who has kept weight off for 2 years



  • aviduser
    aviduser Posts: 208 Member
    I lost 45 or so in 2011. I logged everything on MFP every SINGLE day for over 2 years. Then, I pulled back. Now, I don't log anything. After 2 years, I learned what to eat and how much, when I can have a little extra or a treat or a beer. I balance dining out with exercise. And I exercise. A lot. Like Mon, Wed., Thurs., Fri., Sat. and Sun. I do strength and cardio. And I love it. Also, I weigh myself everyday and use a WiFi scale to keep track of trends and averages. When the trend moves up, I tighten up on the eating a bit for a few days. I have some variation, but I am steady between 174 and 178. 180 is a real upper limit.

    So . . . . use MFP to establish good habits. When you are ready to walk the tightrope without a net, you can do it.
  • manda1978
    manda1978 Posts: 525 Member
    I topped the scales at nearly 80kg. Got down to 65kg and stayed there for years. Put on 8kg when pregnant but was back to 65kg within a month of giving birth.

    I have gotten down to 59.2kg but that was 1200cal or less a day and not maintainable. I'm not 62.5kg and would like to lose a few kg of fat but increase muscle mass so I don't expect the scales to change much :)
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    I would just like to correct something said in the article quoted by the OP.
    It mentions the National Weight Control Registry and contends that even the NWCR says that almost everyone who loses puts the weight back on after two years.
    That sounds so pessimistic and it is not exactly accurate.
    The National Weight Control Registry enrolls people who have lost weight and kept it off for two years, at least. It was started because everyone knows that many people who diet successfully and lose weight end up putting it back on six months later, nine months later, a year and a half later. The Registry was started to find out what made the people who did not put the weight back on successful. They chose two years maintenance as a cutoff, somewhat arbitrarily.
    Their research certainly does not say that everyone who loses weight, and keeps it off for two years, is destined to fail and put it back on eventually! On the contrary, I believe they have identified a number of practices that are associated with long term success. I think those include adopting a regular program of exercise and weighing oneself periodically.
    That research program is about what makes people successful, because many certainly are -- despite how hard it can be.
  • gaiac_
    I have! Currently 106 lbs and happy! Still working out everyday and eating super clean!
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    I've never been overweight, and while my weight has climbed to the low 100s from the low 90s over the years I've managed to keep it in check by making hard choices about what I eat. Decades ago, I started to drink my coffee with skim and no sugar. I'm aware of the calorie content of foods and I weigh myself a few times a week.

    I know a woman in her sixties who was overweight as a teenager but I've only known her as a thin woman. She said she internalized all the lessons she learned from dieting.

    I sometimes eat badly, but in general I don't feel an entitlement to gorge myself. I feel entitled to work with what I have and stay trim and healthy.
  • NaoEFacil
    I used to be 320 lbs. Now I'm 240. I've been this way since 2010. I have just re-kick-started my efforts so that I can move on to the next portion of my weight-loss journey.

  • JeanneTops
    JeanneTops Posts: 2,618 Member
    I have been in maintenance mode since January of 2009. Soo coming up on 5 years here soon.

    The thing is I met my goal weight the same week I found out I was pregnant with my second son. Then I went through a nasty divorce, separating from my husband when I was 6 months pregnant. Talk about a test of willpower!! But I was successful. And because I had lost the 135 pounds the right way....slow, healthy and educated...I was called one of the healthiest pregnant women people had seen.

    Now maintenance for me has been a bit of trial and error. I met my goal and then ended up getting too thin for awhile there after I had my son. Stress. Unreal how it used to make me eat and now I can't eat. Something in my brain changed. So I have actually worked to put some meat ON as I had lost every curve I had. And as my work schedule changes, I need to adjust my workouts, etc. But I do believe that weight-loss and maintenance is 70% food and 30% exercise. Exercise is very important and I love cardio but it isn't an excuse to eat whatever you want. There is a balance there even in maintenance. And all of our bodies are different and we need to figure out what balance works for us.

    I think the goal should be finding a "happy weight" and where you feel good in your skin and confident and healthy and have energy. And work to maintain THAT.

    It CAN be done though. And I am convinced the diet industry is designed to keep us fat. They don't want us succeeding for long because then they wouldn't get their money. So doing the anti-diet. Doing it the right way. No quick fixes. Just get back to basics, old school..and eat healthy, eat LESS, move your body, learn to love the feeling of a good sweat and allow yourself some treats. Make the norm healthier and the "here and there" the fun stuff. :)

    So glad you dropped by! You were one of the first posters I started following when I joined almost four years ago. Your sensible approach and advice was a big help to me when I was an MFP youngster. It helped to confirm that I was on the right path at last. I'm glad to see that you're still visiting MFP!

    For those of you who are relatively new, here is one of MFP's most successful members. Her advice is gold.

  • post191rickdye
    post191rickdye Posts: 23 Member
    Dropped from 199 in May 2011 to 140 in March 2012 and stayed there ever since. The people above are correct. Eat reasonable amounts of reasonable food and exercise. My goal is 1,800 cal daily with 14 - 20 miles of running per week. I believe that what and how much you eat is the priority thing followed by reasonable exercise. I don't deny myself any food in particular as long as it fits in my calorie goals but you have to also be realistic. I am beginning to believe in less processed foods and staying away from total trigger foods if you can (mine is Krispy Kreme doughnuts!)
  • sybrix
    sybrix Posts: 134 Member
    I lost my first 30 lbs over the course of about 2 years, then maintained for over a year. Trying to lose those last 20 lbs. Not sure about this hormone stuff, because I don't feel any hungrier at this weight than I did when I was 30 lbs heavier. Maybe how the weight is lost plays a factor in this? And also how quickly it's lost?
  • HarrietSmeltzer1
    HarrietSmeltzer1 Posts: 101 Member
    I kept 80 lbs off for ten years. Oh my fitness now lost 15. Mine was simple going from about 9000 calories each day binging and than cutting every Neal in half and eating three a day did it. My before pics there akis. The think it s works caused asked God for help stand by me.
  • Chrissyvintage
    I've kept mine off for 1.5 years. I went from 265lbs to 143lbs
  • sonjarogers72
    sonjarogers72 Posts: 110 Member
    I have kept mine off....I lost 20 ish pounds before joining MFP....Its all habitual to me now...I'm NEVER going back to the old Sonja....
  • RWPPortland
    Thanks, everyone. This is so exactly what I needed to hear right now. I'm about to start - AGAIN - and it has to be different this time. I am inspired by the ideas of never stopping, never depriving and always being vigilant. One day at a time, I can do it, I know I can.
  • rmsrws
    rmsrws Posts: 639 Member
    Tomorrow is my THREE year anniversary!!!!! I am at 105 lbs!!!!!!
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    Yep. I lost 30 lbs and it's been off for 3 years :)

    Never going back.
  • Giraffe33991
    Giraffe33991 Posts: 434 Member
    I've dropped 88 pounds back in 2011 and kept it off for about 2.5 years now.
    I found a passion for sports and enjoy working out so it's not a chore. I've also retrained my body how to fuel itself.
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    When I read the hormonal changes mentioned in the abstract, I knew the subjects were prescribed a VLCD even before reading the methods section. Those degrees are similar in recovering anorexics which explains why both obese and anorexic populations end up returning to a certain set point in weight. post-maintenance refeed after a VLCD. This famine response is in place so that we always return to a set weight in case we experience repeated bouts of prolonged severe calorie restriction. If it didn't, we'd eventually die of starvation.
  • PicoJulie
    It's an interesting topic
    My experience is that to keep weight off required a change in lifestyle and attitude towards food and exercise

    Food should taste good, but also be good for you
    if it's not, then it is an occasional treat and in moderation only
    it is also counterbalanced by a corresponding increase in exercise intensity or time
    If i eat a pizza while drinking beer, it means an extra workout that week
    If not, i know it will be reflected on the scales and no use complaining about it or wishing it wasn't so

    And I made breakfast the most important meal of the day - too many people skip breakfast
    i have a big bowl of 5 grain porridge with rice milk and all other sorts of super foods that boost immunity and aid health
    (I have hep c so I pay particular attention to my health)
    I eat my breakfast around 7am and it lasts me until around 1-2pm when i have a large lunch

    to keep weight off i need to get some form of exercise after work every day, and on 2 -3 nights i will only have a small dinner
    Sardines on toast or a smoothie of berries and protein powder maybe with a banana
    I may go to bed a bit hungry sometimes, but means that I look forward to a big low GI breakfast the next morning
    The old saying - breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper

    To lose weight and keep it off, for me anyway, requires consistency, determination, will power, and bloody hard work

    i also got to know my body and accept that sometimes it needs a break
    When you've been flogging yourself in workouts and every muscle aches and you grunt when you get out of the chair
    it's time for active recovery - a slow to brisk walk or a slow paced cycle or similar

    I still try and remember that will power is good, but deprivation isn't
    Donuts are great, but are 'dead food' - all calories for a short lived psychological benefit
    Nuts and seeds are great and are good for you
    i don't feel deprived saying no to a donut - I'll have some nuts and seeds instead

    i don't want to sound puritanical - this is just my experience and what works for me
    i have hep c from previous drug use and still struggle with life sometimes
    I believe that food is just another type of addiction and can be dealt with in the same way
    When i'm focused on my health and my weight, it diverts me from less healthy pursuits

    This was very inspirational. Thank you :)
  • Bama56
    Bama56 Posts: 101 Member
    I have kept off 200+ pounds for almost 3 years now.
  • justmary4cm
    Bama56 - You are a ROCKSTAR! My hat is off to you. :flowerforyou: