September Cycling Challenge 2013



  • stephiehampshire
    Il Join in :)

    A year ago I used to cycle the 10 mile journey to and from work so I used to be pretty fit. over the last year I got lazy, got stressed at my job and gained around 20lbs!

    I started running but due to reoccurring blisters I have switched to evening bike rides, my goal is 50 miles a week with 2 rest days. I only started Wednesday last week but:

    Mon 2nd Sept: No work out
    Tues 3rd Sept: No work out
    Weds 4th Sept: 13.6 miles at an average 11mph
    Thurs 5th Sept: 8.8 miles at an average 10mph
    Fri 6th Sept: 12.7 miles at an average 10.8 mph
    Sat 7th Sept: rest day
    Sun 8th Sept: rest day

    Total for the week: 35.1 miles over 3 days

    I'm going out for a minimum of an hour tonight so aiming for 12 - 13 miles
  • rockstar53
    rockstar53 Posts: 215 Member
    Week of 9/2 - 9-8

    Road Biking:
    Mon 9/2 - 20 Km
    Thur 9/5 - 11km
    Sat 9/7 - 20 km

    Total 51km

    Mon - Fri - Jillan Michaels Body Revolution. Week 1 complete.
  • einzweidrei
    einzweidrei Posts: 381 Member
    9/4 - ~8.5 Miles
    9/8 - ~8.5 Miles
  • jezy_jass
    jezy_jass Posts: 328 Member
    Hi, I'm relatively new to the biking world (most of my biking was done during my childhood), but I enjoy taking short trail rides around my house & am just starting to get into spinning. This group sounds like tons of fun and hopefully will keep me on track/motivated to stick with it. I'm going to be optimistic and set myself a goal of trying to get 100 miles pedaled this month!! Here are my numbers so far this month;

    9/5 - 18.3 miles = spinning class
    9/7 - 5.8 bike ride

    TOTAL: 24.1, 75.90 to go
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    9/1 6.8 mi ride (On my brand new road bike!)
    9/1 4.52 mi run/walk
    9/2 366.7 mi (motorcycle- WOOHOO!)
    9/3 6.2 mi run/walk
    9/3 2.0 mi walk
    9/4 10.77 mi ride
    9/4 1.66 mi walk
    9/5 14.41 mi ride
    9/6 7.23 mi run/walk
    9/7 30.39 mi ride
    9/8 3.7 mi walk
    9/9 6.12 mi run/walk

    Total: 82.48 mi
  • stu1102
    stu1102 Posts: 129 Member
    Please count me in on this challenge

    I recently completed a cycle ride from London to Paris with my wife and I lost in the region of 6llbs in 4- 5 days, this sounds a long way to ride BUT my wife had never cycled that distance before and it was a great journey being able to cycle through the French countryside and then into Versaille and then through the forests that surround Paris. Seeing the Eiffel tower for the first time while we were about 10 miles way from the centre of Paris was such a wonderful moment

    My advice to anyone beginning cycling is just start small, ride to the end of your street, road and back again and progress from there

    if anyone would like to friend me please feel free

    1st Sept 32 Mile
    2 Sept 16 miles/went out in the late afternoon and evening as well added 46
    3 Sept 16 miles commuting
    4 Sept 12 miles commuting
    6 Sept 16 mile commuting (8 miles each way
    8 Sept 34miles --cycling with my wife through the English Countryside
    9 Sept 16 miles commuting (8 miles each way)

    total 188

  • drfrink
    8 miles today

  • m1xm0d3
    m1xm0d3 Posts: 1,576 Member
    9/3 - 06.22 @ 17.1 mph (AM)
    9/3 - 10.07 @ 16.5 mph (Noon)
    9/4 - 06.22 @ 17.0 mph (AM)
    9/4 - 10.17 @ 16.5 mph (Noon)
    9/5 - 06.20 @ 17.0 mph (AM)
    9/5 - 10.03 @ 16.0 mph (Noon)
    9/8 - 09.48 @ 14.2 mph (Noon)
    9/9 - 06.07 @ 16.2 mph (AM)
    9/9 - 10.09 @ 16.8 mph (Noon)

    MTD - 74.55
  • sajeffe
    sajeffe Posts: 850 Member
    9/1 - 5.1 miles in the heat of the day.
    9/2 - 7.5 miles. Hot, but at least it was cloudy today.
    9/3 - rest day.
    9/4 - 5.2 miles.
    9/5 - 0 miles. Mowed instead.
    9/6 - 0 miles. Mowed instead.
    9/7 - 7 miles. Met a new person.
    9/8 - 4 miles and mowed for 30 minutes. :)
    9/9 - 5.6 miles.

    MTD - 34.4 miles.
    Goal for September - 110 miles.
    Remaining - 75.6 miles.
  • primal_cupcakes
    primal_cupcakes Posts: 280 Member
    I'm in :-) All the miles I've logged in September so far have been on the road in a very hilly area. I usually average about 15 mph unless I'm dead tired or loaded down with stuff.

    9/1: 0
    9/2: 0
    9/3: 25 miles
    9/4: 28
    9/5: 25
    9/6: 31
    9/7: 0
    9/8: 23

    mtd: 149 miles
  • tlou5
    tlou5 Posts: 497 Member
    Hi- I have been cycling as my main form of exercise due to plantar fasciitis putting a nix on the running thing. Would love to be part of this group. Is there an app to track miles for biking?

    Thanks! Not sure what to set my goals for here as I have been just going for time til this point.
  • mlove351
    mlove351 Posts: 94 Member
    9/2/2013 28 miles road bike 2078 cals burned 2hrs 10 min
    9/3/2013 6.01 miles stationary bike ~300 cals burned 20 min (16.58 mph 2278 ft climbed)
    9/4/2013 19.34 miles road bike 1764 cals burned 1 hr 31 min
    9/5/2013 7.52 miles stationary bike 446 cals burned 30 min (14.98 mph 2950ft)
    9/9/2013 12.06 miles road bike 1088 cals burned 55 min

  • robbienjill
    robbienjill Posts: 456 Member
    Just completed 20 miles after work with my DH. Starting to get darker faster:(
  • Harborjay
    AM ride 11.6 miles
    PM ride 11.4 miles
    Total 23.0 miles

    MTD - 157.3 miles
    Goal - 500
  • cbattles516
    cbattles516 Posts: 39 Member
    Was supposed to be a recovery ride but had a problem with loose spokes on the rear. Tire went out of true and was rubbing. Had to hang it up after a short ride.

    1st - 16.5mi
    2nd - 14.7mi
    3rd - Rest Day
    4th - I hate when work gets in the way!
    5th - 20.2 mi
    6th - Personal Day
    7th - 16.7 mi
    8th - 16.1 mi
    9th - 7.2 mi

    Total: 91.4 mi
    Goal: 150 mi
    Miles to go: 58.6 mi
  • faugsu
    faugsu Posts: 330 Member
    30 miles
    30 AM & 16 PM
  • IronPhyllida
    IronPhyllida Posts: 533 Member
    1st Sept - 1,200m OW swim
    2nd Sept - 34.61 miles
    3rd Sept - REST
    4th Sept - Walk - not feeling well
    5th Sept - Walk - not feeling well
    6th Sept - 34.62 miles
    7th Sept - REST
    8th Sept - 10km RACE
    9th Sept - 34.65 miles
    10th Sept - 17.44 miles

    Total: 121.32 Cycle
    Total: 10km Run
    Total: 1,200m Swim
    Target: 500 miles Cycle
    Remaining: 378.68 miles
  • IronPhyllida
    IronPhyllida Posts: 533 Member
    Hi- I have been cycling as my main form of exercise due to plantar fasciitis putting a nix on the running thing. Would love to be part of this group. Is there an app to track miles for biking?

    Thanks! Not sure what to set my goals for here as I have been just going for time til this point.
    For my first month I just set a target and then kept on upping it once I'd reached it :laugh:
  • stephiehampshire
    Hi- I have been cycling as my main form of exercise due to plantar fasciitis putting a nix on the running thing. Would love to be part of this group. Is there an app to track miles for biking?

    Thanks! Not sure what to set my goals for here as I have been just going for time til this point.

    I use an app called "Map my ride" it logs timings for each mile, average speed, total miles covered and also has a map and saves the route if you want to do the same ride again
  • stephiehampshire
    02/09: 0
    03/09: 0
    04/09: 13.6 miles (11MPH)
    05/09: 8.8 miles (10MPH)
    06/09: 12.7 miles (11MPH)
    07/09: Rest
    08/09: Rest
    09/09:16.5 miles (11MPH)

    Monthly Goal: 200
    Total MTD: 51.6