October No Late Night Snacking



  • qwants2bslimmer
    qwants2bslimmer Posts: 30 Member
    Sounds like a fab challenge - can I join, night time snacking is my downfall. So for me no snacking after 8.00pm :)
  • I neeed this challenge, late night snacking has always been my downfall-what's worse it's usually is more of a late night binge :( Starting tonight I will not eat after 8pm. Yay, excited to have support with this issue!
  • I think it counts for you Dew! Sometimes I stay up later just because I ate later/had a snack later. But ya know you can't do that real often if you have to be somewhere in the morning. Luckily I work nights so I don't usually have to be somewhere in the morning. :flowerforyou:

    Me 3 vs The Little Sneaky Snacks 0
  • I'm in!!! I have already begun to stop eating after 7.30, so this will keep me motivated!! Great thread, by the way, I think its a definite challenge for many! :smile:
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    I am so totally stoked about all the support. This is awesome!!! It's a challenge to stick it out through the month, especially if you have a "down night", but you all can do it. My goal is always to have 75% success for the month. Sometimes I get it, sometimes not. The key is NOT to give up.

    Me 3/Snacks 0

    Thank goodness for this challenge. Was in a slightly stressful situation and wanting to just munch like I usually do. Fortunately for me, my watch alarm went off at 7:15 to remind me that whatever I was going to do, I had 15 minutes to do it in. Then I realized that I wasn't really hungry, just stressed. So I just kept that in mind until bedtime.

    Great job everyone. Keep it up!
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Me:3 - Snacks:0
    - it's still not a 100% clean point, but you ladies know me, I am careful and watch for all details :wink:
    Good luck everyone, so glad to see the group growing this month. We can do it! To us :drinker: (water/tea :wink:).
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Fortunately for me, my watch alarm went off at 7:15 to remind me that whatever I was going to do, I had 15 minutes to do it in. Then I realized that I wasn't really hungry, just stressed. So I just kept that in mind until bedtime.

    Great job everyone. Keep it up!

    Good Job!.....Last night I noticed I was in a snacking mood and I didnt want to eat after my 8pm cut-off time. So I decided to set my alarm so I wouldnt eat after 8. Mission Accomplished!:happy:

    Setting your alarm at least 15 mins prior to your cut-off time is a great idea.

    Me: 2 ~LNS:0
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    loveme445... GOOD job!!!

    Thank You! Good Luck on this wonderful journey!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Whenever I go to bed with food in my stomach/right after I eat, I usually (read: always) get nightmares. Apparently, when you eat cheese before bed, it can give you some weird dreams as well. Haha! :laugh:

    Staying solid so far. Keep at it everyone!
  • I think this is a great idea! Sometimes you just have to set a goal, and then go and do it! I am a horrible night time snacker. I'm fine all day long, I stay under my calories (most days), and then BAM, I've completely ruined my day by going over my calories in a matter of MINUTES. UNBELIEVABLE! I get so mad at myself because I'll work so hard to stay under my calories, and then blow it...just like that. At one point, I even convinced myself that the calories I consumed/binged/ate in the middle of the night didn't "count" towards my calories because I was eating them in the middle of the night...Ha! Who am I kidding...I was just looking for some way to justify what I was/am doing!!! Well, starting tonight, I am going to join this October No Late Night Snacking Challenge, and see how I do. If I can just make it to morning I'll be okay...that's what I have to keep telling myself. I refuse to let this late night binging defeat me. I'm sure if I can get through October, that I can get through November, and December, and so on! Good luck to everyone who is taking this challenge on! Here we go!
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    4 me/0 snacks

    Thank goodness for those alarms. I had just pulled out dessert (yummy cookies) for the family and my alarm went off, with a 15 minute window before cut-off. Instead of shoving cookies in my mouth for 15 minutes, I actually sat and thought about whether or not I really wanted them. Come to find out, I was satisfied, so I passed. Saved myself about 150 calories right there.

    Tonight, going to make the cutoff at 9, dinner by 7:30, but hubby and I are going on a "yogurt date" at 7:30 for a whole 150 calories, so I'm satisfied with that. Just need to make sure I put fruit on my yogurt and not those yummy M&M. It's all about the smart choices, right?

    How is everyone else doing?
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Instead of shoving cookies in my mouth for 15 minutes, I actually sat and thought about whether or not I really wanted them. Come to find out, I was satisfied, so I passed. Saved myself about 150 calories right there.

    Aw, Lorna, I just love your inspirational stories. It is so good to be back here: I missed this spirit you ladies show!

    I will give my last night's point to the snacks. So happy this does not mean I'd have to reset the counter, that would be too frustrating!
    Me :3 - Snacks: 1
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Me: 3 ~ LNS:0

    I almost missed my cut-off time last night. I hadnt even realized it was that late, thank you for my 15 min alarm warning. I've been sick since Sunday so I QUICKLY ate homemade chicken noodle soup so I would beat LNS. Mission Accomplished!

    Tomorrow is my weigh-in day, I hope the scale is my friend tomorrow. I'll let you know what happens tomorrow.
  • Ok I forgot last eve... I guess, no..... I know bad habits are hard to break. I have to be more mindful!!!

    Me-1/ LNS -3
  • Family had ice cream tonight. I am having herbal tea instead. Still Late Nite Snack Free.
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    I will give my last night's point to the snacks. So happy this does not mean I'd have to reset the counter, that would be too frustrating!
    I'm with you on that one Dew. Snacks got me last night too. Had my yummy yogurt. But then hubby got pizza and down I went. But tonight is new.

    Me 4/Snacks 1 - That will be my slip up for the week (Oddly enough my alarm didn't go off, so I need to investigate that).
  • As of last night- Me-2/ LNS -3

    Bmw6series Good job!
  • Me -1 / Snacks - 0 :smile:

    I fought the late-night snack urge hard last night . . . and I won. Then today I discovered this challenge. Divine intervention maybe . . . Well, after 9PM tonight, the fight begins again.
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    I am not off to a good start.:frown: I was fine on Oct. 1, but blew it after that. Fortunatelyy, it's because of happy occasions: anniversary party, birthday dinner.
    So, I think I'm at:
    Me - 2
    Snacks - 3
    Hopefully, I can get back on track until the next birthday celebration this Sat.
    Good luck ot you all.
    PS Happy to see you again dew.
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    ME: 4 ~ LNS: 0

    According to my scale I lost 8.8lbs this week. :noway:

    OMG! I thought my scale was broken. So I moved the scale several times and it stayed the same. So, I put my son on the scale because I know how much he weighs and it was accurate. This is CRAZY. I know since joining MFP it has been a drastic change in my nutrition but Ive been exercising prior to joining. Maybe the reason for the big weight loss is because Ive been sick this week. I'll wait and see what happens next week before I get too excited. :smile:
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