What was your "last straw"???



  • After my post birth shower (1 hour after giving birth) my MIL kindly said to me "Wow you have a lot of weight to lose" and she has been mean about my weight ever since!
  • GinE73
    GinE73 Posts: 68
    My 5 year old niece saw me changing and said "Tita, you have a big stomach. It looks like you are having another baby!". I had my son almost a year ago and had been in denial about gaining weight again (I had already lost my pregnancy weight but then started gaining once I went back to work). Definitely a slap in the face! Gotta love honest kids though!
  • cassiek0lba
    cassiek0lba Posts: 29 Member
    I felt generally terrible every day.
    On my anniversary my boyfriend took me to a beautiful hotel. Inside was a hot tub encased in THREE full WALL mirrors. I saw myself in every angle all at the same time...
    it was brutal.
  • merrileeirene
    merrileeirene Posts: 9 Member
    I was diagnosed as a type 2 diabetic, and only in young thirties.
  • sunflower_79
    sunflower_79 Posts: 23 Member
    The last straw was when my husband took pictures of me and my kids in a hotel pool when we went on a long weekend. I hated how I looked. I had been disliking a lot of my pictures for a while now, but I ignored it. Those pictures were too much to ignore, though. On that same trip, there were also a lot of mirrors in the hotel room that made me see myself from a lot of angles that I don't think I usually look at. On the day that we returned from the trip, my husband put the pictures up on the 50" TV for the kids to see because they love seeing the pictures so big. When I saw the pool pictures, I was devastated.

    I joined MFP the next day. That was almost a month ago, and I've lost 5.5 pounds. 24 more to go.
  • red_road
    red_road Posts: 761 Member
    Not being able to find a cute outfit that fit for a date.
  • chezjuan
    chezjuan Posts: 747 Member
    I actually didn't have a "last straw" as in a single thing, but I started becoming health conscious when my blood pressure and blood work went haywire... BP in the 165/110 range, and high liver values, cholesterol, and resting insulin.

    The actual thing that inspired me to really get serious about weight loss and getting healthy was getting a used Xbox 360 with Kinect - I immediately bought an exercise game and started working out on a regular basis. I joined MFP a few weeks later and started tracking, and the rest is history.
  • bazzawood30
    bazzawood30 Posts: 45 Member
    Did not want to be a fat dad.
  • peggymdellinger
    peggymdellinger Posts: 151 Member
    My 4 year old daughter said, "Mommy, I don't want my belly to look like yours." I thought, what kind of example am I setting, and statistically overweight parents that don't know how to eat correctly raise overweight children.
  • Andrezia
    Andrezia Posts: 33 Member
    Going to Universal Studios and not being able to ride a roller coaster because the bar would not fit. That was it, the last straw.
  • gebhart4
    gebhart4 Posts: 24 Member
    I spent a year in a hobbit hole doing my masters and packed on way more pounds than I was happy with. I was completely sedentary save for walking to and from the bus and subway and did a lot of 'comfort' eating. Massive 80 page paper to write? Reward finishing it with ice cream! When I finished my masters and went back to work, I ached when I came home. I wasn't happy with how I looked OR felt.

    Something had to change!
  • When my 350 lb mother-in-law (who lives alone and is otherwise healthy) got ill. I had to call my brother-in-law to help me roll her over on the bed. She has a difficult time walking and i watch her eat and eat and eat and move less and less. And i knew that was going to be me if i didn't do something NOW!
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    January 1 started with MFP. Immediately lost 5 pounds. By the end of January had put 3 back on. Decided I was tired of trying & failing alone, so I joined a gym & signed up with a trainer 3x a week. Over halfway to my goal weight now, still working with the trainer, added in running 3 times a week (plus various other cardio), and feel better than ever.
  • dababydollmami
    dababydollmami Posts: 13 Member
    After having my kids I struggled to maintain a healthy weight because I always found myself snacking for meals instead of sitting down and eating something healthy. But my weight really started shooting up when I took a night job at a restaurant that offered it's employees free meals and unlimited free drinks. Needless to say I did not make wise decisions when it came to what I ate and drank while at work and I started gaining large amounts of weight. I hated having to buy bigger clothes, how I felt and how I looked but I never really was motivated to stay with a program and lose weight until my oldest child informed me that my fatness embarrassed him. Turns out that my child was being bullied by other children because he had a fat mom.
  • jennz81
    jennz81 Posts: 194 Member
    There were a couple of things that got me to where I am now.

    For starters, I had very low self-esteem and generally didn't really care because I thought that I was too far gone to do anything.

    Not being able to participate in certain activities with friends because I was too large to do so.

    Seeing how awful I looked in pictures didn't help, either.
  • I had started with shortness of breath and my doctor told me it was because of my weight. I was offended at first,, but couldn't deny it anymore when I can't keep up with my precious grandchildren at play,, putting on a pair of shoes, feeling tired all the time,,,, I could on. I thought really, what had I done to myself. I was disgusted with myself and decided to change that.

    I am working at it slowly but know I'll get where I need to be. I keep looking towards that goal and keep on.
  • MuseofSong
    MuseofSong Posts: 322 Member
    I was frustrated by a lack of real progress trying to track my daily calorie in-take on my own, having no idea what I was burning with exercise, and other huge gaps of knowledge.

    I checked out WW online first and I was somewhat peeved by what I was seeing. The point system annoyed me. I knew there had to be a way to figure this out with 'real world' numbers without relying or falling back on 'diet food'.

    I really think MFP is just as good as WW online, perhaps bettter, as it has more authentic information and a variety 'right ways' to examine.

    But, really, I suppose, the last straw was that as my current relationship developed I realized that I want to be an appropriately sized person and healthy partner for my naturally fit significant other. He never asked it of me, so I suppose there's a bit of vanity involved, but there it is.
  • change30
    change30 Posts: 22 Member
    I went to Six Flags and couldn't fit in the Roller Coaster seat!!!! Waited forever and was so excited! go to get in the seat but the overhead latch wasn't down far enough and a couple of young teenagers and adults started laughing at me, I never felt so humiliated in my Entire life, my face turned red and I started to exit and that's when I thought, It's my own fault for being this way and I have got to Change, plus I have Hypothyroidism with a goiter makes it hard to breathe at night, soon will have surgery, and among many other health problems I'm hoping will be resolved by losing this weight! BTW Good Topic
  • dsylikm
    dsylikm Posts: 27 Member
    I noticed that my blood pressure was consistently in the prehypertensive range. I've had an extreme amount of stress over the past two years which could account for it but I was also stress eating. The weight I have lost in the past month by changing my diet and amping up the exercise brought me back to normal: 110/72. Now I know I need to stay this way to keep it there.
  • Hello,
    Well I'm there... Unhappy with my weight...not fitting into any of my clothes... And generally angry for not keeping with my routines. Looking forward to starting September out right! I would really love to see how some of you have done. Add me as a friend and we can help each other reach our goals! My first goal is to log for 7 days, I want to run in a 10k race in October, and loose 10lbs by the end of September. To reward myself: Mani/pedi... ????
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