Sweating for the wedding?



  • thesmichael
    thesmichael Posts: 6 Member
    My wedding is a little while away... July 2016!! But I'm definitely working towards a loss of 30-40kg. I'd love to be close to my goal by March next year for my engagement party, with a start on toning and maintaining to make this a lifelong change. 8kg are already down in a bit over a month so another 20 or so would get me back to my lowest weight on my first weight loss attempt 2 years ago and anything more would help me look amazing for the day and my whole life after.

    I put on the 30 kg due to a binge eating disorder in a stressful period of my life where Fiance started to develop depression and I was working in the worst job of my life (which also happened to be a McHappy place that literally fed my disorder)... Worst ever binge was a night where I compulsively went to two different drive throughs and a supermarket and snuck all of the food into the house terrified that anyone would know. Determined to lose it nice and slow and healthy now that I'm back to a much healthier mindset since I gained it so rapidly (most within a 3-6 month period!)

    Hoping to lose through diet and cardio to get down to a healthy weight (BMI and possibly body fat percentage wise) then switch to a focus on weights and strength to make my body truly healthy!
  • reneejcam
    reneejcam Posts: 22 Member
    Count me in 2 girls. I am getting married this year 9 November 2013. I have my dress and it fits but would like to lose a little bit more!!

    in my weightloss journey i have lost lost around 33kg (stacked on the weight in pregancy). I have the last few KG to lose. I am currently 119 pounds and would like to get to 114. I know that sounds like nothing, but i am VERY VERY short (155cm).

    PLEASE fee free to add me and help with the extra support I need to get over the finish line and closer to wedding goal and my health and fitness goal.

    Good luck to everyone and you will all smash out your goals and look amazing in your wedding dresses :)
  • ghsfitnesspal
    ghsfitnesspal Posts: 260 Member
    Hi, my wedding is only in - 2 years, so I don't want to be 5months away from the wedding to realise that I have not lost anything. Early start for me, time flies by so fast. I'm in South Africa so I'll give my weight in kgs.

    Current Weight: 72.3 kgs

    Summer is 3 months away so my first goal would be to lose 12kgs.

    1kg per week = 4kgs per month.
    If I lose 5 per month it would be even better.

    Goal weight: Undetermined, going according to the way I feel. But I would estimate between 60 - 57kgs.

    I'm getting married in Cape Town in December to my SAffican Mr - and he also makes me tell him my weight in kilos because stones and lbs don't make sense :P 4kg a month might be a lot but as I'm getting married in the summer, I'm kinda with you there!
  • SilverLotusGirl
    SilverLotusGirl Posts: 537 Member
    I'm not the bride, but my bestie of all time is getting married next summer and I'm working hard to be in shape and super sexy by then. I'm 213 pounds now and by then, I just hope to be significantly smaller and more muscular.
  • BunneyBurlesk
    Wow! Congratulations to you all!

    I'm getting married Easter Friday next year! I've found the dress, but I didn't realise what a 'chunk' I looked from the side!
    I'm getting back into my fitness routine so I can shed as much as possible by April next year!

    Please feel free to add me! I'll cheer your goals daily! :D x
  • greypilgrimess
    greypilgrimess Posts: 353 Member
    Autumn 2014. I have about 15lbs to lose, but I can't seem to shift any of it, and it is infuriating! I'm trying to drop a dress size before I try dresses on, the style I am hoping for does not fit my current belly! My fiancé of course insists I don't need to lose anything, but it would be nice to feel more confident.

    Feel free to add me, I need all the help I can get and I want to support people too.

    Good luck everyone on your journey and enjoy the wedding planning!
  • CinthyN
    CinthyN Posts: 64 Member
    Congratulations on your engagements and upcoming wedding! I am married already, but there are a couple of weddings coming up in my family this year (one in November and another in December). I'm trying to loose as much as I can so that I won't be too self-conscious wearing my saree! It's a beautiful attire and makes a woman look so sultry, but because it's literally 6 meters of cloth wrapped around your frame, it's gonna SHOW OFF everything (all womanly and fat bulges!). Sigh ...

    Good luck and God Bless ya!
  • charissh
    charissh Posts: 91 Member
    Congratulations everyone!

    July 5th 2014- saw someone further up with that date too, snap lol!

    I've lost 19lb so far and am hoping to lose 10lb by January for dress shopping then maybe 10lb after... will depend on the dress lol!

    Add me if you want a shedding for the wedding buddy :)
  • DaniNicole321
    I'm in as well! May 10, 2014!
    I've got 10 more pounds of baby weight to lose(my son is 2 months old), then 30 more pounds on top of that is the goal!
    I'm having a hard time keeping up with this because of my son and school so I could definitely use the encouragement as well. Please add me! :)
  • newstart1310
    Congratulations everyone!

    I'm in as well - We're getting married 30th March 2014, so just over 7 months away!

    I have had to start looking at dresses because of the date but I'm really nervous - Have lost about 15lb so far but want to lose about 30lb more! Hopefully I can find something where that wont be too much of an issue

    Great to see there are so many other brides to be out there in the same situation - add me!
  • NickeeCoco
    NickeeCoco Posts: 130
    Congratulations everyone!

    I'm in as well - We're getting married 30th March 2014, so just over 7 months away!

    I have had to start looking at dresses because of the date but I'm really nervous - Have lost about 15lb so far but want to lose about 30lb more! Hopefully I can find something where that wont be too much of an issue

    Great to see there are so many other brides to be out there in the same situation - add me!

    I wouldn't worry about it if you don't mind paying for serious alterations. A month before my wedding I lost 25 pounds. The seamstress took it all in, and it was great. Sure, it cost me $500, but it was done. Just make sure you get a good seamstress. Also, you do need to get your dress. You do realize that some companies take 6 months to ship the dress in, right?
  • J3nnaLyn
    J3nnaLyn Posts: 125
    I'm in! Wedding June 2014! Trying to lose 20ish :)
  • Pinkranger626
    Pinkranger626 Posts: 460 Member
    I'm getting married June 21, 2014. Currently I'm in training mode for a half marathon so losing weight is not on my radar at the moment. I do plan on switching gears after my half in October, I'm looking to drop 10 lbs if possible. Those last 10 lbs are the hard ones. But even if I don't lose the weight I'm good, my dress fits like a glove and it's a size smaller than I typically fit into so I'm just stoked about that! (and I know it's just a number and that the companies probably do that to get exactly the same reaction that i had, but hey I can pretend that I'm smaller right?? lol)
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    My fiance & I are eloping on Oct 18th but I am excited about looking good in my dress (I hope)! I bought it back in July 9 lb ago, but have lost 25 lb total since we were engaged on May 3

    Congrats on your upcoming wedding!
  • Kaylee_law_123
    Kaylee_law_123 Posts: 450 Member
    I'm one - getting married March 2014, not going to be a fat bride :-)
  • ghsfitnesspal
    ghsfitnesspal Posts: 260 Member
    So great to see how many of us there are!

    So - What are you doing? Are you losing weight overall, or working the weights to increase your muscles? I suppose it depends on how you'd like your body to look but do share what your plan is For The Dress! (and those endless photos!)
  • TruckersWifeTruckersLife
    Good luck to all my wedding day was nearly a year ago on 1st september didnt know about this site then as the dress i had, had to get altered and made bigger but now i have lost weight
  • catemc26
    catemc26 Posts: 5 Member
    HI, I'm going to start my dress shopping in June 2014. I have about 50lbs to lose before then. I just really can't seem to get motivated. Feel free to add me. I will be a thin bride!!!
  • ghsfitnesspal
    ghsfitnesspal Posts: 260 Member
    HI, I'm going to start my dress shopping in June 2014. I have about 50lbs to lose before then. I just really can't seem to get motivated. Feel free to add me. I will be a thin bride!!!

    Catemc, it's hard when it's so far ahead but maybe try what worked for me, it might help you! I also thought my wedding was aaaaages away (it'll be 11 months from engaged to wedding) but I know I lose slowly so I had to think. Having mini goals to work toward helped - and thinking about where you want to be in 3 month blocks may encourage you to get started so you dont panic toward the dress shopping day! Good luck :)
  • mrsstevenstobe
    Ive bought my dress which is a size 16 & lace up. Its a tad snug... I bought it in the sale.
    Id like to lose 50lb, which wont affect the dress fit (& will be getting adjustments made June 2014).
    My wedding is 13/09/2014. I cant wait :)
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