Water Fasting challenge, support and buddies



  • I did lose weight in a healthy way. I find it difficult to stuck to that many calories a day (that is to say create the deficit to be able to keep losing) after one year of being strict.
    After a while it becomes discouraging and disheartening and sad and frustrating and you yourself end up having issues with food.
    Everything in your days revolves around that and, although all you do is healthy and balanced for your body, it is, on the other side, subtly, creating an unbalance in your mind.
    Weight loss is a no-win-win situation. You get better in your appearance if you are successful but you increase the chances of spoiling your relationship with food.
    Hence, 20 days of drastic action can't cause any more harm than that we cause to ourselves in our EVERY DAY battle.

    This is the worst logic I have ever seen applied in any argument regarding weight loss.

    Seriously, not even "muscle weighs more than fat" comes close to the massive infusion of fallacy inherent in the above-quoted passage.

    I would really, truly, desperately like to see you reformat this into a syllogism that arrives at the same conclusion as your last sentence.
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    Is this 2013?
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    I don't think you'll even make it 4 days
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    I don't think you'll even make it 4 days

    Pretty much. I'll never understand the logic that says "I can't stay at a low calorie count, so I'll just stay at a ZERO" calorie count. It's like - if you have a hard time sticking to 1,200 - why do you think ZERO is going to be any easier?
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    you can expect to be in starvation mode and feel like crap...that is if you don't die first...

    this may be the worst idea I have seen on MFP....congratulations...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I was looking for buddies and advice from people who have done water fasting before...
    I don't think you can compromise your body in 20 days and if something does not work out well, I'll just stop.

    20 days of not eating anything will compromise your body ...

    would you think 20 days of eating twinkies every day would not compromise your body..?????

    why don't you just eat in a deficit and lose weight in a healthy and safe manner...?
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Twenty days without food?


    No. I have no desire to starve myself for 3 weeks.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    I did lose weight in a healthy way. I find it difficult to stuck to that many calories a day (that is to say create the deficit to be able to keep losing) after one year of being strict.
    After a while it becomes discouraging and disheartening and sad and frustrating and you yourself end up having issues with food.
    Everything in your days revolves around that and, although all you do is healthy and balanced for your body, it is, on the other side, subtly, creating an unbalance in your mind.
    Weight loss is a no-win-win situation. You get better in your appearance if you are successful but you increase the chances of spoiling your relationship with food.
    Hence, 20 days of drastic action can't cause any more harm than that we cause to ourselves in our EVERY DAY battle.

    No. Just.....no. To all of it.
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    The third fast was for 21 days. I made it to day 19 and became very sick from the toxins being released into my body. I was very toxic and it had a negative affect on my body.


    protip: right click and view image to see the full effect. :wink:
  • You sound borderline anorexic and I'm not saying that in a mean way. I'm saying that in a concerned way. To say losing weight is a no win situation is completely far out there. You should be happy you're healthy, that's a win win win situation in every aspect. You should love all of the food you're putting in your body to keep it alive. You should be happy to look in the mirror regardless if you've lost 10 or 50 or 100 pounds. Fasting for 20 without religious purpose and for the soul reason of losing weight is unhealthy in every way. It is a lose lose situation. I hope you can see I'm not being rude or mean, I just think you're over thinking this and going down a wrong road.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    I was looking for buddies and advice from people who have done water fasting before...
    I don't think you can compromise your body in 20 days and if something does not work out well, I'll just stop.

    You don't? And if it turns out you're wrong and you can, you think 1) you'll know and 2) just stopping the fast will remedy it?

    This should be interesting.


    "I don't see how jumping off a 20 story building can be detrimental to my health! And if it turns out is IS dangerous, well, I'll just stop falling." :noway:
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I was looking for buddies and advice from people who have done water fasting before...
    I don't think you can compromise your body in 20 days and if something does not work out well, I'll just stop.
    In 3-4 days your metabolism will slow to a crawl. And then you start catabolizing muscle tissue (including your heart,) since your body will start shedding the tissue that takes a lot of energy to support, which are muscles, bones, joints, and organs.

    In 20 days you can most certainly do serious, catastrophic damage to your body. But hey, it's your life, if you want to end up comatose or hospitalized, go for it.
  • Sunshine_Kubes
    Sunshine_Kubes Posts: 37 Member
    I did lose weight in a healthy way. I find it difficult to stuck to that many calories a day (that is to say create the deficit to be able to keep losing) after one year of being strict.
    After a while it becomes discouraging and disheartening and sad and frustrating and you yourself end up having issues with food.
    Everything in your days revolves around that and, although all you do is healthy and balanced for your body, it is, on the other side, subtly, creating an unbalance in your mind.
    Weight loss is a no-win-win situation. You get better in your appearance if you are successful but you increase the chances of spoiling your relationship with food.
    Hence, 20 days of drastic action can't cause any more harm than that we cause to ourselves in our EVERY DAY battle.

    I know that we can survive weeks without food.. However, it's not smart to do this. Your body will indeed go in to survival mode.. Weight loss will be accomplished, but once you start eating again, even if its only 1000 calories, your body will hold onto every single gram of fat you consume, your metabolism will be super slow and used to running on next to nothing, so it will just store every calorie.. Not smart.. Be safe
  • It is dangerous to promote drastic measures like fasting, particularly if you have no professional training to back up your claims.

    "Hence, 20 days of drastic action can't cause any more harm than that we cause to ourselves in our EVERY DAY battle." OP, exactly how many years of training in medicine/nutrition/physiology/biochemistry do you have? I really would like to know, feel free to message me personally.

    Also, for anyone concerned about clearing "toxins" from your body, consider that your liver, kidneys, lungs, skin, and other organs are quite capable of clearing "toxins" everyday. While fasting you are at risk of damaging your organs, which would actually decrease your body's ability to detox your system. Thousands of years of evolution has sorted out this problem already.

    Take care of yourselves out there, people!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Check out master cleanse by Stanley Burroughs.

    i prefer amateur cleanses to master ones....
  • raqtor
    raqtor Posts: 8 Member
    Please don't do any fasting over 7 days. Your body will shut down to try to survive and you might damage your metabolism or do even worse permanent damage.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Check out master cleanse by Stanley Burroughs.

  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    There are so many people in the world without access to adequate nutrition, and we have people who willingly refuse to eat for 3 weeks. For what? Vanity?

    This actually disgusts me.

    What the ****ing ****?
  • HonuNui
    HonuNui Posts: 1,464 Member

    If you love your body and want it to work for you, don't punish it into submission.
    Honor it with healthy food and delicious movement.
    Dress it it amazing clothes and praise it for what it allows you to do.

    Beautiful. Just beautiful.
  • MexicanOsmosis
    MexicanOsmosis Posts: 382 Member
    You get better in your appearance if you are successful but you increase the chances of spoiling your relationship with food.

    Hence, don't eat any food for 20 days? Yeah, that makes sense.

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