What was your "last straw"???



  • Terkerah
    Terkerah Posts: 3 Member
    I went to the Dr. and he told me that I have the knees of a 70 YEAR OLD PERSON!!! I'm 42, so you must have me confused with someone else!!!! He said that in 5 years, I would have to have my knees replaced. I said okay, that gives me five years to prove you wrong! And after I had a good long cry, and talked to my cousin about it. I got back to working on my eating, and working out. I had let myself really slip! Good Luck!

  • athene_circe
    athene_circe Posts: 34 Member
  • There was not a "last straw". I have a FB friend that kept posting recipes from I am getting skinny and I know it. They all looked soooo good and inviting. I did not want to count calories, not good at math or numbers. MFP made it easy to count calories, keep track of what I put into my mouth, etc.... I love this site, it has helped me in more ways then I can count. If MFP were a good calorie it would be 2,000,000 billion grams of goodness ! ! ! Everyone is so inspiring,
  • athene_circe
    athene_circe Posts: 34 Member
    I do community theatre and have been in quite a few productions, but I kept getting cast in the 'matronly' roles because of my...er...jolly appearance. A role I really wanted was coming up and I was talking to the director (who probably weighs 260 pounds - so she was a good 50 pounds more than me) and she said that if I wanted to be seriously considered for the role I would need to lose...um...5 or 10 pounds - not for HER, but for the AUDIENCE to buy me in the role.

    Auditions are in a month and I am down almost 50 pounds now. Fingers crossed!

    Don't leave us hanging like that? What show, what part?

    Anything Goes - Reno Sweeney. I'm a huge Cole Porter fan, so it would be a dream role for me.
  • Babygi6003
    Babygi6003 Posts: 356 Member
    1) My biggest clothes were getting tight and no way was I going up anymore!
    2) My doctors told me that I was pre-diabetic and I was on high cholestrol meds at 23
    3) I wanted to live a long and healthy life and not have it be cut short
  • sweetangel2013
    sweetangel2013 Posts: 24 Member
    There were many times that I've said to myself that I'm gonna lose weight and never got started. Even after I first joined mfp, I still didn't keep going. I had even gotten to the point where I was thinking about quitting my job because I couldn't stand all the pain I was in after I got home. Plus I always seemed out of breath even after doing small things. I couldn't stand to look at myself in a mirror, go places, clothes shopping (the worst). Then one day I said enough is enough. Started walking and watching what I put in my mouth and recording all on mfp. I have not looked back. I also have a huge incentive...going to Disney World in January. :)
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,867 Member
    when i would sit my fat on my sides would fold and touch itself , like fat rolls on my sides, then i seen the scale.
  • morticia16
    morticia16 Posts: 230 Member
    My baggy pants were not so baggy anymore. Ugh
  • jfauci
    jfauci Posts: 531 Member
    I was going on a helicopter ride in Hawaii and gave them a weight estimate. Who knew that they would put me on a scale to verify!! Lo and behold, I was 30 pounds more than I thought!!
  • sarrah_n
    sarrah_n Posts: 192 Member
    When I realized that I did not have a body shape, just blob-ish.
  • EddieHaskell97
    EddieHaskell97 Posts: 2,227 Member
    I joined MFP in 2012, mainly for the food database. I was only fifteen lbs overweight and wasn't too concerned. I slowly added another 35 to that over the next nine months.

    So, flash forward to May of 2013, and bending over pinched my stomach, bending down to tie my shoes was unpleasant, my "big baggy" jeans weren't fitting anymore. I had lost the ability to run more than 100 yards, and I was hiding from cameras. Finally, while giving a presentation at my office, I bent over to pick up a pen I had dropped, and I ripped the *kitten* out of a pair of suit pants. That was three months and 40 lbs ago.

    I am NEVER going back to being like that again.
  • seabee78
    seabee78 Posts: 126 Member
    Several "last straws".

    - painful knees and feet.
    - too fat for amusement park rides
    - like Kevin Smith; too fat to fly.
    - 50" pants too tight.

    Not yet at goal weight, but have changed all of the above. Yay!
  • skinnymalinkyscot
    skinnymalinkyscot Posts: 174 Member
    I had been ignoring the signs such as always feeling tired , being out of breath and constantly bathing due to being sweaty. Shops not carrying my size which was basically elephant sized. My thighs would rub together in certain clothes and my arms look like huge ham hocks and my ankles like tree trunks, my bras were straining and my feet were widening. Then I realised 2 things , the first was I started to find it difficult to wipe myself after using the bathroom, this was mortifying and I almost didnt write it in this post, it is such a shameful feeling , the only way I could achieve it was to contort myself with effort. My blood pressure went up and I was told if it went any higher or stayed that high I would be put on medication. Then something happened which came straight out of a comedy movie but it happened to me and it was my last straw. There was a chinese medicine store opened in my nearest town and it had a whole list of problems which they treated with herbal teas including weight loss. Being a new shop it was quite busy , they had a waiting area with wooden seats, I sat down and the chair smashed and I fell to the floor. In front of the shop owners and the customers. That really was it. They were very kind and told me not to worry about the chair, but that was my last straw
  • floareaciprian
    floareaciprian Posts: 46 Member
    My last draw was that i was eating very lean cuts of meat and very healthy, doing cardio and weight training but still not losing any weight. I logged to MFP and noticed that i was eating too much.
  • ladymm40
    ladymm40 Posts: 31
    Thank you everyone for sharing......:happy:

    I think its great we can all share our experiences with each other.

    Good Job everyone......I am very inspired reading about your successes. I am just starting this journey (again) and enjoy reading about others success.
  • It got to the point where I had gained 90 pounds and I got to 300... I'd break down in tears all the time..till one day I wiped them off and joined the gym. I am turning 21 this sunday and embarking on this journey will be the best present I could've given myself.
  • brookielaw
    brookielaw Posts: 814 Member
    I think there wasn't so much ONE last straw, as a combination of things. The inability to go to amusement parks didn't do it. The needing a seatbelt extension didn't do it. Being forced to buy an additional seat on Southwest didn't do it, I just stopped flying. Being at the very deepest end of the fat lady stores didn't do it.

    I used to hurt, all the time. If I couldn't find a way out of it, a half-block walk would have me out of breath and I moved SO SLOWLY. It took so much energy to just get out of bed in the morning. My knees hurt so bad and I couldn't even bend my right leg. I couldn't go up and down stairs, but if I was forced to go down stairs, it was one at a time, and slow as can be. My quality of life sucked.

    Last year fifteen colleagues passed away and I truly felt like people were saying "you're next." It was beyond depressing. I applied for a local grocery chain's Biggest Loser style contest and wasn't chosen, despite putting myself out there for the first time, likely because people wouldn't be able to SEE results at my size. I decided to do it on my own instead and to do it FOR me, so I quietly declared 2013 the year of positive changes and I haven't looked back.
  • rammsteinsoldier
    rammsteinsoldier Posts: 1,552 Member
    I ripped my pants bending over at work today. I have returned and want to reapply myself to getting into shape.

    I had lost so much weight and was doing really well. Then my father passed away, my children went off to college and I put the weight back on.
  • Brige2269
    Brige2269 Posts: 354 Member
    I renewed my drivers license and when I looked at the new picture I was shocked. I knew I had gained over the years, but THAT much?? I cried. I felt horrible.
  • mindywilliam
    mindywilliam Posts: 11 Member
    I got up to 302. I had to ride the electric cart in Wal-Mart and could barely walk into church without taking a break. I've since lost 81 lbs. and have 70 more to go. My friend bought me a FitBit Zip and I started using it yesterday and using this site as well as FitBit's site. I started making "healthy choices" instead of dieting and it's paying off. Cut out sugar unless it's from a fruit. My health is great and I'm pleased to say I walked 4.54 miles yesterday. A year ago I couldn't walk into the grocery store from the car! God is good.
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