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Flu Shots? thoughts



  • BIRD0
    BIRD0 Posts: 74 Member
    I have a nearly superhuman immune system. I rarely get sick, and if I do, it lasts a fraction of the time that people I know suffer.

    That said, I get the flu shot every year. I don't have insurance and I'm not volunteering right now, but it's worth the $25 to me.

    A wise half Vulcan once said, "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few." Even if there was only a 0.01% chance of it helping someone, I'd still do it.

    My mom's best friend from childhood had a kidney transplant a few years ago. For some reason, they didn't give her a flu shot (maybe she declined, I don't know). Within a week of going home, she contracted H1N1 and died. My dad is also immuno-compromised. Despite these two facts, and that she works in a hospital, my mom refuses to get a flu shot. Her tinfoil hat seems to be helping her though.
  • MrsMX
    MrsMX Posts: 98
    I worked in Aged Care for many years
    and had the flu shot twice, both times I got very ill ... and I wont have it again!

    It can only protect you from a past strain...
    If your not prone to illness and prefer a natural lifestyle (clean eating) yada yada
    then why would you allow something foreign to be put in your body

    Each to their own I guess ...
    that was my 2 cents spent :))x
  • daniellealys
    daniellealys Posts: 301 Member
    I wish I didnt but I work in healthcare and they are required at my job. ppl literally get terminated if they dont get them! i actually got the letter today to REMIND me to get it by November or I am terminated :(
    My husband and our future kids will not
  • MadDogManor
    MadDogManor Posts: 1,507 Member
    I got the shot (work mandated), AND the flu, last year
  • professorRAT
    professorRAT Posts: 690 Member
    People who are immunocompromised shouldnt be running around with normal people in the first place. It is one of the precautions medical professionals tell them.

    Because people who are immunocompromised don't have bills to pay, especially medical bills.

    If they are immunocompromised, the flu is really the least of their worries.

    They are not supposed to be around normal people in crowded areas or be in too much contact, bottom line. You dont see chemo patients running around

    This is quite ignorant. What about people with autoimmune diseases who are taking immuno-suppressants? They may not be severely immuno-compromised, but still at risk. Many are active people who work, go to the gym, etc. There are also people who have had transplants, are doing very well and living normal lives, but must take immuno-suppressive medications to help prevent rejection. I could go on...

    eta: apologies to lithezebra. I posted before I saw that you had already addressed this (quite well, too). :flowerforyou:
    For them to avoid crowded areas and using caution with contact is the most basic of teaching of people who are immunossed status. If they go to the gym depending on tgeir degree they have to wear full gloves. It will vary to the degree but people who are in nadir stage of chemo have an extremely low wbc.

    You are 100% incorrect. There are varying degrees of immuno-suppression and there are LOTS of illnesses that are treated with immunosuppresive medications These patients are NOT advised to stay out of contact with people. Not everyone taking "chemo" has cancer or is severely immunosuppressed. Not everyone who is immunocompromised has "extremely" low wbc. You are really digging a big hole here because it is clear you are ignorant of a huge range of treatments for various illnesses that involve some degree of immunosupression, and not all require the kind of risk management you are describing.
    Do you even know how this conversation started? They were talking about people should get the flu shot because of immunocompromised people.

    Yes, I know. There are many immunocompromised people walking around and it helps them when others are vaccinated. Many people are on medication to DELIBERATELY suppress their immune systems because they have autoimmune diseases or have had organ transplants. Many of these people are only slightly immunocompromised, so they are NOT advised by their doctors to avoid people, or quit their jobs, or wear gloves at the gym, etc. However, they are at higher risk when it comes to communicable illnesses. It is helpful to these people if others are vaccinated against various illnesses. There are varying degrees of immunosuppresion and not all of these people are advised by their doctors to avoid public places (as YOU stated repeatedly).
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Flu's mostly harmless. Flu shots are a crapshoot anyway. I don't see the point.

    That attitude KILLS people. Get an education.

    This makes me HULK angry.
  • Birder150
    Birder150 Posts: 677 Member
    I have a very persistent case of thyroid cancer so I definitely get one.
  • NanaWubbie
    NanaWubbie Posts: 248 Member
    My family always gets flu shots now. I did get influenza in 1996. I was 9 months pregnant and I almost died, and I almost lost the baby. I really don't remeber most of it except for having a terrible fever and extreme headache. I attempted to drive myself to the hospital and just couldn't move.....I ended up throwing the car into park on a very busy road, just hoping someone would help me....I don't remeber labor, don't remember delivery....everything was just dark. All I remember is the headache.

    This year there is an egg free vaccine available. Get the facts.
  • RM10003
    RM10003 Posts: 316 Member
    My family always gets flu shots now. I did get influenza in 1996. I was 9 months pregnant and I almost died, and I almost lost the baby. I really don't remeber most of it except for having a terrible fever and extreme headache. I attempted to drive myself to the hospital and just couldn't move.....I ended up throwing the car into park on a very busy road, just hoping someone would help me....I don't remeber labor, don't remember delivery....everything was just dark. All I remember is the headache.

    This year there is an egg free vaccine available. Get the facts.

    That is seriously scary.... I hope both you and your child had no lingering effects.

    We can get them at work for free, so I get them. Last time I had flu I was out of work for a week and wishing I was for a second, and I was still in my relatively healthy 20s. I've been getting them for years and have never had a bad reaction--fingers crossed.
  • iechick
    iechick Posts: 352 Member
    We've never had the vaccination. My husband and youngest kid got the flu once, three years ago at the same time, and that's been it for our family of five. I don't feel strongly either way about the vaccination, but it hasn't been an issue for us, (the flu), so we'll keep doing what we're doing.
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    Flu's mostly harmless. Flu shots are a crapshoot anyway. I don't see the point.

    That attitude KILLS people. Get an education.

    This makes me HULK angry.

    I agree. Herd immunity is a *huge* thing for those who can't be immunized themselves. I get the shot now that I'm in my 40s and work with college students, not because I can't deal with the flu myself (yes, it sucks, but it's not that bad), but because my friends and co-workers who can't get the shot, for whatever reason, don't deserve to risk exposure just because I am a special snowflake who doesn't need the vaccine.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,165 Member
    ... with the one exception of getting a tetanus shot in college to be able to legitimately skip a french class I hadn't done the homework in.

  • lachesissss
    lachesissss Posts: 1,298 Member
    Influenza blows goats when you have it. Literal goat blowage. Just get the shot, it's a bennie of modern medicine that the vaccine is available.
  • donald149
    donald149 Posts: 211 Member
    Always!! Most places offer the mist now.
  • RhineDHP
    RhineDHP Posts: 1,025 Member
    I've only gotten the flu shot a handful of times. I think I have a pretty awesome immune system because I rarely ever get sick. To each their own, but I think flu shots in the long run help more than they hurt.
  • brraanndi
    brraanndi Posts: 325 Member
    I didn't get shots as an adult til I got the flu a few years ago. I hadn't had it since I was an about 14.

    I was so sick I thought I was dying and went to minor emergency where I was congratulated for being the first flu case of that year ( it was Feb ).

    Never again will I put off getting the flu shot.
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    Never got, always sign form at work refusing it. As long as job doesn't make it mandatory, I'll politely turn it down. My immune systems been pretty good to me so far.
  • I am a pharmacist. Get your flu shot. There are so many myths out there about the shot. Some think it is only for the old and frail. Not true. CDC recommends it for generally everyone. The flu shot CANNOT cause the flu. It is a dead, inactivated virus you are being injected with. Flu like symptoms are sometimes experienced as a side effect, but this is rare. If you get sick shortly after getting a flu shot, it's because you already had something incubating in your body when you got the shot. The autism/flu shot link has more than been debunked, but we still have folks not vaccinating their kids because they would rather listen to Jenny McCarthy than common sense or their doctor.

    I could not care less what the CDC suggests. Humanity would not have survived llong enough to create the vaccine if our bodies werent capable of dealing with it to begin with.

    Also-no offense to you, but Drs and pharmacists make money for every pill or vaccine administered, even if only a small percent. The medical field makes money off sick people and people who think every stupid cold is fatal and needs a vaccine or chemical preventative.

    Listen to your MDs and pharmacists, they have years of medical & scientific training (based on clinically proven studies) to help keep us all healthy.

    Yes, humans have evolved to fight viruses, but this argument is full of wholes. Plenty of people have died from the flu in spite of our amazing immune system, and thanks to the vaccine that number is significantly decreased.

    Medical professionals are not magicians, they cannot cure every single ailment, nor should we expect that they can. But they do know a lot, and most likely went into health care to HELP, not to make pennies from flu vaccines.

    Finally, saying "no offense" is pointless, clearly your accusation of a medical professional intentionally profiting off public health is absolutely offensive.
  • Buff2022
    Buff2022 Posts: 373 Member
    I already got mine for the year. I work at a Pharmacy and they give them to us for free.

    I get them because I don't want the flu (this is not the tummy one, but the one that can kill you)

    I also have a son with asthma so I have always gotten one.

    Last year I got one before I had my surgery. I had major surgery last Oct. They also gave me a pnemonia shot. Sorry I know I spelled that wrong.
  • Cortneyrenee04
    Cortneyrenee04 Posts: 1,117 Member
    Nononono! I've only gotten the flu shot once, and that year I got the flu!