What was your "last straw"???



  • BaconSlanger
    BaconSlanger Posts: 64 Member
    I started to date a guy with a great body, that was my last straw.
    I hate feeling like he can do better than me and not having any
    confidence whatsoever. I want to feel like I am a smexy beast to
    him and a turn on, haha. I can't while I feel like this about my body.
    He says I am fine and that I am attractive to him, but I just don't
    believe it—and I would rather have the confidence that I really am.

  • when i went to the doctor and i had gained 20lbs in 2 months, and i was heavier than i ever was before
  • jrniven
    jrniven Posts: 74 Member
    Sweating putting on my hockey gear, and having to suck in my fat gut to lace my skates. **** that noise. Never going back.
  • KuroNyankoSensei
    KuroNyankoSensei Posts: 288 Member
    I started losing weight on accident when I decided for myself that I had to lower my blood pressure. I had pre-hypertension, 144/95. I started limiting my salt intake to 1500 mg a day and without knowing it, I had lost a lot of weight. I had no idea how many calories I was consuming a day, but it was probably within the 1200 cal range. I ate mostly fruit, vegetables, oatmeal, rice, and other whole grains.

    I also had felt a pain and aching in my chest and left arm since the beginning of middle school. Losing weight started to make me feel a little better, so I continued until the pain was almost all gone. Then I realized that I've been overweight for my frame my whole life, even though I looked thin to other people, (except my family.) Whenever I gain the weight back, I feel the pain all over again, and it's not a good feeling =<
  • Tagged Facebook pictures did me in.
  • pauliie1986
    pauliie1986 Posts: 15 Member
    There are lots of "last straws" for me:
    * I used to like going clothes shopping, but now I hate it because what I like and what fits/looks good on me are two different things. I usually come home feeling depressed.
    * I avoid having full length photos being taken because I hate how I look.
    * I feel tired and lethargic a lot of the time.
    * I avoid going to the beach with my friends because I don't like feeling wearing anything tight/close fitting.

    Those are the one's that come to mind for me at the moment and I'm angry with myself for letting me get to this stage.
  • When I realized I was out of breath trying to tie my shoe!!! Just bending down was hard for me...plus I was slowly but surely sneaking into size 20 and 22 jeans and I thought...."OH HECK NOOOOO!!!"
  • Looking at our elopement pictures and being embarrassed for myself. I decided it was time to change my lifestyle for myself and my kids
  • beckyjeanleemaddox
    beckyjeanleemaddox Posts: 154 Member
    Last night something stung me on my back, my husband took a picture of it. I didn't like the way I looked, the fat rolls. I love thrift store shopping for clothes I've noticed you can get great clothes in the smaller sizes, I hate it that I can't find clothes to fit me.
  • I should've joined long time ago, but when i notice i've been maintaining weight because i was only only eating around 700-900 calories, i had to join to see what others say about it.
  • Cinloykko
    Cinloykko Posts: 117 Member
    i couldnt fit into my fat jeans!!! and i couldnt wear more than 3/4 of my closet.

    but the thing that really pushed me over was when i went to the doctor and she told me that on TOP of my pcos medications (which is already a lot), i will have to add high cholesterol and fatty liver meds because my weight has caused problems to both AND that i am at a very high risk for being actually diabetic (always been pre-diabetic before). she gave me a prescription to get all sorts of tests done - sonogram, blood work, health test, etcccccc.... and the expiration on these tests is 3 months so i am giving myself THREE MONTHS to get healthier...

    I dont want to be on so many medications when im so young..... so i up and went on a clean, healthy foods shopping spree and worked out like a BEAST for the first week :-) now, im losing more slowly but more calmly and healthy-ly. lol.
  • Rhayahana
    Rhayahana Posts: 57 Member
    For me it was the realisation that I had run out of excuses.

    That coupled with new motivation got my *kitten* in gear.
  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    There were many 'last straws' but the major ones:
    1. Seeing the word "obese" on a medical document. I know that it's a ( true) medical term, and I know that the system automatically puts that in and it's not an evil plot against me by the medical team. But seeing it for the first time was 'ouch'. It still took me time after that to really get started.
    2. My previous blood test- sugar was just over the border. That really shook me up. I'm already dealung with high bp and cholesterol, My blood test after that ( after following MFP) - sugar was normal
    3. Seeing a really perfect sundress that I really wanted. Not going to happen this season, but hopefully by next summer I'll be able to buy whatever clothing I want.
  • healermoon
    healermoon Posts: 74 Member
    For me it was when I realized that I weighed more than I did when I was 9 months pregnant. My son was 12 years old...there was no reason at 5'2, I was having a hard time finding jeans that fit...I was struggling to fit into a size 18...and finding short jeans when you are size 18 is really rough!

    I remember moving back to California from Wyoming and feeling like the fattest girl in Orange County. In Wyoming land of sweaters it was easy to deny the more than a few extra pounds I had found while living there. Moving back to California, unable to be comfortable in my jeans and wearing my husband's old shirt, and watching the skinny girls on walking brazenly on the beach...gave me the kick in the rear to get started...

    I still have a long way to go but I do feel proud that I am moving and trying!
  • guessrs
    guessrs Posts: 358 Member
    I love this thread by the way, very motivating for all of us I'm sure ..

    I actually couldn't zip up/ button up whatever you wanna call it my size 16 pants. I was facing plus sizes which I never wore and knew would never wear. So I decided diet wouldn't work, I needed a permanent lifestyle change, so I could wear size 16 comfortably.

    A year later, I'm wearing a comfortable size 3. I'm still in disbelief.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    There was no last straw I don't think. Just a huge list of warning signs that all came together and made me snap out of it.

    Moving up to 44 waist pants, which are very hard to find in any normal store. Even when you can find them, they are the end of the line, nothing bigger except in specialty stores.

    Couldn't tie sneakers wouldn't holding breath.

    Couldn't walk up a flight of stairs without being out of breath and red-faced.

    Couldn't walk 1/4 mile without being exhausted and getting shin splints.

    XXL shirts getting too small and too short. Not really too short, but my belly was so big that it gave the illusion that they were too short.

    Splitting the *kitten* of old jeans by squatting down to do work on my car. Went through 3 pairs in one day once.

    Pain everywhere, every day at the ripe old age of 30. Knees, shoulders, back, neck, everything.

    Avoiding pictures for years and years because I looked disgusting.

    Sweating buckets at even the lightest levels of exertion (such as the aforementioned walking up a flight a stairs).

    Snoring and sleep paralysis from disrupted sleep.

    Too heavy to register on my home scale (only measured up to 300lbs).

    Normal driving positions uncomfortable because sitting up in a normal position caused pressure on my substantial belly. Also my giant fat *kitten* caused me to sit too tall in vehicles, hitting my head on the ceiling. Also too wide for sports car seats, causing the side bolsters to dig into my love handles.

    So fat that even my feet were fat. As an example of what a difference this makes, I went from 15 EEEE sneakers to 12 D sneakers after losing 90lbs. The same exact brand and model of sneaker in fact, 3 years apart. I might even be able to manage an 11 if I really wanted to.

    That's just the short list.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Seeing the highest number I've ever seen on the scale. Um no. Not happening.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    There was no last straw I don't think. Just a huge list of warning signs that all came together and made me snap out of it.

    Moving up to 44 waist pants, which are very hard to find in any normal store. Even when you can find them, they are the end of the line, nothing bigger except in specialty stores.

    Couldn't tie sneakers wouldn't holding breath.

    Couldn't walk up a flight of stairs without being out of breath and red-faced.

    Couldn't walk 1/4 mile without being exhausted and getting shin splints.

    XXL shirts getting too small and too short. Not really too short, but my belly was so big that it gave the illusion that they were too short.

    Splitting the *kitten* of old jeans by squatting down to do work on my car. Went through 3 pairs in one day once.

    Pain everywhere, every day at the ripe old age of 30. Knees, shoulders, back, neck, everything.

    Avoiding pictures for years and years because I looked disgusting.

    Sweating buckets at even the lightest levels of exertion (such as the aforementioned walking up a flight a stairs).

    Snoring and sleep paralysis from disrupted sleep.

    Too heavy to register on my home scale (only measured up to 300lbs).

    Normal driving positions uncomfortable because sitting up in a normal position caused pressure on my substantial belly. Also my giant fat *kitten* caused me to sit too tall in vehicles, hitting my head on the ceiling. Also too wide for sports car seats, causing the side bolsters to dig into my love handles.

    So fat that even my feet were fat. As an example of what a difference this makes, I went from 15 EEEE sneakers to 12 D sneakers after losing 90lbs. The same exact brand and model of sneaker in fact, 3 years apart. I might even be able to manage an 11 if I really wanted to.

    That's just the short list.

    Wow man. You have came a long way. :cheers:
  • ingoiolo
    ingoiolo Posts: 104 Member
    I fly 2/3 times a week but usually biz... Then I few weeks ago I took a flight in coach and nearly could not fasten the seatbelt.
    That was it
  • glocke12
    glocke12 Posts: 21
    It wasn't just any one particular thing, it was many things...

    Not in any particular order:

    1) Realizing that the "fat pants" I bought last year were a size 40 waist and were starting to get tight on me.

    2) Recent trip to the doctors office and I tipped the scale at a little over 260 lbs

    3) EVERYTHING was more difficult. Climbing stairs, bending down, tying shoes, etc...
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