Calorie shocker!



  • jen_zz
    jen_zz Posts: 1,011 Member
    Muffins. I love chocolate chip muffins...needless to say....I was not aware of the enormous amount of calories in ONE muffin (Dunkin Donuts, Tim Hortons, McDonalds)! I always thought, "Oh, I won't get this greasy breakfast sandwich, I'll be good a get a muffin!" How WRONG was I?!? Should of just gotten the sandwich...

    I feel like "muffin" is just the healthy term for what really is a cupcake.

    It IS cake. I bake cakes and I bake muffins.. pretty similar ingredients.. and the amount of sugar and butter I have to use to make a muffin still makes me cringe.
  • MrsFowler1069
    MrsFowler1069 Posts: 657 Member
    I now weigh everything. It is the only way.

    Yes definitely weigh everything, you'll think you know what a portion looks like but you're probably way off. I was so shocked when what I thought was a portion of porridge was actually more like THREE! Just weighing my food has done so much for me already.

    I am measuring food now and doing well, but I have a lot to lose (therefore a lot of calories allotted each day). I know I will have to be more precise in time and am looking forward to getting a digital scale when I'm working again. I appreciate these reminders.
  • watfordjc
    watfordjc Posts: 304 Member
    After my first day signing up, I'm embarrassed to say after I did a rally of what I ate in the day (-714 over), I still haven't added my dinner and snacks. This is a real eye opener. Tomorrow is a brand new day and I will have some motivation by meeting a friend at the gym. The last time I weighed this much, I had a baby inside me growing :( Got to be accountable for my actions.

    I actually think it's beneficial to just track a few days without trying to change your choices, just so you can get an idea of what you were eating. Also if you were maintaining your weight it should help you figure out your real TDEE.

    My first day here I tracked two egg and salad cream sandwiches and 2 litres of Coca-Cola, IIRC, and was under my calorie goal a fair bit. My calorie balance was all over the place at first and took me about 9 weeks to consistently get it to where I wanted it and tweaking what I was eating (under meals I have 3 variations of egg sandwich and those aren't the only way I have made them either). I'm not particularly embarrassed about what I was eating at the start. As long as I logged it, I could look back later and ask myself "what could I possibly do to modify that if I have X calories available?"

    My first day of tracking was not a typical day, so not sure if today was a typical day for you or not, but it is generally considered OK to just track what you eat for a while (think a dietician I used to see had me do it for 1-2 weeks) so you can then figure out possible changes to make.
  • kista_1
    kista_1 Posts: 2 Member
    I can't say I thought it was going to be good for me but I about fell out of my chair when I saw regular bowl of Wisconsin Mac N Chees from Noodles 1,040 calories! That was the first day I started MFP and made me realize I need to really check out what I'm putting in my body!
  • slim4health56
    slim4health56 Posts: 439 Member
    Bread was actually a surprise for me. It just seems so light and airy, it shouldn't have that many calories!

    Try rye bread - 70 calories a slice and it produces less of an insulin spike than whole wheat. Delish!
  • kekeleeks
    kekeleeks Posts: 74 Member
  • A_Healthier_Me2013
    A_Healthier_Me2013 Posts: 227 Member
    Not that I ever thought milk shakes were low calorie, but the most shocking thing I've discovered so far is that for a MINI (not even a small) peanut butter fudge shake, at Sonic, is 760 calories. I guess I knew they'd be high, but that really shocked me.

    yes !! a medium blizzard at DQ is about the same
  • A_Healthier_Me2013
    A_Healthier_Me2013 Posts: 227 Member
    not just the calories of foods shocked me but also the sugar content .. i mean a medium banana is like 14g of sugar and a large apple is like 25g !! sheesh, who knew ?!?
  • thesifter
    thesifter Posts: 107 Member
    not just the calories of foods shocked me but also the sugar content .. i mean a medium banana is like 14g of sugar and a large apple is like 25g !! sheesh, who knew ?!?

    Bizarrely a ripe banana has a LOT more sugar than a green banana
  • Yes, lots. I'm a coffee fiend and I love Dunkin Donuts Mocha Lattes... I thought since I tell them no sugar it wasn't as bad but the mocha flavoring adds enough sugar to wire me out for hours! It's going to be a learning process so just take it one day at a time.
  • teacuplady
    teacuplady Posts: 30 Member
    It's never the calorie count that shocks me. It's the sodium.

    This in spades and X1000!!

  • Danni3ll3
    Danni3ll3 Posts: 365 Member
    Entrees at Applebee's! Crazy calories!
  • I feel the exact same way about the sodium, I couldn't believe how much was in my shrimp I had for lunch, sad moment :(
  • My shock was nuts. Any nut. I love Almonds, Walnuts, cashew nuts, peanuts.

    Yes they contain good fats but an healthy serve is only about 6 nuts (to me thats a mouthful)

    I now try to not have them in the house because I have no willpower!!!!!
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,760 Member
    Portions in restaurants are just too big and you have to dig to find the cals for most of them.

    Am I the only one who carries her own take home containers? I hate the containers most places provide. So I have a nice bag almost looks like a purse that I carry containers in and the first thing I do is split what I am eating in half and put half a way. I get a treat later on in the week. I also often split entrees with hubby.

    Otherwise the cals would freak me out and I'd never eat out.:tongue:
  • Greek yogurt, Banana's, Frozen yogurt.....I was like 390 cal for 1 cup of Honey Vanilla Greek???!! I was thinking I was eating healthy and here I was putting like 700-900 cals in Yogurt!! Not to mention banana's....they are high in sugar and although great for you, IF you are watching sugar they have 16 gr .....yikes, I am only TRYING to have 25 per day....LOL
  • KP171
    KP171 Posts: 3
    This site has made me realise how much calories and sugar that I am really eating. I had a small pot of Muller rice yesterday and I thought that it wouldn't be that bad compared to other things. One little pot contained 25g of sugar! I don't know if it's just me who's amazed at that but it really opened my eyes and made me rethink my whole diet.
  • My big shocker this week was Tortilla wraps, I use them sometimes when I do not have any bread in the house but I found out they are a whopping 200kcal per slice......add some filling and you have 300kcal and really filling. I have tossed them in the bin.

    Also the handy breakfast packages with yogurt I now realize how much sugar is in it and I assume it is artificial so I will eat the remaining and prepare it now myself with fresh fruit where I am less concerned about the sugars of course in moderation.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    The thing that shocked me was the mango flavoring my favorite coffee shop puts in my tea for me. 90 calories for two pumps and the oowner was putting 6 pumps in my unsweetened tea. Ack!!! I have had them cut back to 4 and I don't get the mango in it every time now.
    I was also shocked that full fat half and half has fewer calories than flavored non dairy screamers.

    I have celiac disease so I don't eat a lot of processed foods, but GF bread has more sugar than I would like to eat. I have foundvone sweetened with agave instead of sugar but a slice still has 110 calories. (My kids white wheat has 90/slice and the slices are larger)
  • wuany
    wuany Posts: 17 Member
    It's never the calorie count that shocks me. It's the sodium.

    I agree with that statement.