Join me! Turbo Fire/Chalean Extreme hybrid starts today!!!



  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    TGIF Ladies! Today I did HIIT 20 and Tone 30. BB said I burned 283 calories.

    So I guess now I should let you in on my dirty little secret...I weigh myself every day and, although the result doesn't necessarily change my eating for that day, I do find that my mood is somewhat dependent on the number. Today the scale showed that I am up 1 lb. I'm not sure why since I know I didn't eat an additional 3500 calories yesterday; in fact, my total yielded an 800+ calorie deficit. So weird.
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    I took the past two days off because my body was simply feeling totally WRECKED! I made sure to eat well, got at least 8 hours of sleep each night, drank tons of water, and was back at it today. I've learned my lesson in the past about not listening to my body...I needed some rest and some recovery time. I listened. If I hadn't, I probably would've ended up injured in the next week weeks.

    That said, walked the dogs for 90 minutes and then hit Fire 55 EZ. I'm finding that I'm getting into REALLY good shape. : )
  • bmatthews
    i want to do the turbo fire too.. where do you get the dvd and how much is it?
  • afeinberg
    afeinberg Posts: 93 Member
    hiit 25 and burn 3 yesterday and i was spent, fire 55ez today - i don;t own a scale but i know that i am losing inches and gaining muscle by the way my clothes fit - i went shopping and fit EASILY into size 6 pants and size small tops - that is amazing for me!!!

    Need to work on clean eating/emotional eating....i find that i do well during the week when we are in our set schedule and routine but on the weekends or when my STB ex husband has the kids i get wrecked - not to mention the drinking....

    There has been lots of stress here and i am definitely listening to chalene and using the workouts to deal with most of it - and it helps! What she says is true, by the end you forget why you were so angry/upset when you started.... but my life is in upheaval right now and my kids are struggling and that makes my heart hurt... and that makes me want to EAT ICE CREAM
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    hiit 25 and burn 3 yesterday and i was spent, fire 55ez today - i don;t own a scale but i know that i am losing inches and gaining muscle by the way my clothes fit - i went shopping and fit EASILY into size 6 pants and size small tops - that is amazing for me!!!

    Need to work on clean eating/emotional eating....i find that i do well during the week when we are in our set schedule and routine but on the weekends or when my STB ex husband has the kids i get wrecked - not to mention the drinking....

    There has been lots of stress here and i am definitely listening to chalene and using the workouts to deal with most of it - and it helps! What she says is true, by the end you forget why you were so angry/upset when you started.... but my life is in upheaval right now and my kids are struggling and that makes my heart hurt... and that makes me want to EAT ICE CREAM

    Hi Allison - hang in there! I know it doesn't seem like it now, but it will get better! there are some healthier alternatives to ice cream - cut up some bananas and freeze them, then run them through a blender. You could also consider chowing down on some cold watermelon - it's in season right now, very filling, very inexpensive and won't sabotage your calories. I also came across a sherbet recipe just yesterday that uses frozen cantaloupe - I'll dig it up and mail it to you, if you are interested!

    Remember there are lots of healthier ways of dealing with the stress: journaling, meditation, long walks, phone a friend, emailing a friend on MFP :wink:: - drinking is just never the answer.

    Congrats on the new clothing size!! Looking good is always the best revenge, don't you think?

  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    I'm REALLY looking forward to a recovery type week in the hybrid schedule...some easier workouts, no hits, no strength training, a few extra rest/stretch days. That said, I had HIIT 25 and Tone 30 today, but did HIIT 30 instead and destroyed it. The legs were a little rubbery during Tone 30, but what would one expect after hiit?

    Have a great day everyone!
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    Hey everyone - found this screaming deal coupon for the Bowflex 552 adjustable weights:

    The total price (with tax) is $225!! [Usual price with tax is $430!] Doesn't say how long the coupon is good for, however.

    My birthday is coming up and I"m thinking some new weights would be pretty awesome....
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    I did my first TF workouts over the weekend ~ man how awesome - similar to TJ but waaay more intense. I did fire 30 on Sat and HIIT15/fire 30/ stretch 10 on Sunday. I did use the new to class option - which was really helpful. (still uncoordinated though:tongue: can't imagine how tough it would have been had I not done TJ before)
    Cal burn for me looks like this: 47 yr old female 195 lbs
    TF 30 new to class 336 cals avg hr :142 max hr :170
    HIIT 15 150 cals avg hr: 144 max hr: 165
    TF 30 new to class/ stretch 10 421 cals avg hr: 138 max hr: 171
    I didn't follow schedule and did the Fire30 again just because I wanted to burn more cals!! WOW is all i can say - an outstanding workout that is fun and goes by quickly!! Hopefully my burn will go up as I learn the routines. Today is supposed to be a rest day but I think I am going for Fire30/stretch 10 when I get home which would start the schedule on Monday like it says - i just couldn't wait!!
    Hope all had a great weekend and are looking forward to an outstanding week!

    ps : my DH ordered an anniversary cake which I was alone with all day yesyerday... all i did was taste some of the icing, i did not cut it!:drinker:
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Happy Monday everyone! I took Saturday and Sunday off from CLX/TF because my friend was visiting me. I'll pick up the schedule again today. I'll definitely need a few good workouts since I was drinking this weekend. Didn't eat too poorly, I stayed under calories if you discount the drinking and I only ate out on Saturday night (delicious Mexican food). I have 2 more weeks left of the Push Phase workouts and then I can get into a phase of HIIT workouts. I've only ever done HIIT 15 so it'll be cool to switch things up. I definitely lose more weight when I'm doing mostly cardio since I'm not building up as much muscle. But I can definitely see a difference from the strength training I have done. I can see muscle definition in my calves and arms and shoulders! Whoot! Making progress :)
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hello ladies!!! I'm back! I was away for the weekend, me and my girls had a girls' weekend at our cabin on the river and it was awesome!!!! Much needed! We had a ton of fun but it's always nice to get back and get back to my regular routine. I missed my workout on Saturday but made up for it this morning.

    I did Chalene Extreme Push Circuit 1, Brazil Butt Lift High & Tight (which I LOVE!!!!) and Ab Burner. Then, later I'm going walking wit a friend of mine around the lake; we'll do 3 laps which is 9 miles! Woo hoo! Gotta work off those calories I ate over the weekend!

    Janet: Way to rock it girl!!! I knew you'd love it! Fire 30 is a good one and I love the "new to class" option. So, what was today's workout then? Keep up the good work! So, do you think you'll just stick with the regular program or go back and do the prep?

    Allison: Hang in there! It will definately get better; it has to! You're a strong woman and I know you'll come through this just fine. But, Michelle's right, ice cream and drinking are not the answer and I know you know this. It'll just bring you down even more. I have personally tried that frozen banana and it's amazing!!!! I put a little bit of peanut butter with mine! Yum!!! Keep doing your thing and know that you've got a ton of support here! :happy:

    You girls are totally rockin your workouts!!!! Love it! We are one motivated, on fire, supportive group here! Love it! Thanks to everyone for always brightening my day!

  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Hi Guys. Hope you all had a great weekend. I took the weekend off from posting on this message board but not from working out. Saturday I did 45 EZ and we did an hour walk at night. Yesterday we just did an hour walk in the morning and then spent the entire day on the couch watching football. I love Sundays...just me and my husband hanging out together watching the games. I feel like I've earned the right to sit on the couch all day on Sundays after exercising 6 days a week!

    Evil scale finally moved and I'm now back to 1/2 lb from where I was before the Jersey weekend. My goal for this week is to finally lose the 1 lb that's going to move the scale back into the 150s! Today I did HIIT 25 and Tone 30. Bodybugg showed 288 calorie burn. Plan to walk tonight (maybe 30 - 40 minutes) to complete my exercise for the day.

  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I did Push 3 and HIIT 20 today (first time I've done that one). I like the HIIT workouts, I just need to remember to tighten my chest strap for my HRM next time. With all that jumping it gets out of place and loses the signal. I've got one more week of Push workouts and then it's on to some major HIIT work! Whoot! I was going to run outside tomorrow but I'm not sure if the weather will cooperate. I'll bring my gym clothes to work as a backup and if it's nice at 5pm I'll just go home and run around the lake. I'm going to try to actually follow C25K I think. I have a tendency just to run til I feel like walking and it doesn't force me to push myself to reach a time. Running outside is something I really want to work on before it's too cold to do it. I've got about a 2 month window.
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hi All,
    Did fire 30 /stretch 10 - not new to class this time - for a 300 cal burn - can't believe how fast the time goes. I am still not keeping up with all of the moves and am behind everyone in some places, My jumps are low but i'm still in there!!! It feels amazing when you're done :laugh:
    I was angry tonight and found myself wanting to eat and/or smoke- instead i worked out and ate grilled fish and spinach. I wonder why my mind wants to go to food for comfort when i'm emotionally out of balance. I don't drink, really wanted to smoke and cut into that cake. Neither one of those options would make me happy so instead i'm telling you guys , getting my thoughts out of my head and onto this screen........... and i haven't cut the cake or lit up. Thank you. The longer I work on my fitness the more i recognize it's just as much about my mind as it is about my body. it's like i have to re train my brain to not think of food as comfort or a reward but as nutrition. I really have to pay attention to my thoughts and emotions. If I'm not careful i can scarf down a bag of cheetos without thinking when i'm lonely, sad or angry. But not tonight.

    Thanks again for all of your support ~ it's a day at a time

    HIIT 15/Stretch 10 on for the am

    Have a great nite,
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Yippee the scale moved again and I'm back to where I was before NJ!!! Did 55 EZ today and burned 470 calories according to BB.

    Janet, Sara you Ladies are rocking your workouts. Congrats on the effort. Janet - I'm proud of you for saying no to the bad stuff. It will get easier once this lifestyle becomes a habit.

    Have a great day!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hi girls! Well, today was Fire 60 for me! Always a killer!!! Tonight at our fit club, we're doing BBL's Bum Bum which is perfect because that's what's on my schedule anyway!

    You girls are just continuing to rock it! Love it! Lots of determined women we are! Keep at it!

    Sara: Glad you like those HIIT workouts! Those definately light a fire for me!

    Janet: Way to go on the workout and calorie burn! Don't worry about not being able to keep up, soon you will be. But, for now, just do what you can do and keep moving, you're doing great! Congrats on not giving in to temptation! I know it's hard but you've got tons of support here! You can do it! It totally is a mind over matter thing. Keep at it and keep fighting! Proud of you!

    Sharon: Woo hoo!!!! Way to get that scale back to where it was! You go girl!

    I hope you ladies all have a fabulous day and remember, every day you push play is one day closer to your goal! And don't stop there! You are all capable of anything!

  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hi Everybody,
    Just a quick check in - TF HIIT 15 done - cal burn 144 HR 163 max (a little disappointed abt that) threw in TJ 20 min for another cal burn of 168. Under my cals enough for ye old ugar free chocolate pudding .... surely there is something other than this for a treat :laugh:

    Tomorrow is supposed to be rest day - i kind of don't want to take one - might do somet6hing like a leslie sansone dvd or something -
    is resting a must with the TF plan????

    Have a great nite all,
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Good Morning Friends,
    Hope everyone is waking up with a smith on their faces and hope in their hearts for all of the possibilities waiting out there for us if we but try :smile:
    Just a quick check in before i hit the showers - got up early, 4am:noway: fixed breakfast to go, and did a 3mile "fat burning walk" . Giving myself some love for getting out of the bed and doing it!! My cal burn was only 201 and my max HR only got to 142 - which is pretty tame compared to Turbo Fire, where I'm going at like 160-165 ( haven't broke into the 170's yet but all things in time) . Was kind of hesitant to take a "rest day" because i finally feel like i've got my groove back so to speak and i don't want to break my routine....
    I also move my scale into the kitchen right by the fridge - hopefully that will curb the late night sweet tooth!! it worked last night :laugh:
    Make it a great day everyone,
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Good Morning Friends,
    Hope everyone is waking up with a smith on their faces and hope in their hearts for all of the possibilities waiting out there for us if we but try :smile:
    Just a quick check in before i hit the showers - got up early, 4am:noway: fixed breakfast to go, and did a 3mile "fat burning walk" . Giving myself some love for getting out of the bed and doing it!! My cal burn was only 201 and my max HR only got to 142 - which is pretty tame compared to Turbo Fire, where I'm going at like 160-165 ( haven't broke into the 170's yet but all things in time) . Was kind of hesitant to take a "rest day" because i finally feel like i've got my groove back so to speak and i don't want to break my routine....
    I also move my scale into the kitchen right by the fridge - hopefully that will curb the late night sweet tooth!! it worked last night :laugh:
    Make it a great day everyone,


    Way to stay on track! I used to do the Leslie Sansone videos when I was first starting out; they're good DVD's! Kudos to you for waking up before the sun! Woo hoo! I love the idea too of bringing the scale into the kitchen! Genious!!! Keep up the good work, I'm proud of you and you'll continue to rock Turbo Fire!!!

    I'm just enjoying my Shakeology before I head downstairs to lift heavy with Push Circuit 2 and then BBL's High & Tight! Then later, walking the lake with a girlfriend of mine; think we might do 6 miles.

    Stay focused on your goals and the results will surely follow!

  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Ladies how the heck are ya this morning?!?!?! :laugh:

    So much encouragement on this thread...I really love coming here to read about how you all are doing! Today I had HIIT 25 and Sculpt 30 on schedule. BB said I burned 278 calories. No movement on the scale today but it's fine since I am pushing hard to break out of the 160s by the weekend! :bigsmile:

    Janet - I reserve Sundays as my rest day but my husband and I do a 1 hour early morning walk to get things moving before we park ourselves on the couch for the day to watch FOOTBALL (go Giants)!!! As long as you give your body adequate time to rest I think you're fine.

    Have a great day!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hey ladies!!! Well, this morning's workout was GREAT! I did Chalean Extreme Push Circuit 2, BBL High & Tight (OUCH!!!) and Abs 10! Burned 447 calories and later today, going to walk the lake again with my friend, we'll probably do 6 miles. Burn calories, burn!!!!!

    You guys are doing so awesome!!!! Don't you all just want to scream out to everyone you know about Beachbody? I do!!! And I really do! I love it!

    Sharon: Wow, HIIT 25 and Sculpt 30, you go girl! I've got one more week of the Push phase and then I start doing the HIIT's! I can't wait! Then, it's on to the lean phase and I love that phase!!!! You'll break outta the 160's, I know it! Keep up the good work!

    I hope you girls have a great day and keep pushing that play button!
