"Are you turning into a man?"



  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Do you know a nice way of saying a woman's face looks hard like a man's? Do tell.

    Strong features I think can be used to describe men or women with the look I believe you are describing.

    Maybe strong jawline and sharp features? I agree with the Linda Hamilton from T2 comment
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    I cannot even fathom, not even for a second, staying with a guy who thought it was ok to insult my body, muscles, choices, etc.

    A comment like that, even in jest, would get a nasty look and a prompt, "eff you".

    Imagine for a second if the situation were slightly different. Say, perhaps, that you had a lapse in routine for a few weeks, you haven't been able to go to the gym for a while. In what universe would it be ok for him to say, "are you turning in to a fat-as$?"

    NONE. That crap is never ok. Husband or not.


    And btw, this is how you build a happy marriage and a happy life. By showing up as a full human being with her own ideas and abilities and no need tor permission from anyone. Be you. Be fully and completely you. Those who don't like it can go. Magically, you will find yourself surrounded by supporters and admirers and it will be even easier to be you.

    So he reads the book. He doesn't read the book. He finds himself married to someone hot like jillian (or divorced from someone hot like her) . The question is if he has the balls to be a partner to a full grown woman with her own interests and choices. It isn't about you anymore. It is him and whether ge can man up no matter what you decide you want to do.
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    Do you know a nice way of saying a woman's face looks hard like a man's? Do tell.

    Strong features I think can be used to describe men or women with the look I believe you are describing.

    Ok. Then I amend my statement. Jillian has a strong-featured face.
  • ezra1964
    Trust me ... Jillian is HOT! Too bad shes in to the ladies! :D
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    Don't worry. You won't accidentally look like jillian.
    Personally I just want to lose weight and get a little toned. I wouldn't like to look all that muscular. Jillian has a nice body, but I just want to get toned.
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    I'm just so worried that if I do this 30 day workout dvd I'm going to balloon up and look like Jay Cutler who has been lifting for years, is on gear, eats over 6k calories per day and has professional staff helping him reach his goals :(
  • CycleGuy9000
    I like my women like this!
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    I cannot even fathom, not even for a second, staying with a guy who thought it was ok to insult my body, muscles, choices, etc.

    A comment like that, even in jest, would get a nasty look and a prompt, "eff you".

    Imagine for a second if the situation were slightly different. Say, perhaps, that you had a lapse in routine for a few weeks, you haven't been able to go to the gym for a while. In what universe would it be ok for him to say, "are you turning in to a fat-as$?"

    NONE. That crap is never ok. Husband or not.


    And btw, this is how you build a happy marriage and a happy life. By showing up as a full human being with her own ideas and abilities and no need tor permission from anyone. Be you. Be fully and completely you. Those who don't like it can go. Magically, you will find yourself surrounded by supporters and admirers and it will be even easier to be you.

    So he reads the book. He doesn't read the book. He finds himself married to someone hot like jillian (or divorced from someone hot like her) . The question is if he has the balls to be a partner to a full grown woman with her own interests and choices. It isn't about you anymore. It is him and whether ge can man up no matter what you decide you want to do.

    ALL OF THIS. :drinker:
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Jillian when on the Biggest Loser is so pretty to me. Reminds me of Linda Hamilton in T2.

    Add me to the "Jillian is hot" camp. Random internet folks can think she's ugly if they want but, frankly, she's only famous because her body is sick and her face is pretty. She's not an amazing trainer (No more so than thousands of other women) but she knew the right people and is stupid hot. If she was actually ugly she wouldn't have the career she has.

    I don't watch Extreme Weight Loss because I think that dude is an amazing trainer, I watch because he's effing hot. So hot I have watched 8 episodes this weekend and can't remember his name. Don't even care what his name is tbh, as long as he stays sexy.
  • tjthegreatone
    Hmm I don't actually know who Jillian Michaels is, but judging from the pictures posted - if that's ugly - wow some of you must have scarily high standards here.
    The lady looks pretty good to me and feminine 'strong' features or not.
  • 1PatientBear
    1PatientBear Posts: 2,089 Member
    And then you told him to get comfortable with being face down in a pillow, right?

    My guy seems to like my new strength and baby muscles, lucky for him since I know my goal and will go after it whether he likes it or not.

    Yep! I'm glad that my husband likes my muscles and the fact that I'm getting stronger, but I'd be doing what I want to reach my goals anyway. His appreciation is just a bonus.

    He did start lifting a few months after I did, which I took as a compliment.

    Jillian does look manly to me but it's not her body, it's her hard manly face.

    I'm not a huge Jillian Michaels fan (I don't know a whole lot about her, honestly) but dissing her face is not cool. Besides, I never think it's prudent to insult someone who could kick your *kitten*, and that woman is a badass.

    Why not? Why am I not allowed to say someone has an ugly face. I think she's ugly, oh well. Boo hoo. Oh no, hopefully she's not reading this, she might kick my *kitten*.

    Grow up. If you don't think she's attractive, fine. No need to say so. That's classless.
  • serenere
    serenere Posts: 70 Member
    I always thought that muscular arms are sexy in a woman. Sadly, my family keeps criticizing my efforts to get in shape saying that I will end up looking like a lesbian. O__o And sadly they mean this joke in an offensive way. I'm straight but this is not the point, I have no kind of sexual orientation prejudices whatsoever. The fact that Jillian is actually a lesbian is not helping my cause with my family & friends while arguing that I want a body exactly like hers.

    Well, I guess it's a matter of personal taste. But I still don't see how some guys can actually think that a very fit woman like Jillian hasn't a great body...

    Plus guys, I think that if your GF/wife is trying to live a healthier life and get in shape you shouldn't be an obstacle saying that you like her extra kilos or that if she lifts weight she will look too masculine. People should always be supportive when their loved ones are trying to live a healthier life.

    Well...I could talk about that for hours...muscles are sexy as hell. I admire and appreciate a woman with muscles. <3
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    I always thought that muscular arms are sexy in a woman. Sadly, my family keeps criticizing my efforts to get in shape saying that I will end up looking like a lesbian. O__o And sadly they mean this joke in an offensive way. I'm straight but this is not the point, I have no kind of sexual orientation prejudices whatsoever. The fact that Jillian is actually a lesbian is not helping my cause with my family & friends while arguing that I want a body exactly like hers.

    Trying to fight a losing battle with that audience. Do your thing and look good for you. Luckily, your family has no need to stress about how appealing you are sexually.
  • gigglybeth
    gigglybeth Posts: 365 Member
    I don't watch Extreme Weight Loss because I think that dude is an amazing trainer, I watch because he's effing hot. So hot I have watched 8 episodes this weekend and can't remember his name. Don't even care what his name is tbh, as long as he stays sexy.

    Chris something, I think is his name? We went out Saturday night and saw a guy who looked just like him at the bar. So cute!

    Even though he's gay, Bob Harper is adorable, too.
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,714 Member
    I was working as a fashion model in my teens and twenties and my agencies used to ***** about my weight training. My favorite complaint from my booker at Premier Model Management in London was that my tits were starting to look like two steaks. The gay Paris editor for Italian Vogue used to pat my thigh and say, "Alice, you do too much exercise".
  • jus_in_bello
    jus_in_bello Posts: 326 Member
    I cannot even fathom, not even for a second, staying with a guy who thought it was ok to insult my body, muscles, choices, etc.

    A comment like that, even in jest, would get a nasty look and a prompt, "eff you".

    Imagine for a second if the situation were slightly different. Say, perhaps, that you had a lapse in routine for a few weeks, you haven't been able to go to the gym for a while. In what universe would it be ok for him to say, "are you turning in to a fat-as$?"

    NONE. That crap is never ok. Husband or not.

    This. This a million times over.

    I don't care who it is, no one should speak like this about anyone's body. Seriously, don't tolerate it.
  • ladyark
    ladyark Posts: 1,101 Member
    When i first started trying to get healthy and showed my husband pictures of what i wanted to look like his response was " well i dont like that or think it is attractive"

    My response" Well, i will do it anyway and it will totally be your choice if you stick around or not"

    Well, as far as i can tell he is quite enjoying what he see's now. He compliments me on what he see's and loves touching and feeling his fit wife. I think he would be happy if i stopped where i am but, thats not going to happen so he has resigned himself to a wife that lifts.

    I'm not turning into a man but, i have better arms than some lol and i can pec flex as well as the next man. Who knows whats next lol.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    And then you told him to get comfortable with being face down in a pillow, right?

    My guy seems to like my new strength and baby muscles, lucky for him since I know my goal and will go after it whether he likes it or not.

    Yep! I'm glad that my husband likes my muscles and the fact that I'm getting stronger, but I'd be doing what I want to reach my goals anyway. His appreciation is just a bonus.

    He did start lifting a few months after I did, which I took as a compliment.

    Jillian does look manly to me but it's not her body, it's her hard manly face.

    I'm not a huge Jillian Michaels fan (I don't know a whole lot about her, honestly) but dissing her face is not cool. Besides, I never think it's prudent to insult someone who could kick your *kitten*, and that woman is a badass.

    Why not? Why am I not allowed to say someone has an ugly face. I think she's ugly, oh well. Boo hoo. Oh no, hopefully she's not reading this, she might kick my *kitten*.

    Grow up. If you don't think she's attractive, fine. No need to say so. That's classless.

    Then I guess I have no class in your book. Trust me, I won't lose a minute of sleep over it.
    And here's another thing, technically I can say whatever I feel. It's up to you to decide if you let it get your panties in a bunch.

    You can say whatever you feel, this is true. But it just makes you look like a jerk when you put someone down like that. It would be like me seeing your profile pic and making fun of you for being small. It just isn't cool.