any other not-that-heavy girls trying to lose more weight?



  • amccabe110
    amccabe110 Posts: 29 Member
    Hi all..
    I'm 5'7" and weighing in at 143 when I joined 4 days ago....I have always been in the 125ish range, but my weight jumped when I turned 40...I'm glad I found this site, I've never dieted or exercised before! I started C25k this summer, and am about to start week 6 (I took my time & repeated days when I needed to). I'm hoping to get lots of feedback from everyone since I'm a total newbie!
  • 1Corinthians13
    1Corinthians13 Posts: 5,296 Member
    Me! I'm 5'1 and currently at 108. I was maintaining around 100 until recently. I got out of control with my eating! Ack! So now I'm back on here and working my way back to 100.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    ok, so make your own challenge and report back. My challenge for myself is to stay under calorie goal 6/7 days per week, that means if I drink it has to be within my calorie goals.
    I am also trying to get 25g fiber each day.
    The Gateway to 8k keeps me active for 3 days a week but I would like to add some more exercise on the off-days, strength training or 30 Day shred, or yoga or something!
    Tomorrow is Oct. 1, on your mark, get set...
  • Awesome idea! Okay, my challenge is:

    - Stay within calorie range 6/7 days a week
    - Exercise 4x a week
    - Burn at least 1,350 Calories per week

    I added my goals to my siggie to help stay on track. Hopefully we can keep on top of checking in here every day or so - or should we start a different thread??
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    maybe a different thread to kick things off. But I don't want to lose anone...
  • Paige1108
    Paige1108 Posts: 432 Member
    I'm glad this thread has decided to do a challenge. I'm so close to my goal and I have been losing consistently, so I don't want to change anything. I'm going with the "if it aint broke don't fix it" philosophy here. But I want to say super good luck to everyone with their personal challenges. Good luck on your journeys everyone.
  • Paige, are there any other habits you'd like to challenge yourself to work on through October that maybe aren't diet/fitness related? Floss your teeth more often, get 8 hours of sleep, watch less TV, etc? Congrats on your steady loss so far, though - that's fantastic!

    Hmm... maybe we can see how many people are interested before deciding to use a new thread or not? I wouldn't want to hijack this thread from its original intent either!
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    Ok, my challenge is:
    *to stay within my calorie goal every day
    *to do the Jillian Michael's 30 Day Slim Down Challenge (starting Oct 1.) every day for the month of Oct.
    *to drink my 8+ glasses of water each day
    *to limit my carbs/sugars intake
  • Oh, I'm 5'4" and my weight is 128. Want to be 120. I'm at plateu now. SO FRUSTRATING! ((
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    okay, my challenge this week is to:
    - run, even if my running partners bag out on me.
    - up my running by 10 minutes each day (30 extra minutes total).
    - stay within +/-20 of my calories 5/7 days.
    - find a fitness class at the gym that fits in my schedule.
  • Ngolden1
    Ngolden1 Posts: 58 Member
    Me! I'm 5'1 and currently at 108. I was maintaining around 100 until recently. I got out of control with my eating! Ack! So now I'm back on here and working my way back to 100.

    We are so similar! I am also 5'1" (well ALMOST), and I was 100 until after my wedding recently. All hell broke lose and I gained six pounds in a month! Now I'm trying to work my way back also. I started P90X on monday for some structure.
  • My challange this week is to:

    *stay within my calorie goal everyday
    * walk atleast 3-4 days
    * get enough nutrients (calcium) everyday
  • IRun24
    IRun24 Posts: 30
    I am in the exact same boat as all of you ladies and it is SO frustrating... I am 5'6" and somehow managed to balloon (well, it FEELS that way!) up to 144 lbs. Even though that is still a "healthy" BMI, I absolutely HATE it. I am planning to get down to 130, with an ultimate GW at 125-130. I want my cute skinny jeans to fit my butt again before the end of the year!

    Goals for October:
    Keep calories +/- 20 at least 5 days a week
    Get running again! (3 times a week)
    Remember to take my multi-vitamin everyday
    Drink 8 glasses of water a day (which I have been doing the past few weeks and want to keep up)
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    October 1! and I feel good because I was at goal weight this morning, and I was last Friday, but I am afraid to move into maintenance because I feel like it's a weird fluke.
    IRun-good goals, and if you want to get running you can join me in Gateway to 8k, I am on week 2, I am not very fast. Good call on the multi-vitimin, I need to get one and take it consistently.
    Julie/starheart24, good luck
    Ngolden, beautiful wedding pic and congrats, if the weight is new you should be able to drop it, you bad habits aren't entrenched yet;) let me know about P90X.
    godblessourhome, another runner! how many minutes are you running? do you run outside? I have been on the treadmill for Gateway to 8k.
    sunnysashka, welcome and goodluck, at your weight the difference between losing and maintaining is so thin, you have to be consistent and stick with it for a long time (3500 cals deficit takes longer when maintenance is about 1800) just try and be consistent and stick with it.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    godblessourhome, another runner! how many minutes are you running? do you run outside? I have been on the treadmill for Gateway to 8k.

    i run 25-35 minutes (2 to 4 miles depending on the route). my goal is to get up to 10 miles for a race in march. :) i run outside. the treadmill and i hate each other; we had a bad break-up. lol. gateway to 8k is a great program. i did that to get ready for a race in june. i am going back to interval training, but first i need to increase my run times a bit.
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Asjerven, congrats on reaching your goal! It took me a long time to claim mine as well, course now I've already magically regained several pounds :grumble:

    I am giving myself the weekend to lose the water weight from Vegas before I post my gain :sad:

    I like the idea of a challenge. The more people I tell, the smaller the chance I will renege.

    Going to eat my calories minus 150 (for incidentals). NO grains for the first week, and no gluten forever (since I'm intolerant)
    Working out at random for now, starting Monday I will do the 5 day inferno plan on my turbofire program interlaced with 30 day shred. All this is just to get back to what I weighed a week ago, then I'll have to figure out a strategy for my elusive safety pounds.

    Maybe my week of debauchery has shocked my system so I can lose again :ohwell:
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    thanks, cutmd, I had the Vegas weight too and it is mostly water-so drink plenty of water and coconut water-I think the potassium flushes the sodium or something.
    Great goals, you will be working out hard!
  • Barbie01
    Barbie01 Posts: 7 Member
    I am 5 feet 1 weighing 110. Tryna get to 105
  • Barbie01
    Barbie01 Posts: 7 Member
    I am 5 feet 1 weighing 110. Tryna get to 105
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I already failed on my first day of October! I had four drinks and I went over on cals! My husband and I went to First Friday artwalk and out to dinner but I had two drinks before I left the house, because he was late, and I was bored and it was Friday. When we got the restaurant I was so hungry, everything sounded good, but I had the special-lobster ravioli and one beer. We walked around and looked at the art, then stopped and had one Coors light. I have no will power! oh well, at least I managed Gateway to 8k yesterday.
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