Ex dumped me because I was too fat



  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Please please get some psychological help.

    What happened to you was horrible, no matter how sweet he was at times. It was an abuse. He has some serious control issues that he needs an outlet for. Whether you realize it or not, your natural inclinations towards behavior has been altered, and you can't just fix that on your own. Sometimes you can if you can recognize the behaviors that stem from this experience, but not everyone can do that.

    I wish you all the best. You are a beautiful person and deserve far better than you got from that relationship.
  • hannahpistolas
    hannahpistolas Posts: 290 Member
    Don't EVEN begin feeling sad about yourself. That was an abusive relationship and, honey, you deserve better.

    There's somebody out there who's gonna think the sun shines out of your butt, and actually makes you become a better person.

    50% chance he'll have a bigger penis, too.
  • Nicholec2003
    Nicholec2003 Posts: 158 Member
    I can't believe the amount of people that have delt with the same thing as me....I really appreciate all the advice and kind words :). I'm definitely never seeing the guy again. I'm just disappointed in myself for letting him get to me the way he did. I mean, I've never been in this kind of relationship, I've been fat, but my weight has never really been an issue with any guy. I know I'm smart, have a pretty decent personality, etc, and I saw what he was doing to me, yet I still let it happen and I have no idea why. My parents raised me to be strong and confident, and I changed. I am definitely looking into therapy....I've been thinking about therapy for a while, I think I've just been in such a state of depression and shock that I couldn't think of anything else. I never want to be in this kind of situation ever again. For 4 years, he told me I was the problem, and it's nice to see an outsiders view. It explains a lot, like why he tried to turn me against family and friends and tried to isolate me from people. I know it's classic behaviour, and I fell for it even though I knew.

    ^This was me a year ago. I could not think, I believed everything that he said to me. I believed I was the problem. I believed I was ruining my children. I believed I was all the things he told me. I hated myself. Just like you, my parents did not raise me that way. I was raised to be strong, and independent. He also attempted to isolate me from my friends and family. I work in the medical field and have taken Psych classes and had domestic violence training, for crying out loud. I had the same thoughts. How could I be so blinded not to see what was really happening?

    That is what therapy will help you with. You have to remember YOU ARE NOT THE PROBLEM. Write it on a 3x5 card and tape it to your mirror if you have to. I still struggle with keeping that in mind, but it is getting better.
  • mjkanaan
    mjkanaan Posts: 78 Member
    I know I'm smart, have a pretty decent personality, etc, and I saw what he was doing to me, yet I still let it happen and I have no idea why. My parents raised me to be strong and confident, and I changed.

    It explains a lot, like why he tried to turn me against family and friends and tried to isolate me from people. I know it's classic behaviour, and I fell for it even though I knew.

    I have a friend who was in a similar situation, and she is one of the strongest, smartest people I know. Yet she let the guy get away with all of these things as well. He pulled her away from all of her friends, because he knew that we would point out of all the things that were so obviously wrong in their relationship. And she let him get away with it. So don't feel like this is your fault. He manipulated you and brainwashed you. But it's over now, and if you get therapy, you can get over it.

    What you need to realize is that there are men out there who will love you for you, no matter what size you are. They may encourage you to eat healthy or work out because they care about your health, but it will be for that reason only. That's what true love is about. And they will idolize you for the true beauty that is within you, and that's how you deserve to be treated, so don't settle for anything less! :flowerforyou:
  • Donald_Dozier_50
    Donald_Dozier_50 Posts: 395 Member
    You should be celebrating. The guy is a jerk. You should be thrilled to be without him. Good luck.
  • lifeviabrittney
    lifeviabrittney Posts: 28 Member
    I went into a relationship knowing that my weight was an issue. For 6 years, I "pushed through it" and tried to make the best of it, knowing he was more sexually attracted to other women. After we fell in love, he told me he didn't think about it anymore but would still make some snide comments now and then.

    Fast forward to now: I am in a relationship with a man who completely loves me as I am. He will love me just the same if I am 100 lbs lighter or if I gain all the weight back I lost plus some. The point is, you deserve to have and feel that kind of love. When you live with something/someone for so long that the bad things just because the normal things, you should take a look back and re-evaluate your life.

    You are worth so much more than that and you can and will move on and accomplish your goals! First step is believing in yourself and not settling for anything less than the best.
  • jorpa99
    Attitude is 10% of what happens to us and 90% what we do with it. Listen to some :"my ex is an A**HOLE songs" burn all his *kitten* and move on. You are better with out him! Trust me on this. And weight loss has to be for you! NO ONE ELSE can make that choice for you. You are beautiful and need to figure out how to love yourself and maybe how to hit him with a car ;) Yes crazy woman I know hehehe (evil laugh)
  • MissStatement
    MissStatement Posts: 92 Member
    So I read through this and while I agree wholeheartedly with the positive responses for you, I just would like to add, that if it were me in the situation: I would shame his *kitten*. Everywhere. To his parents and family, to his new girlfriend, to the f**king internet. Then I would seriously consider finding someone bigger than him to treat him to a little of what he dished out. There would be hell to pay and he would sorely regret the day he ever decided to abuse me. That may be a bit of an overreaction, or maybe I'm a little psycho myself, but it would be all the therapy I would need. I am so mad for you OP I wish I could kick his *kitten* on your behalf.
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    ex's are for a reason....I think of it like this ...sometimes we make decisions and take a detour in the map of life that's set for us already....*the right person for you is out there* get yourself together and work on your health both mind and body and that person will come along.... :flowerforyou: do not concentrate on this guy or anything regarding him cut ties and move on and that means with his family and everything unless you have children together...keeping ties and bitterness will only block that positive person coming your way.
  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member
    For 4 years, he told me I was the problem, and it's nice to see an outsiders view. It explains a lot, like why he tried to turn me against family and friends and tried to isolate me from people.

    Isolation. Typical abusive behaviour. Along with 'gaslighting' - making you question reality (and therefore your own sanity). Plus the endless, insidious cutting comments. Interspersed (less regularly over time) with times of affection, playfulness and intimacy.

    Remember these people don't have any friends (they wouldn't understand the concept) they have victims and allies. If you remain close with friends and family they'll discourage it, because it undermines their control.

    Most abusers aren't psychos and don't have 'issues' (no more than anyone else anyway) they're just cunning men who justify their own behaviour however they can because they MUST win. At all costs.

    They get the allies on their side usually by telling lies and 'playing' the victim - they can even worm their way into turning your friends and family against you. And obviously all their colleagues take their side as they hear nothing else except bad things about the 'crazy' borderline woman who is making this poor guy's life a misery.

    And when it ends his new girlfriend will believe you were a totally insane 'b' after listening to his description of you. She will do everything she can to make sure she doesn't behave like you did. Already she's started to be controlled. Before too long, she will be his next victim.

    Oh and for the people saying 'You should have dumped him years ago' - it isn't like that. Abusers aren't stupid. They don't go on a first date and tell the girl she looks overweight, smash her wine glass in a temper and twist her arm to make her 'STFU'. Who would go out with THAT person again?
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    I understand the complications of an abusive relationship...of which you were certainly a part. However, now that its over, this is a day to REJOICE AND CELEBRATE. Honestly, I would probably find a therapist and meet with one to help you get over this mess. I say this completely constructively...it will help. Therapists are trained to help folks get past abusive relationships. But really, you will one day know what a great day this is in your life...the day you got out of the abusive relationship as your healing process can truly begin and, before long, you will be able to LIVE LIFE again :) You were in a toxic relationship. You are now free from it. Celebrate.

    As far as your journey to regain good health, you have to come up with the reasons why you want to do it. There are a lot of good reasons out there. Health. Lower risk of disease or early death. Feel better about your self. Can move more freely and for a longer period without gasping for air. Etc. Find those reasons.
  • gypsyrose64
    gypsyrose64 Posts: 271 Member
    I didn't have time to read all the responses, but I wanted to send you a big *HUG*!

    I think I was married to this guy's twin for 10 yrs and had two kids with him. 15 yrs together and a decade post divorce, and I am still somewhat broken. BE GRATEFUL you didn't waste more time than you did. Try not to look behind you - only FORWARD!

    I look at your profile pic and I see natural BEAUTY, but very sad eyes. Give yourself time to heal. The old cliche "one day at a time" is so true. It will become a bad memory at some point... so just keep trudging forward.

    Keep a journal, seek counseling, read a self-help book, take up a new hobby, set a goal and surround yourself with loving people that support you. Your only concern should be HEALING your heart, soul and body.

    and DON'T EVER let someone treat you like that again! ... EVER!
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    your ex was a ****head. You are really better off without a complete jerk pulling you down all the time. Just take care you learn and make sure you don't end up with a bozo again. Keep going and I'm sure you will get though it. With depression watch what you eat, try and cut out sugar completely and try and get rid of caffeine as well. If oyu can get hold of an amino acid called 5-HTP (can get in the UK from health food shops) I would recommend it. Exercise can be good for depression - make sure your Blood sugar doesn't fall very lo and keep off the booze which is a depressant and really wont help even if it tells you it will :-) Depression is insidious but you can get though it and have a great life afterwards . If you can afford it I would also recommend some psychotherapy as this can really help you understand the underlying mental structures inside you that foster it. Really good luck
  • Luwright321
    Luwright321 Posts: 38 Member
    Don't focus on losing weight just focus on eating healthy to feel better for yourself. After all the abuse you took it's understandable that you'd feel badly about yourself. It might help if you went to see a counselor to help you rebuilt your self esteem and to see that he was the problem not you. The people on this site can be really supportive so make some friends(add me if you like) and forget the jack*** who hurt you! Best of luck to you to you hon.
  • nikkylyn
    nikkylyn Posts: 325 Member
    OMG no dont be.friends with him. He will just try to weasel his way back in. Stay away. Hes an abusive pr*** and wont change. There is someone out there.WHO.will.treat u right. But for Now focus on u. Maybe.see.a.counsler. good luck stay strong and stay.away. change ur number.or dont answer his calls or both.
  • Ldbg289
    Ldbg289 Posts: 236 Member
    My ex was similar although when I told him I was trying to lose weight(it wasn't for anyone but me) he told me he wanted me to put a halt on it, granted he didn't use those words but that's the gist of what he said. He said he wanted to have me the weight I currently was.That's not why he's my ex but it certainly helps that his opinion of my eating and/exercise no longer holds water for me. That was about 20 pounds ago.
  • bacitracin
    bacitracin Posts: 921 Member
    I was gonna call "FAAAAAAKE" and say there's no way a woman would ever subject herself to that, but then all the women here seem to have also dated this guy. How weird. It doesn't seem possible.
  • Beckboo0912
    Beckboo0912 Posts: 447 Member
    I was gonna call "FAAAAAAKE" and say there's no way a woman would ever subject herself to that, but then all the women here seem to have also dated this guy. How weird. It doesn't seem possible.

    Sadly I've realized it's more common then one my think...why are you guys such aholes?!? Bahahaha just kidding I know there are nice guys, just not all!
  • LuvDarkChocolate
    LuvDarkChocolate Posts: 145 Member
    So time to celebrate being rid of this POS
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    First of all, cut all ties with him. You can't be his friend. He will pull you back into his drama and abuse if you continue to allow him in your life. Second, he didn't dump you because you are fat. He dumped you because he has some serious issues that has nothing to do with you. He is a controlling manipulative idiot. he will never let you go unless you let him go.

    Get some therapy to help build up what the last couple of years has done to you.

    I also have to stress this. Don't let him anywhere near you anymore.