Nerds Unite!



  • snejkaxo
    snejkaxo Posts: 91 Member
    After reading this discussion thread, I felt compelled to Google for definitions of Nerd vs Geek. OMG as if I needed more confirmation of my nerdiness. Nerd by trade here (software developer), with geeky pursuits (anime). Happy weekend, everybody!
  • Ariez101
    Hello Chris I'm a nerd too. I play a 360, and I love minecraft. :smile:
  • LumpySpacePrincess1
    So I'm like 80% geek and 20% nerd then?
    My social skills are nerd (irritating introvert) but my obsessive side is full geek.
  • zeebruhgirl
    zeebruhgirl Posts: 493 Member
    Nerd lyfe.
    I'm a PS3 (soon to be PS4) kinda girl. I love me some Pokemon too.

    My huge nerdity though? COMIC BOOKS. I'm a DC fangirl like you wouldn't believe. Marvel is okay too ;]
    I also read a lot.

    And anything I get into, I'm obsessed in. I research the hell out of anything that interests me.
    I tend to become an expert on a topic in about a week or so. It's kinda ridic.

    Add me nerds! Boys and girls a like!
  • Howdoyoufeeltoday
    Howdoyoufeeltoday Posts: 481 Member
    I think my profile picture says it all. I love anything and everything superhero/comic book/sci fi. I'm a huge movie and television fan and I'm currently reading the Harry Potter books! :) Anything you would associate with a geek is basically the stuff I enjoy! So add me if you want.
  • PeteWhoLikesToRunAlot
    Nerds are the new cool kids. Especially ones that exercise.
  • Totally agree. I mean, I like sports, but I'd much rather play them than watch them, and I'd rather play video games than sports. I like watching Star Trek better than any of those! LOL
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Nerd here... mostly board games, some video games. I'm always up for a good game of Warhammer, Talisman, Relic or Last Night on Earth :)
  • mo_chuisle
    mo_chuisle Posts: 32 Member
    Haha. This post made me smile! My boyfriend has introduced me to Steam - we started out playing Trine which surprised me at how beautiful it is!!! I really enjoy playing it, takes you into a different world for a bit and you get engaged and things don't seem so complicated or insurmountable in the world anymore. He loves the Steam sales - now I'm trying out CostumeQuest :p

    I think "Nerd," is just a synonym for interesting! My real-work-life is pretty demanding (and boring) a lot of times, and even though I studied creative things in school... my day job reality is pretty different.

    Favorite superhero - Superman, but Captain America is a close second... and I will probably like any show, movie, or book with the word "Star" in it (Sci-Fi/Fantasy). I love female heroines, like most Hiyao Miyazaki flicks, and of course Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

    I am not really into traditional sports, but will (sometimes) show up for the food.

    If you need support, or want to support another "Nerd"-ish person I'm around. Take care MFP-ers. <3
  • anntaggart
    anntaggart Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Chris,

    Spent a week of vacation trying to level a new character in Neverwinter. The next week I bought the Insanity workouts, and I told myself for every hour spent playing a game I need to workout to match it. When Elder Scrolls online comes out I'm in trouble!
  • bergamese
    bergamese Posts: 36 Member
    Is anyone watching Joss Whedon's new superhero TV show in the US? Thoughts?
    I'm a library-type nerd. I like reading, I don't drink alcohol, I like a quiet Friday night at home, talking with my man or reading a book.

    Deep love for Joss Whedon, especially the buffy-verse.
    It's like you're me...except less single :love:

    I move country quite frequently (globetrotter) and I carry an entire suitcase full of my favourite books with me.
    Book nostalgia has done my back no favours.

    I am a pro-technology nerd -- I prefer e-books to printed books. I can carry hundreds of them on a trip and still have room for clothes, and I can pump up the font (my glasses don't correct my vision very well).
  • csr3426
    csr3426 Posts: 5 Member
    This post has been ridiculously fun to read! I tend to keep to myself on MFP, but I felt compelled to write on this post. Count me in if you're still looking for fellow nerd/geek support! Interests include (but definitely not limited to) Dr. Horrible, Firefly (Browncoats unite!), basically anything Joss Whedon, anything Zombie related (actually, anything horror movie related - they're my favorite kind of background movies to watch!), BBC affiliated (Sherlock, P&P, etc.), books of almost every kind (professional student over here), and thinking that life should come with personal soundtracks for every occasion. There isn't much out there that I don't like to some degree...
  • AegisAngel
    :glasses: Hey Nerds/Geeks add me. Anime, scifi, super hero-loving geek here.
  • kittiebittie
    kittiebittie Posts: 39 Member
    Oh good! I'm a anthropolgy, psychology, sociology and history nerd. Goths, anime, fashion, rebellion, functionality of the brain, rare disorders, The Man, how society functions. . . . :drinker:
  • silencioesoro
    silencioesoro Posts: 318 Member
    After reading this discussion thread, I felt compelled to Google for definitions of Nerd vs Geek. OMG as if I needed more confirmation of my nerdiness. Nerd by trade here (software developer), with geeky pursuits (anime). Happy weekend, everybody!

    Ha, this puts me in a geek area then.

    I do free-form roleplay online, got hooked on WoW, definitely a Browncoat, enjoy Tolkien's books, and the list goes on. But many wouldn't know it unless I start babbling about it.
  • Nuclearmissle
    <<<<<< Profile picture says all.
  • rzhangmd
    rzhangmd Posts: 11 Member
    I'm such a nerd that I managed to lead a WoW raid team while in medical school.

    I once got into an argument with a classmate about whether a Roman Cohort was 20 or 80 men. It took 30 minutes.

    Not only did I play XBox in college. I played it competitively.

    I cared when they replaced Cassandra Cain as Batgirl.

    I once wrote a scholarly essay about the de-regulation of the American Banking system coinciding with westward expansion and American imperialism in the 1890s. It took 70 pages. My professor was impressed and terrified. Mostly terrified.

    In college, I wrote for a website that dealt in Sabermetrics. That's the study of baseball statistics. Yes. That is the art of further enjoying baseball, THROUGH MATH.

    I have watched every episode of One Piece, starting in the 7th grade. There have been 600 episodes.

    I plan my Halloween costumes 2 months out in advance - this year it shall be a steampunk plague doctor. Yes, there shall be pictures.
  • MaiLinna
    MaiLinna Posts: 580 Member
    I don't honestly know what category I fall under, but my IGN is MaiLinna. I'll play anything but ADC. I have every Ahri and Riven skin, and if I had gotten in on time I would have Silent Night to complete my Sona collection.

    If any of this is making sense to you, add me. :3 See you in the Fields of Justice!
  • landodewd
    landodewd Posts: 43 Member
    Me and steam aren't talking right now :sad:
  • xerothermic
    I love love love this post. I could always use more nerdy and geeky friends. I'm 31, a Scifi nut (books, shows, movies, etc.), PhD (Criminology, Law & Society with my MA in Forensic Psych) student, statistics lover in DC. I can't live without Dr. Who or Batman or the deliciously crappy Scifi movies. My boyfriend is getting me to play video games as well. Feel free to add me or message. I love to chat (a bit too much).