settings~2lb per week weight loss



  • JagerLewis
    JagerLewis Posts: 427 Member
    I will agree that there are a lot of people on this site who like to criticize others for "stupid questions". I remember having a wonderful teacher in school who said "There are no stupid questions, but only stupid answers".

    Some new people here need a little extra clarification--myself included and this is normal and completely ok.

    The OP is not a "new people" and has posted in other threads in the forums. The OP seems to have a lack of a basic understanding of math. If you don't want to go below eating 1200 calories and yet that only gives you a projected weight loss of 1.4 lbs/week (which is just a pipe dream based on estimates, not a guarantee) then how exactly would you expect someone would give you any advice on how to create something out of nothing?
    In 2 days, I will have been a member for 1 month. So yes, I am new and still trying to understand some things on this site. I follow the 1200...and so far can lose 2lb a week..ALL I was asking was why MFP offered that, but didn't show up in my goals. I am pretty good at basic math by the way. Maybe you have a lack of reading and comprehension??
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    Your ticker says 10 pounds lost with a goal of 56.

    It does not say goal..I have it set so no one can see my weight at any point. It just shows how many lbs lost.The ticker doesn't know if I have 10, 50, or 100 lbs to lose.....It just shows progress.

    This is your ticker:


    Clearly states 10lbs lost with a goal of 56. Good grief.
    Are we the only ones who can see that?? LOL :tongue:

    OP, you're getting some good advice here - you'll stand a much better chance of reaching your goals and keeping the weight off if you go about it the right way. We all want to lose the weight as quickly as possible, but having too aggressive a goal leads to too low a calorie goal, which generally leads to burn out, "falling off the wagon", and yo-yo dieting.

    Slow and steady!
    How YOUR ticker is set up is set for a goal. MINE is not. Am I the only bright one here? :huh: I have been doing EVERYTHING right. Nothing MFP hasn't set for me.

    Then why the hell are you asking us for help? Obviously, you already know EVERYTHING! OH, and good luck on your weight loss. With your attitude, you're gonna need it.
    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member
    I will agree that there are a lot of people on this site who like to criticize others for "stupid questions". I remember having a wonderful teacher in school who said "There are no stupid questions, but only stupid answers".

    I rather liked the version of that that Ricky Gervais came up with, for the Office: 'There are no stupid questions: only stupid people'. ;-)

    I need to add, btw... most people on the forum are fab: supportive, knowledgeable, helpful. You'll soon get to know the ones who aren't.

    You definitely will. For instance, some people come into a thread white knighting and don't give the OP any advice on the original topic they posted on whatsoever.
  • spatulathumbs
    spatulathumbs Posts: 125 Member

    Peaches are still gross. Poptarts are (generally) gross too though. I don't like being forced to choose a side in 'crappy fruit' vs 'crappy fake pastry'.

    How about toaster strudel vs canned pineapple? Toaster strudel is definitely on a "I miss you" list for me, but I have the ability to destroy my calorie limit on canned pineapple.

    I live in Hawaii. Do you know what they do to people who buy canned pineapple out here?

    I am in for Strudel vs Fresh Pineapple though. Strawberry toaster strudels are what nostalgic childhood memories are made of but I've been known to eat half a pineapple all by myself.

    Canned pineapple in Hawaii? That's practically a hanging offense!!
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member

    In 2 days, I will have been a member for 1 month. So yes, I am new and still trying to understand some things on this site. I follow the 1200...and so far can lose 2lb a week..ALL I was asking was why MFP offered that, but didn't show up in my goals. I am pretty good at basic math by the way. Maybe you have a lack of reading and comprehension??

    OP, I broke it down for you on the last page, may have gotten lost in there. But the long and short is that MFP will not recommend below 1200 calories, and you'd have to deduct approximately another 265 calories from 1200 to reach 2 lbs a week. If you were heavier, you could reach two lbs a week loss, which is why MFP offers it as an option but recommends 1 lb a week (and gives you the projected rate so you won't think you are losing 2 but only projected to lose 1.4.)
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member

    I live in Hawaii. Do you know what they do to people who buy canned pineapple out here?

    I am in for Strudel vs Fresh Pineapple though. Strawberry toaster strudels are what nostalgic childhood memories are made of but I've been known to eat half a pineapple all by myself.

    But ... pineapple ... soaking away in pineapple juice ... for ridiculous amounts of time. Just getting more juicy and pineapply. If there was a toaster strudel I could actually eat, that actually tasted like the delicious ones from childhood ... I'm not gonna lie. The strudel would win.
  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member
    The OP seems to have a lack of a basic understanding of math.

    Problems with this: talking indirectly to OP (passive aggressive) then questioning OP's academic ability. She doesn't even have a 'basic' understanding? Which means she must be educationally subnormal. Which is fine btw, if you ARE educationally subnormal, but rather insulting to someone who isn't.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    The OP seems to have a lack of a basic understanding of math.

    Problems with this: talking indirectly to OP (passive aggressive) then questioning OP's academic ability. She doesn't even have a 'basic' understanding? Which means she must be educationally subnormal. Which is fine btw, if you ARE educationally subnormal, but rather insulting to someone who isn't.

  • 5ftnFun
    5ftnFun Posts: 948 Member
    The OP seems to have a lack of a basic understanding of math.

    Problems with this: talking indirectly to OP (passive aggressive) then questioning OP's academic ability. She doesn't even have a 'basic' understanding? Which means she must be educationally subnormal. Which is fine btw, if you ARE educationally subnormal, but rather insulting to someone who isn't.


    lol....I felt the same way.:ohwell:
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Why am I out of popcorn? This is perfection.

    You ate it all this morning with the you fat, no you fat thread..
  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    The OP seems to have a lack of a basic understanding of math.

    Problems with this: talking indirectly to OP (passive aggressive) then questioning OP's academic ability. She doesn't even have a 'basic' understanding? Which means she must be educationally subnormal. Which is fine btw, if you ARE educationally subnormal, but rather insulting to someone who isn't.

    So what is this called? Perfectly ok?... Right.
    How YOUR ticker is set up is set for a goal. MINE is not. Am I the only bright one here? huh I have been doing EVERYTHING right. Nothing MFP hasn't set for me.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Why am I out of popcorn? This is perfection.

    You ate it all this morning with the you fat, no you fat thread..

    That got deleted, didn't it? I always miss the best threads. I blame work. :sad:
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Why am I out of popcorn? This is perfection.

    You ate it all this morning with the you fat, no you fat thread..

    Oh yeah! Oh gosh that was a good one. :laugh: Never forget, "Your a idiot fatty"* forever! I kept telling myself to stop and just go back to bed but it was the best thing I've seen in quite some time. Oh oh.

    /wipes away tear

    So good. Is it gone already? I wanna relive.

    *Bad English is on purpose.

    Aww it is gone. Damn.
  • ami5000psu
    ami5000psu Posts: 391 Member
    In 2 days, I will have been a member for 1 month. So yes, I am new and still trying to understand some things on this site. I follow the 1200...and so far can lose 2lb a week..ALL I was asking was why MFP offered that, but didn't show up in my goals. I am pretty good at basic math by the way. Maybe you have a lack of reading and comprehension??

    MFP offers a two pounds per week option because for some people that's a realistic goal based on how much weight they have to lose. You probably noticed that it offered a "Gain .5 pounds a week "or a "Gain 1 pound a week" or a :Maintain my weight" goal as well because those are what some people use the site for. Maybe it would be more appropriate for MFP to ask your current weight and goal weight then decide what was appropriate for you but it doesn't. Just because the option is there doesn't mean it's appropriate for you (and based on the fact that it got you to 1200 calories with only a projected 1.4 pound loss is a pretty big red flag that 2 pounds per week isn't appropriate) just like the gain .5 pound a week goal might not be appropriate for you. It's like saying "I'm female. Why does MFP offer the male option when I'm female?"
  • sgwhit
    sgwhit Posts: 119 Member
    I will agree that there are a lot of people on this site who like to criticize others for "stupid questions". I remember having a wonderful teacher in school who said "There are no stupid questions, but only stupid answers".

    Some new people here need a little extra clarification--myself included and this is normal and completely ok.

    The OP is not a "new people" and has posted in other threads in the forums. The OP seems to have a lack of a basic understanding of math. If you don't want to go below eating 1200 calories and yet that only gives you a projected weight loss of 1.4 lbs/week (which is just a pipe dream based on estimates, not a guarantee) then how exactly would you expect someone would give you any advice on how to create something out of nothing?
    In 2 days, I will have been a member for 1 month. So yes, I am new and still trying to understand some things on this site. I follow the 1200...and so far can lose 2lb a week..ALL I was asking was why MFP offered that, but didn't show up in my goals. I am pretty good at basic math by the way. Maybe you have a lack of reading and comprehension??

    Okay now I'm confused why does it say join jan 2013' if you just been joined for 1 montj
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Sorry OP. Bit of a bullying mentality on here.


    You'll get the hang of it. Stick with it! xx

    PS Know-It-Alls so the girl doesn't know how the ticker works yet and you do... Congratulations. Now give yourselves a BIG pat on the back.

    PPS Want to know how to motivate someone? It takes patience and a 5:1 ratio praise to criticism. Take it from a teacher.

    lol, what?

    This certainly came out of left field.
  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member
    The OP seems to have a lack of a basic understanding of math.

    Problems with this: talking indirectly to OP (passive aggressive) then questioning OP's academic ability. She doesn't even have a 'basic' understanding? Which means she must be educationally subnormal. Which is fine btw, if you ARE educationally subnormal, but rather insulting to someone who isn't.

    So what is this called? Perfectly ok?... Right.
    How YOUR ticker is set up is set for a goal. MINE is not. Am I the only bright one here? huh I have been doing EVERYTHING right. Nothing MFP hasn't set for me.

    Standing by and doing nothing while someone is verbally abusive makes you one of their allies. It's impossible to be neutral in that situation. Impossible. As I said, if no one speaks up, it's easy to assume everyone is against you.

    There were horses, a man on fire... I think I killed a guy with a trident..
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    The OP seems to have a lack of a basic understanding of math.

    Problems with this: talking indirectly to OP (passive aggressive) then questioning OP's academic ability. She doesn't even have a 'basic' understanding? Which means she must be educationally subnormal. Which is fine btw, if you ARE educationally subnormal, but rather insulting to someone who isn't.

    So what is this called? Perfectly ok?... Right.
    How YOUR ticker is set up is set for a goal. MINE is not. Am I the only bright one here? huh I have been doing EVERYTHING right. Nothing MFP hasn't set for me.

    Standing by and doing nothing while someone is verbally abusive makes you one of their allies. It's impossible to be neutral in that situation. Impossible. As I said, if no one speaks up, it's easy to assume everyone is against you.

    There were horses, a man on fire... I think I killed a guy with a trident..

  • JagerLewis
    JagerLewis Posts: 427 Member
    I will agree that there are a lot of people on this site who like to criticize others for "stupid questions". I remember having a wonderful teacher in school who said "There are no stupid questions, but only stupid answers".

    I rather liked the version of that that Ricky Gervais came up with, for the Office: 'There are no stupid questions: only stupid people'. ;-)

    I need to add, btw... most people on the forum are fab: supportive, knowledgeable, helpful. You'll soon get to know the ones who aren't.

    You definitely will. For instance, some people come into a thread white knighting and don't give the OP any advice on the original topic they posted on whatsoever.
    :laugh: I already have! I really appreciate the answers I've gotten to my original question!