Lose 5 pounds a month OCTOBER 2010 CHALLENGE



  • glyndam
    glyndam Posts: 18
    I know I have lost a little weight, but I won't weigh untile next Friday. I wasn't able to walk yesterday due to keeping my 19 month old grandson, however I got motivated to clean out the refrigerator, the pantry and a cabinet of bowls and lids. That was four hours of non-stop cleaning.

    Today I am going for a mammogram and shopping for a new pair of jeans. I am buying a size that is tight on me. This will motivate me to lose.

    Glad to see everyone dropping the weight! Keep up the good work.
  • So I know I'm late to the party this month - I've been on vacation. This month NO EXCUSES!!! I didn't gain on vacation but I didn't lose either so I'm weighing in today:

    GW 10/31: 155
    GW: 130
  • sjyates
    sjyates Posts: 175 Member
    So an absolutely horrible week - so much so that I didn't even get on the scale Monday and finally braved it today. I gained 1.5 lbs since I first posted. I ate way too much junk and skipped workouts due to being sick. So my weight today was 130. I now have 7 lbs to lose to get to my goal of 123 by the end of October.

    My goal this week is to get my water intake back up and get back to eating healthy.

    Great to see the progress so many of you are making. . .you are definitely giving me a reason to stick this out! :smile:
  • As of today, I am down one pound to 169! (so happy to see that 6!) Since I started this group on Friday I think I will measure my success on Fridays but I weighed in today for a challenge we're having at work. This might be good for me - if I have an "official weigh in day" on Monday, Wednesday and Friday for different groups then I have less chance to make excuses to binge if I know a weigh in day is imminent! We'll see how this goes!
  • I'm up for the Challenge. I am a little behind, I started my workout on the 4th, but I believe I can still do it.
    I am currently 132 hoping to reach 120 by Christmas.
  • Hey everyone,

    Just checking in. So many of you are off to an awesome start this month. Congrats.

    I've been kinda sluggish this week. Still sticking to my workouts but it's not with gusto. More like, I'm just getting through them cause I have to. Starting Week 2 of the C25K program today and looking forward to it. Been staying at or under my calories but I haven't weighed since this 1st so don't know if I've had any loss.

    Keep up the good work everyone. We can do this ~ One day at a time and one pound at a time.
  • jzbaby626
    jzbaby626 Posts: 466
    *Alioth~Thank you! I am trying to stay postitive!!

    *Day 2 workout is in the books, YaY! I am sooo sore today tho!! This week I'm trying to up my water intake in the hope to lose some water weight, I need all the help I can get LoL. But I am in desprate need of some Propel powder ASAP!!! I'm hooked on it~it's just so hard to drink plain water all the time!!
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Like jennybobenny, I'm going to wait to weigh in until Friday. I have another group that weighs in on Monday. I'm hoping the double accountability will help. So far, I've managed to do my "hard" cardio workout twice this week, which is better than I did last month already.
  • sandi50lock
    sandi50lock Posts: 71 Member
    I am in also it is Oct 6 so i am just a few days behind:laugh:
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    According to my scale I lost 8.8lbs this week. :noway:

    OMG! I thought my scale was broken. So I moved the scale several times and it stayed the same. So, I put my son on the scale because I know how much he weighs and it was accurate. This is CRAZY. I know since joining MFP it has been a drastic change in my nutrition but Ive been exercising prior to joining. Maybe the reason for the big weight loss is because Ive been sick this week. I'll wait and see what happens next week before I get too excited. :smile:
  • franzy
    franzy Posts: 259
    wow 8lbs that's great keep it up :smile:

  • SasaJolie
    SasaJolie Posts: 1 Member
    im in... Its 10/6/10
  • I'm in. CW 264, GW 220.
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    According to my scale I lost 8.8lbs this week. :noway:

    OMG! I thought my scale was broken. So I moved the scale several times and it stayed the same. So, I put my son on the scale because I know how much he weighs and it was accurate. This is CRAZY. I know since joining MFP it has been a drastic change in my nutrition but Ive been exercising prior to joining. Maybe the reason for the big weight loss is because Ive been sick this week. I'll wait and see what happens next week before I get too excited. :smile:

    Reading this made me giggle. What a great weigh-in!
  • I'm a little late, but count me in too!
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Evening everyone...had a busy day so not a lot of time to talk if I want to get a workout in, so talk to you all later...off to do P90x
  • erin_89
    erin_89 Posts: 45
    Im late but im in.

    starting weight 375
  • I'm ust starting but hope to make the 15 with you all. my sw is 198...the idea of 183 makes me giddy..you cant see it but i'm smiling ear to ear. 15lbs would be great!!!
  • dindivt
    dindivt Posts: 21
    A little late but I'm also in! On 10/1/10 my SW was 216
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