Our culture is set up for obesity.



  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    It doesn't matter how big the portions are anywhere...you not the culture is the person who says no thanks I am done box this up please. It is you who chooses to walk/lift/bike (exercise) or not.
    Individuals are to blame for their weight issues....no one and nothing else...(regarless of why ie emotional eating etc)

    Why was I afraid that the parroting of this enormous bunch of BS was going to be absent in this thread?
    My fears have been calmed.
    So predictable, so hopeless.

    Again go log your food...jeez.

    As well lots of men cook and are great cooks, lots of single mothers come home and still feed their children nutrious food and lots of couples where both work come home and cook nutrious food for their family. Again it's all a choice....and speaking from personal experience from all 3 situations and still manage exercise, logging my food and having shoes with laces that are tied.

    And as for the cultural bias remember that the US and Canada are melting pots of many cultures put together...
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    And why think control negates cultural influence...because it does.

    Impossible. If control negates cultural influence, then there is no such thing as cultural influence, because any cultural influence can be controlled. And if there is no cultural influence, there is nothing to negate.

    The very fact that personal responsibility and control must come into play proves cultural influence.
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    "Where our ancestors came from, how they adapted and managed to their environment, and where we live today all combine to have a significant impact on our health." Eat what your grandparents+ ate, best advice I can give you. Done.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Wow I am shocked at how many people find this to be a topic of contention!

    They do because many Americans are self-righteous puritans who experience orgasms when they engage in "blame the victim" argumentation. :-)

    Pot meet kettle? :laugh:
  • wisdomfromyou
    wisdomfromyou Posts: 198 Member
    I am all for personal responsibility when it comes to weight loss. But, one has to acknowledge how crazily our culture is set up in making it an upstream swim much of the time.

    A favorite topic of mine - thank you for bringing it up and yes, I WILL take the time to post even though I have none. So I will make.

    Like you, I DO understand perfectly well that I need to take PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for my own weight and simply make choices within the constraints of the culture that is indeed SET UP for obesity. Or else.
    Sometimes though I feel that the culture is not just "set up" for obesity but it is "conspiratorily" set up for obesity!! I wouldn't put it past the Powers that Be.

    While I am making all the choices that I can possibly make, within the constraints of my personal situation, to fight the culture that is set up this way and to maintain a healthy weight, I really do believe that pointing at those cultural determinants and making people AWARE of them does not mean "whining, complaining, blaming others for your own shortcomings" and other "blame the victim" junk that Americans usually adore passing around.

    It simply helps people fight back - not just with personal choices but politically too - at least this is what you would hope would happen eventually.

    After reading tons of articles on obesity from Medicine, Sociology, Psychology and other cross-disciplinary fields - I could count a million ways in which the culture has become set up for obesity. Unfortunately, large portion sizes and a Mc at every corner is just the tip of the iceberg.

    - The entire culture has engineered activity out of people's lives in the name of convenience and comfort (from something as simple as remote-control TV-s and buttons-everything to going everywhere by car or HAVING TO drive everywhere given time constraints, to no sidewalks and attractive public venues where people could go for strolls like Europeans do, etc). In order to move enough in this culture, you have to carve out special time during the day and turn it into an efficient task at the gym. This demand will compete with the million other demands that the average person has in this society - so good luck keeping it up and making "MOVING" the queen of all other priorities. Having grown up elsewhere, among people who were all thin despite nobody EVER exercising formally at a gym ...this part is all too clear.

    - The Internet, Smart phones and other gadgetry is sucking spare-time out of our day like a sponge is sucking water.

    - The TV is a classic.

    - Women no longer cook, whether because they are "career women" or just SAHM-s who believe that it is more important to haul jrs. to 1 million organized activities during the day than stay at home to cut up onions. This is largely perceived as "non-sexy, backward, heck even oppressive". Never mind those who get the kids in the bus at 7:30 am so the rest of the day can be dedicated to volunteering at school, shopping, scrap-booking - anything BUT cooking appealing, nutritious and economic meals for the entire family (which by the way, takes A LOT of time usually).
    The bottom line is, career or not, American women on average, no longer cook; or they believe that slapping together some convenience foods qualifies as cooking. For the gender sensitive, if you ask why I only "blame" women for this and not men - I am not blaming anyone. I am simply pointing that half of the population that used to cook checked out of this task and it's not like the other half checked in, rightfully or wrongfully so. Cooking has been outsourced - genie is out of the bottle. It is simply the way it has worked out, gender justice or not.

    - The crap the the food industry puts in all of these convenience foods, take-outs or even restaurant food is surreal - from the tons of sugar and corn syrup to 1 million things you can't pronounce, to hormones in milk that makes girls get their periods at 9 and fibroids the size of the New Year's Eve NY apple at 40 ...and balloon like crazy by the time they are 18... ending up with a hanging-type belly that is recognizably American...you get the idea.

    - The incredibly fast-paced lives with one million demands and obligations pulling the average Joe in all directions: overload in work-demands, children's school demands, children's activities demands, housework demands, groceries shopping demands, commuting demands, technology that acts as the most insidious time-thief despite having proclaimed the very opposite - to save people time...as well as going crazy over sets of "choices", the list could go on. Some of these demands can be very small *(such as sorting through papers from school or signing papers to send back to school). But between the 1 million big demands (such as work projects), the 1 million medium demands, and the 1 million small demands...people deal with an endless "to do" list that is simply eating away at their quality of life, places them in a constant state of stress, anxiety and restlessness, reduced authentic companionship and leads, for many, to overeating as a way of coping with stress.

    - The non-social manner in which Americans tend to eat: fast, efficiently, often at their desks, often alone, often at midnight snacking on "feel good" foods to accompany some action movie, without any conversation or human interaction that help slow down the pace of eating.

    - And what to make of those families needing to work 2-3 miserable jobs just to get by in today's society? Or those who have only one job that requires increasing over-time and energy (both physical and mental) so they can compete with zealous co-workers?

    - What of genetically modified everything, chickens as big as ostriches (how in the world do they get them like that I will never understand), etc.

    The list could go on - and on - and on.

    I have met many people who react negatively when they see fat people - as if these unfortunate souls are begging to be hated given their "poor, poor, despicable personal choices".

    When I visit back in my country, I hear many people talking condescendingly about how fat Americans are.
    Having lived here for over a decade and having become, at some point, decently fat myself, I feel nothing but compassion towards fat individuals because I know how one gets there and I also know they are largely victims of a culture designed to F them up.

    Now this culture of obesity is spreading elsewhere:


    .... though I don't think it will ever have the virulent effects it has had here given some local traditions and ways of life that still linger and hopefully will for a while.

    Now back to demands.

    So men can't cook?! B.S

    This is what you got out of this?

    They can - but they don't. :-)
    It's not like you have men cooking at the same rate as the 1950's housewives were doing.

    Do differentiate between how things "SHOULD or COULD be' and how things actually ARE.

    Of course your correct.

    I just have trouble stomaching your self righteous attitude. My bad.

    Self-righteous because I point to the cultural ugliness that has caused masses of people to become mountains of fat? Really? But those who blame fat individuals for making "bad choices" are not self-righteous.
    You have it straightened out.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    I am all for personal responsibility when it comes to weight loss. But, one has to acknowledge how crazily our culture is set up in making it an upstream swim much of the time.

    A favorite topic of mine - thank you for bringing it up and yes, I WILL take the time to post even though I have none. So I will make.

    Like you, I DO understand perfectly well that I need to take PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for my own weight and simply make choices within the constraints of the culture that is indeed SET UP for obesity. Or else.
    Sometimes though I feel that the culture is not just "set up" for obesity but it is "conspiratorily" set up for obesity!! I wouldn't put it past the Powers that Be.

    While I am making all the choices that I can possibly make, within the constraints of my personal situation, to fight the culture that is set up this way and to maintain a healthy weight, I really do believe that pointing at those cultural determinants and making people AWARE of them does not mean "whining, complaining, blaming others for your own shortcomings" and other "blame the victim" junk that Americans usually adore passing around.

    It simply helps people fight back - not just with personal choices but politically too - at least this is what you would hope would happen eventually.

    After reading tons of articles on obesity from Medicine, Sociology, Psychology and other cross-disciplinary fields - I could count a million ways in which the culture has become set up for obesity. Unfortunately, large portion sizes and a Mc at every corner is just the tip of the iceberg.

    - The entire culture has engineered activity out of people's lives in the name of convenience and comfort (from something as simple as remote-control TV-s and buttons-everything to going everywhere by car or HAVING TO drive everywhere given time constraints, to no sidewalks and attractive public venues where people could go for strolls like Europeans do, etc). In order to move enough in this culture, you have to carve out special time during the day and turn it into an efficient task at the gym. This demand will compete with the million other demands that the average person has in this society - so good luck keeping it up and making "MOVING" the queen of all other priorities. Having grown up elsewhere, among people who were all thin despite nobody EVER exercising formally at a gym ...this part is all too clear.

    - The Internet, Smart phones and other gadgetry is sucking spare-time out of our day like a sponge is sucking water.

    - The TV is a classic.

    - Women no longer cook, whether because they are "career women" or just SAHM-s who believe that it is more important to haul jrs. to 1 million organized activities during the day than stay at home to cut up onions. This is largely perceived as "non-sexy, backward, heck even oppressive". Never mind those who get the kids in the bus at 7:30 am so the rest of the day can be dedicated to volunteering at school, shopping, scrap-booking - anything BUT cooking appealing, nutritious and economic meals for the entire family (which by the way, takes A LOT of time usually).
    The bottom line is, career or not, American women on average, no longer cook; or they believe that slapping together some convenience foods qualifies as cooking. For the gender sensitive, if you ask why I only "blame" women for this and not men - I am not blaming anyone. I am simply pointing that half of the population that used to cook checked out of this task and it's not like the other half checked in, rightfully or wrongfully so. Cooking has been outsourced - genie is out of the bottle. It is simply the way it has worked out, gender justice or not.

    - The crap the the food industry puts in all of these convenience foods, take-outs or even restaurant food is surreal - from the tons of sugar and corn syrup to 1 million things you can't pronounce, to hormones in milk that makes girls get their periods at 9 and fibroids the size of the New Year's Eve NY apple at 40 ...and balloon like crazy by the time they are 18... ending up with a hanging-type belly that is recognizably American...you get the idea.

    - The incredibly fast-paced lives with one million demands and obligations pulling the average Joe in all directions: overload in work-demands, children's school demands, children's activities demands, housework demands, groceries shopping demands, commuting demands, technology that acts as the most insidious time-thief despite having proclaimed the very opposite - to save people time...as well as going crazy over sets of "choices", the list could go on. Some of these demands can be very small *(such as sorting through papers from school or signing papers to send back to school). But between the 1 million big demands (such as work projects), the 1 million medium demands, and the 1 million small demands...people deal with an endless "to do" list that is simply eating away at their quality of life, places them in a constant state of stress, anxiety and restlessness, reduced authentic companionship and leads, for many, to overeating as a way of coping with stress.

    - The non-social manner in which Americans tend to eat: fast, efficiently, often at their desks, often alone, often at midnight snacking on "feel good" foods to accompany some action movie, without any conversation or human interaction that help slow down the pace of eating.

    - And what to make of those families needing to work 2-3 miserable jobs just to get by in today's society? Or those who have only one job that requires increasing over-time and energy (both physical and mental) so they can compete with zealous co-workers?

    - What of genetically modified everything, chickens as big as ostriches (how in the world do they get them like that I will never understand), etc.

    The list could go on - and on - and on.

    I have met many people who react negatively when they see fat people - as if these unfortunate souls are begging to be hated given their "poor, poor, despicable personal choices".

    When I visit back in my country, I hear many people talking condescendingly about how fat Americans are.
    Having lived here for over a decade and having become, at some point, decently fat myself, I feel nothing but compassion towards fat individuals because I know how one gets there and I also know they are largely victims of a culture designed to F them up.

    Now this culture of obesity is spreading elsewhere:


    .... though I don't think it will ever have the virulent effects it has had here given some local traditions and ways of life that still linger and hopefully will for a while.

    Now back to demands.

    Wow, you were able to make time to respond to this post, but you can't find time to log your calories or enter recipes. Interesting.
  • andresconejo
    I agree the OP and i also HATE when portions are smal but when u check the nutritional information of the meal you get like a WHOLE day of calories.. its ridiculous
  • wisdomfromyou
    wisdomfromyou Posts: 198 Member
    It doesn't matter how big the portions are anywhere...you not the culture is the person who says no thanks I am done box this up please. It is you who chooses to walk/lift/bike (exercise) or not.
    Individuals are to blame for their weight issues....no one and nothing else...(regarless of why ie emotional eating etc)

    Why was I afraid that the parroting of this enormous bunch of BS was going to be absent in this thread?
    My fears have been calmed.
    So predictable, so hopeless.

    Again go log your food...jeez.

    As well lots of men cook and are great cooks, lots of single mothers come home and still feed their children nutrious food and lots of couples where both work come home and cook nutrious food for their family. Again it's all a choice....and speaking from personal experience from all 3 situations and still manage exercise, logging my food and having shoes with laces that are tied.

    And as for the cultural bias remember that the US and Canada are melting pots of many cultures put together...

    It LOTS of people do that, then why is America fat?
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    anything BUT cooking appealing, nutritious and economic meals for the entire family (which by the way, takes A LOT of time usually).

    If that takes "A LOT of time," it's being done wrong.


    Even the simplest meals can take a significant amount of time...between taking out containers, peeling or preparing the fresh food, and cleaning up, putting dishes away, etc. Do remember I also assume you cook economically. For example I never buy chicken breasts because I want them organic and organic chicken breasts are expensive as H.
    So I buy whole organic chickens that come out less expensive, and I butcher them myself.
    I can assure you that takes a significant chunk of time - just to get the meat ready for cooking.
    So you make a choice that costs you extra time. But that doesn't mean you can't make healthy, nutritious meals in very little time.
  • LJSmith1989
    anything BUT cooking appealing, nutritious and economic meals for the entire family (which by the way, takes A LOT of time usually).

    If that takes "A LOT of time," it's being done wrong.


    Even the simplest meals can take a significant amount of time...between taking out containers, peeling or preparing the fresh food, and cleaning up, putting dishes away, etc. Do remember I also assume you cook economically. For example I never buy chicken breasts because I want them organic and organic chicken breasts are expensive as H.
    So I buy whole organic chickens that come out less expensive, and I butcher them myself.
    I can assure you that takes a significant chunk of time - just to get the meat ready for cooking.

    Haha and then you wonder why people don't want to do it?

    Why would any women or man at that want to spend so much time in the kitchen when they could be playing with their children,at the gym or working their job.

    No, cooking time can be kept to a minimum, especially with simple meals.
  • CollegiateGrief
    CollegiateGrief Posts: 552 Member
    Prepared food is also quite affordable. I remember when I was a kid, dining out was a luxury. Fast food was available, but the portion sizes were much, much smaller. In high school I worked at McDonald's. A happy meal drink was 8oz. and the kids could choose milk, orange or apple juice instead of soda. They offered small beverages, those were 12 ounces (it was .50-60 cents). If you were to hand an American consumer a 12 ounce soft drink (with ice) he or she would freak out at the tiny size today.

    On the other hand, most families had a stay-at-home mom. We could live off of one income with blue collar service work as the wages hadn't become depressed yet. I knew men who had retail jobs at clothing stores or as grocery checkers making $15-17 an hour with bennies back in the 1980's.

    Today, blue collar workers have to have two incomes to see any kind of reasonable lifestyle. Even construction workers, who once made some of the best union wages, are only earning $10-12 and hour in the private sector, and that is a skilled job that requires heavy labor.

    We are exhausted and broke. So we'll call for Chinese or pizza delivery. Then we get fat.

    Portion size is only one piece of the puzzle. I agree with the OP that our whole society is set up for obesity.

    Very good observations. I second this, and everything OP said. Yes, each individual has control over what s/he chooses to eat and do, but isn't it messed up how we have to fight against our culture to be healthy?

    The wage observations are also important, but could go off into a whole other topic...
  • mrmagee3
    mrmagee3 Posts: 518 Member
    And why think control negates cultural influence...because it does.

    Impossible. If control negates cultural influence, then there is no such thing as cultural influence, because any cultural influence can be controlled. And if there is no cultural influence, there is nothing to negate.

    The very fact that personal responsibility and control must come into play proves cultural influence.

    Thank you.
  • flitabout
    flitabout Posts: 200 Member
    Wow this is a tough room today! I thankfully was not a member of the clean plate club. My parents gave up on that pretty quickly because I ate so darn slow. With my kids the only real rules I have are,you must eat your veggies. If you have room for a treat or dessert you have room for the rest of your dinner before.
    That said I am a stay at home mom I cook probably 99% of our meals. So my kids have learned to eat the way people always have. But food companies have added salts and sugars to all of out foods. The better they taste the more you eat the more you buy. Not everybody out there has that natural turn off switch that tells us to stop eating. I don't. It is something I struggle with everyday. I have had to train myself to recocnize the full feeling. Everyone around me keeps telling me I don't need to lose anymore weight. I am at the moment the smallest adult woman I know. Here is the issue I am still 26 lbs away from a healthy weight. It's all in preception.
    Recently I talked so someone who's son is obese. He is 7 years old and is 110lbs, and they think it is ok to give their child an entire big bag of chips to eat. My family makes that same bag of chips last almost a week and I have myself my husband my 2 grown stepsons and my 4 kids. It's all in what you allow to happen in your life. It comes down to what your learned from your parents, life experience, and finally genetics you know the 70% lifestyle and 30% genetics?
    1) Portions are just to big
    2) preceptipn of healthy weight is way off because everybody is big
    3) Our is to processed that nobody knows what real food is supposed to taste like anymore.
    4) genetics people that gained weight easily lived through times of famine
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    In the case of a dual earner couple, they are both tired as H when they get home.
    In the case of a SAHP-working parent, you would think the SAHP would find ample time during the day to cook with clean foods, especially after children are 5 and in the arms of the school until 3:00pm.
    But it is not necessarily the way it's working out for many such couples. ;-)

    Again, though, that is all excuses. It is only this way because it's the way people want it to be. It's one thing to resort to a 99 cent box of pasta instead of making your own... but it doesn't take that much longer to whip up some tacos instead of going to Taco Bell. AND the caloric value of those homemade tacos are better.

    Same with stating that eating at home is "being a hermit"... um, not really. Invite a friend over or two over and make it pot-luck like. Will, yes, we may have a push from the food establishments to "eat, eat, eat"... that doesn't mean we have to listen.
  • LJSmith1989
    I am all for personal responsibility when it comes to weight loss. But, one has to acknowledge how crazily our culture is set up in making it an upstream swim much of the time.

    A favorite topic of mine - thank you for bringing it up and yes, I WILL take the time to post even though I have none. So I will make.

    Like you, I DO understand perfectly well that I need to take PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for my own weight and simply make choices within the constraints of the culture that is indeed SET UP for obesity. Or else.
    Sometimes though I feel that the culture is not just "set up" for obesity but it is "conspiratorily" set up for obesity!! I wouldn't put it past the Powers that Be.

    While I am making all the choices that I can possibly make, within the constraints of my personal situation, to fight the culture that is set up this way and to maintain a healthy weight, I really do believe that pointing at those cultural determinants and making people AWARE of them does not mean "whining, complaining, blaming others for your own shortcomings" and other "blame the victim" junk that Americans usually adore passing around.

    It simply helps people fight back - not just with personal choices but politically too - at least this is what you would hope would happen eventually.

    After reading tons of articles on obesity from Medicine, Sociology, Psychology and other cross-disciplinary fields - I could count a million ways in which the culture has become set up for obesity. Unfortunately, large portion sizes and a Mc at every corner is just the tip of the iceberg.

    - The entire culture has engineered activity out of people's lives in the name of convenience and comfort (from something as simple as remote-control TV-s and buttons-everything to going everywhere by car or HAVING TO drive everywhere given time constraints, to no sidewalks and attractive public venues where people could go for strolls like Europeans do, etc). In order to move enough in this culture, you have to carve out special time during the day and turn it into an efficient task at the gym. This demand will compete with the million other demands that the average person has in this society - so good luck keeping it up and making "MOVING" the queen of all other priorities. Having grown up elsewhere, among people who were all thin despite nobody EVER exercising formally at a gym ...this part is all too clear.

    - The Internet, Smart phones and other gadgetry is sucking spare-time out of our day like a sponge is sucking water.

    - The TV is a classic.

    - Women no longer cook, whether because they are "career women" or just SAHM-s who believe that it is more important to haul jrs. to 1 million organized activities during the day than stay at home to cut up onions. This is largely perceived as "non-sexy, backward, heck even oppressive". Never mind those who get the kids in the bus at 7:30 am so the rest of the day can be dedicated to volunteering at school, shopping, scrap-booking - anything BUT cooking appealing, nutritious and economic meals for the entire family (which by the way, takes A LOT of time usually).
    The bottom line is, career or not, American women on average, no longer cook; or they believe that slapping together some convenience foods qualifies as cooking. For the gender sensitive, if you ask why I only "blame" women for this and not men - I am not blaming anyone. I am simply pointing that half of the population that used to cook checked out of this task and it's not like the other half checked in, rightfully or wrongfully so. Cooking has been outsourced - genie is out of the bottle. It is simply the way it has worked out, gender justice or not.

    - The crap the the food industry puts in all of these convenience foods, take-outs or even restaurant food is surreal - from the tons of sugar and corn syrup to 1 million things you can't pronounce, to hormones in milk that makes girls get their periods at 9 and fibroids the size of the New Year's Eve NY apple at 40 ...and balloon like crazy by the time they are 18... ending up with a hanging-type belly that is recognizably American...you get the idea.

    - The incredibly fast-paced lives with one million demands and obligations pulling the average Joe in all directions: overload in work-demands, children's school demands, children's activities demands, housework demands, groceries shopping demands, commuting demands, technology that acts as the most insidious time-thief despite having proclaimed the very opposite - to save people time...as well as going crazy over sets of "choices", the list could go on. Some of these demands can be very small *(such as sorting through papers from school or signing papers to send back to school). But between the 1 million big demands (such as work projects), the 1 million medium demands, and the 1 million small demands...people deal with an endless "to do" list that is simply eating away at their quality of life, places them in a constant state of stress, anxiety and restlessness, reduced authentic companionship and leads, for many, to overeating as a way of coping with stress.

    - The non-social manner in which Americans tend to eat: fast, efficiently, often at their desks, often alone, often at midnight snacking on "feel good" foods to accompany some action movie, without any conversation or human interaction that help slow down the pace of eating.

    - And what to make of those families needing to work 2-3 miserable jobs just to get by in today's society? Or those who have only one job that requires increasing over-time and energy (both physical and mental) so they can compete with zealous co-workers?

    - What of genetically modified everything, chickens as big as ostriches (how in the world do they get them like that I will never understand), etc.

    The list could go on - and on - and on.

    I have met many people who react negatively when they see fat people - as if these unfortunate souls are begging to be hated given their "poor, poor, despicable personal choices".

    When I visit back in my country, I hear many people talking condescendingly about how fat Americans are.
    Having lived here for over a decade and having become, at some point, decently fat myself, I feel nothing but compassion towards fat individuals because I know how one gets there and I also know they are largely victims of a culture designed to F them up.

    Now this culture of obesity is spreading elsewhere:


    .... though I don't think it will ever have the virulent effects it has had here given some local traditions and ways of life that still linger and hopefully will for a while.

    Now back to demands.

    So men can't cook?! B.S

    This is what you got out of this?

    They can - but they don't. :-)
    It's not like you have men cooking at the same rate as the 1950's housewives were doing.

    Do differentiate between how things "SHOULD or COULD be' and how things actually ARE.

    Of course your correct.

    I just have trouble stomaching your self righteous attitude. My bad.

    Self-righteous because I point to the cultural ugliness that has caused masses of people to become mountains of fat? Really? But those who blame fat individuals for making "bad choices" are not self-righteous.
    You have it straightened out.

    Like I said, many of your points are correct and I agree with them, I still don't have to like your manner of delivery :)
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    anything BUT cooking appealing, nutritious and economic meals for the entire family (which by the way, takes A LOT of time usually).

    If that takes "A LOT of time," it's being done wrong.


    Even the simplest meals can take a significant amount of time...between taking out containers, peeling or preparing the fresh food, and cleaning up, putting dishes away, etc. Do remember I also assume you cook economically. For example I never buy chicken breasts because I want them organic and organic chicken breasts are expensive as H.
    So I buy whole organic chickens that come out less expensive, and I butcher them myself.
    I can assure you that takes a significant chunk of time - just to get the meat ready for cooking.

    I do not buy organic, but I regularly buy whole chickens and butcher them. I would recommend OAMC for you if you have a day with a large time block you can devote to this.

    That being said, most of my meals can be completed within an hour, prep and cook time included, if I am starting with no prep.
  • MsPudding
    MsPudding Posts: 562 Member
    I also have traveled quite a bit all over the world and no where have I seen anything like the USA. It's refreshing that when you eat out in say, Scotland, they actually serve proper portions and you leave feeling full and happy, but not completely stuffed. Often, even, you actually have room for coffee and dessert, which is also properly portioned.

    Below is a photo from the website of a restaurant just round the corner from me. That's what I'd term a normal portion size and you're right, generally if we're eating out over here we can manage a pudding or coffee. To me, if food is heaped on a plate it stops being enjoyable and becomes 'fuel'.

  • wisdomfromyou
    wisdomfromyou Posts: 198 Member
    My issue with calling it a Cultural Issue is that it tends to lessen the responsibility of the individual.

    That's fallacious thinking. Issues can have both individual and cultural ramifications. To dismiss the myriad of cultural implications of the "obesity epidemic", in my opinion, is as absurd a claim as saying that personal responsibility plays no role.


    It amazes me to see how many people feel so offended and personally threatened if anyone points to systemic conditions - as if becoming aware of them will suddenly paralyze all of us and turn us into "there's nothing I can do about it " deflated plastic dolls - "'cause it's the culture".

    Yes - IT IS the culture and understanding the culture will help you play the cards you do have the right way.

    Relying strictly on personal choices when you don't even know about all the choices you must make in order to dodge the cultural bullet - now that's irresponsible as far as I'm concerned.

    Very much fallacious thinking, indeed.
  • wisdomfromyou
    wisdomfromyou Posts: 198 Member
    I am all for personal responsibility when it comes to weight loss. But, one has to acknowledge how crazily our culture is set up in making it an upstream swim much of the time.

    A favorite topic of mine - thank you for bringing it up and yes, I WILL take the time to post even though I have none. So I will make.

    Like you, I DO understand perfectly well that I need to take PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for my own weight and simply make choices within the constraints of the culture that is indeed SET UP for obesity. Or else.
    Sometimes though I feel that the culture is not just "set up" for obesity but it is "conspiratorily" set up for obesity!! I wouldn't put it past the Powers that Be.

    While I am making all the choices that I can possibly make, within the constraints of my personal situation, to fight the culture that is set up this way and to maintain a healthy weight, I really do believe that pointing at those cultural determinants and making people AWARE of them does not mean "whining, complaining, blaming others for your own shortcomings" and other "blame the victim" junk that Americans usually adore passing around.

    It simply helps people fight back - not just with personal choices but politically too - at least this is what you would hope would happen eventually.

    After reading tons of articles on obesity from Medicine, Sociology, Psychology and other cross-disciplinary fields - I could count a million ways in which the culture has become set up for obesity. Unfortunately, large portion sizes and a Mc at every corner is just the tip of the iceberg.

    - The entire culture has engineered activity out of people's lives in the name of convenience and comfort (from something as simple as remote-control TV-s and buttons-everything to going everywhere by car or HAVING TO drive everywhere given time constraints, to no sidewalks and attractive public venues where people could go for strolls like Europeans do, etc). In order to move enough in this culture, you have to carve out special time during the day and turn it into an efficient task at the gym. This demand will compete with the million other demands that the average person has in this society - so good luck keeping it up and making "MOVING" the queen of all other priorities. Having grown up elsewhere, among people who were all thin despite nobody EVER exercising formally at a gym ...this part is all too clear.

    - The Internet, Smart phones and other gadgetry is sucking spare-time out of our day like a sponge is sucking water.

    - The TV is a classic.

    - Women no longer cook, whether because they are "career women" or just SAHM-s who believe that it is more important to haul jrs. to 1 million organized activities during the day than stay at home to cut up onions. This is largely perceived as "non-sexy, backward, heck even oppressive". Never mind those who get the kids in the bus at 7:30 am so the rest of the day can be dedicated to volunteering at school, shopping, scrap-booking - anything BUT cooking appealing, nutritious and economic meals for the entire family (which by the way, takes A LOT of time usually).
    The bottom line is, career or not, American women on average, no longer cook; or they believe that slapping together some convenience foods qualifies as cooking. For the gender sensitive, if you ask why I only "blame" women for this and not men - I am not blaming anyone. I am simply pointing that half of the population that used to cook checked out of this task and it's not like the other half checked in, rightfully or wrongfully so. Cooking has been outsourced - genie is out of the bottle. It is simply the way it has worked out, gender justice or not.

    - The crap the the food industry puts in all of these convenience foods, take-outs or even restaurant food is surreal - from the tons of sugar and corn syrup to 1 million things you can't pronounce, to hormones in milk that makes girls get their periods at 9 and fibroids the size of the New Year's Eve NY apple at 40 ...and balloon like crazy by the time they are 18... ending up with a hanging-type belly that is recognizably American...you get the idea.

    - The incredibly fast-paced lives with one million demands and obligations pulling the average Joe in all directions: overload in work-demands, children's school demands, children's activities demands, housework demands, groceries shopping demands, commuting demands, technology that acts as the most insidious time-thief despite having proclaimed the very opposite - to save people time...as well as going crazy over sets of "choices", the list could go on. Some of these demands can be very small *(such as sorting through papers from school or signing papers to send back to school). But between the 1 million big demands (such as work projects), the 1 million medium demands, and the 1 million small demands...people deal with an endless "to do" list that is simply eating away at their quality of life, places them in a constant state of stress, anxiety and restlessness, reduced authentic companionship and leads, for many, to overeating as a way of coping with stress.

    - The non-social manner in which Americans tend to eat: fast, efficiently, often at their desks, often alone, often at midnight snacking on "feel good" foods to accompany some action movie, without any conversation or human interaction that help slow down the pace of eating.

    - And what to make of those families needing to work 2-3 miserable jobs just to get by in today's society? Or those who have only one job that requires increasing over-time and energy (both physical and mental) so they can compete with zealous co-workers?

    - What of genetically modified everything, chickens as big as ostriches (how in the world do they get them like that I will never understand), etc.

    The list could go on - and on - and on.

    I have met many people who react negatively when they see fat people - as if these unfortunate souls are begging to be hated given their "poor, poor, despicable personal choices".

    When I visit back in my country, I hear many people talking condescendingly about how fat Americans are.
    Having lived here for over a decade and having become, at some point, decently fat myself, I feel nothing but compassion towards fat individuals because I know how one gets there and I also know they are largely victims of a culture designed to F them up.

    Now this culture of obesity is spreading elsewhere:


    .... though I don't think it will ever have the virulent effects it has had here given some local traditions and ways of life that still linger and hopefully will for a while.

    Now back to demands.

    So men can't cook?! B.S

    This is what you got out of this?

    They can - but they don't. :-)
    It's not like you have men cooking at the same rate as the 1950's housewives were doing.

    Do differentiate between how things "SHOULD or COULD be' and how things actually ARE.

    Of course your correct.

    I just have trouble stomaching your self righteous attitude. My bad.

    Self-righteous because I point to the cultural ugliness that has caused masses of people to become mountains of fat? Really? But those who blame fat individuals for making "bad choices" are not self-righteous.
    You have it straightened out.

    Like I said, many of your points are correct and I agree with them, I still don't have to like your manner of delivery :)

    You don't have to.
  • FerretBuellerr
    FerretBuellerr Posts: 468 Member
    It always blows my mind when I go to get a burger at a fast food place, and I order the smallest one there, on it's own, but then want to share a "large" drink with my boyfriend - and the "large" drink is always twice the size that I think it's going to be (other than at a few select places).
    Could people please stop trying to make all the drink sizes smaller? I drink unsweet tea and sometimes I need more than a swallow. They do sell things other than cokes.

    Just so you know, I didn't say I got a coke. I meant I mostly see others doing it. And I was referring to fast-food chains only (and I'm not 100% certain, but the sizes of hot drinks/caffeinated drinks are all smaller than the sizes of the cold drinks to begin with)

    And I don't know where you go to get your tea, but any large-chain coffee place I've gone to has not decreased their sizes but increased them. Maybe you should get your tea elsewhere if you think the size is too small?