I Ate 1500cals at Once Last Night - WTH?



  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Another thing that might help is keeping processed foods out of the house. I have noticed you eat a fair amount of Butterball turkey and packaged snacks. If convenience food wasn't there you probably wouldn't binge.

    buttleball turkey is considered a processed meat? i know it's not fresh from a farmer but still!

    supah processed!
  • The problem here isn't that you ate 1800 calories in one sitting, thus blowing by your goal.

    The problem is that you're not taking responsibility for it. You're blaming it on low blood sugar, which is absurd. You "weren't in your right mind" or "when you have low blood sugar you need to eat" or whatever.

    No. You messed up and binged. It had nothing to do with your blood sugar. You decided to stuff your face. Own that decision.

    Take someone's insulin to get a low blood sugar and u will know what i mean. Other than that, I can say that i should have been prepared with juice for quick action then proceeded with a healthy snack to keep the blood sugar up. And to clear things up, IT HAD EVERYTHING TO DO WITH MY LOW BLOOD SUGAR. IF MY SUGAR DIDN'T GO LOW I WOULDNT HAVE EATEN ANYTHING AT ALL.

    Ok. Well it's not your fault and it's obviously uncontrollable. Maybe you should hire an assistant to physically restrain you from eating 1800 calories next time you get low blood sugar.

    Good luck Barabara. You aren't responsible for the action.

    Too a certain extent, she's not. Yes, things could have happened before hand to keep her blood sugar more stable but bottoming out happens. When it does it's less a binge and more of a panic response to eat whatever you can until you feel better.

    She won't even acknowledge it and log it.

    If it were truly "out of her control", then she would log it, get over it, and move on....not like it's her true fault, right?
  • wknmom
    wknmom Posts: 73 Member
    If you are not diabetic and have never experienced the feeling of a blood sugar low caused by too much insulin... you have NO IDEA!! It is an emotional roller-coaster ride where there is NO common sense. Only people who have experienced it can truly understand it.
    Nothing to do with that. When u have a low blood sugar, you're brain doesn't function properly. You can cry, laugh and get mad all in 2 minutes together. But u do know that you have to eat to get your sugar back up and sometimes diabetics go crazy and eat alot to get the sugar up. To avoid this, drinking oj or apple juice works best because it works fast. Last night i didn't have access to that.

    I'm not hypoglycemic or nothin, but I'm pretty sure that having low blood sugar doesn't mean you need to eat until you puke.
  • BarbaraCarr1981
    BarbaraCarr1981 Posts: 903 Member
    Its obivous that you've never had low blood sugar.

    lol, okay then.
  • glin23
    glin23 Posts: 460 Member
    If you are not diabetic and have never experienced the feeling of a blood sugar low caused by too much insulin... you have NO IDEA!! It is an emotional roller-coaster ride where there is NO common sense. Only people who have experienced it can truly understand it.

    While I'm not diabetic, diabetes is in my present (my mother) my past (my grandfather, my mom's father) and possibly in my own. Knowing that, would the OP need to find some ways to deal with it? Of course doesn't that somehow entail possibly keeping certain things handy or learning how to move forward?
  • Morninglory81
    Morninglory81 Posts: 1,190 Member
    Why are you ignoring the posts to join the groups for diabetics?
    This is where true help will come from!
  • I personally wouldn't worry about it. Water under the bridge and all that.

    I ate a 1400 cal dinner last night that put me 840 cal over for the day. My sister and I only get 2-3 chances a year to go out for a meal and a drink. I enjoyed every bite and I'm not worried about it at all.

    Stress raises cortisol levels, high cortisol lowers HGH levels and you can't lose weight and build muscle with high cortisol and low HGH so stressing about anything is counterproductive. You did the best you could in a moment of weakness, it happens to everyone.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I have symptoms of hypoglycemia if I don't eat regularly, though I am not a diabetic. While I can understand how the OP felt, I also agree with taking responsibility. It causes me to plan better.

    It's just one day. Deal with it, move on, and plan better in the future.
  • BarbaraCarr1981
    BarbaraCarr1981 Posts: 903 Member
    I have symptoms of hypoglycemia if I don't eat regularly, though I am not a diabetic. While I can understand how the OP felt, I also agree with taking responsibility. It causes me to plan better.

    It's just one day. Deal with it, move on, and plan better in the future.

    FYI for the people who keep commenting on logging what i ate. Take a look - it's been logged!
  • BarbaraCarr1981
    BarbaraCarr1981 Posts: 903 Member
    Nothing to do with that. When u have a low blood sugar, you're brain doesn't function properly. You can cry, laugh and get mad all in 2 minutes together. But u do know that you have to eat to get your sugar back up and sometimes diabetics go crazy and eat alot to get the sugar up. To avoid this, drinking oj or apple juice works best because it works fast. Last night i didn't have access to that.

    I'm not hypoglycemic or nothin, but I'm pretty sure that having low blood sugar doesn't mean you need to eat until you puke.

    Ur right, it doesn't BUT it's really hard to control when u are basically out of your mind - a fellow diabetic would understand completely.

    I wonder if there are any groups for diabetics on MFP that you can post in...They may be able to understand and help you better:flowerforyou:



    there were pages upon pages of groups like this. if you want feedback from people who "understand" then this is a topic better aimed at those people.



    the only relevant group to me is the first one. Thanks
  • BarbaraCarr1981
    BarbaraCarr1981 Posts: 903 Member
    Some one said that if i cook the meat myself then it's not processed???? My butter ball turkey was cooked by me......the only way i see that turkey processed is from the grocery store packing it and maybe some added preservatives. i dunno???

    Other than the diabetes do you have any diagnosed illnesses? Your hyperfocus on clean eating, your self-flagellation, and your forum posts all concern me.

    There are a lot of problems that can come with diabetes.......... as for other diagnosis - hypothyroidism.
  • glin23
    glin23 Posts: 460 Member

    FYI for the people who keep commenting on logging what i ate. Take a look - it's been logged!

    Good Job? I think you've been given some good suggestions in this topic, so I suggest you take some of them in the very least. FWIW I know diabetics who do similar things to the things that are suggested and they seemt handle things quite well, even in considering such periods of irrational behavior.
  • MrsFowler1069
    MrsFowler1069 Posts: 657 Member
    Today is new. You haven't done any real harm. You have options to keep this from happening, at least most of the time. I'm sure you don't feel great about it, but it really isn't a big deal. You aren't perfect....even if it wasn't this, you would probably have a day at some point where you didn't meet your goal. I would just move on.

    ETA: For the record, I think you made a good choice in logging it. It isn't about shame; it's about tracking. I hope today goes better for you.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    First of all, I know why I did it. I got a low blood sugar from too much insulin taken (Im T1 diabetic) and I lost control for treating the low. I went wayyy over board and wasn't thinking right. The only thing on my mind was stuff face until this "low" feeling went away. I know thats not how im supposed to do it but hey, i am still human and i did it. Now, what im wondering is 1500 cal overload gonna set me back anyway? Like have to wait a week longer to reach my goal or just screw it and move on - nothing i can do?

    I have hypoglycemia and am prone to those blood sugar bonks from hell as well. Not much you can do. Just start again tomorrow!
  • My friend no worries, just a slip. I've been way above my allowance at least for the last month. A lot of parties with a lot of alcohol involved and of course trashy food. Anyways my weight has bounced between 94 and 91 Kilos. I gotta be honest I could have lost at least 2 more kilos but I had fun and that's what matters. I worked out everyday tho. It did not battle the extra calories but kept your metabolism up and running.

    Sooo bottomline, just pass it and keep on going. I like the analogy with the marathon, just keep going
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    I have symptoms of hypoglycemia if I don't eat regularly, though I am not a diabetic. While I can understand how the OP felt, I also agree with taking responsibility. It causes me to plan better.

    It's just one day. Deal with it, move on, and plan better in the future.

    FYI for the people who keep commenting on logging what i ate. Take a look - it's been logged!

    Good job on being honest with yourself (because it only matters what you think of your food choices). Don't be ashamed of food.

    Your diabetes is not going to change. The food industry is not going to significantly change. Both are always going to be there, and you need to learn to come to terms with both, and come to terms with the fact that anything you do is still your responsibility, even if you 'can't help it'.

    The people I see racking up huge losses and meeting goal after goal, day after day (I'll include myself in those ranks, if I can be so bold), have two things in common -

    1. They admitted to themselves that it was their behavior - not certain foods, not medical conditions - that made them fat.
    2. They structured a way of eating that works for their personal situation. They have worked with their body, tastes and schedules, not against them. They have learned to function within the 21st century food environment.

    Diabetes must suck. And I've never experienced it, so I can't know exactly what you went through. But I have my own food demons, and I have learned to work my diet around them. I developed coping strategies, and so must you.

    Throwing your hands in the air and shouting "I screwed up so bad, but I couldn't help it, have I ruined everything?!" just isn't a constructive attitude. Perhaps instead you should be asking the diabetes forum for advice on how to properly regulate your sugar levels to reduce the chances of it happening again, and how to put together a small 'emergency pack' of appropriate foods to use when it inevitably does happen again.

    I genuinely wish you every success, and I hope you take these suggestions to heart.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    The problem here isn't that you ate 1800 calories in one sitting, thus blowing by your goal.

    The problem is that you're not taking responsibility for it. You're blaming it on low blood sugar, which is absurd. You "weren't in your right mind" or "when you have low blood sugar you need to eat" or whatever.

    No. You messed up and binged. It had nothing to do with your blood sugar. You decided to stuff your face. Own that decision.

    I guess you have never experienced seriously low blood sugar.

    Experiments have now confirmed what the hypoglycemic person experiences. Low blood sugar triggers hunger -- especially carbohydrate craving. In addition, the brain is starved for its preferred fuel: glucose. At rest, the brain consumes one-third of the body's total glucose requirement. The brain is a hungry, rapidly metabolizing organ, and fuel shortages in it create problems with concentration, memory, and mood. A recent study showed that individuals with low blood sugar scored poorly on tasks requiring memory, concentration, and reasoning.

    But perhaps most important, low blood sugar triggers an outpouring of counterregulatory hormones (catecholamines) from the adrenals. These hormones oppose the action of insulin and push blood sugar levels back up. Unfortunately for the hypoglycemic person, these "rescue" hormones are the very same ones that produce the adrenaline rush of a fight-or-flight reaction. The results are symptoms like palpitations, sweaty palms, nervousness, tremor, and sometimes even severe panic attacks.

    It ain't no picnic. Your brain is starved of glucose and you truly are NOT able to think clearly. Your body is screaming for food and as quickly as possible.
  • MG_Fit
    MG_Fit Posts: 1,143 Member
    Why are you ignoring the posts to join the groups for diabetics?

    Then she'd lose the wide audience that give attention to nonsensical threads.
  • delicious_cocktail
    delicious_cocktail Posts: 5,797 Member
    The problem here isn't that you ate 1800 calories in one sitting, thus blowing by your goal.

    The problem is that you're not taking responsibility for it. You're blaming it on low blood sugar, which is absurd. You "weren't in your right mind" or "when you have low blood sugar you need to eat" or whatever.

    No. You messed up and binged. It had nothing to do with your blood sugar. You decided to stuff your face. Own that decision.

    I guess you have never experienced seriously low blood sugar.

    Experiments have now confirmed what the hypoglycemic person experiences. Low blood sugar triggers hunger -- especially carbohydrate craving. In addition, the brain is starved for its preferred fuel: glucose. At rest, the brain consumes one-third of the body's total glucose requirement. The brain is a hungry, rapidly metabolizing organ, and <b>fuel shortages in it create problems with concentration, memory, and mood. A recent study showed that individuals with low blood sugar scored poorly on tasks requiring memory, concentration, and reasoning.</b>

    But perhaps most important, low blood sugar triggers an outpouring of counterregulatory hormones (catecholamines) from the adrenals. These hormones oppose the action of insulin and push blood sugar levels back up. Unfortunately for the hypoglycemic person, these "rescue" hormones are the very same ones that produce the adrenaline rush of a fight-or-flight reaction. The results are symptoms like<b> palpitations, sweaty palms, nervousness, tremor, and sometimes even severe panic attacks.

    It ain't no picnic. Your brain is starved of glucose and your body over rides your normal cognitive mechanisms in order to procure that glucose.

    So what you're saying is . . . I need to stop going to bars to pick up women, but just start carrying candy and looking for hot, symptomatic diabetics?
  • smarionette
    smarionette Posts: 260 Member
    If you ate properly your sugar might not have gone low. If you dosed your insulin properly your sugar might not have gone low. If you were properly prepared for lows like a responsible adult then you would not have binged. If you were paying attention to your own damn body you would have realized you were getting low and eaten something before you were out of your mind.

    Now, as you did none of the above which are all preventative, the sugar going low was your own damn fault. Own it, learn from it and move on. You have bigger issues than a one night binge.