Flu Shots? thoughts



  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    My daughter had a reaction to her first flu shot (shortness of breath, extremely high fever - at 6 months of age) ... so she cannot get the flu shots in clinics, and I don't know if I want to risk it at the doctor's office.

    My son's had them, I've had them, I'm not 100% sure about my husband.

    I had the H1N1 vaccine, and picked up the H1N1 virus in the 10 day period between the vaccine and when it was effective. I felt like death.

    We (collectively, as a family) didn't get the flu shot last year and not one of us picked up the flu - probably luck more than anything.
  • mmm_drop
    mmm_drop Posts: 1,126 Member
    I get one every year. Unless you have allergies that prevent you from getting one I think it's a smart choice for everyone. A shot sucks way worse than the flu.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,472 Member
    yes, its a must where I live.
  • zjpq
    zjpq Posts: 198 Member
    Nope, no shots for me, pregnant or not, hubby or the kids.
  • RozayJones
    RozayJones Posts: 409 Member
    I get them and my kids get them. My youngest son and I had the swine flu in 2009 - I will forever do anything I can to protect us from being sick!
    We are lucky enough to have no side effects as I hear some people feel sick following the shot. And they now offer a nasal spray of sorts for kids - makes it so much easier :)
  • wannabpiper
    wannabpiper Posts: 402 Member
    Hated needles so always had an excuse ready when the commander ordered us all to get the shot. Then I got the flu. I'm no longer in the military but NEVER want to experience that flu again, so I run quickly to my doctor for a flu shot as soon as they become available each Fall. Turns out that shot isn't bad at all, either! Who knew?
  • Kasmira0004
    Kasmira0004 Posts: 79 Member
    No, never. We also haven't gotten the flu over the years. I think the flu shot is a bunch of rubbish, and I don't think I'm necessarily one of those conspiracy theorist types either. I was required when I was in the military year after year to get the flu shot and still ended up getting sick every year. When I got out, I stopped getting the shots and haven't gotten sick like that since. I don't know.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    I've been trying to get one for the last few years, and have been turned away for one reason or another. So I've never actually had a flu shot, and I've never had the flu. I keep up with all my other vaccinations, and have never had any adverse reaction to any of them. I even have the scar from a smallpox shot.
  • mdhummel
    mdhummel Posts: 201 Member
    I got my flu shot last week. Usually I'm not as worried about the flu, but my coworker is dating a guy with kids and his kids have gotten her sick four times already. She managed to spread the germs to everyone else in the office last year so I had to Lysol bomb my office every time I went to work and avoid touching doorknobs.

    After catching one of her colds and using 3 vacation days to stay home sick I decided it is not worth the risk and got the flu shot. I'd rather use my vacation days to take actual vacations!
  • horses7777
    I always get one. For people who don't want it for themselves, please remember it prevents you carrying it to others, some of whom may be at high risk like infants and the elderly.
  • artelyn
    artelyn Posts: 175 Member
    I have never had one. Even when pregnant. My kids had them (reluctantly on my part, but husband wanted them to have it) until they rushed out the H1N1 vaccine and I haven't done them for the kids since. My husband (who is diabetic) gets them every year. I take a lot of *kitten* from my mother in law about not getting the shots for the kids. But I, as a mother, have to go with my gut and my gut says no. Thankfully husband doesn't fight me on it!
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    My b/f and I both get them. His Medicare pays for his and he pays out of pocket for mine. He needs it more than me (his age and working in public) but I think it helps us both.
  • MagicalLeopleurodon
    I did once and got the flu four times that year. I was useless for weeks every time.

    Best flu shot ever-eat right. I dont get sick anymore.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    No, never. We also haven't gotten the flu over the years. I think the flu shot is a bunch of rubbish, and I don't think I'm necessarily one of those conspiracy theorist types either. I was required when I was in the military year after year to get the flu shot and still ended up getting sick every year. When I got out, I stopped getting the shots and haven't gotten sick like that since. I don't know.

    You were probably in contact with more people, and had more opportunities to catch something, while you were in the military. A flu shot won't prevent you from catching anything except the flu.
  • pinkledoodledoo
    pinkledoodledoo Posts: 290 Member
    I don't get the flu shot and neither does my husband. Neither of us work directly with the public and neither of us is around small children or the elderly very much so we don't see the point. If either of us gets the flu we want our bodies to fight it naturally, like we did when we were kids. I don't think I've had the flu in 10+ years so I see no reason to start getting the shot now.
  • RCottonRPh
    I am a pharmacist. Get your flu shot. There are so many myths out there about the shot. Some think it is only for the old and frail. Not true. CDC recommends it for generally everyone. The flu shot CANNOT cause the flu. It is a dead, inactivated virus you are being injected with. Flu like symptoms are sometimes experienced as a side effect, but this is rare. If you get sick shortly after getting a flu shot, it's because you already had something incubating in your body when you got the shot. The autism/flu shot link has more than been debunked, but we still have folks not vaccinating their kids because they would rather listen to Jenny McCarthy than common sense or their doctor.
  • sumeetg37
    sumeetg37 Posts: 108 Member
    There's a study out there that basically says it's about 60% effective for people between 18 and 65. Soooo... if you like the odds get it... if not don't. It is not a "great" vaccine, only an ok one. That being said my wife is a physician at a hospital so we are all getting one.
  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    I'm might get her drunk and take her to the clinic this year.

    I've got a pretty solid immune system and I'm not around people who are immunocompromised so I don't really see the need at this time. I've heard arguments for herd immunity but I don't see how it would work with something that changes and evolves every season. To me it's kind of like buying a brand new Iphone when the next generation is coming out in 3 months.

    How do you know you're not around anyone who is immunocompromised? We don't have big signs on our heads--we look like everyone else and we go places where everyone else does--grocery store, post office, gym. All it takes is one person shedding virus (and you shed before you have full blown symptoms) to infect us and make us seriously ill.

    And I find that most people who say they got the flu when the got the vaccine didn't really get influenza--they got some GI bug that caused vomiting. Real influenza rarely causes vomiting. There is no such thing as "stomach flu!"
  • MagicalLeopleurodon
    I am a pharmacist. Get your flu shot. There are so many myths out there about the shot. Some think it is only for the old and frail. Not true. CDC recommends it for generally everyone. The flu shot CANNOT cause the flu. It is a dead, inactivated virus you are being injected with. Flu like symptoms are sometimes experienced as a side effect, but this is rare. If you get sick shortly after getting a flu shot, it's because you already had something incubating in your body when you got the shot. The autism/flu shot link has more than been debunked, but we still have folks not vaccinating their kids because they would rather listen to Jenny McCarthy than common sense or their doctor.

    I could not care less what the CDC suggests. Humanity would not have survived llong enough to create the vaccine if our bodies werent capable of dealing with it to begin with.

    Also-no offense to you, but Drs and pharmacists make money for every pill or vaccine administered, even if only a small percent. The medical field makes money off sick people and people who think every stupid cold is fatal and needs a vaccine or chemical preventative.
  • MagicalLeopleurodon
    I'm might get her drunk and take her to the clinic this year.

    I've got a pretty solid immune system and I'm not around people who are immunocompromised so I don't really see the need at this time. I've heard arguments for herd immunity but I don't see how it would work with something that changes and evolves every season. To me it's kind of like buying a brand new Iphone when the next generation is coming out in 3 months.

    How do you know you're not around anyone who is immunocompromised? We don't have big signs on our heads--we look like everyone else and we go places where everyone else does--grocery store, post office, gym. All it takes is one person shedding virus (and you shed before you have full blown symptoms) to infect us and make us seriously ill.

    And I find that most people who say they got the flu when the got the vaccine didn't really get influenza--they got some GI bug that caused vomiting. Real influenza rarely causes vomiting. There is no such thing as "stomach flu!"
    it is not my responsibility to keep immunocompromised people healthy any more than i sgouldnt order a peanutbutter cheesecake because someone in the restaurant may have peanut allergies. The only immune system i have control over is mine