any other not-that-heavy girls trying to lose more weight?



  • Mookz0r
    Mookz0r Posts: 143
    the whole weight/size thing is strange, considering. My measurements are 34-27-34 and I weigh 112 today. My goal weight is 110, I weighed 107 for most of my adult life. I know from shopping for wedding dresses that there are girls with my measurements who weigh more-so maybe my bones are less dense! and no matter what I weigh my waist doesn't change. and then we have vanity sizing so clothing sizes vary a lot depending on where you shop.
    hyenagirl, how do you find out what you would weigh without the fat? that would be a curious thing to know.

    Well, I've lost 8kg (17lb) and haven't gone down a dress size! I'm not measuring my weight-loss goal by dress-size though, because I couldn't physically imagine myself to be a size 8-10 (UK) - I would look so gaunt and wretched because my build is such that I need a few good curves to look like a proper woman!

    Anyhow, even though I'm not yet at my goal, I'm happy and feel good, so that really is it... I don't mind from now on! I'm 5'6 and 148lb, with 143lb being my ultimate goal.
  • Oooh wow I am glad there is this topic!

    I am 168cm/5'6" and last I weighed myself (had access to a scale...) I was 64kg/145lb. I am trying to lose weight to be healthier and because I actually carry a lot of my fat in my abdomen (bad fat) and thighs (not bad fat, but unattractive!)

    I THINK I have lost weight, but it is hard to tell without a scale. I plan on getting one soon! My goal is to have a flat stomach. I have a slightly tilted pelvis so instead of love handles, I have a poochy belly and look pregnant (food baby?)

    Does anybody have any tips for losing that last bit of weight/losing the actual fat? I am not so concerned about toning up/building more muscles as I am about getting rid of the fat covering the muscles! Also if anybody would like to be friends I love making new friends! :)
  • I am 5'6 and 122 pounds.. trying to get down to whatever weight where I can have abs.. seems almost impossible! Add me as a friend if any of you want to try to work through this and give each other any tips. I can't seem to lose anymore weight :(

    Im in the same boat girly! Lets work on this together! Im 5'6 120 pounds wanting to be at 116. Not much to lose but it super hard when we are as small as we are already! I just wanna be defined not lose fat! I want those rock hard abs and tight tone legs :)

    I am right there too! I don't have alot of weight to lose. I am at the low end of my healthy range but definately have some body fat to burn off and some muscles to tone, tighten and strengthen. Add me as a friend if you want and we can struggle through that last little bit together! Good luck ladies :D
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    my belly looks the same as it did 5 lbs ago, so I need to work on more weights, I think. I am sure that I could change my nutrition too-even under cals I do not eat enough lean protein and too much fat.
    I got this coupon for a week of free meals from healthy chef but they don't have a lot of info about the nutrition for their meals, which is strange. It might be a good way to jump start a healthier diet.
    Does anyone have any advice? tried anything that worked as far as exercise or meal/diet/nutrition plan?
  • Oooh wow I am glad there is this topic!

    I am 168cm/5'6" and last I weighed myself (had access to a scale...) I was 64kg/145lb. I am trying to lose weight to be healthier and because I actually carry a lot of my fat in my abdomen (bad fat) and thighs (not bad fat, but unattractive!)

    I THINK I have lost weight, but it is hard to tell without a scale. I plan on getting one soon! My goal is to have a flat stomach. I have a slightly tilted pelvis so instead of love handles, I have a poochy belly and look pregnant (food baby?)

    Does anybody have any tips for losing that last bit of weight/losing the actual fat? I am not so concerned about toning up/building more muscles as I am about getting rid of the fat covering the muscles! Also if anybody would like to be friends I love making new friends! :)

    SAME HERE!!!! I am 5'6" and weigh 145. However, I have a LOT of fat in my abdomen (bad fat and unattractive). My goal is to have a flat stomach and get rid of the poochy belly. I'm keeping my calorie count at 1200 daily and doing the 30 day Jillian Michael Shred. I also run at least 3 days during the week and at least 12 miles on Saturday. I'm drinking an ocean of water.

    if there is anything else I can do let me know. But this POOCH has got to go. It's like a hand of full of fat (love handles). How do you even have that and be a size 6? Confused by the body. . .

  • SAME HERE!!!! I am 5'6" and weigh 145. However, I have a LOT of fat in my abdomen (bad fat and unattractive). My goal is to have a flat stomach and get rid of the poochy belly. I'm keeping my calorie count at 1200 daily and doing the 30 day Jillian Michael Shred. I also run at least 3 days during the week and at least 12 miles on Saturday. I'm drinking an ocean of water.

    if there is anything else I can do let me know. But this POOCH has got to go. It's like a hand of full of fat (love handles). How do you even have that and be a size 6? Confused by the body. . .

    I have the same calorie count! There is no place for me to exercise at home though :indifferent: I just moved across the planet to live with my grandparents :smile: and the house is much, much smaller

    I walk a lot more now than I used to, so hopefully that is some exercise... I know that "spot reduction" is impossible, but does doing some core workouts such as 100s (Pilates), Single Leg Stretch (Pilates), crunches, bicycles, etc. help with poochy bellies? It just feels like I have a lot of loose skin or fat or something :embarassed: My stomach is flat when I lie on my back because everything just slides to the sides, or if I am lying on my side my belly will flop to one side or another. That sounds really gross, actually :sick:

    Any advice would be awesome for me too!
  • [/quote]
    " My stomach is flat when I lie on my back because everything just slides to the sides, or if I am lying on my side my belly will flop to one side or another. That sounds really gross, actually :sick:

    Any advice would be awesome for me too!"

    WOW! I thought I was the only one! Pass along any suggests that you receive. I understand your frustration.
  • IRun24
    IRun24 Posts: 30
    brenda and sparkle - I have the same problem! Asked my doc and apparently it is genetic and the MOST stubborn kind of fat to get rid of. Basically just have to get your overall bodyfat % down... easier said than done!
  • FemininGuns
    FemininGuns Posts: 605 Member
    Great thread!

    I'm here trying to lose another 5-10 lbs. I'm 5'4" and currently at 130.2. I am planning on competing in the Miss Figure Competition in April 2011 and WANT ABS and look like a girl on a cover magazine. I want to be in the BEST shape of my life. So glad to see that I'm not 'crazy' alone!!!

  • Im new to this site, but like a lot of you I dont have a ton to loose. I started at 145, now Im down to 134. My goal is at least 125, if I go below that, great! Im just sick of looking like I have a baby bump, all my fat seems to settle at my stomach and its so annoying.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I was at goal weight Friday, now one pound over goal weight but I was not good this weekend. Sounds like most of us struggle with the stubborn belly fat! Makes you think lipo is the only option! j/k
    This week, aside from my exercise goal, my mini challenge is drink no beer.
  • FemininGuns
    FemininGuns Posts: 605 Member
    I was at goal weight Friday, now one pound over goal weight but I was not good this weekend. Sounds like most of us struggle with the stubborn belly fat! Makes you think lipo is the only option! j/k
    This week, aside from my exercise goal, my mini challenge is drink no beer.

    Excellent goal for this week!!! I second that! :tongue:
  • Paige1108
    Paige1108 Posts: 432 Member
    I was at goal weight Friday, now one pound over goal weight but I was not good this weekend. Sounds like most of us struggle with the stubborn belly fat! Makes you think lipo is the only option! j/k
    This week, aside from my exercise goal, my mini challenge is drink no beer.

    I'm a completely jealous that you were at your goal weight. :tongue: I've been really patient as I've tried to lose and now that I'm within 2lbs I'm totally losing all patients. I just can't wait to be "there". I'm not even sure why. I plan to continue to use the site to count calories and track exercise for at least one year to make sure I'm really on track for keeping the weight off and to make sure I've learned the lessons I "think" I've learned during the journey. But I'm just feeling impatient. :tongue: Obviously I've lost my mind.:laugh:
  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member
    i have finally (well almost) gotten to the point that i am happy with a happy 'range' rather than a magic number :) i am 5'3.5'' and i tend to stick around about 127.5lbs give or take a few lbs depending on the day (i have a medium frame and thicker, muscular legs) magic number was 125 and i see it from time to time on the scale but it is always long as i am under 129.9 i have decided that i will be happy...i see others who are the same height and have goals lower than mine and i am sure that i am capable of being 125 or under, but to me it is not worth the stress of obsessing over it...i love all food too much, lucky for me i also like to exercise :)
  • IRUN24: What is your daily calorie? I stay around 1200 per day. I looked at your SW and GW and we have the same for both. Overall, I know I must lose fat and it's been tough. Doing P90x last year and I dropped 30 pounds but I couldn't maintain that intensity everyday. Right now, I'm doing the 30 day Shred and running.
  • highrise
    highrise Posts: 147 Member
    I def fit into this catagory. Im 5'9 and 148. I get really frustrated bc of my bone structure. I have a wide rib cage and 'child bearing hips'. even when i was at my smallest - 108 during a bad round of ed i still couldnt get below a size 6! rediculous! dont get me wrong i love my curves but its frustrating even trying 2 do body fat calculations w measurements cause things like that dont figure into it. i almost cried when i did one 2day. then took a deep breath and realized i cant take that at face value. i know its not the size of my jeans that matter but how i look in them. so realistically for me 140 is a very sexy goal 4 me. 135 maybe but i start looking 2 thin. plus i want muscle tone. will i ever be at 120 ? hell no and im ok with that.

    I feel your pain; 5'10 and 137 lbs but I too have a huge rib cage (!) and those child bearing hips! I don't want to lose any more weight but I've love to tone up and get rid of the stomach rolls, saddlebags and extra butt. It's tough, though, without losing any more weight.

    I also wanted to send big hugs to the ladies (and gents) who are recovering from ed :heart:
  • IRun24
    IRun24 Posts: 30
    Brenda: I have been trying to keep my calories at 1200 per day. I was a pretty hard-core runner in high school (the days when I thought at 118 lbs I had "thunder thighs" ... if only!) and have gotten back into it recently. I am training for a HM in December and a full in the spring (I've run a few of both before) and so my mileage is around 15-25 a week right now (but will continue to increase). I also have started lifting again 3x a week with a trainer at my gym.

    The intensity is not easy to maintain but I am REALLY determined this time around. It helps that I am finally out of grad school and have a normal, full-time job with regular hours...

    And I've done the 30 day shred and really liked it... I'm just TERRIBLE at working out in my house consistantly. Can't do it. You think it would be easier, right?! But I am a gym rat at heart and love to have all the free weights and machines around. I'd say the running will be a big part in losing fat -- at least that's my experience!

    Just need to stay motivated! :happy: And that's why I joined this site!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I did 30 days straight of the 30-day shred, I liked it and found the 25 minutes easy to commit to, even when we were on vacation I just did it before I showered. I did not see much weight loss though, but I got stronger.
    Has anyone tried carb cycling? Intervals?
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    i also have that stubborn belly fat, thanks to my two babies (and my appetite!)

    i was looking into carb cycling too. I'm really impatient about this whole weight loss thing and wish i could find a way to speed things up.problem is that i'm not very disciplined and carb cycling sounds way too restrictive for me. i might try it one week, but don't want to do anything to cause me to binge on bad food.

    slow and steady wins the race, right?

    i decided that even though my original goal was to just lose 15 lbs, putting me at 115 lbs, (5' 3" tall) and only 10 lbs above the minimum healthy weight range, that I now want to lose 25 lbs, to weight 105 lbs, and i calculated that it will take 5 - 6 months to get there, but that seems like such a long time away, with two big holidays smack dab in the middle, and i don't know how it's gonna go... just wish it could go faster!
  • brenda and sparkle - I have the same problem! Asked my doc and apparently it is genetic and the MOST stubborn kind of fat to get rid of. Basically just have to get your overall bodyfat % down... easier said than done!

    Well that blows :( Overall body fat % is just eat less and cardio, right? Obviously this is my first time getting serious about getting healthy so I am pretty dumb about everything :D

    My mom never had a poochy belly though (even after 3 kids!) :( She has wide hips, which I don't have. Maybe she found me in the trash as a baby XD jk!
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