800 Calorie a Day - Suggestions



  • julieharrell1
    julieharrell1 Posts: 29 Member
    Stick to lean meat like turkey and chicken breast, vegtables, some fruit and eggs. Breads and cereals are a waste of calories. I have had a lot of success with 800 calories a day. Lately I have been trying to eat more, because of all the advice out there. I've gained back most of the weight I've lost. I know doctors will recommend as low as 500 calories per day for some people. How could they staple off half of a person's stomach if it didn't work?
  • FerretBuellerr
    FerretBuellerr Posts: 468 Member
    This thread reminds me of one of my MFP friends telling me that her doctor/dietician put her on a 3000 cal/day diet to help her gain weight (while recovering from an ED). I was shocked to hear that.

    I know I'm far from an expert, but it's seeming to me that many (?) medical doctors or "specialists" throw people into extremes when battling the opposing extreme - in this case, eating what majority of people here feel is much too little to sustain yourself to lose weight (especially if you are working out), and in the MFP friends' case, eating what majority of people (I'm assuming) would claim is wayyy too much to eat per day for even a healthy person (I mean, eating closer to 3000 cal/day with no exercise is what caused me to gain weight, and I'm sure that is the same with OP and many of the rest of us).

    Like I said, I'm not an expert - but I agree with everyone else. Get a second opinion. Or a third. Or a fourth. Feel free to try any and all options they give you, but do your own research and develop your own conclusions to what you think is best and safest for your body.

    I know if I ate 800 cal/day, I would be the grumpiest b**** on this planet, tired, and miserable all the time. If you can do it without feeling that way, and to all the "special snowflakes" who have, all power to you! Just keep in mind that when you are off this diet, you'll have to keep eating not far above that 800 cal limit to sustain your weight loss, otherwise if you eat like a "normal" person with about 2000 cal/day, you'll more than likely gain the weight back.
  • lilcoopsmom
    Lots of fruits and vegetables, quinoa, and look up super foods (check out author/guru David Wolfe) like Macca, Cocoa Nibs, Goji Berries... Throw in some Hemp and other seeds and nuts.
  • NerdyTXChick
    NerdyTXChick Posts: 155 Member
    Just keep in mind that when you are off this diet, you'll have to keep eating not far above that 800 cal limit to sustain your weight loss, otherwise if you eat like a "normal" person with about 2000 cal/day, you'll more than likely gain the weight back.

    I'm going to have to disagree with this. I did do a similar diet - under a doctor's supervision - lost 80 lbs, and am now maintaining at 2000 calories a day. [I would NEVER recommend anyone try it without a doctor's supervision.]
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
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