i have absolutely no will power..



  • MFPRat
    MFPRat Posts: 201 Member
    Once you decide that you are worth the time and energy, there will be no stopping you. But you have to look deep within and find it, it's in there. Until you do, you aren't ready and won't be committed.

    Please, take some time and get inside your own head and figure out what is going on. Seek professional help if you can. You need to discover what your roadblocks are.
  • Dear Sbeezii,

    I just joined myfitnesspal today. I was drawn to your post title because you sound like me! I guess I'm old enough to be your mother. Anyway, after I read your post, I understand that you are going through a very difficult time. You're feeling despondent and probably lonely. First of all, despite our society's obsession with health and fitness, the number on your scale DOES NOT define your value as a person. I don't know you but I know you most likely have several "gifts" that others who DO know you could identify. Are you compassionate toward others? Are you funny? Do you appreciate beauty in nature? Do you care about animals? I already know that if you've been dealing with obesity, you have the ability to be empathetic toward others in the same boat! So think about those gifts that are an inherent part of your personality and add the obvious gift of empathy. You have value as a person whether you weigh 319 or 119. You have value TODAY...just exactly as you are. Your post impacted ME, a newbie!

    So, how do you move forward? You feel stuck and defeated. You feel that your weight is something you can't possibly overcome. Having struggled with obesity myself, I know you must feel like crap most days. Excessive weight takes a toll on you, emotionally and physically. It's hard to stop the cycle of emotional eating. Believe me, I get it! But once you recognize that your life has value, I hope you can decide that you're sick of going down the rat hole of unhealthy habits. That's where I am today. I don't want to feel like crap anymore. I want to sleep better, stop hiding from social events and live a more "mainstream" life. Frankly, I don't want to die early. There's too much fun to be had!

    I wish I knew your name so I could call you by the lovely name your parents gave you as an infant. They had big plans for you. YOU had big plans for you! I can tell from your photo that you're relatively young. This damn weight issue should not define you for the rest of your life. You can't see it in yourself but you are a pretty girl. I would love for you to decide today that you have too many gifts to share, you're too young and you're too pretty to stay "cloistered" by your weight. Decide today that God did not place you on this earth to whither but to bloom. And you don't have to wait until you drop 50 pounds to feel valued. You have value TODAY. And because you have value, my friend, you have to decide that you are going to start to love and care for the earthen vessel the good Lord gave you. Life is waiting for you!

    I agree with the other posters that you can start slowly. Take a 10-minute walk. If it's too hot where you live today, cut out one bad thing you normally would eat. Remember that your goal is to stop feeling like crap. If someone gave us a box filled with the excess weight we carry around all day and asked us to carry it, we would think they were nuts! Yet we're the ones punishing ourselves. Sbeezii, you have too much value as a person to treat yourself that way! And so do I. I don't know how long you've been dealing with this weight issue but you can decide today that enough is enough. A lack of will power stinks. But you are too valuable a person to accept the status quo. Let's work on this together. We can do it! I will be praying for your success.

    Someone who cares about you
  • mbucchieri
    mbucchieri Posts: 44 Member
    Start with changing one thing a day, every dat for breakfast I'm going to have fresh fruit with oatmea, or granola with yogurt. When you feel comfortable that this is a goal you can stick with, then add a new one, I'm going to walk for a half hour 3 days a week, and when you feel comfortable with that then add your next goal. Its all about making life changes that you feel comfortable with and you can stick to, and every small step counts. Your on myfitness pal, so this is a start!! For me, what really changed me was going clothes shopping, I had a casual business event, and everything that I tried on made me look like a lumy string tied sausage!! So i started using my fitnesspal, and then going to the gym for 45 minutes and doing eliptical, then I switched to the treadmil, and now I'm learning how to do weight lifting.Another thing that helped me was watching all of the food and health documentaries on netflix,,It really made me think about what I'm puting in my body, not to say that I don't treat myself( I do) but I've slowely made healthier food choices the bulk of my diet.Feel free to friend me if you ever need support or want to chat, I still have 20lbs to lose and massive amounts of toning to do!!!!
  • jenn26point2
    jenn26point2 Posts: 429 Member
    I would, but I don't know where to find it.. where do I get that from?

    how do I get started?

    I don't even know how to make a plan.

    You FIND it by making a COMMITTMENT to be better to YOURSELF! You decide that you deserve better and you make it happen. Willpower is not necessary when you have committed and promised yourself that you will take care of it.

    Willpower is an excuse people use they don't want to win. COMMIT and practice discipline and you'll find your way.
  • ihammen
    ihammen Posts: 55 Member
    When I got started, I asked myself "do I want this (insert food choice here) more than I want to lose weight. I would try to make it a little longer and then a little longer still, when craving hit, and have some kind of low cal alternative handy for those times I just couldn't hold out any more. When the weight started to drop off some, it gave me motivation to keep on going. I wanted to keep seeing the weight come off. Good luck, you can do it, it's all mind games.
  • danarandallreed
    danarandallreed Posts: 132 Member
    All of these suggestions are on point, but most importantly, you have to WANT it more than you want food. This comes from within and God puts the strength in us to want it enough to change.
  • Theirs nothing easy about this. I wish other people would understand what we go through. It sounds to me your depressed. Are you on something for depression?Also theres lots of appetite control products out there, I take metobolife. It does help. I'm sorry your having such a hard time.
  • I feel about the same way. For about 2 years i just been gaining weight. I'm about over 170lbs from 130lbs. I feel sad all the time.
  • Start small, work your way up. Do you have a workout partner? Not a gym rat, but a friend you could on a walk with. Do you have a dog? Take him out for walks or to the park. It's not about losing weight, it's about feeling good about yourself. If you eat because your sad, try to find other alternatives to cheer you up. Try to surround yourself with positive people. Facebook is a good place to find groups in your area, wether its exercise, walking the mall in the morning, or just getting together to socialize. The point is you have find out what is making you feel sad. Once you tackle that, the energy will come, the motivation will come...its a domino effect. Good luck on your journey...life is short, enjoy it while you can!
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    You know what? Sometimes I have zero will power too. Will power comes and goes in my experience. Yours will come back, but you don't absolutely require it at all times in order to succeed. Don't set yourself up for failure by keeping foods in the house that you tend to over eat.
  • People have limited will power. Building it up takes practice. It takes a saying no to treats a few times. Start slowly going cold turkey right away can just lead to failure. I was the same way. I started off by trying to stay within calorie allotment I still had junk food but I paid attention to the serving. So rather than have 1 L of chocolate milk and two rows of oreos I had two to four and one glass of chocolate milk. Slowly I cut things outs and decreased from there. Don't be too hard on yourself when you don't meet your goals sometimes it happens but the important thing is to press on regardless and try again.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member

    Great read! Thanks!
  • blisser99
    blisser99 Posts: 122 Member
    Start small. I started by simply logging calories. Sometimes the sight of how many calories you consume in one day is enough to get you started. My main goal is to be at or under goal for calories. Yes I still eat out occasionally or have a cookie, as long as I am under my calorie allowance I'm good. Once you have that working for you then add in exercise. Little steps is the best way to go. I've seen people drastically change their diet and exercise and they end up falling off the wagon because it's overwhelming. Slow and steady is the way to go. Make small changes over time. You can do it. Feel free to add me if you would like.
  • HealthyStartsHere
    HealthyStartsHere Posts: 126 Member
    at my highest I was 319 also. And I know what it is like to have no control over food. Try - really hard to lower your intake. Start at 1700 and work your way down to 1600 and then 1500 (don't do less than that) but it's a stepping stone. And it is hard, but you can do it. Add me for support and you can always shoot me a message - you have to believe in yourself!!!
  • I suggest logging everything you put in your moth for 22 days. It takes 22 days to make a habit. Start with that, then you can see what you are doing to your body.

    Then I would bring that to a nutritionalist so they can give you directions/guidance specific to you.

    You found your will power already, that is what got you to post on this forum!

    There is a lot to learn to change your lifestyle. I constantly talk about calories, Looking at the calories in 1 doughnut vs the 1500 i am aloud per day, makes me go F.U. donut, lets eat 3 cups of fruit for the same calories! or hell 6 cups of Veggies! much more fulfilling and has wayyyyy better nutrients. You can still spoil yourself. I can't give up iced coffee. But now instead of a large with cream, I get a small with milk :)

    It is a balancing act.

    You Can Do It! You Are Worth It!
  • xRiverX
    xRiverX Posts: 149 Member
    Love these comments of encouragement it makes me proud to be a member of MFP :)
  • TheBitSlinger
    TheBitSlinger Posts: 621 Member
    As long as you can't, you won't.