on them I will search elsewhere. dont want meds but vitamins, diet, exercise that will get my body back to what it should be. everything I have read points to thyroid but not sure if they will diagnose this. anyway kenneth is home taking few days off and we are doing yard work. he has already started so I will close now to go help him. I feel less moody today so hopefully will be a better day than yesterday. I am a very happy person very pleased with my life so days like yesterday get me down and make me feel guilty when there are so many people with so many much worse problems. I just dont like feeling this way. have a good day ladies. thanks for listening.
    Vicki M
  • pegstet
    Thanks to everyone for the hugs and condolences for losing my Penny dog.
    Suezzzque – Thanks for the idea of YouTube for exercises. I’ve used it for so many other things, such as learning how to use a scroll saw (right down to changing blades!) and even finding sample presentations to show my night-class college students. Don’t know why I didn’t think of it… so Thank You.

    Hi Judy – I have not tried Jillian Michaels, but I have used the Mari Winsor Pilates dvd, and the results were amazing… then I met 2nd DH, and fell off the wagon and found all the weight I’d lost (and a bit more). But the main Winsor Pilates workout is about 22 minutes. I’m getting back into regular walking (was a September goal) and for October, my goal is to do the Pilates workout 2 times a week and hopefully work up from there. That one worked for me. I’ll check out Jillian’s regimen now too. Good luck to you!

    Kackie – have a great time in Chicago visiting your sons…. I grew up in the burbs and worked in Chicago downtown in the Loop before the company transferred me to Florida. It’s a Great City. If you’re a reader, the book “Devil in the White City” would be fun to read during your travelling. It recounts the building of the Chicago world’s fair at the turn of the 20th century (sounds boring but is really fascinating) along with one of the early Chicago serial killers (the Devil in the title). If you’re not a reader, try one of the audio book download sites. Your sons may even enjoy the story.

    Laura – your trip sounds wonderful! You mentioned Marie Osmond sang an opera song… do you recall what it was? My 1st DH (died 8 years ago) was an opera singer as was my daughter, so my ears always perk up at the mention of opera.

    Peggy – I got tired just reading about all the VA appointments, and then the block unloading! Yikes!

    Chiclet – 2nd DH is from Cali, and he keeps telling me how he hates FL which I LOVE. I keep telling him that I’m in the right place for me, but I can’t seem to convince him that it’s better. He wants to move back there, but I’m not ready… my only DD is here with my one oand only grandson who’s 3 ½ . Can’t leave them just now, but have to say that CA is beautiful. We go back often to visit his family and friends, and my sister in San Jose. Since I’m fairly new to this group, I don’t know what area you’re from that it’s already so cool in the evening.

    Tiarapants – I pray for your health and recovery, hoping this is nothing too serious!

    Faye – Loved hearing about the bear! We live close to a state park and regularly have bears and deer tromping through and eating our fruit. Too bad they’re all protected here! I’d like to eat some of my own grapes, etc. instead of feeding all the wild things.

    I do love reading all the posts and wish you all a long, pleasant, and successful weekend.

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Had my angiogram and should be allowed to go home later today. I'm not sure exactly what it is - but they said my problem is most likely valvular cardiomyopathy.

    I have to go back to see the specialist next week.

    Hope to be back to 'proper posting' soon.

    Love to all.

    Amanda x
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Very little sleep last night and a hectic days ahead today. I'm down another 2 pounds and an inch in my waist, belly & hips from last week. Low carb + zumba is working for me :happy:

    Will check in later when things aren't so busy. Hapy Friday y'all! :drinker:
  • missjo113
    SuzyQ: thanks for your insight about simple vs complex carbs and the info on apple cider vinegar. I too had been wondering about both. I have just one question though... any idea if apple cider vinegar has an expiration date? I had bought some from a health food store about a year ago after reading an article in a magazine but never did try it.

    About the chocolate chip cookies.... if you make little packages of 2 cookies in ziplock baggies and put them in the freezer, you could take one baggie at a time and limit yourself that way... they're not quite as good it they're rock hard.
  • lifeis2enjoy
    herbiesue, I so agree with you. My daughter & I have the same kind of relationship. When we get together we have so much fun. I am glad she works for US Airways in Denver Colorado, because she is able to come home often. Now that she is getting settle in I to will have to go visit her yellow & white home that she is renting. Take care & have a great time.
